Dark Entities

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Dark Entities Empty Dark Entities

Post by Jonathan 02.04.13 8:34

Hello everyone. Just days ago I was discussing through PM with someone from this forum about the subject of black figures or entities. Since I have also experienced this myself, I kept thinking about it and decided to leave some bits of information out here and also see if you have any opinions willing to share with others. I do know that some of you have experienced similar events and from the feedback I have received from other places as well it seems like this is not such a rare occurrence.

I guess the main question is, during your meditations, rituals, projections or just regular everyday life did you ever experience a hidden presence often manifested through a dark figure, which could be some cloaked entity or something less corporeal just like energy or smoke?

Many people exploring Asetianism have reported seeing black figures which some describe as dark Asetian spirits but knowing for sure if they are real or what they actually are can be hard to say. Also experiences vary and so does how each individual seems to experience such manifestations, some see them only in black while others report vestiges of violet tint and a silky appearance. They appear differently probably due to our own perception. I have been privately researching this for a while and have found it fascinating. Some perceive them as protective and gentle while others find them frightening and have been scared in the light of such events. Some report teachings being passed through them, others just a silent mysterious presence.

The truth is that those entities could be many different things, someone told me she believes them to be Keepers and protectors that keep watch over those who study the ancient secret arts of the Aset Ka, while others seem to think that they are disembodied Asetians not currently incarnated who may be some form of preternatural guides, but no one really knows.

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Dark Entities Empty Re: Dark Entities

Post by Divine 277 02.04.13 11:13

I have been experiencing a lot of things in my apartment the last couple of years ... I also have seen a shadow .. that keeps manifesting all around the apartment .. how ever thats not the strangest thing that has happened around here Smile

I have no idea if this is connected to Asetianism .. cause these things has always been around me, so its kinda hard to say. How ever after I begone to study up on metaphysics and energy work again ( after a loooooong break ) things have been much more manifesting... like the clock constantly stoping .. music just turns on by it self , my computer acting strange, things falling down from places, with no apparent reason ... the vacuum cleaner turing it self on .. things like that ..

It would be nice to read what you have found out, a bit deeper Smile

Thank you for sharing Smile

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Dark Entities Empty Re: Dark Entities

Post by Daniel09 02.04.13 12:55

There is occasionally a dark figure out of the corner of my eye. I have to remind myself that my cat is not here with me, because that is the way it feels. While slightly disconcerting due to the fact that it implies that someone may be watching me, I don't know enough about it to be worried. It doesn't interfere with anything so far as I can tell.

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Dark Entities Empty Re: Dark Entities

Post by Syrianeh 03.04.13 2:41

I have experienced this in two ways. In my meditations i often feel a covered presence, whose face I cannot see. I have several non-physical realms where I go for meditation, some are brighter and some much darker, and the presence is often there, though not always. It can be felt but not seen, and some times I can sense a communication of sorts, without words.

There is also the feeling deep inside of a cloaked figure within my very core. Of course my intuition tells me this is another layer of me that I have yet to uncover to achieve greater self-knowledge. But often it feels quite alien and foreign.

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Dark Entities Empty Re: Dark Entities

Post by Syrianeh 03.04.13 2:42

In both instances, I might add, I sense no conflict and no hostility, but much the contrary: a barrier that only I can bring down in time.

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Dark Entities Empty Re: Dark Entities

Post by Jonathan 03.04.13 7:02

It's interesting that you mention such a cloaked figure being another part of yourself yet undiscovered. As I said in my original post the experiences concerning this are very diverse. In my case, although I'm aware of the presence of my higher self (even if I can't always fully understand its pure Will, as I believe no one fully can) those cloaked entities that I experience are not part of myself. They are something external, living creatures of their own and even if not corporeal still definitely alive.

In my explorations I have noticed that they react to the presence of the Asetian Bible, maybe because of its powerful sigil on the cover or the energy from the words inside, that I don't yet know. But there is definitely a connection and metaphysical reaction, some rapport between them.

