Egyptian Music of the Spheres
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Egyptian Music of the Spheres
A few parallels I have drawn from my studies:
Saturn in
Egyptian is Sabt which means Sirius (Dog Star) which is equated with
Anbu (Anubis) (Greeks took the idea and ran with it calling their Saturday
Kronos (Kyon) which means dog.
The ancient Egyptian calendar is based on the helical rising of Sabt.
Music and the calendar were intimately related. Sabt / Sirius is referred to as the 'first' and the Dorian scale (Named after people
of Kemet) is the first choice of scale that the Egyptians
composed with.
D is Re in our diatonic scale (C do D re E mi etc)
Re is of course the Primeval Egyptian God associated with the Sun
The Dorian mode is the only mode that is of perfect symmetry and
balance with an ebb & flow of the Cosmic Egg shape (all orbits are elliptical)
Nowhere else will you find a diatonic mode that works like this
w 1/2 w w w 1/2 w
w= whole step
1/2= half step
Almost all of the Maqamat (ajna & jins) of Middle Eastern scales are also based off of this Ma'at induced Dorian scale with inclusions of quarter tones making up the number of notes to be 22 (Tarosh/Tarot of the Egyptians? - 22 Qabalic paths on the both Trees of Life & Death?)
Oddly enough, the Pythagorean comma (which I'm sure was a discovery by Tehuti / Thoth) has its octaves spiral out of tune after exactly 7 (Aset) octaves either ascending or descending.
Saturn in
Egyptian is Sabt which means Sirius (Dog Star) which is equated with
Anbu (Anubis) (Greeks took the idea and ran with it calling their Saturday
Kronos (Kyon) which means dog.
The ancient Egyptian calendar is based on the helical rising of Sabt.
Music and the calendar were intimately related. Sabt / Sirius is referred to as the 'first' and the Dorian scale (Named after people
of Kemet) is the first choice of scale that the Egyptians
composed with.
D is Re in our diatonic scale (C do D re E mi etc)
Re is of course the Primeval Egyptian God associated with the Sun
The Dorian mode is the only mode that is of perfect symmetry and
balance with an ebb & flow of the Cosmic Egg shape (all orbits are elliptical)
Nowhere else will you find a diatonic mode that works like this
w 1/2 w w w 1/2 w
w= whole step
1/2= half step
Almost all of the Maqamat (ajna & jins) of Middle Eastern scales are also based off of this Ma'at induced Dorian scale with inclusions of quarter tones making up the number of notes to be 22 (Tarosh/Tarot of the Egyptians? - 22 Qabalic paths on the both Trees of Life & Death?)
Oddly enough, the Pythagorean comma (which I'm sure was a discovery by Tehuti / Thoth) has its octaves spiral out of tune after exactly 7 (Aset) octaves either ascending or descending.
Ankhhape- Banned
- Number of posts : 387
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Registration date : 2008-06-06
Re: Egyptian Music of the Spheres
Hi A'nen ,
very interesting parallels and a very interesting subject to further study. Thank 's for pointing it out.
I think music and harmony could be a big part of the picture , sound being vibration and a recognized tool for spiritual ascension.
Related to this subject ,in my searches i came across this musical project of reconstructing and recreating the sound of Ancient Egypt
and thought is good to share while i find it to be a rare and fascinating sound created by the use of old instruments ,very apropriate to meditate on the Ancient Past
Since i know you also said you have this project of composing Asetian music ,i would like to know more about your own project , or even listen , of course if you want to share
And of course I would like to know about the others , if /and how music is part of their spiritual experience
Thank you
very interesting parallels and a very interesting subject to further study. Thank 's for pointing it out.
I think music and harmony could be a big part of the picture , sound being vibration and a recognized tool for spiritual ascension.
Related to this subject ,in my searches i came across this musical project of reconstructing and recreating the sound of Ancient Egypt
and thought is good to share while i find it to be a rare and fascinating sound created by the use of old instruments ,very apropriate to meditate on the Ancient Past
Since i know you also said you have this project of composing Asetian music ,i would like to know more about your own project , or even listen , of course if you want to share
And of course I would like to know about the others , if /and how music is part of their spiritual experience
Thank you
Hellen- Insider
- Number of posts : 169
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Re: Egyptian Music of the Spheres
Thank you Hellen for the links and your enthusiasm . . . it is welcome, as is everyone's.
Ankhhape- Banned
- Number of posts : 387
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Registration date : 2008-06-06
Re: Egyptian Music of the Spheres
I really have to say that this was one of the most interesting topics I've come across in a forum. I guess my question is, with mention of the cosmic egg, how would this tie in with sacred geometry, and concepts like the Golden Mean and the Fibonacci sequence? I am just really curious, and eager to learn more.
