Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^.

Sinata Anika Asti
Filia Noctis
Divine 277
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Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^. Empty Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^.

Post by Sanguine 12.12.12 18:52

Hello, all. Just introducing myself. To begin with, i intended to have my ID as "Sanguineus", however, i removed the "us" by complete accident. No matter.
I am, if this definition is does not unnerve anyone (As i've been told by many calling ourselves by this name is preposterous, so i'm being delicate, here) a "Sanguine" Vampire. My awakening occurred on the late, frosty evening of 23-6-12, probably around 10pm. I began to seek answers as rapidly as i could manage, and soon, began to learn of our ways, and our nature and so forth. It was a confusing, strange time, almost familiar, as if i had once done it before in a past life, but still fresh and an intense experience.
I hope i can offer some knowledge to this community in return of the mass amounts of knowledge it has already given me just by browsing a few posts, while deciding if i wanted to join.
The gentleman known as "Victor" intrigues me. He seems quite much knowledgeable, and a close friend of mine who is curious of Vampire History told me about this forum and him in particular. So, greetings to you sir. Very Happy
I am somewhat an occultist, as i have felt drawn to this profession from a very young age. I continue to learn as much as i can, as i feel as if it is something i must do with my time here. I am open to all spiritual information, however, i do not favor Christianity too well, considering times such as The Spanish Inquisition and the deliberate intention of eliminating other religions against their own. To prevent constant, almost eternal rambling, i'll end my introduction here. I'm happy to be here, and can sense there is great knowledge awaiting the minds of the open, and those with the thoughts of one with the willingness to learn, and accept new knowledge into his realm of information.

Number of posts : 11
Location : United Kingdom
Registration date : 2012-12-12

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Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^. Empty Re: Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^.

Post by Sanguine 12.12.12 19:11

Btw, to extend on what i began with (just avoiding any misinterpretations here),
I am not a role-player, or someone with a mental inability or slight dysfunction causing me to have a personality disorder etc. I have taken psychological tests before acknowledging myself as a vampire, and to be sure of myself.
I understand Vampirism is a deeply spiritual thing, and not just something of physical status. I also understand not all Vampires drink blood, of course, as the majority seem to be Psychic Vampires.
This extra post is just to help clarify i'm not someone here to waste anyone's time, so i can be straightforward and honest with everyone here, when i say "I'm not a poser". I've seen alot of posers infiltrate the Vampire Community, and i think it's important that true area's of said Community are helped somewhat by new members, in their clarification of themselves, so the Community can evaluate the probability of them living up to their word. I do not mean this in a cruel, spiteful, or hateful way at all, nor am i accusing anyone, anywhere of anything. I am simply trying to help people understand me better, and trying not to waste anyone's time Smile

Number of posts : 11
Location : United Kingdom
Registration date : 2012-12-12

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Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^. Empty Re: Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^.

Post by Jonathan 13.12.12 6:50

Welcome to the vampire community.

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Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^. Empty Re: Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^.

Post by Divine 277 13.12.12 9:12

Welcome and hallo Smile)
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Registration date : 2010-03-01


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Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^. Empty Re: Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^.

Post by Kalb 13.12.12 12:34

Sanguine: Em Hotep.

I see ... Beware with Victor ... He's too busy in his pool with the girls .... If you want to know him.. You need join in the pool.

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Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^. Empty Re: Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^.

Post by Asmodius 13.12.12 21:49

Em hotep and welcome to the forum, hope you find the answers you seek

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Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^. Empty Re: Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^.

Post by Daniel09 14.12.12 15:52

Ok. Welcome.

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Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^. Empty Re: Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^.

Post by Sanguine 14.12.12 19:33

Ave, and much respect to all for the kind welcome.

Number of posts : 11
Location : United Kingdom
Registration date : 2012-12-12

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Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^. Empty Re: Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^.

Post by Filia Noctis 16.12.12 7:47

I see I'm a little late, but welcome anyway.
Filia Noctis
Filia Noctis

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Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^. Empty Re: Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^.

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 16.12.12 22:02

Welcome to the forum...
Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

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Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^. Empty Re: Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^.

Post by Talibah 21.12.12 6:42

Welcome to the forum

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Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^. Empty Re: Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^.

Post by Isabella R. Laser 11.01.13 15:05

Salvē Sanguineus. Very familiar awakening date there....interesting...
Isabella R. Laser
Isabella R. Laser

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Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^. Empty Re: Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^.

Post by Jonathan 12.01.13 8:14

Isabella R. Laser wrote:Salvē Sanguineus. Very familiar awakening date there....interesting...
Hello Isabella, welcome to the community. Do you mind introducing yourself in a new thread?

Number of posts : 3046
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Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^. Empty Re: Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^.

Post by Aven 09.02.13 19:00

Welcome, I do admire the new light you have placed upon John 6:53-57 in your signature. Interesting quote indeed.


Number of posts : 15
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Registration date : 2013-02-07

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Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^. Empty Re: Hail, to all who are present, and those of absence ^^.

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