Predicting the Future

Divine 277
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Predicting the Future Empty Predicting the Future

Post by Daniel09 28.08.12 23:59

How possible is this? I ask, because there have been extreme instances of future predicting in my own personal experience, and it just boggles my mind that it might be possible. Can the future be changed, or is it generally set towards one course? Should the future be changed, even if it could be?

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Predicting the Future Empty Re: Predicting the Future

Post by schitzophobic 30.08.12 4:54

if it were possible to accurately determine which actions would lead to which "future" i think it would be more of an ethical personal decision on if one should intervene... i really doubt reality will collapse into itself because a premonition didnt occur... i think our brains may acknowledge the missed moment but quickly dismiss it as imagination or something and move on...

I see knowing the future akin to knowing which hand your child hid the quarter in... you could "guess" correctly and win... or take the other route and lose... but in the end the point of the game was never to find the quarter... but something much deeper... to brighten your childs life a bit and bring them happiness...

I think knowing the future would detract from your focusing on the deeper meanings in life... knowing my wife will leave me might either cause me to realize that future, or prevent me from creating enjoyable memories in our time left together... either way knowing the end of the movie would lead me to miss out on the experience that the storyline brings...

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Predicting the Future Empty Re: Predicting the Future

Post by schitzophobic 30.08.12 5:01

An added note... some branches of eastern religious beliefs believe that time is not linear (as western civilization accepts) but rather is cyclical... which means that this has all happened before and we are just looping through continuosly... which could mean that you've interacted with yourself in a past life and your spirit vaguely remembers what actions you made... thus if one could tap into their spiritual memories it might be possible... theoretically...

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Predicting the Future Empty Re: Predicting the Future

Post by Daniel09 30.08.12 6:32

schitzophobic wrote:
I think knowing the future would detract from your focusing on the deeper meanings in life... knowing my wife will leave me might either cause me to realize that future, or prevent me from creating enjoyable memories in our time left together... either way knowing the end of the movie would lead me to miss out on the experience that the storyline brings...

I would definitely agree with this. See, apparently I have the power to predict weeks in advance exactly how I will perceive my day. I decided to see how far it would stretch by getting as detailed as possible, examining every aspect of the future I was actively predicting.

Don't. Ever. Do. This.

I can't stress enough how much it sucks to experience the same day twice in such an exactitude. Almost all of life's joy comes from not knowing what will happen. I only experienced approximately 5 hours of complete prophesy, but I will never actively do it again. It completely sucked all the good feelings from the night, as if I stole the energy from myself when I saw it before.

Magick is not fun when done without complete understanding. I feel like a silly child.

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Predicting the Future Empty Re: Predicting the Future

Post by Leira 19.10.13 16:08

Some years ago, I dreamt about a primeval dimension of existence - a swirling compressed sea of infinite thought forms - that were in no way restricted or measured by the confines of our space-time perceptions of reality.

Predicting the Future SeaGoddess

Aphrodite, "the oldest of the Fates" Goddess of DESIRE rose naked from Chaos and danced on the surface of the sea = creation - evolution - destiny - desire in itself = inevitability


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Predicting the Future Empty Re: Predicting the Future

Post by Maxx 21.10.13 4:59

Yes.  What you describe is what one will find when they pass over or soul travel into the higher realms.  I agree with you.

I viewed myself moving at tremendous speed in a cascade of bright colors several times.  That is why I now am conditioning myself to view beings on the other side as a mass of energy and thought forms.
One always seems to know who and what you are meeting with in that realm.  Also, the Akashic records are woven in tapestry in those colors and weave in and out of others records. The energy is shown as it moves all throughout everything and opens to review any scene of the past, present or future of all the lives we have lead.  The view one hears about of viewing the books and golden pages are for very basic souls that are just in beginning stages in learning to work with the records.  

I also think many times the horror feelings of beings met in that other realm comes from so much conditioning by this religious society which wants one to see how evil and harsh the other side is unless we join with the religious groups and accept their way of life.....and their way of life tells us we are involved with the work of the devil if we fly off to the astral realm. The Catholics declare it a sin if one works toward astral travel.   Of course you know we only have one life to get every thing straight so no chance of survival if we err.

The pictures that great magicians paint of horrors and great beasts with blood dripping is really created by a mind that is wrapped up with much religious conditioning.  When I see accounts of such, I just shake my head and move on, because they have not made contact with the truth in 100 percent of what truth is and have a ways to go to get the whole picture of what they deal with. From what I have seen, they are only getting half of the true picture of the spirit world.

