The Dark Kiss.

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The Dark Kiss. Empty The Dark Kiss.

Post by squidofsymphony 14.07.12 11:58

About 3 weeks ago I found myself having a fling of sorts with a girl I'd met in a psychiatric hospital. The first time we kissed she had been experimenting with other men and women that formed our temporary group while we were admitted and basically she seduced me into joining this small, intercourse-less orgy, although I only 'participated' with her. This kiss became rather fiery and passionate and I felt a huge portion of my energy flowing into this poor girl. The next day she claimed to be able to sense auras and displayed profound empathic and scanning ability, neither of which she had done before. This got me thinking "Have I created an immortal?"

TL;DR Is the Dark Kiss an ability that all Asetians possess or only the ever-blessed Aset?

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The Dark Kiss. Empty Re: The Dark Kiss.

Post by Demonia 14.07.12 12:17

Some times when feeding off of someone, they can get symptoms of vampirism i've noticed. did you feed from her? or did you maybe unconsciously feed from her during the kiss? i have unknowingly stolen energy from others that i kiss/have kissed before, and afterwards it's like they're drawn to you, and a piece of your own self/power lingers within them for a while. you can see it/sense it in their energy.

as for your question regarding The Dark Kiss, Aset taught her primordial children The Dark Kiss, and after them, they would only teach those that were worthy, and so on and so forth... i don't believe all Asetians posess the power of The Dark Kiss. They may have the ability to do so, but it is something one must be taught.

i don't think what you've described here is The Dark Kiss, but perhaps what i stated above... kissing a vampire isn't like kissing a regular being... even when you don't go in with the intention of anything but a kiss, its never quite that simple...

i'm sure others can shed more light on this than i can though, and there's plenty of information already on The Dark Kiss around the forums.

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The Dark Kiss. Empty Re: The Dark Kiss.

Post by N.Augusta 14.07.12 12:19

Oh my Gods! Very Happy

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The Dark Kiss. Empty Re: The Dark Kiss.

Post by Maxx 14.07.12 12:33

At this point, I, myself, in league with no other, am unable to take anything you post as being serious in any form or fashion, after telling us in your beginning posts, that you have just been released from a psychiatric hospital and you are a vampire. Many come to this site playing games and walking in delusion, but this is rather one for the we have just had someone else loose his mind and show true colours here, I think it only fair to question something similar in respect to your posts.....but then again, we do live in strange times......

I will call your doctor to determine if you have been cleared to have internet

Uncle Fester (Who Else).

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The Dark Kiss. Empty Re: The Dark Kiss.

Post by N.Augusta 14.07.12 12:39

I'm with you Uncle Fester. We are being invaded. WTH?

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The Dark Kiss. Empty Re: The Dark Kiss.

Post by Demonia 14.07.12 12:45

You guys sure are brutally honest lol. seeing my reply in accordance to the two later makes me think... am i too nice? :X is this guy a nut?

perhaps joining the community should require more than just a email verification process?

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The Dark Kiss. Empty Re: The Dark Kiss.

Post by N.Augusta 14.07.12 12:49

We've just been around for a long time and have seen sooooooo much. I've no tolerance for the fruit cakes.

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The Dark Kiss. Empty Re: The Dark Kiss.

Post by Maxx 14.07.12 12:51

Hell no, In this country you do not even have to take an IQ test to vote....why should we

And in answer to your questions........
No. 1......Hell, yes.
No. 2. ....Hell, yes.......


Uncle Fester

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The Dark Kiss. Empty Re: The Dark Kiss.

Post by Maxx 14.07.12 13:57

Demonia....your statement............ "perhaps joining the community should require more than just a email verification process?"........has been given serious consideration and now Gomez and I have employed our own security system that has already gone to can view it in action below....

The Dark Kiss. 60060711[img]

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The Dark Kiss. Empty Re: The Dark Kiss.

Post by Daniel09 14.07.12 14:12

That's not a Dark Kiss. If you put a lot of energy into a person very quickly, it can clear blockages in their energy system and make them more aware of energy.

The Dark Kiss is a sacred ritual that must be learned. You are also probably not an Asetian.

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The Dark Kiss. Empty Re: The Dark Kiss.

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 14.07.12 15:08


You are brutal...But I love it... Wink Comic relief is good for the soul... Is that Gomez with the miniature canine?

Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

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The Dark Kiss. Empty Re: The Dark Kiss.

Post by Maxx 14.07.12 15:25

I am sure that Gomez would answer affirmative if you wanted him to be that one in the blue........but I will let him answer you himself.

Uncle Fester

PS...I am sick and tired of these punk fakes coming here for entertainment. When we see they are half-wits....I intend to give them half of my they do not deserve a full blown sample.


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The Dark Kiss. Empty Re: The Dark Kiss.

Post by Maxx 14.07.12 15:28

Also, that is no miniature canine....that is a full blown terrorist in disguise. And we will treat everyone here with respect as long as they will do the same with us.


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The Dark Kiss. Empty Re: The Dark Kiss.

Post by Syrianeh 14.07.12 17:14

Squid, you're young. You're troubled. You've been to dark places too soon and you don't know where to turn for answers. Please realise that in some way or another we've all been there.

This Forum can certainly help you get some answers, but first I would suggest that you strip yourself bare of everything you know or you think you know, and take a leap of faith... into your inner self. Try to start with some light meditation, every day. Make it longer and deeper as you go. You'll get there.

And most of all, know that there's no hurry.

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The Dark Kiss. Empty Re: The Dark Kiss.

Post by schitzophobic 14.07.12 17:51

I find this this thread be slightly hostile towards squidofsymphany... he has been respectful and polite... began with an introduction... and for all I know truthful to what he knows... even if he may have false preconcieved beliefs he does not deserve attack... he may have been to forthcoming with private details however that's his discretion as long as no one is offended... I have personally seen the effects that trauma can have on the mind as well as the dangers of emotional imbalance... to discredit someone because they admit they are undergoing a process to help themselves fix their mental situation is wrong...
We don't know what has happened in his life or on his journey... and so far he has onlly appeared to be seeking knowledge and guidance... for him to get bitten as soon as he reaches out? He may be wrong about things but so far syrianeh and demonia are the only coonstructive voices here...

The admittance of seeking therapy should not be shunned so quickly... if not for certain intervening factors I would be an orphan due to suicide right now...

I do agree that some of the details may have been unneccessar to illustrate his question... and we have had a very recent event that has set us on edge... but I feel that as always we should aproach each situation with courtesy, objectivity, and respect... until such a time that an alternative aproach is necessary...

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The Dark Kiss. Empty Re: The Dark Kiss.

Post by schitzophobic 14.07.12 17:57

Squidofsymphony... I would agree with syrianeh whole heartedly... soul search and meditate... if for nothing more than the self healing abilities meditation can be utilized for... I would recomend doing some research into grounding and balancing techniques... as well as read through the forum, the Aset Ka website, and if you are still interessted in asetianism, the Asetian bible is a very good investment...

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The Dark Kiss. Empty Re: The Dark Kiss.

Post by Maxx 14.07.12 18:23

You completely left Daniel he is a great guy......and always has been. He was more than civil in the middle to my rant.

it certainly appears that it was bad timing for squid to come in with such a post just after the international tour of sonofisis was concluded.

You can classify me as an ass......and I accept that fact......I know what I am and have no apology. This is a little out of the park for, again, I have no apology. Hell, I enjoy being crazy.

@schitzophobic....I assume that your coming here to join the forum at this time in history was an omen, just for this. That is very good.......I will refrain from having any other comment in regard to the subject as that is your field or vocation.

I am just not a subtle human always knows where I stand on issues. But, to Squid, I wish you well in your walk. And I certainly will not hold you accountable for what someone else has done, for sure. Just like one else can be held accountable for all the stupid things I do....besides, no one else would want to do those things but me....that is why I was not allowed to be a



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The Dark Kiss. Empty Re: The Dark Kiss.

Post by schitzophobic 14.07.12 18:50

@maxx... thank you for pointing that out...
@daniel... Embarassed
Crazy uncle fester is still loved... ;p

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The Dark Kiss. Empty Re: The Dark Kiss.

Post by Jonathan 14.07.12 18:55

Squid, the feelings and experiences you shared can be connected with feeding or at least some level of energy interaction. There are several indicators there. It's however not connected with the Dark Kiss. That's a highly secretive process that probably not even all the Elders would know, it's also something very complex. I don't think most vampires would know how to create an immortal, most likely only very ancient few do, and even those would only do it with permission or at least the blessing from Aset or Seth, not out of a mistake with the surprise "hey I created an immortal OMG". Get my point?

