A curious question

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A curious question Empty A curious question

Post by Elaina 17.03.09 6:19

I was at the bookstore the other day, not really looking for anything in particular, seeing if there was anything there that wanted me to take it home, when I saw a book on Vampire Slayers. At first I laughed it off, but then I wondered, are there still slayers out there? I have never encountered one but it was a thought in my head so I thouhgt others may know more.

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A curious question Empty Re: A curious question

Post by OliviaLucus 17.03.09 7:32

Very interesting question. I would like to know the answer to that one myself.

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A curious question Empty Re: A curious question

Post by Aghrab 17.03.09 10:02

Elaina wrote:I was at the bookstore the other day, not really looking for anything in particular, seeing if there was anything there that wanted me to take it home, when I saw a book on Vampire Slayers. At first I laughed it off, but then I wondered, are there still slayers out there? I have never encountered one but it was a thought in my head so I thouhgt others may know more.

As strange as it is to imagine, there certainly are slayers, even in our days. There will always be beings who are, in one way or another, against vampires, feeling threatened by them and going to extreme lengths at ending them and their race. Slayers were mentioned in the Lycans thread in Vampirism Forum, also. Lycans, humans and witches, I believe, are the vast majority of the slayers that exist. The existence of slayers makes the lives of the vampires, and especially ones like Asetians, very dangerous, so you can imagine how aware the vampire must be when in environments he or she is not familiar with.


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A curious question Empty Re: A curious question

Post by Victor 17.03.09 10:31

Although a far more prominent movement in the medieval times, vampire slayers have always existed to these days. They might be moved by ignorance, by thirst for power, by culture or by any other motivation. By far, the most successful slayers are witches, that by having a profound understanding of nature, magick and metaphysics, can use that same knowledge against vampires. These ones are not moved by ignorance, but usually by a cultural background. Some may see vampires as a threat that must be stopped, others may recognize the spiritual and metaphysical superiority of vampires and desire their secrets and power. We can't really define a slayer, because they are probably even more diverse than vampires. But it is a solid fact that they exist still, even though far less in numbers, and no longer representing the biggest threat to modern day vampires, it is still better to be aware of their presence and to know how to deal with them.

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A curious question Empty Re: A curious question

Post by Karnath 18.03.09 18:04


From what I know, witches are in fact the most feared slayers. These are most of the times moved by tradition, for being trained that way, to see vampires in a specific way. But some times it's even possible for them to live together, because their incompatibility isn't a spiritual one, but only psychological (concerning Asetian vampires); unlike Lycans and Sethians (the last ones aren't considered vampire slayers, because they are considered vampires themselves). Lycans are the dull-headed, brute-force creatures, who see vampires as too fine and arrogant, being ever-incompatible, even in a spiritual way because of their dirty lineage. I doubt any of them would seek power over the Asetians.
Sethians, although out of subject, are of course very incompatible to the Asetians, for all the reasons that everyone knows. They are the total opposite.
At last, talking about humans, they are the ones who lack more power, being, most of the times, also the most ignorant. And there are human vampire hunters out there with filthy ways. Smile

Best regards.

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A curious question Empty Re: A curious question

Post by OliviaLucus 18.03.09 18:24

Interesting. I always thought of Wicca to be the religion of Witches, but I am learning that there are some vampires are Wiccens as well. But, if the Witches are the most danergous slayers to the vampires then how could this be? Also Victor mentioned that you have to be aware of their presence in unfamiliar places and to know how to 'deal with them'? I am just wondering how they are dealt with? When I think of a slayer I mainly think os killing and death, but how can that be the case in society today. I'm sure that it happens from time to time but if it happened all the time wouldn't people have notice by now, what was going on? Also, can vampires see or sense the energy of a slayer, and is it different from humans or vampires?

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A curious question Empty Re: A curious question

Post by Jonathan 19.03.09 6:23

OliviaLucus wrote:Interesting. I always thought of Wicca to be the religion of Witches, but I am learning that there are some vampires are Wiccens as well. But, if the Witches are the most danergous slayers to the vampires then how could this be? Also Victor mentioned that you have to be aware of their presence in unfamiliar places and to know how to 'deal with them'? I am just wondering how they are dealt with? When I think of a slayer I mainly think os killing and death, but how can that be the case in society today. I'm sure that it happens from time to time but if it happened all the time wouldn't people have notice by now, what was going on? Also, can vampires see or sense the energy of a slayer, and is it different from humans or vampires?
Hi. I don't think there are vampires out there being Wiccans. Well, maybe unawakened vampires, just like they may be even Christian or Muslim, but I cannot see a fully awakened vampire being a Wiccan, just doesn't make much sense in the way I see things. Also, Wicca is not the only religion of witches, it is actually a very modern new age tradition. Many real witches, at least the ones with an older cultural background, follow other forms of witchcraft, usually less eclectic than Wiccans.

