‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru. I need some exclusive information, from an early member.

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‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru.  I need some exclusive information, from an early member.  - Page 2 Empty Re: ‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru. I need some exclusive information, from an early member.

Post by Divine 277 17.11.22 4:38

Cause my general times stamps change everytime I post something 😑… 🥱 here. And I don’t use a vpn.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru.  I need some exclusive information, from an early member.  - Page 2 Empty Re: ‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru. I need some exclusive information, from an early member.

Post by Divine 277 17.11.22 4:41

Some waiting music 😑 https://fb.watch/gRRTKm6cCy/
Divine 277
Divine 277

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‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru.  I need some exclusive information, from an early member.  - Page 2 Empty Re: ‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru. I need some exclusive information, from an early member.

Post by 8lou1 17.11.22 4:43

heheeheh, that islamic dipshit? he didnt even want my toiletpaper throne, so i did myself. the artists in my area had a beautiful shower though from him. im not really into art, but i like the way the message travelled the world and ended up as subsidized crap in the worst area of the netherlands. so hows new york? i put a svarovski mosque in my altar closet, so any altar walkers in need of prayer, can put it there. its next to the pile gems my hometroll is protecting.

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‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru.  I need some exclusive information, from an early member.  - Page 2 Empty Re: ‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru. I need some exclusive information, from an early member.

Post by Divine 277 17.11.22 4:52

I don’t know.., I’m not in New York 🥱…
Your home troll 😑… I hope he has IQ higher then an actual troll.. 😑
Divine 277
Divine 277

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‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru.  I need some exclusive information, from an early member.  - Page 2 Empty Re: ‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru. I need some exclusive information, from an early member.

Post by 8lou1 17.11.22 4:52

yeah some still use vpn to jump from head to head. sometimes you know what, have you seen the movie crispr? you should.imma put you in the crispr lane, cause every girl needs a pampering every now and then. litterally.

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Post by 8lou1 17.11.22 4:53

as i said im boring as fuck as a human, i can help show, but i cant type what i dont know.

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‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru.  I need some exclusive information, from an early member.  - Page 2 Empty Re: ‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru. I need some exclusive information, from an early member.

Post by Divine 277 17.11.22 5:02

Well, you should get your trolls IQ tested then, since your seemingly not sure.
No, I have not seen it.. so what is it about and is it interesting enough for me to waste my time on ? 🥱
Divine 277
Divine 277

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‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru.  I need some exclusive information, from an early member.  - Page 2 Empty Re: ‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru. I need some exclusive information, from an early member.

Post by Divine 277 17.11.22 5:06

Well, it seems it was, however gene editing is interesting, however … quite disturbing as it gives generally someone the power over life and death … for 1 example.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Post by 8lou1 17.11.22 5:15

exactly, but in essence it is like a fluffy white fake spiritual upgrade. so when and if one is nerdish enough to understand that, one might be able to use that and cut of some tentacles, fry them and have some food. you know i understand people need words like from lead to gold and all that stuff, but why cant they think out of the box, why does it always have to be the same books, the same freakin stories, etc.

ugh when do we get to my humbleness again???

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‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru.  I need some exclusive information, from an early member.  - Page 2 Empty Re: ‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru. I need some exclusive information, from an early member.

Post by Divine 277 17.11.22 6:15

I didnt know you ever where humble …
Humbleness comes from understanding one’s limitations, and one’s greatness…
Like Einstein when he realized he both had done something stupid and something great when he finished the atom boom.
Although he did face 2 difficult choices… when he finished it.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Post by Divine 277 17.11.22 6:19

Oh and why ? Well, maybe because humans generally don’t learn from past mistakes.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru.  I need some exclusive information, from an early member.  - Page 2 Empty Re: ‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru. I need some exclusive information, from an early member.

Post by 8lou1 17.11.22 6:36

people who have never met me, dont know my humbleness.
and my statement has always been, if you want to help someone stick to it till the end. so, yes people change, group consciousness hardly changes, but thankfully there is something called karma and spiritual rebirths and second birth and things like that. so the people who work on themselves CAN transform into something new and better. its what divine providence aka walking under god means.

and yes we meet strange beings on the road. and no they are not all nice. but when you listen to what i say and understand that there is no war, because all my version means to do is make sure everyone has their own connection with the divine and find our own safety, cause thats different for everyone.

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‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru.  I need some exclusive information, from an early member.  - Page 2 Empty Re: ‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru. I need some exclusive information, from an early member.