But that is just my own view of what I am finding on that other side.....and it may well be that I am the crazy one and everyone else is the sane

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Predicting the Future Empty Re: Predicting the Future

Post by Jonathan 21.10.13 12:25

I agree with what Maxx said but I want to leave a small contrasting idea. In the case of occultists who describe horrible beings and monsters from the other realm, it doesn't necessarily mean they can't see beyond that but some use those descriptions as symbolism to express hidden concepts, not to mention that it keeps those who aren't ready away. Remember that concerning the occult not everything means what it seems. Of course this doesn't apply to all occultists as some are clearly ignorant but I had in mind the likes of Crowley who used to describe such beasts but I don't doubt most of it was intentional and intelligent.

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Predicting the Future Empty Re: Predicting the Future

Post by Maxx 21.10.13 16:33

AAhhhh.  So true.  while reading your comment it brought to mind an individual I know that does not even attempt to call forth beings because it would be too frightening to blend into their spiritual study.  

So yes, you are very correct in this assessment.

Also, while reflecting on my post last night I saw where each person has a very different way of connecting with the spirit world that is all their own and will vary from person to person. Even my communication comes mostly in symbolism. I have to learn how that relates to me from the spirit realm. After a while it begins to show the whole spectrum.

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Predicting the Future Empty Re: Predicting the Future

Post by Leira 24.10.13 13:44

Maxx wrote:I viewed myself moving at tremendous speed in a cascade of bright colors several times.  That is why I now am conditioning myself to view beings on the other side as a mass of energy and thought forms.
Yes Maxx I agree - One time I had a dream I was walking with two guys, into, what I perceived was hell - the dream scene was very reminiscent of Dantes Inferno - one of the guys in our group intuitively sensed danger up ahead and decided to scout the area out carefully before proceeding.  He told me to stay put until they returned.  Then out of nowhere I sensed something behind me and when I turned to see what it was, this creature rushed at me with such speed that it knocked me for six.  Then determined to finish me off it started pushing me toward the cliffs edge - the level of hate this creature had for me, in and of itself seemed unnatural ! The creature had no REAL form it was more like a ball of angry energy and it was so strong that I could not fight it and as it pushed me closer to the edge of the cliff and the more terrified I became the more a rage grew inside me ( its in times of distress that I can literally feel my spirit rise up in my defence ) until finally I just let rip and strangely started reciting a spell in a language totally unknown to me, a language so powerful that it instantly dissolved the thought form into nothingness - much to my relief Smile


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Predicting the Future Empty Re: Predicting the Future

Post by Leira 24.10.13 14:08

Jonathan wrote:I agree with what Maxx said but I want to leave a small contrasting idea. In the case of occultists who describe horrible beings and monsters from the other realm, it doesn't necessarily mean they can't see beyond that but some use those descriptions as symbolism to express hidden concepts, not to mention that it keeps those who aren't ready away. Remember that concerning the occult not everything means what it seems. Of course this doesn't apply to all occultists as some are clearly ignorant but I had in mind the likes of Crowley who used to describe such beasts but I don't doubt most of it was intentional and intelligent.
Yes the visual symbolism is built into our collective unconscious


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Predicting the Future Empty Re: Predicting the Future

Post by Leira 25.10.13 21:51

schitzophobic wrote:An added note... some branches of eastern religious  beliefs believe that time is not linear (as western civilization accepts) but rather is cyclical... which means that this has all happened before and we are just looping through continuosly... which could mean that you've interacted with yourself in a past life and your spirit vaguely remembers what actions you made... thus if one could tap into their spiritual memories it might be possible... theoretically...
Time in and of itself does not exist - there are only cycles and patterns Smile Time is a hypostatized concept born from observation which is a conscious application


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Predicting the Future Empty Re: Predicting the Future

Post by Stapleraindrop 25.10.13 23:07

Well said Leira, I was actually arguing with a friend earlier about the existence of time and how it is not a dimension.

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Predicting the Future Empty Re: Predicting the Future

Post by Syrianeh 29.10.13 10:05

"The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." - Albert Einstein

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Predicting the Future Empty Re: Predicting the Future

Post by Divine 277 29.10.13 19:59

@Syrianeh time is relative. Smile
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Predicting the Future Empty Re: Predicting the Future

Post by Stapleraindrop 30.10.13 4:35

Jonathon, Crowley may have been more creditable than you think. Although he may not have been the first to do so, he predicts te forthcoming of the Djeuty of the Serpent as the "Aeon of Horus". The other two Aeons, Isis, and Osiris match the descriptions of the other two djeuties found in the AB

Crowley might have known something about the Asetians

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Predicting the Future Empty Re: Predicting the Future

Post by Leira 30.10.13 8:14

Stapleraindrop wrote:Jonathon, Crowley may have been more creditable than you think. Although he may not have been the first to do so, he predicts te forthcoming of the Djeuty of the Serpent as the "Aeon of Horus". The other two Aeons, Isis, and Osiris match the descriptions of the other two djeuties found in the AB

Crowley might have known something about the Asetians
I am not all that familiar with Crowley, can you expand on the prediction re the coming of the Djeuty of the Serpent as the "Aeon of Horus" ?