I have also been studying the effects of working with amethysts and other crystals in those situations but I'm not ready to speak about them just yet.

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Dark Entities Empty Re: Dark Entities

Post by 8lou1 03.04.13 13:00

i have seen lots of different dark entities. some i know are people who are remote viewing, some are more vague like a cloud. but there is 1 i cant forget because it felt so different in essence.

that happened about 20 years ago, when i was sitting in my living room i saw a man dressed in black like the touaregs do (http://www.albertfoto.nl/data/3427/cache/297401o799e479z2.jpg) standing in my hall watching me, kind of hinting me to go to him. my inlaws noticed me watching something and when i told them what i saw, they said it was probably the prophet mohammed (pbuh).

to me that was a too easy of an answer and i kept wondering ever since.

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Dark Entities Empty Re: Dark Entities

Post by N.Augusta 04.04.13 17:22

Now this is a very interesting thread! Good stuff! I look forward to reading more responses. Smile Thank you for starting up this discussion/thread, Jonathan. Perhaps I will share some of my thoughts soon. Smile


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Dark Entities Empty Re: Dark Entities

Post by seeker 09.04.13 7:13

Very interesting, I'm used to having different entities around me.. most of them are harmless. I'm aware of the presence of my Higher Self too and it's easy to know when it's speaking to me. Anyway, it happened around two weeks ago. I was napping during the day, my phone rang and reluctantly I opened my eyes to look at it. The room was dark and there was a dark and lustrous smokey entity watching me.. Shocked I was a little afraid and very curious at the same time. I was about to get up when she told me not to be afraid of her and disappeared.

Without a doubt I know it was a female entity, very strong and old. It stayed there for a minute or two and then disappeared after telling me not to be afraid. I still feel her presence around me, most often when I'm half asleep.. Thats all I can say for now.

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Dark Entities Empty Re: Dark Entities

Post by Kissed 14.05.13 3:24

As a newcomer to this forum and tradition, I thought Id weigh in from my own experience with higher entities.

Similar to the saying that the teacher will come when the student is ready, in my experience entities show up when the student and practitioner is at a point on their journey when they are ready to explore the paths that the entity may guide.

However, as much as one speculates, the only methodology I know of, to gain understanding of an entity is to interact with it. Which generally comes in the form of invoking the entity and having a conversation with it.

However more often than not you will not achieve a pure invocation, and even if you do, dark entities have a penchant for lying, misleading and playing games. As such the invoker must be weary of these facts. Any knowledge gleaned must be tested, all questions must be reiterated, and all discussion topics attacked from multiple angles, so as not to allow the apirit to exploit a loophole in your logic.

So, has anybody actually invoked these dark guardians and offered dialogue?

There may well be other means of understanding, but mere speculation and chatter could lead to a confusion of understanding.


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Dark Entities Empty Re: Dark Entities

Post by Kalb 29.05.13 14:10

Em Hotep,

Well, Obi-Wan Kenobi once said ‘your eyes can deceive you, don’t trust them.’ In others words, there is a difference between reality and illusions and from my point of view things, it is preferable to feel than to see. Vision may be the fruit of our imagination, and feeling the result of our courage. But of course, this will also vary from your metaphysical education and what you can do and trust what you can really see. Be what you want to call it, they are our friends. True friends who respect every decision of us... and admire us.


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Dark Entities Empty Re: Dark Entities

Post by Curious One 14.03.15 19:02

As a small child I saw a black cloaked figure at night by my house with bright red shining eyes. I was afraid at first but was always aware after that of the same presence close to me even when I didn't see it. I believe children are more prone to these events because they haven't been indoctrinated yet. I remember as teenager for no reason I drew a picture of a cloaked figure with green-yellow reptilian eyes.
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Dark Entities Empty Re: Dark Entities

Post by -Amirah- 02.09.15 18:03

I have the same experiences! after a deep, secluded meditation at my local beach, in mid air I saw three of these cloaked phantom figures. And I take this as a sign, to future initiation.

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