About your questions, I do believe death and kills happen but not on a regular basis. When it happens they can, sometimes, be covered up by the occult community, always having people in high ranks of society. However I think these cases are not that common and don't happen as often. But it really depends on where you live.
As far as vampires detecting a slayer by energy I believe that to be unlikely. A slayer is not a condition of the soul or related with energy, but a cultural background or any motivation to kill a vampire. It can be a human, a Lycan, a witch... it can be anyone, and a vampire would not tell it is a slayer just by their energy. Mind reading and intuition could probably play bigger roles on this.


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A curious question Empty Re: A curious question

Post by lono676767 19.03.09 12:51

In fifteen years within the vampire community and eleven in the OVC; I have only heard of one actual case of a vamp being hunted..

it's very rare, but there is one known Hunter group that has an online site.

the term "slayer" however is more geared toward roleplaying and buffy.



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A curious question Empty Re: A curious question

Post by Victor 19.03.09 15:14

There were surely more cases in the last fifteen years...

However I agree, it is indeed a rare thing. At least the cases that actually end up in death.

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A curious question Empty Re: A curious question

Post by vampre 22.03.09 1:36

Karnath wrote:Greetings.

From what I know, witches are in fact the most feared slayers.

Best regards.

you people are making witches out to sound like terrible people. Just because witches have power doesn't mean that you should be constantly afraid of them. Most witches are good, hard working people.


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A curious question Empty Re: A curious question

Post by Aghrab 22.03.09 9:43

vampre wrote:
Karnath wrote:Greetings.

From what I know, witches are in fact the most feared slayers.

Best regards.

you people are making witches out to sound like terrible people. Just because witches have power doesn't mean that you should be constantly afraid of them. Most witches are good, hard working people.

No one said that all witches are slayers.


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A curious question Empty Re: A curious question

Post by Jonathan 22.03.09 12:34

Yeah, no one made witches sound like terrible people. We just mentioned that the most skilfull vampire hunters or slayers are indeed witches, that study vampires and are well aware of their metaphysics. No one said witches should be feared and are bad people, we have witches among us here in the forum. It was simply on the topic of traditional vampire hunters.


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A curious question Empty Re: A curious question

Post by Karnath 25.03.09 5:39

vampre wrote:
Karnath wrote:Greetings.

From what I know, witches are in fact the most feared slayers.

Best regards.

you people are making witches out to sound like terrible people. Just because witches have power doesn't mean that you should be constantly afraid of them. Most witches are good, hard working people.

You are talking about our fear when you know nothing about anyone of us. I actually think there are some witches among us in this forum. And you are talking about goodness in a place which is beyond good and evil. Please, spare us the sweet revolutionary pro-pagan clichés. We all know witches can be good, vampires can be good, and that all the boogey-man wants is attention from his mother. Laughing

Best regards,

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A curious question Empty Re: A curious question

Post by Shadwe 28.03.09 21:21

It never ceases to amaze me how organic forum topics can be. I personally feel that Vampire hunters likely exist... but really I would think calling them Nonhuman Hunters is more accurate. I would think that they would be occultist in nature as I would think it would be hard to hunt things that would otherwise have an edge on you. Calling them "witches" is kinda cliché though...

I would not think that many true vampires are Wiccian no.. it seems contrary to their nature. (no pun intended lol) ...nor would I think any hunter would be. Neither group could keep the tenants the religion demands of its followers ^^;

...oh and from what I have observed I wouldnt say this place is indeed without the rather constrictive ideals of "good and evil" .. so much the better I would think.

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A curious question Empty Re: A curious question

Post by Shadwe 28.03.09 21:22

...damn. make that "...oh and from what I have observed I would say this place is indeed
without the rather constrictive ideals of "good and evil" .. so much
the better I would think." Amazing how much one word changes things.

