Hello, I have a question.

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Hello, I have a question. Empty Hello, I have a question.

Post by SeleneKnight 11.10.19 9:46

Hi everyone, my name is Selene Knight. It is a pleasure to meet so many people who are knowledgeable enough to answer my questions. May I ask, What are the true symptoms of becoming a vampire. You don't have to speak for the entire community, your own personal experiences (however individual they may be) will suit my purpose fine.

The truth is that I am changing but I do not know how or what to. I posted something in the Magic community as well because I can do magic successfully.
My true questions are :
1. How can you tell if a vampire visits you?
2. what are the symptoms of turning?
3. How can you tell what kind of vampire you are becoming?

Again I want to thank everyone in advance for any help in advance.


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Hello, I have a question. Empty Re: Hello, I have a question.

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 11.10.19 10:25

1. "How can you tell if a vampire visits you?"

- What do you mean by vampire?

2. "what are the symptoms of turning?"

- We know of no such thing as a random turning.

3. "How can you tell what kind of vampire you are becoming?"

- What kind of vampires do you believe there are?

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Post by SeleneKnight 11.10.19 14:06


1. By vampire I mean a supernatural human like creature that drains people of what they need to live.
2. I don't think this is a random turning, I asked for it, I just don't know who I asked.
3. I am not sure what to believe.

That's why I need help.


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Post by MysticLightShinethForth 11.10.19 14:39

I don't think this is the right place for roleplaying, fantasy or fiction, as it deals with serious occult studies. Novels however, those you can read, but we won't offer any of that here.

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Post by SeleneKnight 11.10.19 14:57


I am not roleplaying. You may be superior in your knowledge and you may hold that over me because you know you can, but do not treat me like an imbecile. I am not some little girl having fun or gorging myself in fantasy.

I needed help because I feel like a power is erupted all around me. I don't know what to do and I expected to be able to seek help from this forum. Not from someone who hordes knowledge but makes no attempt in helping others with situations that they find themselves in.

I appreciate you replying to my post.

A word of caution: Don't be snide with me again.


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Post by Troublemaker 11.10.19 15:33

Well to be fair, you certainly do sound like a little child having a fantasy, so you shouldn't blame others for seeing it that way or viewing it as an imbecile post. No one is hoarding knowledge, I just think most have lost patience for this sort of thing a very long time ago. Power surely isn't "erupting all around you" and I highly doubt you were "turned". No one is obligated to share anything with you either - I find this new agey culture of seekers assuming they're utterly entitled to knowledge from others as very strange when the reality is that serious seekers must work hard for their knowledge. The era of the Internet has given many people a false sense of entitlement. 
Please leave the silly roleplaying fantasies out of this place. You will not have any luck with it here. 
Initially I was going to be patient and gently steer you in a better direction- that was before I saw the quite silly and arrogant "word of caution not to be snide." 
Perhaps you are the one who needs a warning of caution. 

We are all on our own paths of learning with lessons to master. It seems me as though you really just need basic grounding, centering and meditation techniques rather than validation of your illusions. You are welcome to explore, ask questions and of course stick around but more respect and maturity toward the subject matter is in order before you are taken seriously or shown respect.
And please do spare me the arrogant "words of caution" suggesting there are some kind of consequences for speaking to you in a less than sugary way, as at this point it is rather apparent that you lack any ability to make that happen.

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Post by SeleneKnight 11.10.19 15:54

Rhea Kaye...

Thank you for putting me in my place. I see it as a learning lesson. I was irritated at being treated that way, I forgot that people could dismiss me as childish. I was angry yes, but I was foolish to reply in anger. I apologize if I offended anyone and I hope that people can overlook my outburst. I no longer need any one's help in the matter I asked for above. You are right, I will find my own answers. Th only way anyone can trust an answer they find is if they find the answer themselves.


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Post by Troublemaker 11.10.19 17:43

I forgot to add... If there are any others feeding into this idea of having been turned, or turning you, in other places, please be careful and it's probably a good idea to get away from them. 
Better to be safe and disappointed than... Well, the possibly ugly alternative. There are a lot of insane people lurking around who find in vampirism an element of coolness and something to feed a false sense of power. There are also people whose limitations exceed the sheer derpiness of role-playing fiction, entering the disturbing realms of criminal abuse. 
I wasn't sure on your age or background so I threw this in there just in case. It applies even more heavily and urgently if you are a teenager.

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Post by MysticLightShinethForth 12.10.19 2:21

SeleneKnight wrote:MysticLightShinethForth…

I am not roleplaying. You may be superior in your knowledge and you may hold that over me because you know you can, but do not treat me like an imbecile. I am not some little girl having fun or gorging myself in fantasy.