Post by Divine 277 17.11.22 6:47

So you say you can actually prove the existance of a Divine pressens ?? That scientists and religious people have tried to prove for 1000 of years ?
And basically in that regards, what makes you so special that it reveals it self to you?
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Post by Divine 277 17.11.22 6:52

So lets propose a scenario here .. that there actually was Divine beings walking this earth … and they kinda have this ultimate power to destroy and create universes.. what hypothetically do you think would happen, is some selfish motherfucker got his/her hands on that information?
And would even the world be capable at this point to be even intellectually prepared to understand something like that ?
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Post by 8lou1 17.11.22 6:58

thats my biggest question too, divine. and max was the only one who saw what i wrote and took that road. i wrote it on this site somewhere. because means be the cause. i went to have a look at maxxes world and enemies rose. i already knew, cause we dont differ that much, we know. so yeah i cry. so many people have died over the years it makes me so sad. so i think of how i and aquino were able to create some tunnels and pathways for the ones who do, so they still can. and then i go out and the world is death. so maybe its because i cry, because i know who i am. idk.

i know life is and i told everyone that, before i went in and landed all that and the only ones i found helping where always on enemy's soil. and then again here somewhere on this forum rhea and i are mirroring while not mirroring and i know that way, my muminlaw walks that and several others in my life. so yes id like to get to know rhea better for reasons beyond me and im falling in love.

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‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru.  I need some exclusive information, from an early member.  - Page 2 Empty Re: ‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru. I need some exclusive information, from an early member.

Post by Divine 277 17.11.22 7:22

So your Philippine friend understands you then ?? Im guessing …
Some of those tend to be quite religious… in an extreme matter.
Alex xes .. I come to understand he like hammers.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru.  I need some exclusive information, from an early member.  - Page 2 Empty Re: ‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru. I need some exclusive information, from an early member.

Post by 8lou1 17.11.22 7:30

hehehe my Philippine friend had an uncle in his head waiting to pick up my muminlaw. sometimes you need to know your walkers, he's now on Roman soil getting cleaned.

lol, for safety issues i already set up several alex forms, so it prob will be raining men. or hamsters since you say he like hammers. we already had disappearing crabs in Antarctica so its, prob men.

thanks for letting me ramble, btw. discordianism is what kept me smiling over the years.

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‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru.  I need some exclusive information, from an early member.  - Page 2 Empty Re: ‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru. I need some exclusive information, from an early member.

Post by Divine 277 17.11.22 8:23

Sure Eris … 😑… and have you calculated the end result yet ?
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Post by 8lou1 17.11.22 8:39

Hehehe they still have hope, but no worries, i weaved a web in the tunnel with no end so they can bounce and jump and stuff. Kids... 😇

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Post by Divine 277 17.11.22 8:49

Sure probably wise so no one poisons them .. however if I know kids right, if you say don’t eat the battery, they probably will 🥱
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Post by Divine 277 17.11.22 9:06

Actually that’s the first lesson in every mayor religion on the planet 👆😑.. and leave those plains alone.. we are talking are we not ? 🥱
Divine 277
Divine 277

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‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru.  I need some exclusive information, from an early member.  - Page 2 Empty Re: ‘Em Hotep salve salam zitadaru. I need some exclusive information, from an early member.

Post by Divine 277 17.11.22 9:12

8: I owe you 1 /81/ 9 ..
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Post by Divine 277 17.11.22 9:48

Oh I forgot… the disappearing of the crabs in the Atlantic, is probably because of the BPA.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Post by 8lou1 17.11.22 14:24

yeah well this eris is learning how to enjoy life, so bare with me and do your side. its quite hard to humble yourself when everyone needs you to be strong. holding 2 opposing thoughts is one thing, living it is not always easy.

ow and probable cause isnt a cause, although it was just about the sync and knowing where we are in time.

btw, did you know that most people forget that squares and strait angles are forms that occur naturally in the world. remind someone of that, often men, and you can see the surprise. thinking that ice skating makes them safe or special. but there some fly fish on the run, so i got to go. they dont like me, somehow...

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Post by Divine 277 17.11.22 15:49

So most people call Opposing thoughts … normal in consideration to choices one stands to do .. some are as easy as choosing between milk or water… others are more complicated and will have more serious consequences… like with Einstein.
So it’s like ripples in the water you have small ripples and big once and right now it’s both raining, snowing, hailing and well earth quakes at the same time .. which also means changing the whole landscape of the water … both now and after the “storm” passes …. Cause that lake will never be the same after that… and I don’t really know if their will be any fish there really… after that.

I do kinda feel sorry for the fish though … and any fisherman that stuck on that “lake”.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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