Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka.

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Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka. Empty Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka.

Post by Karnath 17.12.08 14:15

Greetings to all.

I would like to know your vision on the requirements for invitation to the Order. We all know that being an Asetian is not a requirement, and also that for being an Asetian, one might not even be invited to the Order. I would like to know your views.

Best regards.

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Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka. Empty Re: Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka.

Post by Non 17.12.08 22:58

This is a very interesting, remarkably lame and very true question.

They can't invite you if they don't know you, as a matter of fact. I also think they would not invite you if you aren't interesting to them.
I have no insights to that order, but I would assume some things to be true:
- They are logically based Beings, they are somewhat secret, dark and they don't want everyone to participate.
- If you look trough the Internet yourself, you will find an endless flow of people diverging into Wannabe-Vampires, the energy-sucking ones, Dark Witches or even lifestyle goth/vampires - and all the subcultures. Assuming you are going for the real thing, you don't want them to be part of your dark group, not even in the outer ring. How do you sever them from the few ones you want to participate? You have to know them (maybe by a recommendation of one of your members) and you have to observe them for a while.
- Maybe you might like your neophytes to have some knowledge on Egyptian culture.
- Assuming again, your dark group is going for the real run, you would like your members not utterly self-blinded by their own ego and being capable of making down-to-earth decisions.

These thoughts are not based on any knowledge about Asetians or the Aset Ka. If someone can supply more profound thoughts, it would be nice to read them.

Meanwhile, I apologize for calling this question a lame one. I am sure everyone in this forum thought about this question himself.

Best regards,


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Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka. Empty Re: Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka.

Post by Saylamine 18.12.08 9:31

I think this question is a little off topic, but it came to my mind reading the posts. If a person can be an Asetian, but not be invited to join the Order, then how does that individual know that she/he is an Asetian? I always thought that all Asetians would be part of the Order, and they would come to know of their Asetian bloodline through the Order's rituals, or something to that effect. I am just curious, and seeking insight. This is a very interesting topic.

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Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka. Empty Re: Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka.

Post by Karnath 18.12.08 11:54

It's not a lame question, in my opinion. It's an ice-breaking question. Smile

I think you're are mostly right about what you think. Logic always works very well at deducing.

As to Saylamine's question... Only an Elder from the Order can be positively sure if someone is an Asetian, and of course that's through deep metaphysical work.

Of course not all Asetians belong to the Order, or can belong to the Order. Imagine if Barack Obama was an Asetian. I'm positive he doesn't belong to the Order, and I'm positive he would never in this life belong to the Order. Unless some deep changes would happen, ending up with U.S.A. becoming Aset Ka's throne. But I really think that to be unprobable.

The determination of the lineage is the easiest part, I suppose. Even if you are not an Asetian, you can guess an Asetian's bloodline. And even if you are not an Asetian, you could guess your corresponding bloodline, as if you were.

Best regards.

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Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka. Empty Re: Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka.

Post by Saylamine 18.12.08 12:37

Thank you for your answer, Karnath. Being a prominent figure in the public eye would probably disqualify an individual from joining the Order. I can definitely see how it would be incompatible with the need for discretion and secrecy.

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Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka. Empty Re: Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka.

Post by Karnath 18.12.08 14:09


In the case of Obama, of course it would matter, because everyone knows your life from the minute you were born. But you could be a normal public figure, like a normal musician. You simply couldn't talk about it, and no one would ever know. Do you know about any Portuguese public figure belonging to the OP or OTP, for example politicians? Are there, or are there not? I don't know. Or simply freemasonry (there obviously are, and some of them are known). If you can't find an Asetian Elder as a public figure, which I'm not sure you won't, it's probably because of their natural tendencies.

Best regards.

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Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka. Empty Re: Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka.

Post by Victor 18.12.08 17:03

This is a highly interesting question, Karnath. One that I am sure every single one of us have asked to ourselves, even if only in silence.

I don't agree with what is being said that the Aset Ka cannot have members that are prominent figures in the public eye. Actually, I would be quite tempted to even affirm it does have members in those positions.
Orders like the AK and ROS have quite developed nets of espionage, manipulation and control, meaning they must have people in influential places. The key in here is secrecy, and a public figure can certainly keep its connections to the Order with great discretion.

Now back to the subject of what it takes for someone to be a member of the Kemetic Order of Aset Ka. As was stated, being an Asetian is not a condition, since the Order counts also with Otherkin, Witches and even Humans in its casts.
By no doubts the person at question being well known by the Order and the Asetians is an important condition, since they rely on such tight security policies. Also must be someone that can help the Order in any way, or be of use for their Higher Cause, whatever that may be.
This also depends on what position this member will occupy inside the order... will it be part of their active field operations? Will he be an initiate into the higher mysteries? Serve as a Priest or dedicate to temple work? A natural healer or a bodyguard? Serve under direct authority of a Master, a group of Asetians, the Royal Council of Keepers or even the Higher Magisterium? Will he be a part of the espionage department? A network security officer? A public relations agent? Even a legal authority?
An Order of this dimensions and radius of power needs people playing many diversified roles, and I am sure that the requirements to join vary from what they can provide to the Order and what will be their position inside of their structure, as long as with what security level will be granted clearance. Certainly it will also deppend on their metaphysical abilities, spiritual awareness, inborn powers and natural tendencies.
So in the end it becomes a more complicated question than what it seems, and with many possible answers. All of them I believe we will never learn or know.

