I wonder where Maktub is on this?

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I wonder where Maktub is on this? Empty I wonder where Maktub is on this?

Post by Maxx 20.07.12 8:48

Remember that old game...where in the world is Carmen Miranda?.....well, when I saw this I wondered if Maktub is in the middle of this new found pyramid struture? it was posted info from a connection on facebook I was made aware of it. She loves this type of mystery.

with all the hidden passageways beneath it looks exciting...and the healing lake under it.....



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I wonder where Maktub is on this? Empty Re: I wonder where Maktub is on this?

Post by Daniel09 20.07.12 12:42

I'm a little skeptical about their "team of physicists" who detected an energy beam coming from the pyramid.

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I wonder where Maktub is on this? Empty Re: I wonder where Maktub is on this?

Post by Demonia 20.07.12 13:03

you mean these guys?


can't understand a word theyre saying cause they're all mumbling. just figured id post this and quit lurking about.. hehe. not sure how i feel about all this. ill keep watching as others discuss


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I wonder where Maktub is on this? Empty Re: I wonder where Maktub is on this?

Post by Daniel09 21.07.12 10:57

In the first few minutes, he's speculating about how the geometry could be cultivating energy from the environment or otherwise.

Mkay, later he starts to describe the tools they used. Apparently it was some kind of antenna which measures ambient voltage. Fairly interesting, though I would be interested in tests that prove that this is directly related to the pyramid.

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I wonder where Maktub is on this? Empty Re: I wonder where Maktub is on this?

Post by Maxx 21.07.12 11:26

I have to say that airplane engines, gunfire, and explosions have made me a little deaf, especially in one ear.........just goes to show what sitting too close to the tv will do for you...lol......but I would like to know how in the world you were able to hear what they were saying......? Maybe i need one of those devices.....smile.


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I wonder where Maktub is on this? Empty Re: I wonder where Maktub is on this?

Post by Jonathan 21.07.12 15:04

I too would like to know what Maktub has to say about this subject. He's so hard to get a hang of with some spare time these days.

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I wonder where Maktub is on this? Empty Re: I wonder where Maktub is on this?

Post by Maxx 21.07.12 16:03

wow...this is even more strange what she has posted on this.....



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I wonder where Maktub is on this? Empty Re: I wonder where Maktub is on this?

Post by Daniel09 21.07.12 20:04

Maxx wrote:I have to say that airplane engines, gunfire, and explosions have made me a little deaf, especially in one ear.........just goes to show what sitting too close to the tv will do for you...lol......but I would like to know how in the world you were able to hear what they were saying......? Maybe i need one of those devices.....smile.


I can transcribe it for you. It's a weird talent I have to be able to interpret almost any accent on the English language.

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I wonder where Maktub is on this? Empty Re: I wonder where Maktub is on this?

Post by Maxx 21.07.12 20:13

damn...I knew you were a genius all this time...and did not tell us....

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I wonder where Maktub is on this? Empty Re: I wonder where Maktub is on this?

Post by Daniel09 21.07.12 21:30

First five minutes and 52 seconds:

Speaker 1: Now, in front of us today is Davor Jadrijevic, who is an electrical engineer, and he obtained his masters sciences in physics. So, he combines several different scientific disciplines in his mind, which is very interesting. I encourage you to give him a warm welcome. Please welcome 'Exotic Energy of Pyramids.'

Jadrijevic: Ladies and gentlemen, let me welcome you to my independent research of the energy from the pyramids. I'd like to research it from the scientific point of view, but I would like to present to you some of the, either speculation of mine or possibilities that can be led to our next experiments. So, next slide please.

We started with a structure that is triangular, and that looks like a pyramid. Somebody said it's a hill, but we know that it has construction on the hill. It is a great geometric object, which has its structure not only in the geometry, but the orientation of the mass. And what first comes in our mind in this situation is that that could be a kind of idle device or antenna, because the question would be, if that is some ancient civilization who built that, did it build it so large and big only for the purpose to manifest the power of the civilization, but could there be another, more practical purpose; more economical whatever, that justifies building a structure like that. Well, when we have a structure with a geometry, with some kind of a relation between space and the material, which is built in layers in a manner that repeatedly forms a pattern either circular or alternating layers. One layer from the stone planes and so on. Then we could say it could use, or rather could be used to collect the environmental energy from the ground, from the outside- we don't know exactly where it comes from, but it could come from many places. And with a complex interaction of the material inside, uh please give the next slide, we could create a radiation of electromagnetic field which Dr. Sullivan has actually measured a few, uh, two years ago. Next slide. And what we found from that, and we come to the conclusion that with the complex interaction of the magnetic strength and its electric effects into materials which consists of the materials which the pyramid consists of, a wave will be created.

A very recent manifestation of energy started in the built structure, which has a certain geometric conductive capacity and inductive properties, which could be obtained by carefully choosing the materials of the pyramid to build. My first, ok, the first theories were that it is a gas-electric effect coming from the vibration of the ground. So we have micro, let's say micro earthquakes that happen all the time in the ground, everything is moving slightly in some way. And (?) for example, waters or something, if it is carfully aligned, can create electric field just from the mechanical echoing noise. But it would be difficult to be built, because we should have to align all the pistons in the spiral structure around the pyramid, coming off the corners from the bottom to the top. The simplest way to do it is to use a (?) effect. This is a similar effect to the gas-electric, when you are using mechanical force through a material that has something like iron, nickel, stuff that is magnetic. If you hit it with a mechanical force it will produce magnetic fields. So mechanical forces, if they come just from above, and resonate (?) non-linear osscilated, which I will explain later, we will create the magnetic fields coming along the beam that we see above, and this is what we measure with our instruments. Next slide.

