The Dark Kiss

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The Dark Kiss Empty The Dark Kiss

Post by JediMatt1000 09.03.23 18:13

I had read a thread earlier that was discussing "The Dark Kiss" but it had been locked. I know there isn't much about the Dark Kiss in terms of how it is performed and written, as to its secretive nature but it has been a topic that I have been meditating much on lately.

What if, and this is merely from my perspective, given the sheer intimacy of the relationship formed between the Vampire and child/Master and student, what if it is a sharing of "burdens" from the Master to the student? I know that what drives the curiosity factor is what The Dark Kiss symbolizes in terms of initiation but what if there is something that is so deep, so secretive, and yet so special that is passed between the two empathically? Many want this including me but few are deemed worthy and with good reason.

Another thing that I really would look forward to is a relationship with a Master. Because one thing that life has taught me isn't the actual event of the thing, but the buildup, the journey there as well as the journey after. There is greatness in sharing secrets but also in everyday mundane things. The Masters possess a perspective that can't always be "given" but taught. You learn to look at things differently every day it becomes a habit.

Again, it's just some observations that I have gained from my meditations. I don't claim to be right.

Number of posts : 17
Age : 39
Location : Phoenix
Registration date : 2010-10-31

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The Dark Kiss Empty Re: The Dark Kiss

Post by Lynskha 10.03.23 12:30

I must say, it is really hard for me to read because of the font you used.

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Age : 40
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The Dark Kiss Empty Re: The Dark Kiss

Post by JediMatt1000 10.03.23 12:38

I guess there maybe isn't a way I can correct my original post so I will try posting it again without any font changes. My apologies.

I had read a thread earlier that was discussing "The Dark Kiss" but it had been locked. I know there isn't much about the Dark Kiss in terms of how it is performed and written, as to its secretive nature but it has been a topic that I have been meditating much on lately.

What if, and this is merely from my perspective, given the sheer intimacy of the relationship formed between the Vampire and child/Master and student, what if it is a sharing of "burdens" from the Master to the student? I know that what drives the curiosity factor is what The Dark Kiss symbolizes in terms of initiation but what if there is something that is so deep, so secretive, and yet so special that is passed between the two empathically? Many want this including me but few are deemed worthy and with good reason.

Another thing that I really would look forward to is a relationship with a Master. Because one thing that life has taught me isn't the actual event of the thing, but the buildup, the journey there as well as the journey after. There is greatness in sharing secrets but also in everyday mundane things. The Masters possess a perspective that can't always be "given" but taught. You learn to look at things differently every day it becomes a habit.

Again, it's just some observations that I have gained from my meditations. I don't claim to be right.

Number of posts : 17
Age : 39
Location : Phoenix
Registration date : 2010-10-31

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