Saylamine- Insider
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Re: Egyptian Music of the Spheres
My favorite subject of course, though I wish I knew what the real Ankhhape did!
The Egg, the symmetry of Fibonacci, the Golden Mean (different than the Golden Ratio) all find their way back to Kemetic Cosmology, the Primordial Vibration that emerged from the Waters of Nun / Abyss set into motion from the Divine Utterance. Metaphors? Allegories? So many sciences such as Cymatics and the Harmonic vibrations of the Harmonograph show us the symmetry and harmonious relations of this Divine Utterance, we read in Egyptian religion of knowing the 'true' name of someone, the Sufis have the understanding of sound being the primeval force setting all of the material Universe into being.
Musiq is our relation from our captive Physical being with our Higher Self and the Spiritual Plane that the AB speaks of.
The Egg, the symmetry of Fibonacci, the Golden Mean (different than the Golden Ratio) all find their way back to Kemetic Cosmology, the Primordial Vibration that emerged from the Waters of Nun / Abyss set into motion from the Divine Utterance. Metaphors? Allegories? So many sciences such as Cymatics and the Harmonic vibrations of the Harmonograph show us the symmetry and harmonious relations of this Divine Utterance, we read in Egyptian religion of knowing the 'true' name of someone, the Sufis have the understanding of sound being the primeval force setting all of the material Universe into being.
Musiq is our relation from our captive Physical being with our Higher Self and the Spiritual Plane that the AB speaks of.
Ankhhape- Banned
- Number of posts : 387
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Registration date : 2008-06-06
Re: Egyptian Music of the Spheres
Wow, thanks for your reply, Ankhhape. I have also heard that in Native American culture, the eagle beat is supposed to represent the primordial sound of Source. That may be connected to the primordial waters of the Nun, right? It would be interesting to see other cultural parallels with the primordial sound.
Saylamine- Insider
- Number of posts : 145
Age : 43
Location : naptown...the sleepiest place on earth
Registration date : 2008-09-10
Re: Egyptian Music of the Spheres
Thank you for this post Ankhhape. I wish I would understand more about this subject but I must say that in what comes to sacred music theory I am a complete newbie. Always refreshing to see the mature interests of the users from this forum.
Jonathan- Master
- Number of posts : 3051
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05
Re: Egyptian Music of the Spheres
I think this thread was taking off, many on this forum seem to be interested in music and vibration, which does not surprise me.
Hesperus is Phosphorus
In Greek mythology, Hesperus is the personification of the "evening star", the planet Venus in the evening. This Evening Star is the Son of the Dawn goddess Eos (Roman equivalent: Aurora) he is also the brother of Eosphorus the Morning Star (Eosphoros "dawn‑bearer"). Sometimes Hesperus is integrated with the 'Morning Star' Eosphorus "bearer of dawn" or Phosphorus (Ancient Greek:"bearer of light", often translated as
“Lucifer” in Latin) these are all personifications of the planet Venus.
The Greeks believed that Eosphorus (Venus in the morning) and Hesperos (Venus in the evening) were two different celestial objects. The Greeks later accepted the Babylonian view that they were the same, and the Babylonian identification of the planets with the Great Gods, and dedicated the "wandering star" (planet) to Aphrodite (Roman Venus), as the equivalent.
Trapezoidal Sound and Alexander Scriabin
Alexander Scriabin (1872-1915) was a Russian composer of orchestral and piano music. Early in his development he began to arrange chords in a strange and beautifully individual style. Based on a thirteenth dominant including the 7th, 3rd, and 13th, all laid out in a pattern of fourths, this inverted Pythagorean structure would come to be known later as the Mystic Chord also called the Prometheus Chord.
He achieved a haunting, dissonant, yet beautiful sound with this chord and by following the rules of traditional tonality and diatonic, functional harmony, he was able to compose great works of clarity, depth, and unheard of textures. Scriabin was definitely thinking out of the box, his Dæmon was in control!
I composed my own Trapezoidal Musiq in honor of Scriabin and for those interested you can listen to the composition here:
Hesperus is Phosphorus
Hesperus is Phosphorus
In Greek mythology, Hesperus is the personification of the "evening star", the planet Venus in the evening. This Evening Star is the Son of the Dawn goddess Eos (Roman equivalent: Aurora) he is also the brother of Eosphorus the Morning Star (Eosphoros "dawn‑bearer"). Sometimes Hesperus is integrated with the 'Morning Star' Eosphorus "bearer of dawn" or Phosphorus (Ancient Greek:"bearer of light", often translated as
“Lucifer” in Latin) these are all personifications of the planet Venus.