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A curious question Empty holy shit witches are slayers

Post by imp 18.04.09 18:54

wow witches are slayers thats weird i thought the witches are bad and work with devil. Shocked


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A curious question Empty Re: A curious question

Post by Phoenix 19.04.09 23:01

Imp. in general, witches are followers of Wicca, a neo-pagan goddess religion that surfaced in England after that country repealed its Witchcaft and Vagrancy Acts in 1951. While being a popular religion (the US military recognizes Wicca as a accepted religion for US soldiers), my limited readings on Wicca (five or six books and I am not Wiccan) indicate that most covens follow rituals that only date back to the 1950's, such as those developed by Gerald Gardner.
The idea of witches being evil and devil worshippers would be abhorrant to modern Wiccans, who appear to be involved with the right hand path of white magic.
The idea of witches you posted has its origins in medival Catholicism, when anything that Church did not sanction was evil.
I would suggest looking at Wikipedia for a basic discussion of Wicca, its beliefs and origens.

VF members, if I have misstated something here, please correct me, as I do not want to misinform Imp.

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A curious question Empty Re: A curious question

Post by Ankhhape 20.04.09 6:08

From what I know, the real Strega out there are part of Traditional Witchcraft covens and not part of the New Age Wiccan movement which they consider 'fluff' . . . lol.

*Oh and some of them are beautiful blondes also . . . LOL!!

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A curious question Empty Re: A curious question

Post by Jonathan 20.04.09 8:18

I agree with Ankhhape, the real witches follow a system of European Traditional Witchcraft, not Wicca. Wicca is a new age faith, in most cases a highly eclectic path of a modernized pagan view. Traditional witches usually dislike Wicca and are very critical upon that path. I agree that here in the US nearly all "witches" would be Wiccans, though. And Phoenix is right, it is a religion that is officially accepted under the US military. However in Europe the situation is different, being a place where the occult is far more traditionalist and less "new age". There is where we can find most of the true wtichcraft covens and witches, following the ancient and older pagan rituals and faith, not Gardner's Wicca.

On the beautiful blondes I would not know, though, Ankhhape. lol

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A curious question Empty Not entirely sure..

Post by Petri 07.03.13 6:28


i have a question. How do you know if you are a witch or a vampire? Both rely heavily on mental energy.Ill take myself as an example: i can sence energies...literally feel them. I can even sence when people dont like me when all they do is just walk past me. Some times i when i feel tired or drained i can use energies around me to feel better,yet i can also sence and draw ennergy from the moon,animals etc. Ive never really seen myself as a witch or a vampire.I will say this...ive always beleived they are there but so far i havnt seen them,no encounters nothing.

Please could someone shed some light?Im confused to the core of my existance.
Oh and sorry if my English sucks....not exactly a english speaking person.


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A curious question Empty Re: A curious question

Post by Petri 07.03.13 6:57

So sorry for all the spelling errors.


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A curious question Empty Re: A curious question

Post by Jonathan 07.03.13 7:27

Two very different things. You aren't born a witch. Being a witch or wizard is something you study to become, and study a lot. By a lot I mean many long years. Also most witchcraft traditions are only open through initiations. It's like a spiritual path, not a condition that you are born with. Just like you aren't born a Buddhist or Christian.

Vampires are different, you are or you are not. No one can tell you exactly what you are. Learn about vampirism and other occult traditions, then decide for yourself.

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A curious question Empty Re: A curious question

Post by Petri 07.03.13 7:40

I see.Ill just take it as i might have potential in becoming a spell weaver.Honestly i've never had the urge to drink blood,but what bothers me is my ability to use energy to feel better witch is a vampire ability as well. oi..I still have so much to learn.Thanx for the reply Smile


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A curious question Empty Re: A curious question

Post by Maxx 07.03.13 8:02

what difference does it make whether you to fit into some catagory....or not....To be yourself is of prime importance......no matter what others might think. Study and learn about all things that INTEREST YOU......and then you can call yourself special........and true to yourself. No need to conform to what others think you should fit into. You are in the school of life.....and sooner or later, you will take your final test.......be ready.

Uncle Fester


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A curious question Empty Re: A curious question

Post by Victor 07.03.13 8:42

Jonathan wrote:No one can tell you exactly what you are.
And the ones who can, like the Asetians, simply will not do it.
They will have you learn it, the hard way. As they did.

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