The Vampire's Place in our Universe

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The Vampire's Place in our Universe Empty The Vampire's Place in our Universe

Post by Ankhhape 02.12.08 17:41

I thought this topic might be interesting.
What is everyone's thoughts on this?
This should extend beyond Asetian vampires of course
Surely, everything has its place in this Cosmos, what of the vampiric being?

Em hotep

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The Vampire's Place in our Universe Empty Re: The Vampire's Place in our Universe

Post by Ankhhape 03.12.08 5:56

I'll pipe in first with this thought, how vampires with evolved energy control combined with the mastery of Reiki & Qi Gong techniques could prove to be the World's greatest healers.
But this is doesn't seem to be their actually niche in our Universe, at least not these days.

Any other thoughts?

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The Vampire's Place in our Universe Empty Eye-Teeth

Post by Arkanos 05.12.08 7:01

Hi, Ankhhape --

Here's a bit o' stream-o'-consciousness in supposed-answer to your query (about the place of vampires in the Cosmos) --

Vampires are the tooth that rends, the eye that sees, who suck the Universal Menstruum, be it "blood" or "light". They enjoy/need/crave that which is most uncared for by those who live in masks. Their cathedral is in the darkness of their "fellows" (the humans), who imagine that in darkness no creature can see, can taste, and, for these, perhaps (though it is hard to entertain), it is so.

But, for the vampire, to need is to see and to see is to feed and to feed is to be, while the "rest of humanity" flops around for the taking
[or the healing?].

But how can one who is vampire thus not have that control? (How is it not thrust upon him?) For it will be natural to him, or to any, in whom both
tooth and eye, the delight to feed and the delight to know, are identical.

Heck, I might even be inclined to posit (despite the poetics) that I believe the above... I might even be able to tease out of it, with some thought, the concept of vampire-as-healer.

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The Vampire's Place in our Universe Empty Re: The Vampire's Place in our Universe

Post by Victor 06.12.08 8:46

I believe the situation varies dramatically if we are discussing Asetian vampires or other kind of vampiric beings.
The place of Asetians in the Cosmos is a complex, but easily placable one. We have the Asetian Tree of Life that refers us precisely to that place in the Universe. This is a great theme of discussion, since the Tree of Life can have many interpretations.
As far as other vampiric beings, the answer becomes more confusing. There are many types of beings that we would call vampires, most of them living in the astral realms and not even having the powers to incarnate. Some are daemons. Others are mere parasites. A single answer would not apply to all the myriad of beings we can find in the Universe as owners of a vampiric nature.

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Location : A pool filled with naked horny vampire girls.
Registration date : 2008-06-12

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The Vampire's Place in our Universe Empty Re: The Vampire's Place in our Universe

Post by Karnath 16.12.08 12:27

Greetings. Nice subject.

The place of evolved vampires (excluding astral parasites and minor beings) is one of balance. They take and they give. They're not black holes. The energy needed, which factor causes the name "vampire" to appear, is for a reason. That energy is going to be used, and is going to be freed, although in different frequencies and accessibility.
Imagine you will use this energy for healing: It will come out in the frequency of the desired-to-heal shen centre (chakra) or meridian. In that case, acessibility will be provided, since the healed person will be accessing it directly.
On the other hand, if you use this energy for rough meditation, or to complexily access the Akashic Records, this energy will be undoubtedly freed, but the person using it won't be able to reuse it. It's being transformed. It is creating your links to the Records, creating your consciousness and subtle senses. After you use all this in the Ethereal Realm, it will dissipate to a higher level, or to a lower level, or simply stay there but in a different form. It will, basically, become unusable until it's recycled again to more accessible realms.

Summing up, it will all depend on the intention of the vampire, and there's not necessarily a specific place for a vampire, or a very patent role. They exist to exist, for themselves. When we talk about Asetians or their family, it's different. I think we all know that Asetians live to manifest Aset. Serpents lead, Scarabs cycle and Scorpions love (in a special way; of course everyone can love). Keepers live for the Asetians.

Just my vision, although there's much more to it than I can even write in words.

Best regards.

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