Valuable advice from Syrianeh right there. Read her posts, she is probably making more sense than I am at this point.

I also agree with schitzophobic. We should be more patient with newbies that come here. After all if we are not the ones giving them at least a chance to learn and grow they will eventually get frustrated and join some other forum with a bunch of nuts that will feed their misconceptions and ideas, being deceived, manipulated and what not. Lets keep it cool folks.

We can make the difference. I like to believe that is what Asetianists have always done in their own little-big way.

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The Dark Kiss. Empty Re: The Dark Kiss.

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 14.07.12 19:23

I agree with all points here...but...there are plenty of posts on this site...Including one on this exact topic...maybe new comers should read through material first? There would probably be less judgment then...they may also then learn more of what is fantasy vs. reality...and get better answers from a different manner of posting in turn...
Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

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The Dark Kiss. Empty Re: The Dark Kiss.

Post by squidofsymphony 14.07.12 20:08

Thank you all for your input. I am indeed at a time of my life where I feel spiritually lost, and I apologize that I was not able to phrase my question in a manner that can be easily related to. The troubles I'm going through at the moment as far as I'm able to read up on so far do conform to the generally accepted symptoms of one's awakening, but still that could just be bad timing. I'm not asking for sympathy here but it is rather difficult to find what you believe in after you seek psychological treatment. You constantly have to second guess yourself, asking questions like "Am I Pagan or am I just crazy?" "Do I really remember these past lives or am I just delusional?" It's because of all this questioning of my own sanity that I can't blame any of you for believing I'm insane, and so I thank you all for what you have been able to teach me today. Perhaps later when all the fuss about sonofisis has died down we'll be able to enjoy a more open-minded conversation.


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The Dark Kiss. Empty Re: The Dark Kiss.

Post by witchmark 14.07.12 20:47

Squid, I think that Daniel 09 and Syrianah have given you some excellent advice. I do agree with psycho as well, you are being dealt harsh with just a tad bit. Although, even though the comments were on the harsher side....I must admit....I laughed. My apologizes if you take offense to the fact.

However, during my feedings when I have come across an person who is in need of a bit of help. I let them in my arms, without a doubt....I then open myself up to receive. As I feed, I do not attach myself to that person, rather I allow them to expel the energy that is keeping them upset. I have never left someone's side that did not feel better for it.

There are many ways to feed. There are many ways in which to accomplish many things.

Welcome to the forum


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The Dark Kiss. Empty Re: The Dark Kiss.

Post by Syrianeh 15.07.12 4:41

I laughed too. The photo was priceless. I don't think a good dose of dark humor is in any way in conflict here or anywhere. In fact, I think we can all benefit from it. Hell, we need it!!!

Squid, no one here is going to tell you what your ego wants to read. But I think you're smart enough to know that.

There's been many good contributions here regarding feeding and its dynamics. I don't know how much experience you have with this. If done in a balanced way, it can be of great benefit both to you and to your subject. And no, there is no way you can give anyone a Dark Kiss, especially not accidentally.

Keep in mind too that some people are extremely impressionable. If someone thinks you can change them, then their mind will play tricks with them. That's probably what happened to the girl you mention.

I think you do well in questioning everything. Concentrate on finding a balanced place for your mind and getting out of the tunnel you're in. The rest will come easily.

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The Dark Kiss. Empty Re: The Dark Kiss.

Post by Kalb 15.07.12 6:24

Uncle, I don't know what has happened to you lately. It's not me. I'm more stronger and I do not work with dogs. But .... I recognize the dog .. He was the one that stole you the thong underwear and was delivered to Grandmother. Now you're right in one thing, it was me who made ​​the complaint to the police to catch the thief dog. After all ... Neither the dog could see you with thong underwear ...

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The Dark Kiss. Empty Re: The Dark Kiss.

Post by Maxx 15.07.12 8:09

Nope....that was my twin....chester fester........he wears rainbow color thongs all the time.

I never wear underwear at all under my monk robe. It interferes with my secret satellite reception. And stop broadcasting government secrets over the tele....use our ultra modern pigeon carrier communication system.

Uncle Fester

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The Dark Kiss. Empty Re: The Dark Kiss.

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