Sethianic Current???

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Sethianic Current??? Empty Sethianic Current???

Post by JediMatt1000 29.04.11 3:17

Greetings all,

I recently read an article, I wish I had it in front of me, but I think I remember the writer talking about some kind of "Setianic" or "Sethiianic" Current, and I was just wondering if anybody here knew anything about that? I hope to hear from you all soon! Thank you for your time and for your respect!

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Sethianic Current??? Empty Re: Sethianic Current???

Post by N.Augusta 29.04.11 4:12


Why don't you go to the off topic section and give us an introduction and tell us a bit about yourself and interests. Smile Based on the posts you have made, you seem to have interests in different orders.

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Sethianic Current??? Empty Re: Sethianic Current???

Post by Widdershins 26.02.15 6:18

To understand the Sethians more can anyone recommend books other than the Asetian Bible?

Sethian Gnosticism and the Platonic Tradition by John Turner

Seth, The God of Confusion

Are these any good?

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Sethianic Current??? Empty Re: Sethianic Current???

Post by Stapleraindrop 26.02.15 13:50

A lot of witchcraft traditions pay homage to the black man, my personal favorite being the Sabbatic craft work of Andrew D Chumbley.

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Sethianic Current??? Empty Re: Sethianic Current???

Post by Jonathan 26.02.15 15:34

Widdershins keep in mind that the Red Order of Seth that is the ruling authority on Sethian knowledge and tradition doesn't have any published works accessible to the uninitiated (general public). Surely we can see the influence of Sethian magick and philosophy in different occult traditions and other authors but never forget that those aren't pure Sethian tenets or doorways as they have been altered and adopted by human practitioners. So you may find somewhat similar things but it will never be the same as the source.

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Sethianic Current??? Empty Re: Sethianic Current???

Post by Stapleraindrop 26.02.15 15:39

I think there is a difference between the current of Set as a being and the Sethian tradition. I believe Sethian refers to Seth as the creator of the sarcophagus, as the imprisoner of flesh, but Sothis as a being is more than just this aspect. Perhaps I am wrong, but this is just a feeling.

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Sethianic Current??? Empty Re: Sethianic Current???

Post by Widdershins 27.02.15 7:18

Jonathan and Stapleraindrop...thanks!

Never thought of Andrew Chumbley's work as Sethian.

Would you say that in the Darker currents or traditions of magick that the leading male God is almost always an aspect of Sothis or Sethian then?

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Sethianic Current??? Empty Re: Sethianic Current???

Post by Jonathan 27.02.15 14:10

Widdershins it's a common misconception to think the Sethian teachings are darker than the Asetian. Asetianism is every bit as dark, if not darker, than the path of Seth. This becomes very clear once we get deeper into it, the issue is that most fail and fall before reaching that far.

Also I'm afraid I completely disagree with both of you when you compare Sothis to Seth. Sothis is a representation of the magickal star Sirius and it's a component of the Asetian culture so I can't see why you describe it as a Sethian influence. What am I missing?

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Sethianic Current??? Empty Re: Sethianic Current???

Post by Stapleraindrop 27.02.15 17:34

On the topic of Asetianism being darker, here is a quote from the Azoetia;

"or SETHOS Daimon of Light! My Good Magistellus, whose chance has come again..."

In terms of the Sothis connection I had always felt a subtle pull between Sothis, Amnet and Set, but after a quick bit of research it appears I was wrong as hell lol. I wonder why my intuition felt that pull, and am definitely going to be doing some digging into it.


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Sethianic Current??? Empty Re: Sethianic Current???

Post by Troublemaker 27.02.15 23:10

I have to admit I don't have a very solid understanding of the Sethian path. I think I understand the basics but beyond that, things are fuzzy. All I know is that I'm repulsed by the energies from it. I am going through the (long) process of trying to validate things for myself instead of taking them at face value, before I draw too many conclusions about Seth.

Anyway, aside from all that, the thought that Asetianism could be darker than the Sethian path is somewhat confusing. I had always thought of the two as massive, ancient powers. Does true power not come from balance? In this way I saw the two paths as having capabilities for the strongest light and the most terrible darkness, thus making each of them complete.

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Sethianic Current??? Empty Re: Sethianic Current???

Post by Stapleraindrop 28.02.15 0:54

I may be wrong, but I believe the "darker" aspect refers to the operation of the Asetian current on higher planes. The Sethian current is all about the physical plane, and the sarcophagus of flesh and deception. Asetianism seems to work more with 'void-y' currents from Nun. The throne of Aset being an example, beyond the western gate of the setting sun. The Asetian 'natural habitat' is in a 'darker' more subtle level of existence, as opposed to the low-vibrational, physical kingdom that Sethians revere.

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Sethianic Current??? Empty Re: Sethianic Current???

Post by Stapleraindrop 12.03.15 23:30

I just found something really interesting about this topic. The author only calls him/herself Setnakt, and this was one of many files from a huge collection from the ToS. The file is called 'crossing the desert' and centers around a spell;

Xephra, Xepher, Xepheru

Looks familiar anybody...? According to this author, this mantra is related to Ramesses III, Seti, and Khephra. This section is from the penultimate paragraph of the text:

We too could benefit from the example. As Setians we are constantly seeking difficult experiences -- our semidivine nature requires us to disturb the Cosmos. So where and when do we use the divine formula Xepera Xeper Xeperu? It becomes an operant formula when it used for the perpetuation and furtherance of the subjective universe. It won't give you water in the desert, but Understanding it will help you gain the strength of mind to remember to pack your water.

The parallels are obvious, and in my opinion, cool. Of more serious note, this is the first text I have read where the author actually claims Sethian lineage. Thoughts on this?

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Sethianic Current??? Empty Re: Sethianic Current???

Post by Stapleraindrop 13.03.15 0:20

Another interesting find from a book inc. Was reading the book of Astaroth, posted here by Pyrene a long time ago. There's a section about Zabaoth on a mountain, making slave armies, and all that good stuff. There's direct Sethian parallels, "you shall despise life and love death" "I am thy only god" and all those awesome Abrahamic control mechanisms.

The cool part was the mention of Belial. Belial is usually shown as being adversarial to Jehovah, and was one of the first angels 'cast out'. Even still, Belail as an adversarial being has a little 'feel' of Seth to him. Anyway, Belial in this story is a mighty warlord of Zaboath/Seth, but decides to rebel against this regime. In doing so he is "cast out and banished" from the mountain (fallen from heaven anybody?). He is said to wait until he can help usurp the Setian regime.

There are so many skewed parallels here that it would be impossible to list them all. For fun's sake, my personal favorite is the birth of Anubis. Nephthys seduced Osiris and all that jazz, but Aset took the child in. What originally was an act of deception (Belial's sethianic alignment) Became honorable and magical, through power of will. The power of will, rebirth and Khephri is an amazing thing. (sorry for triple posting)

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Sethianic Current??? Empty Re: Sethianic Current???

Post by Jonathan 13.03.15 2:39

Don't be sorry you're sharing cool stuff. Definitely interesting parallels.

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