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Predicting the Future Empty Re: Predicting the Future

Post by Divine 277 30.10.13 8:53

According to some OTO groups its the aeon of Horus and Maat..
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Predicting the Future Empty Re: Predicting the Future

Post by Jonathan 30.10.13 12:32

Stapleraindrop wrote:Jonathon, Crowley may have been more creditable than you think. Although he may not have been the first to do so, he predicts te forthcoming of the Djeuty of the Serpent as the "Aeon of Horus". The other two Aeons, Isis, and Osiris match the descriptions of the other two djeuties found in the AB

Crowley might have known something about the Asetians
Staple I agree with you and I think you understood me wrong. When I mentioned Crowley I was referring to the group of occultists that described things in "terrifying" ways intentionally. As I mentioned, his symbolism was intentional and intelligent. I have much respect for his work although I still believe it remains mostly misunderstood by modern occultists. I can see what you mean concerning the prediction of the new Djehuty of the Serpent. There are those who believe he was familiar with the Aset Ka and Asetianism to some extent and that hidden details in his work reflect that. There is a thread in this forum discussing that and although not all agree with such views they remain a possibility.

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Predicting the Future Empty Re: Predicting the Future

Post by Leira 30.10.13 12:59

Divine 277 wrote:According to some OTO groups its the aeon of Horus and Maat..
Thank you Smile I will follow up with some online research


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Predicting the Future Empty Re: Predicting the Future

Post by Stapleraindrop 30.10.13 16:46

The Aeon of Horus is described as the Aeon of the child. The Aeon of Osiris corresponds with the Djeuty of the crocodile and the symbol of Osiris, one king represents the fact that the world worshiped one god during this period in time. During the Aeon of Horus, the child figure of Horus represents the children of the earth coming to terms with reality and the religious oppression, among other things.

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Predicting the Future Empty Re: Predicting the Future

Post by Nightshade 30.10.13 17:00

Jonathan wrote:
Stapleraindrop wrote:Jonathon, Crowley may have been more creditable than you think. Although he may not have been the first to do so, he predicts te forthcoming of the Djeuty of the Serpent as the "Aeon of Horus". The other two Aeons, Isis, and Osiris match the descriptions of the other two djeuties found in the AB

Crowley might have known something about the Asetians
Staple I agree with you and I think you understood me wrong. When I mentioned Crowley I was referring to the group of occultists that described things in "terrifying" ways intentionally. As I mentioned, his symbolism was intentional and intelligent. I have much respect for his work although I still believe it remains mostly misunderstood by modern occultists. I can see what you mean concerning the prediction of the new Djehuty of the Serpent. There are those who believe he was familiar with the Aset Ka and Asetianism to some extent and that hidden details in his work reflect that. There is a thread in this forum discussing that and although not all agree with such views they remain a possibility.
I believe Aleister Crowley would have loved to meet Luis Marques and be fascinated by him...

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Predicting the Future Empty Re: Predicting the Future

Post by Leira 31.10.13 10:34

Stapleraindrop wrote:The Aeon of Horus is described as the Aeon of the child. The Aeon of Osiris corresponds with the Djeuty of the crocodile and the symbol of Osiris, one king represents the fact that the world worshiped one god during this period in time. During the Aeon of Horus, the child figure of Horus represents the children of the earth coming to terms with reality and the religious oppression, among other things.
Thank you Staple. So would the Djeuty of the Serpent represent spirit / energy ?


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Predicting the Future Empty Re: Predicting the Future

Post by Stapleraindrop 31.10.13 12:55

IMO it represents the growth of the human population because the symbol of Horus in Crowley's writings is that of a child. It could represent the energy that is to come, or the hidden potential of the individual.

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Predicting the Future Empty Re: Predicting the Future

Post by Naoom 02.01.17 11:29

Divine 277 wrote:According to some OTO groups its the aeon of Horus and Maat..
The Thelemites who are members of A∴A∴,EGC and OTO having reached the highest grades they don't consider we are in the Aeon of Horus anymore.

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Predicting the Future Empty Re: Predicting the Future

Post by l.h.e.e 02.01.17 14:36

I, in my experience, tend to see the future (and time in general) as a network of infinite possibilities that vary mainly due to the existence of free will.
I would say that in a reading I use intuition to see what possibility is most likely to occur, yet the simple fact of knowing the network of possibilities allows me to try to change them according to my will.
I prefer not to expand my sessions of future readings too since it is very easy to end up raving, having a feeling that the future is written or not enjoying the present moments because you observe them as part of the past, for these reasons and many more I prefer Keep my attention to the present.


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