‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru. I need some exclusive information, from an early member.

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‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru.  I need some exclusive information, from an early member.  Empty ‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru. I need some exclusive information, from an early member.

Post by Divine 277 13.11.22 9:26

It’s been a long time since I visited this place, However today I find my self in a bit of a need for information from one of your early members.
It’s conserning a exclusive plants list from some specific islands.

I suspect if this member reads this, “ They” will know what I'm talking about, and hopefully , contact me.
It’s kinda urgent and important.

Sincerly Divine277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Post by 8lou1 14.11.22 1:48

Hi divine, stil working the psych yard? Cause that was fun.
Btw since im the one here into entheogens and know more islands then you can dream of, im gonna play like its me and tell you that that is totally a You problem. Hinting at illigality on a vampiresite. You know how many people do illigal stuff and will be taken like that?? You already know do you.

But anyways, why do you think after so many years someone would respond? Yeah me, but well im not gatekeeping rather the opposite...

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Post by Divine 277 14.11.22 5:08

Ahh «good old lou»…
First of all, your reply is a hell of alot of claims, with no basis in prof what so ever.
2: Your understanding of symbolism, is very clear to me after that statement.
3; You certainly didn’t answer anything.
4:My psychology Degree is non of your business.

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Post by 8lou1 14.11.22 7:53

Thanks, hope you got your answers too.
Btw, camel, triangle, blue, river, neuro linguistic programming...

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‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru.  I need some exclusive information, from an early member.  Empty Re: ‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru. I need some exclusive information, from an early member.

Post by Divine 277 14.11.22 14:13

You sound like Cyril …
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Post by 8lou1 14.11.22 14:55

then dont play me on sound,silly.
but for real i had to bump my head with a neural network lab to get things strait again, so i dont mind you psych yard. to be honest the new tools, damn they are cool. but right now i dont really have people who need help in that area, got a long line opening up for death row i could use some help by, though.

ow im sorry you want my to bite, ok...
yeah well cyrill is one of my fun silly fake sweetheart loves on holiday. i had to put something up as i live in an area where a lets test if shes a virgin line was still alive, so continue like that and i go way worse.
but lets keep our story as i saw it back then. 1 being old swedish detectives combining with the murder of the primeminister of sweden and some childporn ring and strangely enough it combined when a debtor of the bank came to claim an other bankaccount. i let them so they filled one debt with an other debt. one bank went brexit, the other bank went circular and therefor its not my problem. on the other lane you and i were dancing and wondering what the hell is the difference. i got help had a fun ride with my loved ones asked help and lo and behold you still write my name with a little L. so no dear diving i dont owe you anything, its really a You problem.

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Post by 8lou1 14.11.22 14:57

@mystic: sorry for all the typos and stuff Wink

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Post by Anto 14.11.22 18:44

Hail Divine! Glad you come back, have a good stay...like your post!✌😎✌

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Post by 8lou1 15.11.22 3:29

Anto, ive seen your work online and its funny. Now yesterday i went swimming and i had a conversation about racism, cops, school, etc. With some youngsters in their twenties. To make things clear in this post, ill tell the things as i saw them, so it might sound racist, not sure as im white and female, but the intent is neutral, but my cultural appropriation is going tru the roof. Which is annoying.

It was not a real in dept convo, but it became clear that all those morroccan and turkish dudes in the pool with beards are just hipsters and totally pro feminization of society and not old school dudes like our dads. So i did a little dance to see whats left and me is still me, the dudes had an argument, cops came and they solved the argument and all left. Normally the dudes would have been destroying the pool and kick cops butts. I now understand im ooold.

One of my irritations in life is when someone speaks to my partner they look at me, as i know, but alas the younglings now see that as power and while they tried to understand what my partner ment with social oppression, fake respect, racism, etc., the only thing they could do was tell the truth.

So they told us how they play these days. They dont do good cop, bad cop. They do good teacher, bad teacher. One being pro dutch and helps integrating by denying roots and the other being pro roots, but kicking your butts anyways cause they know how the homolane works. And then a polish girl with a tanga bikini came in and all went apeshit, only the ghanese who came with his family went totally spiritual, turned lion and gave me my share.

Now my question to you Anto would be, can you do what you do online in real life. The hate my partner experiences, is someone elses. I walked it for him and could remove a lot, but some things are too male for me to carry.

It would be nice if my partner saw some more truth...

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Post by 8lou1 15.11.22 4:06


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Post by Divine 277 16.11.22 12:48

This has an intriguing development.
So Off topic its sad really.
However thanks for the welcome back, and yeah, there is this good teacher bad teacher thing going around.
“Some “children” never really learn you see.”
As for subtle “instructions”… symbolism, is basically fully packed in the books of L.M and I’m still not sure if half of the once that actually read the books, actually understand them.

Sincerely Divine 277

Divine 277
Divine 277

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Post by 8lou1 16.11.22 13:52

i do good teacher, good teacher with zeena in germany as i can be quite the satanic nerd.
some kids are in their 50's now Wink
i had the joy of seeing the land where the moroccan portugal war was in the past and learned a lot from my inlaws. i keep it at life is strange and stopped reading.

with Love,

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Post by Jonathan 16.11.22 15:38

Hello Divine, haven't seen you in ages. How is life?