The Greeks believed that Eosphorus (Venus in the morning) and Hesperos (Venus in the evening) were two different celestial objects. The Greeks later accepted the Babylonian view that they were the same, and the Babylonian identification of the planets with the Great Gods, and dedicated the "wandering star" (planet) to Aphrodite (Roman Venus), as the equivalent.
Trapezoidal Sound and Alexander Scriabin
Alexander Scriabin (1872-1915) was a Russian composer of orchestral and piano music. Early in his development he began to arrange chords in a strange and beautifully individual style. Based on a thirteenth dominant including the 7th, 3rd, and 13th, all laid out in a pattern of fourths, this inverted Pythagorean structure would come to be known later as the Mystic Chord also called the Prometheus Chord.
He achieved a haunting, dissonant, yet beautiful sound with this chord and by following the rules of traditional tonality and diatonic, functional harmony, he was able to compose great works of clarity, depth, and unheard of textures. Scriabin was definitely thinking out of the box, his Dæmon was in control!
I composed my own Trapezoidal Musiq in honor of Scriabin and for those interested you can listen to the composition here:
Hesperus is Phosphorus
AlifBalaamYashin- Insider
- Number of posts : 170
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Registration date : 2023-07-09
Re: Egyptian Music of the Spheres
No one cares.
Troublemaker- Expert
- Number of posts : 1625
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Registration date : 2013-12-18
Re: Egyptian Music of the Spheres
Grow up . . . of course some will have interest in this thread, they did before, they will again.Troublemaker wrote:No one cares.
AlifBalaamYashin- Insider
- Number of posts : 170
Location : Earth
Registration date : 2023-07-09
Re: Egyptian Music of the Spheres
IMPORTANT: This forum pretends to close a gap in what comes to the representation of occult communities online of excellence. This means that we will strive to promote mature and knowledgeable discussions and healthy debates. Any kind of closed-minded attitudes, arrogance, intolerance and disrespect will not be tolerated and our admins and moderators will ensure that this policy is applied.Troublemaker wrote:No one cares.
AlifBalaamYashin- Insider
- Number of posts : 170
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Registration date : 2023-07-09
Re: Egyptian Music of the Spheres
Why are you so obsessed with everyone who follows the path of Asetianism? It’s like you can’t stop talking about it many years later. You look like an absolute embarrassment to everyone else.
Troublemaker- Expert
- Number of posts : 1625
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Registration date : 2013-12-18
Re: Egyptian Music of the Spheres
Where am I talking about Asetianism? Drop it . . . you're making a fool of yourself.Troublemaker wrote:Why are you so obsessed with everyone who follows the path of Asetianism? It’s like you can’t stop talking about it many years later. You look like an absolute embarrassment to everyone else.
AlifBalaamYashin- Insider
- Number of posts : 170
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Registration date : 2023-07-09
Re: Egyptian Music of the Spheres
How low must someone have fallen on the evolutionary ladder to become what you have? A babbling mess, absolutely full of himself with extreme delusions of grandeur, having lost his connection to the magickal spark long ago.
The more you run your mouth the more you expose those deep fractures and fissures of damage that have started appearing in your mind and soul.
Literally no one wants you around here. Yet you insist on obsessing over various members of this community where you are clearly not welcome, exposing how lasting of an impression their own sparks have made on you, wasting your life on insults that you think hit the mark but are really just being lobbed at your own disgusting reflection.
This shit has gotten old. I am too old for this, hell, even a ten-year-old child would be too old for this, let alone what that says about someone like you.
The more you run your mouth the more you expose those deep fractures and fissures of damage that have started appearing in your mind and soul.
Literally no one wants you around here. Yet you insist on obsessing over various members of this community where you are clearly not welcome, exposing how lasting of an impression their own sparks have made on you, wasting your life on insults that you think hit the mark but are really just being lobbed at your own disgusting reflection.
This shit has gotten old. I am too old for this, hell, even a ten-year-old child would be too old for this, let alone what that says about someone like you.
Troublemaker- Expert
- Number of posts : 1625
Location : USA
Registration date : 2013-12-18
Re: Egyptian Music of the Spheres
Everyone come on, lets try not to go back to this.
Jonathan- Master
- Number of posts : 3051
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05
Re: Egyptian Music of the Spheres
Sorry, I will try to drop it, but I am having trouble showing any form of respect to someone who has been slandering Master Marques, Asetianism as a whole, and many Asetianists for so long now.
Troublemaker- Expert
- Number of posts : 1625
Location : USA
Registration date : 2013-12-18
Re: Egyptian Music of the Spheres
Troublemaker wrote:How low must someone have fallen on the evolutionary ladder to become what you have? A babbling mess, absolutely full of himself with extreme delusions of grandeur, having lost his connection to the magickal spark long ago.