I needed help because I feel like a power is erupted all around me. I don't know what to do and I expected to be able to seek help from this forum. Not from someone who hordes knowledge but makes no attempt in helping others with situations that they find themselves in.

I appreciate you replying to my post.

A word of caution: Don't be snide with me again.

Actually, I was trying to be moderately respectful in what I wrote but with an underpinning of harsh strictness for the sake of people coming in here with all delusional claims, fantasy and roleplay, since this forum has simply seen enough of that.

Maybe you're just misinterpreting whatever is going on under fictional lenses, however, because that is all you have in reference, as a close similarity. However, if you study real life vampirism it is a different matter than what you will find in fictional stories or novels. I'd say you should learn to meditate (and there are good and helpful videos for that) and seek to explore yourself self-analytically as well as test and experiment cautiously and carefully to see what might be there.

Anyways, as Rhea said, no I am not hoarding any knowledge, so much as dismissing what appeared to be fantasy claims or fictional roleplaying. The thing is that, indeed, this forum has simply seen enough of that during the years, contaminating and defiling it, so there is readily an ever-present guard raised against it.

With that said, however, you are welcome to stay if you're sincere and truly interested in the subjects of real life vampirism as here presented.

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Hello, I have a question. Empty Re: Hello, I have a question.

Post by A.Nightside 14.02.20 17:13

My true questions are :
1. How can you tell if a vampire visits you?
Um how do you know if ANYONE has visited?

2. what are the symptoms of turning?
There aren't any in the context you're hoping for. As far as anything arguably realistic, nothing really confirmed as far as I know. Might feel like you're dying though, and you just might 🤷‍� (and no, there wouldn't be any undead rising either, I'm talking dead-dead)

3. How can you tell what kind of vampire you are becoming?
Self discovery. You figure it out. No one can know and you're probably going to be wrong the first 3-5 times you feel you've figured it out (even if you think you only have like 2 options).

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Post by MysticLightShinethForth 15.02.20 3:10

A.Nightside wrote:
2. what are the symptoms of turning?
There aren't any in the context you're hoping for. As far as anything arguably realistic, nothing really confirmed as far as I know. Might feel like you're dying though, and you just might 🤷‍� (and no, there wouldn't be any undead rising either, I'm talking dead-dead)

I don't know if this is a good thing to say, nor do I think it holds true at all, there not even being such a thing, apart from the more secretive procedures as discussed on this forum that have nothing to do with the fictional versions as represented in pop culture but which most of the vampire-craze delusion-encouragement community adheres to.

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Post by MysticLightShinethForth 15.02.20 3:13

The "vampire-craze delusion-encouragement community" being simply the VCN part of the whole thing and not the deeper community.

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Post by Maxx 15.02.20 9:17

yes.  it depends on what channel you are watching at the time.

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Post by A.Nightside 01.03.20 16:55

MysticLightShinethForth wrote:
A.Nightside wrote:
2. what are the symptoms of turning?
There aren't any in the context you're hoping for. As far as anything arguably realistic, nothing really confirmed as far as I know. Might feel like you're dying though, and you just might 🤷‍� (and no, there wouldn't be any undead rising either, I'm talking dead-dead)

I don't know if this is a good thing to say, nor do I think it holds true at all, there not even being such a thing, apart from the more secretive procedures as discussed on this forum that have nothing to do with the fictional versions as represented in pop culture but which most of the vampire-craze delusion-encouragement community adheres to.

All I was saying, to try and put it a different way. Consider this a "devil's advocate" sort of perspective.
Some believe in turning, some do not. For those that do (VCN and all), the believed process is potentially life threatening (as far as I've been able to understand throughout my time in the vampy-interwebs). Most of which involve some sort of energy work or exchange. ...and claims of success both as one turned or the one doing the turning, that also don't come off as totally looney, are non-existent.

Short and sweet version: I don't intend to lie, though it's very possible that I am dead wrong. There is no likely way to turn someone. Even those who believe in such a thing, won't do it or can't do it. The likelihood of it being possible, happening AND being successful in any positive way is next to 0. It's really not a realistic dream to chase.

You can't describe symptoms if there aren't any for sure. There are many who might claim to have been turned, and describe symptoms, but none proven. For those who believe in turning, even what they might describe as possible "symptoms" aren't for-sure since it's never been done (or at least not readily known to have been done).

Most asking for a turning desire a result that doesn't exist anyway.

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