First blood feed

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First blood feed Empty First blood feed

Post by Syrianeh 11.10.08 7:37

I have been asked to open a new thread for this post. I hope this is the right place for it.

Anyway, as I mentioned before, yesterday was to be my first blood feed.
It was something I had played over in my mind for a long time, even
before I awoke to this. It was more of a personal research than a deep
need, of course, as I wanted to record how it would feel in comparison
with the psychic feeding I've been practising.

I was honoured to count on a willing donor, someone healthy and whom
I've known for nearly two years and who knows me and my "peculiarity"
quite well. I prepared for it as I wanted it to be a special occasion -
fasted and meditated the days before, found the right music, created
the right atmosphere, etc. Too much psychodrama? Maybe, but why not
make it special?

Number of posts : 708
Location : Spain
Registration date : 2008-09-16

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First blood feed Empty Re: First blood feed

Post by Syrianeh 11.10.08 7:47

Sorry, for some reason only half of my above post was published. Here is the whole thing again. I think it reads better in one.

I have been asked to open a new thread for this post. I hope this is the right place for it.

Anyway, as I mentioned before, yesterday was to be my first blood feed.
It was something I had played over in my mind for a long time, even
before I awoke to this. It was more of a personal research than a deep
need, of course, as I wanted to record how it would feel in comparison
with the psychic feeding I've been practising.

I was honoured to count on a willing donor, someone healthy and whom
I've known for nearly two years and who knows me and my "peculiarity"
quite well. I prepared for it as I wanted it to be a special occasion -
fasted and meditated the days before, found the right music, created
the right atmosphere, etc. Too much psychodrama? Maybe, but why not
make it special?

In order to make things as comfortable as possible for my donor, and to avoid messiness or pain, I used a medical lancet with a lancet-pen (the sort of thing people with diabetes use). I placed it on the area around the central chakra and extracted 3-4 drops.

When I took it in I just closed my eyes, relaxed and waited, nevertheless trying to keep an objective and critical mind - as it was also an experiment I was doing on myself.

Shortly after I started to feel the familiar warm tingling feeling that comes after physic feeding, starting out around the navel and spreading out. Only it was more intense in a way, similar to the waves of warmth that come after popping an ecstasy pill (but without the mental or visual distortion). It is something that could be described as orgasmic, yes, but yet it is not sexual nor does it really feel sexual. It's more than that, if I may say. And difficult to describe as you all can see, lol.

Delusional? maybe. Feeling what I expected to feel? maybe. Time and more self-testing will tell. I cannot but accept the possibility of this. But still I am quite sure that I am now much more comfortable in these shoes than I ever was in the other ones. I am where I want to be, finally.

I hope this was of some help to some of you.

Number of posts : 708
Location : Spain
Registration date : 2008-09-16

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First blood feed Empty Re: First blood feed

Post by Maktub 11.10.08 9:11

Thank you for sharing and the courage of exposing such an intimate situation. Keep us posted on your further research and thoughts on it.

Also, I don't find that creating the right atmosphere is too much psychodrama. It is a very special situation, and everyone has the right to strive to perfect and make it more special according to its own preferences. So no worries on that field.


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First blood feed Empty Re: First blood feed

Post by Karnath 11.10.08 11:56

Hello, Syrianeh.

I see that this experience was very special for you, so I think we must all thank you for the trust. I'm also thrilled with your critic mind about yourself. That's a good way to go.

Another thing I want to say is that everything you did, what you might call psychodrama, was very pro. Even if there was any technical mistake, theoretical, or even spiritual, you did everything according to your beliefs and knowledge. And that's a very professional and mature attitude. Wink

Best regards,

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First blood feed Empty Re: First blood feed

Post by Aghrab 11.10.08 21:17

Syrianeh, it was nice to read about your first Blood Feed, also for it being such an intimate experience.

I agree with Maktub and Karnath, that creating an atmosphere that will be remembered, using candles, incenses, music and special locations, is not at all psychodramatic. I would have done the same if I were you, creating an atmosphere, worthy of such an intimate experience.


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First blood feed Empty Re: First blood feed

Post by Saylamine 13.10.08 12:48

Hi Syrianeh,

Thank you for sharing your experience. It is great to hear an individual say that they are comfortable in their own shoes, and where they want to be. Your experience sounds very spiritual.

Life, prosperity, and health to you!

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First blood feed Empty Re: First blood feed

Post by Victor 13.10.08 14:42

Thanks for sharing. If you indulge in future experiences of blood-letting, please tell us more of your feelings and also, quite importantly, the feedback from your donor.

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First blood feed Empty Re: First blood feed

Post by Syrianeh 19.11.08 6:53

Victor, excuse the late response, but I have been away since this. As you say, the donor's point of view is very important. Every story is different, but regarding mine I can share this:

He is someone I completely trust, and whom I've known for almost two years. It took me a while to explain what I wanted from him and while, but he took it very well. While he does remain rather neutral towards my beliefs about the world and about myself, he is willing to do this for me.

As you know, the procedure was rather "clean" and painless so he was not affected by it. After I fed he was very quiet for a while, then later I enquired how he felt - and he said he was just fine. This has happened one other time since then and it was just the same story. I have observed, though, that it makes him more sensitive or receptive to feeling. I guess I will have to observe further to jump at any clear conclusion.