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Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka. Empty Re: Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka.

Post by Maktub 18.12.08 19:58

This is a complicated question...

However, the most important and definitive requirements, or conditions, I would say are quite simple:
Honor, Dedication, Loyalty and Love.

Unshakable Honor to the Asetian Family, their ways and culture.
Profound Dedication to their Cause, even when not all ends are clear.
Loyalty, deep and unconditional Loyalty... to their Masters, the Asetians and the Order itself.
Eternal Love for Aset.


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Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka. Empty Re: Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka.

Post by Syrianeh 19.12.08 12:22

My opinion is that the key lies in asking oneself quite a different question: "What would make me want to join the Aset Ka?"

There can be many reasons, and most of them, I'm afraid, are the wrong reasons. One should not seek membership because it sounds nice or cool, through seeking apeasement to a life/faith/purpose crisis, or even if there's a suspicion one is Asetian. These are just many of the hundreds of wrong reasons. And one should not, I believe, seek desperately to be "worthy" because that would easily turn into a subservient attitude, which is unworthy.

Moreover, many things must be left behind and sacrificed, because a
total rebirth means the death of your life as you know it. It should
not be taken lightly.

The main purpose for becoming a member of ANY deeply hermetical and spiritual cult, and especially one such as the Aset Ka, is when there is a pure spiritual, physical and intellectual need. And this realization only comes after much self-searching, meditation and knowledge of one's own spirit.

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Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka. Empty Re: Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka.

Post by Ankhhape 19.12.08 13:08

I'm not sure the AK is as Hermetic as you think.

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Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka. Empty Re: Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka.

Post by Syrianeh 19.12.08 13:39

Ankhhape: I meant "hermetical" as in locked up and secretive, rather than in the magical sense.

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Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka. Empty Re: Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka.

Post by Karnath 20.12.08 15:14

Maktub, your post was very insightful. I agree with your words.

I also agree with Syrianeh. One must abdicate from ego when taking such a decision. Being around claiming to be an Asetian, telling the world how useful one is, is totally incompatible with the Order's purpose. One must think of one's own use to the Order, or simply deeply wish to be useful. Dedication.

Best regards.

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Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka. Empty Re: Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka.

Post by Talibah 22.12.08 7:08

This is a funny one..I've wondered about such a thing for a long time now, and have aired some of my thoughts - as random as they may be - to someone that I trust.

I dont think an individual should pre-occupy themselves with thoughts of getting into the Aset Ka. I strongly believe that if the Order wants an individual, they will seek them out by their own means.

After all...pre-occupying yourself with the thought, is feeding your own ego and desires....something we are all agreed that is incompatible with actually being Asetian in nature.

The spiritual death is not an easy one....a friend once told me. I'm beginning to understand that now and what that truly means.

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Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka. Empty Re: Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka.

Post by Jonathan 23.12.08 14:41

I agree that being an Asetian must not be a condition to be part of the Aset Ka. I am sure that many of the members are simply friends and allies of the Asetians. An Order such as the Aset Ka certainly counts with many Humans and Otherkin as part of its hordes.


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Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka. Empty Re: Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka.

Post by Lynskha 26.08.17 18:57

Reading this post was really interesting. Being and Asetian does not mean you would belong to the Order, ot belonging to the Order, does not mean you are an Asetian.

As the reasons one may have to want to be part of the Order, I believe would go from simple curiosity, status, "fancy and cool" , which , since something because of that would not happen, than interest would disappear, not being genuine , to the Real Interest of Self Development, Inner grow, but also the role you may have, and how can you dedicate do the Order purposes.

I am just saying things, relying on what I think, and not on things I "know for certainty" , specially because I am just starting my journey into this new path.

I feel that maybe it is this way. And I feel that many things, when they belong to us, they reach us, also when we belong to something, things happen to put ourselves into that place we are meant to be.

Lifetime is nothing but a tic and a tac, on the clock, and the True Existence, lies between each of this movement, at the moment were the movement is still, but we exist now.

And it is with this tought that I live, trying to learn, trying to retrieve knowledge I may have inside, but searching for a higher reason for this sparkle of existence, now, that is a part of our immortal greater existence.

I really don't know about requirements for invitation, but my I share some of the thoughts you wrote here.


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Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka. Empty Re: Requirements for invitation to the Aset Ka.

Post by Lynskha 26.08.17 19:01

" I am just starting my journey into this new path."

I mean, getting to know about Aset Ka now.

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