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Introduction Empty Introduction

Post by DCxMagus 22.02.12 17:18

hello everyone,

Figured I would do a little introduction/background of myself. Unfortunately I had to spiral down the long and lackluster list of vampire sites on the internet and a few "vampire coven meeting place"(read a bunch of 16yr teenagers dressed up in cloaks and fangs say they are feeding from the ocean while consuming copious amounts of marijuana) to come to your little corner here. As to why I joined the site, couldn't tell ya, really I honestly don't even know why I'm typing this other then that fact that was a strong urge to do it. I've been burned many times by people of the vampire community and metaphysical community, so much so it's just easier not to bring up the vampire thing and when being called out I just shrug it off and think up some quip about twilight or true blood to change the subject. At this time in my life I chose not to use the "vampire" label publicly although my intense interest in the metaphysical shows through my apathetic nature while around people who are involved in metaphysics, sadly I have one face to face friend that even knows of my abilities with energy work and we rarely have time to talk anymore because of mundane obligations, truly a sad thing indeed we learn a lot from each other in our talks.

The biggest problem I had with many of the big popular VC sites is simply their lack of accepting anything that is even slightly outside of their accepted notions of a vampire. You see I have no problem at all get any and all the energy I need to survive, of the contrary my problem is getting rid of the energy my body seems to process at an almost insane rate. It's like I have 10 entrances to a tunnel that has a 1/4 an exit. If I shield to block the intake I'll have a glorious 5 seconds of internal peace until I can literally feel the energy in my body begin to weight me down. I'll become legerthtic, my bones and joints begin to ache until the shield is lifted. Filters work amazingly well except for the fact they require all my attention to the various energy types coming in, once concentration on the filter is lost there not much I can do to get it back expect stop and regain composition in the metaphysical sense, something I can't do with day to day living especially not at either of my current jobs or training programs. On the flip side there are days where everything is aligned and for a short time(maybe a day) where everything seems balanced and harmony seems to rule the universe that I can accomplish extreme amounts of not only workload or theoretical work. sadly those days seem to be fewer and farther in between as I seem to go farther down the rabbit hole.

I've stayed away from online vampire communities for close to 2 years now, for the sole fact that the maybe 2 people a board I would actually believe and learn wasn't worth shifting through the 80 million post from some 15yr old that "smelled" a drop of blood from across a school yard and tackled them uncontrollably trying to get to their blood. I'm sorry but the first thing your body and mind learn through the practice of meditation and one of the most important cornerstone of success in any metaphysics is self control and domination of the primal urges to submit to the will of the higher self. You can't tell me you meditate every day, can see the psiballs you say your producing yet can't control the urge to physically attack an innocent human being because they pricked their finger on the playground 5 minutes ago. I do understand the primal urge to drink blood, I have it, but it's controllable I've never tasted another's blood before but all I assume it would be would be acting as a vessel for chi(Ka) energy anyway it's the energy you want, the blood is just a powerful vessel to move that energy. I think because of the undying thirst I tend to have, that a liquid vessel just seems like the proper tool, and what better liquid to use to move your inner life force then blood?

this post is entering the realm of tl,dr so I'll wrap up in saying medically I check out perfectly fine, I do truly hope to find some help and relief within this community as the urge to join was surprisingly strong, the label of vampire is really no concern of mine at the moment, I've learn long ago the only labels people put faith in is the labels they give you, so I chose not to label myself. What I do know is my energy system is not like others and that is really what I'm interested about


Number of posts : 60
Location : usa
Registration date : 2012-02-22

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Kalb 22.02.12 17:47

Welcome here, DCxMagus. Hope some doors open too you in future around here.

Number of posts : 1280
Location : Some part of infinite universe...
Registration date : 2009-10-28!/st7lk3r

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by witchmark 22.02.12 18:25

I am new here as well. Welcome from one newbie to another.


Number of posts : 159
Location : Nebraska
Registration date : 2012-02-20

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Kalb 22.02.12 18:37

witchmark wrote:I am new here as well. Welcome from one newbie to another.
lol! Welcome

Number of posts : 1280
Location : Some part of infinite universe...
Registration date : 2009-10-28!/st7lk3r

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Jonathan 22.02.12 20:19

Welcome to the community. Feel free to look around as there is much information lost in this site.

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Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 23.02.12 8:39

Welcome Smile
Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

Number of posts : 161
Location : USA
Registration date : 2010-11-19

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Introduction Empty Re: Introduction

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