I hope this was helpful to you. And thank you to all the others who commented on this topic.


Number of posts : 708
Location : Spain
Registration date : 2008-09-16

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First blood feed Empty Re: First blood feed

Post by Syrianeh 19.11.08 6:55

Oops, a typo....

Where I said:

It took me a while to explain what I wanted from him and while

I meant to say:

It took me a while to explain what I wanted from him and why

Thanks albino

Number of posts : 708
Location : Spain
Registration date : 2008-09-16

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First blood feed Empty Re: First blood feed

Post by Jonathan 20.11.08 10:51

It was very interesting to read your experience in first hand.

Thank you.


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First blood feed Empty Re: First blood feed

Post by Shinda 11.03.09 21:09

It sounds like a interesting experience.

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First blood feed Empty Re: First blood feed

Post by Ms.hellfire 10.04.09 17:29

Evil or Very Mad

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First blood feed Empty Re: First blood feed

Post by Jonathan 10.04.09 17:45

Ms.hellfire wrote:Evil or Very Mad

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First blood feed Empty Re: First blood feed

Post by Ms.hellfire 10.04.09 17:53

ii think u all are write Twisted Evil

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First blood feed Empty Re: First blood feed

Post by Phoenix 10.04.09 19:28

Syrianeh, I also compliment you for the mature approach to your first blood feeding, and admire your courage in sharing the experience with us. We must all explore our own paths to evolution and enlightenment. That you have found this fulfilling is wonderful.
As to delusional, I believe that recognizing that possibility and rationally ruling it out makes your perception of the experience the more likely reality. Congatulations!

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First blood feed Empty Re: First blood feed

Post by Syrianeh 16.04.09 2:00

Thank you, Phoenix. I believe we can all benefit from hearing about others' personal experiences. I just wish I could share much more.

And yes, it's important to keep a critical eye on oneself. That's the only way to advance along without falling into easy traps.

Number of posts : 708
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First blood feed Empty Re: First blood feed

Post by Dreamer 27.04.09 19:41

Your experience was very interesting... It is nice to read it directly from someone mature and not from the usual 'kids' who try it out with no reason behind it.

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First blood feed Empty Re: First blood feed

Post by Dan Jovinavic 07.05.09 22:31

Hi.. I'm new on this world... Im looking fwd to my first blood feed.. but I'm not well informed about it.. what can I do.. How could I do it? I have my donor.. is a very close and important person to me.. what should I do? by the way... great post Syrianeh thanks
Dan Jovinavic
Dan Jovinavic

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First blood feed Empty Re: First blood feed

Post by Syrianeh 08.05.09 1:48

Hello, Dan, and welcome to this Forum. And thanks.

First of all, have you really thought about this? Is it a mere experiment or something you've thought of for a long time? How important is it to you? How much do you think you need it?

I am no expert, as I only have my own experience to draw from. But it wouldn't be difficult to draw up some general guidelines.

My best advice is to use common sense. First off, you should really trust this donor, healthwise. Secondly, I imagine you want to spare them any discomfort or risk, and so do they, so I would strongly suggest using a lancet pen. It's the easiest and safest way. Any other methods (butterfly needles, scalpels, ritual piercers, etc.) require some previous skills and can be very dangerous if not used properly.

Number of posts : 708
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First blood feed Empty Re: First blood feed

Post by Talibah 08.05.09 6:53

Dan Jovinavic, why not visit the introductions section and tell us a little more about yourself.

And in the meantime, welcome to our community.

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First blood feed Empty Re: First blood feed

Post by Jonathan 08.05.09 8:48

Hi Dan and welcome to the vampire community.

I hope you get along with all of us and share your experiences as well. I am sure you will enjoy your stay.

Meanwhile, I pass along Talibah's words and please pay us a visit on the Off Topic section and tell us more about yourself.

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First blood feed Empty Re: First blood feed

Post by Dan Jovinavic 09.05.09 0:16

Thanks everyone! well... I really trust this donor, I think I want the experience to be something serious.. I mean.. I cant see this thing kind of a game at all... I'd really like to do it, it is a psicologycal need I think, you know We (donor & I) had talked about it.. she is atracted to it too. more to the fact of being "bitten" (in a kindda rude way of saying it) by someone.

It is a very atractive thing to us so I hope to do it well. thanks fot the lancet pen tip by the way. I think today is going to be "the day" It is my birthday and we have all ready Very Happy

thanks to you all!
Dan Jovinavic
Dan Jovinavic

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First blood feed Empty Re: First blood feed

Post by Syrianeh 09.05.09 4:02

Dan: I hope you both enjoy the experience. And, if you wish, do come back to tell us your impressions of it.

Oh, and happy birthday Smile

Number of posts : 708
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First blood feed Empty Re: First blood feed

Post by lizzyborden 10.05.13 8:04

i want to feed my blood to a vampire .in nepal is this possible?


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First blood feed Empty Re: First blood feed

Post by lizzyborden 24.05.13 22:36

i am willing to donate my blood to a vampire .is there any none willing to have it then plz tell me


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