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I wonder where Maktub is on this? Empty Re: I wonder where Maktub is on this?

Post by Maxx 21.07.12 22:10

Golly, that is excellent....we certainly appreciate your effort and contribution and now I know who to call when I have a problem....



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I wonder where Maktub is on this? Empty Re: I wonder where Maktub is on this?

Post by Daniel09 21.07.12 23:23


I was looking, in my research, what can be found in the other cultures, in the other pyramids. Do they have some documentation, or something that we can use in order to explain. This is (?) temple in Egypt which has inscriptions and carvings in stone which could have interpretation of the device that is erected. Next slide.

This is a carving in stone. Let's consider, this is a statue-like bulb or something, and there are sillhouettes or symbols of the figures like that, and a snake inside and some strange symbols here. Well, let's talk about- to the next slide. It is maybe more intricate here, because one of the German museums have built a device like a replica, which of course, nobody really knows did it look like that. But this is what we have seen on the picture. You can see the bulb and some snakes, a box with something inside, and a couple of the batteries. This is about the batteries, you can have a few metals and some kind of vinegar or whatever, and you can produce electricity. Next slide please.

I compare to this in solution like something like Thermopolis. In that they have been used, language of symbols in order to explain and document stuff. So, when we have several important symbols on here, we should probably not literally interpret it like that, but consider it as a lead or a guide to somebody who already knows the purpose of the device, in order just to not forget the main parts of it. So, the first thing what we can see is the operator, which is a normal human being standing at the sunset place, and looking at how the device works. On the device we have some kind of wire going up into the box, and the other sillhouettes of the people are interesting, because this one, two people in opposite directions could mean two polarities, plus or minus, of the other (?), some kind of counter-force which enables potential to be built between them. This figure here, as it stands on its larger place on the vine itself, could signify electric current that is flowing. And this is a symbol of the air. This symbol, or silhouette here is some kind of animal-human-like, either a monkey or a lizard, whatever, equipped with two knives. So, it could symbolize a danger to somebody who is not really informed on what it could be. So, build it once doesn't do it for this device, and what is most intriguing here, is the symbol like there.

This one, next slide, is the Djet-pillar. Djet-pillar is the symbol used in pre-dynastic times in Ancient Egypt. Nobody really knows, what did it represent, initially. Lately it was explained by the spine of Osirus or something, but I think that it should have some more technological meaning. This is the only symbol in this picture that looks, that resembles very symbolic, and very symmetric that we use in normal electrical engineering.

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I wonder where Maktub is on this? Empty Re: I wonder where Maktub is on this?

Post by Kalb 23.07.12 6:18

I do not know what to say, I found the article very interesting. I'm waiting for more news and views on your part.

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I wonder where Maktub is on this? Empty Re: I wonder where Maktub is on this?

Post by Daniel09 23.07.12 16:57

So I was looking at that symbol in this slide, in this way. Let's say we have some kind of a wave, and the wave could have some kind of a length. So, the complete height of this structure, or symbol, is determinant of one wavelength. And these four divisions here are indicating division of the wavelength by forking. And this is a quarter-ray resonance, in my opinion, symbolically shown as a symbol. Next symbol.

The purpose of the quarter-ray resonance, eh- resonator, is the main function of the antenna. This quarter-ray resonator is able to store energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation for a longer time, ok this time is microseconds or some milliseconds, but it can store it, and build a standing wave inside of it, which has special properties. The special properties of the wave is that with large current and low voltage on the bottom, we can produce enormous electric field on the top. A resonator like that can influence other resonators, not directly from access to a electric field, electric source of power, and the other resonator will, due to the standing wave that is created in the will state- start resonating as well. The other examples is what happens with contact with the right frequency. Only the correct frequency creates quarter-ray resonance. This is a half-way resonance, and this is a long resonance, here. Next one.

This is a probable description of how of two Djet-pillars have been used as dual resonance to transfer energy from one to another. So, in my opinion, this one should be the transmitter. There is the Ankh symbol, symbolizing death, I mean seriously, don't approach the device too close, away, in the space. And this is a receiver. Some people, other statues can either utilize energy or whatever. I have done some Tesla wireless experiments, which actually gave me the idea for this (?).

On the next slide is a device experiment that I have built called the (?) cultivate Resonator. This one is transmitter. In proximity of the transmitter, a lamp could be lit just by approaching the transmitter. No other wires needed. And this is the receiver, a lamp that the receiver can light if the receiever is grounded. As well, it should be the transmitter, too. They both are grounded by this right here, but you can ground it anyhow. You don't need direct wiring in order for this to be lit. Next slide.

This is schematics of one of these, actually. The generator, the coils, the transmitter, the capacitor. This is schematically shown as if the air becomes conductive in the presence of the transmit- actually it doesn't get conductive at all. The real transmission is going through the ground. This is a reflection of conductivity in the ground. Next slide.

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I wonder where Maktub is on this? Empty Re: I wonder where Maktub is on this?

Post by Maxx 23.07.12 18:52

Interesting. I believe I had seen from other places some description of the same thing emiting from the Great Pyramid out the top when tests were done on it....It seems to me that the pyramid builders had several purposes that were constructed into it and various benefits that it was used for. One person here has already mentioned that even its symbol was to be used by visualizing it within the mind to enhance increase in knowledge into the spiritual realm, as it was even used as a chargeing device in the astral.

But that is very interesting about the light being able to shine by just being near the structure. Explains why they say no black smoke marks were ever found within the confines of the halls and rooms within the Great Pyramid.


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