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‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru.  I need some exclusive information, from an early member.  Empty Re: ‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru. I need some exclusive information, from an early member.

Post by Divine 277 17.11.22 0:10

@8lou1 Well, considdering sometimes the children over 50 are actually the once that can be the hardest to teach anything …. I have a story for you, I have this childhood friend kinda like my big brother, he has a lot of friends over 60… one day he calls me to get a ride… and I thought what had he done this time ….
So I got in my car and I drew to pick him up.. when i got There i understood why he called and needed a ride, his friend being 65 was basically the biggest drunk baby I seen in my life … oh wait that’s NOT the end of the story: after about arguing with a man twice my size and getting him in the car 😑 btw why why the fuck did I put him in the front seat .. cause driving him home he had this thing where he didn’t understand that one shouldn’t use the horn as a drum 😑 I actually had to slap him 😑… then well home, he couldn’t find his keys so I needed to break in to a window 😑

So yeah they basically can be the biggest children to teach anything 😑🥱…

@Jonathan You mite as well ask how is the world situation? 😑
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Post by Divine 277 17.11.22 0:48

And a bit of more information when it comes to that story…
The owner of the bar asked MY big brother friend to call ME cause he was to afraid to kick the big baby man out. 😑
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Post by 8lou1 17.11.22 2:32

Yeah, men are fun, they teach patience and stuff. But when they are alive its a hell lot of easier to help them then when you have to go dive for them in whatever deathpool.
Did you know that in sexism lane there are 2 sorts of women? Wwooman and tfoumale..
But, yes the story of the bar. 1 time you go up to the rooms yourself because the man ordered a caugar for oldtimes sake and fucking aquino dies before i can shake his hand. Now when anto shows up, he plays aquino. Not the best trait, but well...at least i have the memories.

Ow and yes offtopic. Its that you mention it, cause i do these things on symbolism. We are in oftopic, the downlow, the dirtygirls we fight our way up. Or when i need to behave this is the black earth steaming with mist on an autumn morning as only people of the north know. 😏


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Post by 8lou1 17.11.22 3:03

Ow and thats just silly and quite ocdish, but for me when i just crashed a plane and everything is still shaking and im overly insecure and not yet really here, i look at the top of the site and always find sybil there. Calm and clear.
Normally i keep this for myself as it is just to stabilize, like grounding, but suddenly im aporoached on several occult sites as if im a moderator and at the same time a notice hackers who really like the combo occult crypto.
Which i like too, but when i ask if you put your wallet in a vm can anyone get in the vm and communicate? The aswer was no. Then how the hell did i get THAT info????


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Post by Divine 277 17.11.22 3:53

Yeah, I guess you could try to say that to that man’s face with out actually knowing how to handle him or even know .. him, and see how that goes 😑
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Post by Divine 277 17.11.22 3:59

Oh and yeah he has been in jail for murder…
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Post by 8lou1 17.11.22 4:02

or play along and and wait for the syncs. i really laughed my ass off when musk and that chinese dude went for the sink which in dutch spells wastafel aka pasttable.

but overall it is annoying when you are having fun in the bedroom and you see the whole world watching. so yes i was quite annoyed at luis marques because he did that several times in the end aset set him strait.

btw this is all my view, nowhere im stating im truth.

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Post by 8lou1 17.11.22 4:15

theres a reason i told sant muerte it can be done in and on islam. its a trinity for fucks sake, if only for logic. so she went outside of church, became a moslim and i told him i was helping a spirit see what i mean. i saw the surprise in his eyes while he humbled himself and went on.

i know he left to help his mum, i was there when it happened. i cry for men with such Love...

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Post by Divine 277 17.11.22 4:17

So why would he do that ?? Really ? Cause belive it or not 😑 there is a lot of woman’s that actually would do that … because they simply feed of the attention 🥱…
I’m guessing maybe he picked the wrong woman 😑
For his fetish 😑.. typically menn, wanting to change woman’s 😑
rather then finding someone that actually fits 😑🥱…

I don’t know what I would have done if someone did that to me before asking first 😑

Divine 277
Divine 277

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Post by Divine 277 17.11.22 4:27

Cause it breaks the bond of trust and respect 😑… and causes insecurity and doubt!
Every religion I read about has mayor writings consider lying… 😑
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Post by 8lou1 17.11.22 4:34

well like a greek man once said, you only become a man by going to war. and mamma didnt raise no pussy, so the same goes for women.

if things fit, its boring. i still remember the first year of my Love. the blue eyes, the ashtrays. yeah we fought literally, cause damn i got nails and they fit his coffin. and the Love grew bigger. sometimes i miss those early days, the euphoria of first Love of struggle and strife to eat His heart out. so i do and end up chitchatting here about what i do in life;)

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Post by Divine 277 17.11.22 4:36

That’s interesting.. so how is life in Calgary?
Divine 277
Divine 277

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