reintroducing my self *Salve Salam*

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reintroducing my self  *Salve Salam* Empty reintroducing my self *Salve Salam*

Post by Divine 277 16.11.12 17:51

****** Salve Salam **********

My Name here is Divine277.

I come from the North, so Im not a native english speaker, nor writher, I do make errors, so please just ask If there is something you don't understand,. In other words Im not a master with words... I will also ask in return.

Why I ended up here in my life ? ...
As everything I tend to do , It began with my love and passion for something [Smile] In this cause spiritually, the occult and *ancient history.

Im also a creative soul ... so I also do things like dancing, singing , painting, writing , sword play , knife throwing, shooting , swimming , riding , gardening , cooking , ... and many many more things too ... ( I'm not saying I'm very good at the things I like, but I still enjoy doing them [Smile] )

If I got one wish..... that I must use on my self: It would be, to travel the world, with a special someone, to explore the ruins of times at first hand (((dreaming ))), Its Never going to happen [Smile] my needs does not come first .... my child does, whether or not people think thats wrong, is up to them...

I do feed on energy, my favorite ways of feeding is by contact feed , sexual / tantric feed and by natures forces.

When it comes to blood I do like the taste of it I can't deny that, but I am however very picky when it comes to feeding blood from someone, so this does not happened.
Im not claiming to be a vampire, nor will you ever hear me say that, Im saying i can feed the way they do…

When it comes to the occult I have been studying all things that are a mystery, from ancient aliens, atlantis myths or even myths in general from many parts of the world, I even have my own theory of what happened ( like probably most of you have as well ) …. and whats going to happen. ((( in future )))

Witchcraft and energy work is a natural part of my life, like it probably is for most ( since basically every thing is energy ) ; Not always as easy to control...

For now, Im finding my self on a cross path ...

A few months ++ ago I was most interested in dreamwork and symbolism in heraldic armors and of course their meaning.

Dream work because, my dreams where beginning to become somewhat of a problem, because they tend to wake me up *nightmares, anyway they have stopped and is no longer a problem.

Im hoping to have many educating hours here, many interesting discussions and since I have been here a few years now ... I know it will be interesting and educating @many levels [Smile]

Sincerely Divine 277

I like to be challenged ( cause I love to learn, it inspires me ), I like intelligent
self thinking people with opinions also perspective , and freedom of spirit and mind ; ) ♥

love, devotion , felling,emotion. dont be afread to be weak, dont be too proud to be strong.just look into your hart, my friend, that wil be the return to your self ... the return to evrything ♥ if you want then start to laugh..If you must , then start to cry.. BE YOUR SELF DONT HIDE .Just belive in destiny .Dont care what pepole say , just follow you own way.Dont give up, and use the chance to return to incense. ( (((((Enigma)))))))
Divine 277
Divine 277

Number of posts : 1003
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Location : Gate between heaven and hell.
Registration date : 2010-03-01

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reintroducing my self  *Salve Salam* Empty Re: reintroducing my self *Salve Salam*

Post by Kalb 16.11.12 18:54

Salam, Divine.

I come from the North too and seems that Uncle Fester come from North of playboy magazine. Twisted Evil
You were very sentimental in your article. I like to read things about you, but I must tell you that you are crazy to share it all here. You know, sometimes we share our things, our thoughts, feelings and people just want to know of our lives, if they have the moment to hurt us, they will do without remorse... You talked in happiness, but unfortunately I do not see happiness as something simple to achieve, I see happiness as Evolution, You need to fight, grow and strength to endure everything.

Thank you for your advise.

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reintroducing my self  *Salve Salam* Empty Re: reintroducing my self *Salve Salam*

Post by Maxx 16.11.12 19:09

Stalker...that is incorrect......I only model at that pictorial. Here is my latest photo shoot.

[img][url=]reintroducing my self  *Salve Salam* Images13

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reintroducing my self  *Salve Salam* Empty Re: reintroducing my self *Salve Salam*

Post by Kalb 16.11.12 19:34

Uncle Fester, where is your penis? scratch

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reintroducing my self  *Salve Salam* Empty Re: reintroducing my self *Salve Salam*

Post by Maxx 16.11.12 19:42

this is not a porn site....where is your mind....

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reintroducing my self  *Salve Salam* Empty Re: reintroducing my self *Salve Salam*

Post by Maxx 16.11.12 20:21

Here poor Divine was being so nice.....and then stalker arrived amd brought Uncle Fester to the party....and that ruined everything.......Those two are a disaster.....


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reintroducing my self  *Salve Salam* Empty Re: reintroducing my self *Salve Salam*

Post by Divine 277 16.11.12 20:54

Hey ??? what exactly are you implying ... ? I think I fell out the boat Razz
Divine 277
Divine 277

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reintroducing my self  *Salve Salam* Empty Re: reintroducing my self *Salve Salam*

Post by Kalb 17.11.12 16:08

Not necessarily porn, Uncle Fester .... But do not worry .. I already bought a magnifying glass. Now I see better Mad affraid

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reintroducing my self  *Salve Salam* Empty Re: reintroducing my self *Salve Salam*

Post by Maxx 17.11.12 16:09

good for you....

