What is "nothing"?

Sinata Anika Asti
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What is "nothing"? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is "nothing"?

Post by Maxx 30.10.15 7:44

""Mathematics reveal the Zeroes and Ones.. the coding behind what we see and don't.""

Agreed. And this will indicate a variable velocity, and frequency and vibration is in effect.

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What is "nothing"? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is "nothing"?

Post by Troublemaker 30.10.15 22:23

But where exactly is the boundary between everything and nothing? This is the question that consumes me lately.

Anyway... I found this article to be interesting. http://everythingforever.com/st_math.htm

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What is "nothing"? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is "nothing"?

Post by Maxx 31.10.15 8:47

The comment....

One shouldn't assume this unique value system threatens our normal value system in any way. Each is built upon a perspective. Two apples are still more apples than one. We can still divide up and see the world from a finite perspective, in which case the infinite can be seen only as an indefinite process. Symmetry math shows us that the infinite is real and exists in a realm greater than our sense of time and place., What this system does, is allow a radical shift of perspective, so that we can also see the universe as an undivided whole, where apples are part a single universe. In symmetry math, one of the conclusions we can draw is that for there to be a positive two apples (matter), there must be a negative two apples (anti-matter) removed from the pattern that we observe. Finite form requires that the two positive apples are less than the whole of the four apples combined......   I found very interesting.  

I found this conforming to my view of having one physical right arm and at the same time having an astral right arm that exists in basically the near same place in the universe but vibrating in a different frequency...that zero point is the separation of the physical and the astral...and the physical right arm is in our perspective in view as a positive number while the astral right arm is in the minus realm of our numbers.  That zero point of reference is a separation of traveling at the speed of light and once that speed has been achieved then form as we see it will disappear and will move our perspective into view into the astral realm. This is my very simplified view of calculations of what that zero point does with my limited mind.  lol.  Inserting thought into this in most interesting.  Thought is the basis of creation.  It is always traveling faster than the speed of light.  How do we connect the as above, so below connection.  Thought.  Think of our super consciousness as our controlling venue while living in this very slow movement of physical form.  The more we learn our connection and how to control and work with it the better our lot.  The less we adapt to the process, the worse out lot will be.    This is my own adaptation to my movement within the frame of the universe.  If someone has a better explanation, please let me have it.  lol.

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What is "nothing"? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is "nothing"?

Post by Stellana 25.01.16 19:22

This was very interesting.

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What is "nothing"? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is "nothing"?

Post by Naoom 31.12.16 7:07

Kalb the theory of the bing bang has been disproven.Along with the theories of relativity,quantum dynamics and that of an expanding universe.All these theories have been demolished completely by the discovery of an energy in the universe.Since the cosmic energy or orgone energy is existing all these theories are based only by a religious reverence of those scientists who simply refuse to look at the evidence.Astrophysicist Halton Christian Arp has taken many photos of bridges of energy-matter between objects in outer space.His simple photos destroyed the theories of an empty space and bing bang with a simple click of the diaphragm of the camera.

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What is "nothing"? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is "nothing"?

Post by Troublemaker 15.01.19 13:55

This is a great thread to reference from time to time.

I also have to agree, The Book of Nun is a truly beautiful story of creation, sparking much emotion.

It never gets old.

There are interesting questions in here that I always like to return to.

Number of posts : 1625
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What is "nothing"? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is "nothing"?

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