The more you run your mouth the more you expose those deep fractures and fissures of damage that have started appearing in your mind and soul.
Literally no one wants you around here. Yet you insist on obsessing over various members of this community where you are clearly not welcome, exposing how lasting of an impression their own sparks have made on you, wasting your life on insults that you think hit the mark but are really just being lobbed at your own disgusting reflection.
This shit has gotten old. I am too old for this, hell, even a ten-year-old child would be too old for this, let alone what that says about someone like you.
Why don't you address my post? If it's over your head, I can dumb it down for you.
AlifBalaamYashin- Insider
- Number of posts : 170
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Registration date : 2023-07-09
Re: Egyptian Music of the Spheres
Maybe this thread should be locked. No one cares what you have to say and your contributions are nowhere near as intelligent or relevant as you, in your dementia, believe them to be.
The forum doesn’t need your petty drama either.
The forum doesn’t need your petty drama either.
Troublemaker- Expert
- Number of posts : 1625
Location : USA
Registration date : 2013-12-18
Re: Egyptian Music of the Spheres
Troublemaker wrote:Maybe this thread should be locked. No one cares what you have to say and your contributions are nowhere near as intelligent or relevant as you, in your dementia, believe them to be.
The forum doesn’t need your petty drama either.
Why should it be locked? There's nothing wrong with the information, and the entire thread was very well received until my name was slandered . . . maybe YOU should be banned?
AlifBalaamYashin- Insider
- Number of posts : 170
Location : Earth
Registration date : 2023-07-09
Re: Egyptian Music of the Spheres
Troublemaker wrote:Sorry, I will try to drop it, but I am having trouble showing any form of respect to someone who has been slandering Master Marques, Asetianism as a whole, and many Asetianists for so long now.
I guess I am still tired from the insanity in the drama that Giorgos Gosdas kid raised around here a year or two ago with his fake accounts and lies concerning those primal craft people. Given how they were pretending to know Master Marques, which turned out to be verified to be a lie, I am pretty confident that it was Giorgos feeding them those lies and they not being aware enough of things simply fell for it, similarly to how Giorgos spread a string of lies about their Hekate stuff to this community, effectively inflaming communities against each other, which also got exposed. People like him are just a deterrent from the real magical work for everyone, pretty sure as a natural consequence of their own lack of magical aptitude like with Giorgos that first failed with the ToV membership, then failed with a fake group pretending to be the real A∴A∴, next failed with Asetianism getting his lies exposed and rejected by the community, and now is trying with primal craft as a last resort since they’re the only ones that will accept a deceitful worm like him, I imagine oblivious to what he has done concerning them as well. So yeah I am rather fatigued from the drama and toxicity people like him raise, so rather encourage everyone to take a higher road as after all that is what the Order does teach.
Jonathan- Master
- Number of posts : 3051
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05
Re: Egyptian Music of the Spheres
Jonathan wrote:Troublemaker wrote:Sorry, I will try to drop it, but I am having trouble showing any form of respect to someone who has been slandering Master Marques, Asetianism as a whole, and many Asetianists for so long now.
I guess I am still tired from the insanity in the drama that Giorgos Gosdas kid raised around here a year or two ago with his fake accounts and lies concerning those primal craft people. Given how they were pretending to know Master Marques, which turned out to be verified to be a lie, I am pretty confident that it was Giorgos feeding them those lies and they not being aware enough of things simply fell for it, similarly to how Giorgos spread a string of lies about their Hekate stuff to this community, effectively inflaming communities against each other, which also got exposed. People like him are just a deterrent from the real magical work for everyone, pretty sure as a natural consequence of their own lack of magical aptitude like with Giorgos that first failed with the ToV membership, then failed with a fake group pretending to be the real A∴A∴, next failed with Asetianism getting his lies exposed and rejected by the community, and now is trying with primal craft as a last resort since they’re the only ones that will accept a deceitful worm like him, I imagine oblivious to what he has done concerning them as well. So yeah I am rather fatigued from the drama and toxicity people like him raise, so rather encourage everyone to take a higher road as after all that is what the Order does teach.
Well Jonathan, I can truly relate as having been on both sides of the street so to speak. Not long along I was targeted by The Drakon Covenent (a faction of O9A) and they frustrated me to no end, and frightened my family. The main culprit ended up in prison for a few years and his 'henchboys' oddly enough 'disappeared' . . . I am not here for anything other than for discussions, to give information and learn from others. Life is too short . . .
AlifBalaamYashin- Insider
- Number of posts : 170
Location : Earth
Registration date : 2023-07-09
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