A curious observation

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A curious observation Empty A curious observation

Post by N.Augusta 14.04.13 8:19

Through the years, I must point out something in which I have observed most often on this path.

Mind you, this is clearly my own personal observation, in which others may or may disagree.

Honestly, it seems as though Asetianism most truly has a way of weeding out the riff-raft. Most often, those who identify as being a "vampire" be they truly one or not, tend to quickly travel away from this path. Most often, those who identify as humans, or as vampires (who have no need to be bragging about it) are the ones that stay around as they are truly seeking an inward journey of reflection and discovery. The mainstream "vampires" run from this path and bash it as much as they can. And so do the ones who have the attitude of "I am VAMPIRE-- you humans are beneath me-- bow to me you minions-- you are my food! Bow to my DARKNESS!!!" Hahahaha. They certainly will not find the attention they crave here. It still proves to be an interesting comical thing to watch.

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Registration date : 2009-12-29

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A curious observation Empty Re: A curious observation

Post by 8lou1 14.04.13 8:35

while exploring vampirism, i found in me 2 'beings'/parts of me both claiming to be vampire... indeed one who wants to accept and live and learn and the other wanting to be the big boss...

the last one i dont like that much since it also takes me over...it thought me to be proud of who i am, but there are borders i wont cross...and slowly bit by bit that bossy part looses its fear and shows its real name: ego

maybe soon i can pet it and tell her its ok...

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A curious observation Empty Re: A curious observation

Post by Jonathan 14.04.13 13:16

N.Augusta wrote:The mainstream "vampires" run from this path and bash it as much as they can. And so do the ones who have the attitude of "I am VAMPIRE-- you humans are beneath me-- bow to me you minions-- you are my food! Bow to my DARKNESS!!!"

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A curious observation Empty Re: A curious observation

Post by Kalb 14.04.13 14:03

Welcome to the club. That's exactly how I see it often here. I'm glad to read that from you.

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A curious observation Empty Re: A curious observation

Post by N.Augusta 14.04.13 15:48

Yeap!!!!! But, glad to give some chuckles while at it though. Smile We can always use some good chuckles around here. Smile

Number of posts : 439
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Registration date : 2009-12-29

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