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reintroducing my self  *Salve Salam* Empty Re: reintroducing my self *Salve Salam*

Post by Victor 17.11.12 16:12

That was not very appropriate Stalker...

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reintroducing my self  *Salve Salam* Empty Re: reintroducing my self *Salve Salam*

Post by Kalb 17.11.12 16:19

C'mon Victor....Was a joke.....
Uncle Fester... Look where i found you...

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reintroducing my self  *Salve Salam* Empty Re: reintroducing my self *Salve Salam*

Post by Divine 277 17.11.12 16:24

are you seriously talking about the length of once fallos .. lol.. oh.. my Razz
Divine 277
Divine 277

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reintroducing my self  *Salve Salam* Empty Re: reintroducing my self *Salve Salam*

Post by Maxx 17.11.12 16:45 you know what I do on sat. nights.......

Uncle leaving to go out now.........

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reintroducing my self  *Salve Salam* Empty Re: reintroducing my self *Salve Salam*

Post by Divine 277 17.11.12 16:47

Well.. enjoy ... you evening @Max, and enjoy your pray ...
Divine 277
Divine 277

Number of posts : 1003
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reintroducing my self  *Salve Salam* Empty Re: reintroducing my self *Salve Salam*

Post by Maxx 17.11.12 17:57

thank you....divine......I no longer spend any time in you must be meaning

but when they caught me on that video Stalker posted above.....I was not aware that someone filmed me during my shapeshifting night out.....he he.

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reintroducing my self  *Salve Salam* Empty Re: reintroducing my self *Salve Salam*

Post by Divine 277 17.11.12 18:07

MAX:))) Yes, you are probably right about that Smile

well,, let me complement you on excellent dancing skills @ that age Smile

How are you dancing skills to day ?

Divine 277
Divine 277

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reintroducing my self  *Salve Salam* Empty Re: reintroducing my self *Salve Salam*

Post by Maxx 17.11.12 18:10

a little sore from last weekend but I will just let it ride.....

and the advantage of shapeshifting into a body such as that, means you can
wear diapers and no one thinks anything of it....actually that was the reason I
was doing all those great moves......trying to get away from


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reintroducing my self  *Salve Salam* Empty Re: reintroducing my self *Salve Salam*

Post by Divine 277 17.11.12 18:16

I see Smile)) so how was it? being a BIG boy ( astrally projected) in a child's body ? you like to fly ? dont you ?
Divine 277
Divine 277

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reintroducing my self  *Salve Salam* Empty Re: reintroducing my self *Salve Salam*

Post by Maxx 17.11.12 18:28

I kid a lot...but I did go into the most profound place I have ever been to the other night. After calling three beings into a system in my Temple area where I work with circles and triangles, and I also have a lounge chair there where I can get down into the Theta-Gamma sync....I went into a place just outside of this physical world into the astral......between this one and the next area....just in between them...and there I walked into a city inhabited by what appeared to be LOA spirits....their home place......and I disturbed all of them as everyone of them knew me....or of me......and they were all freaked out that I was there in their PLACE and the biggest fright I gave them was....they were whispering to each other that I could SEE them...they were running away and trying to get away from me....I reversed their entire process on them....instead of them coming here and giving us problems....I went into their area and that frightened them.....

I attribute this visit to the fact of the workings I had just completed the night before.....the future is going to be very exciting for me....


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reintroducing my self  *Salve Salam* Empty Re: reintroducing my self *Salve Salam*

Post by Divine 277 17.11.12 18:30

what trolls lie behind the troll box ?
Divine 277
Divine 277

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reintroducing my self  *Salve Salam* Empty Re: reintroducing my self *Salve Salam*

Post by Divine 277 18.11.12 5:16

Im guessing you had some sort of a ritual, that would have a beneficial out come for you Smile

Im guessing your "practice" / ritual is in Vodou ( since you mentioned the Loa spirits ) ?
Divine 277
Divine 277

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reintroducing my self  *Salve Salam* Empty Re: reintroducing my self *Salve Salam*

Post by Maxx 18.11.12 7:28

not at all.......I do not go with that current.....none.......but I found that someone else deals with them that is irritated with me....

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reintroducing my self  *Salve Salam* Empty Re: reintroducing my self *Salve Salam*

Post by Divine 277 18.11.12 7:54

I see ... have you a tendency to piss people off ?
So what magic branch is your favorite ?
Divine 277
Divine 277

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reintroducing my self  *Salve Salam* Empty Re: reintroducing my self *Salve Salam*

Post by Maxx 18.11.12 8:34

only others can answer your first question....

not always the best wisdom to discuss a lot of detail on any website

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reintroducing my self  *Salve Salam* Empty Re: reintroducing my self *Salve Salam*

Post by Syrianeh 21.11.12 2:38

Divine, that was a nice re-introduction.

And no, I don't think you're wrong at all when it comes to your child. When you give, you're giving to yourself too.

Maxx, you were quite the dancer!!! Smile

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reintroducing my self  *Salve Salam* Empty Re: reintroducing my self *Salve Salam*

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