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Post by -M- 16.04.13 15:17

A good day to you all.

Long have i pondered on and wondered about the mystical side of life. I'm very naive still, but i am very eager to learn. If this is not the place for a person who has little to no knowledge about what the very forum is about, then i completely understand, and would appreciate an honest reply telling me that.

Like i said, i am very much willing to learn, and learning is the reason i am here. At first i will spend most of my time reading topics and browsing the forums, considering replying to threads i have no knowledge about is a waste of my and everyone's time.

That's pretty much all for now. Please excuse any bad english, i am no native speaker.

- M

Number of posts : 3
Location : World
Registration date : 2013-04-14

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Post by Jonathan 16.04.13 16:22

Hello. Anyone willing to learn is welcome here, independently of background. Take your time reading everything and there is no problem if you wish to participate in some old threads, we have no such rules in here as you find in other forums and any old thread can be resurrected.

I just found your signature and nickname peculiar, I take it that you have no connection to Michelle Belanger?
The reason why I'm asking is because that she used to sign like that and use that same handle in their own forums at House Kheperu, before they were shut down for lack of activity.
There is probably no relation to you, but here is the reference if others question the same.

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Post by Kalb 18.04.13 1:31


Number of posts : 1280
Location : Some part of infinite universe...
Registration date : 2009-10-28!/st7lk3r

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Post by -M- 18.04.13 13:56

Thanks you for the kind welcome, Jonathan.

As you predicted, i have no connection to Michelle Belanger.

Kalb, i understand your suspicion. Only time can tell you wether you can trust me or not, all i can say is that i mean no harm.

- M

Number of posts : 3
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Registration date : 2013-04-14

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Post by Kalb 18.04.13 16:51

Hello, M.

I saw you several times online without answering. Hence my expression.

Number of posts : 1280
Location : Some part of infinite universe...
Registration date : 2009-10-28!/st7lk3r

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Post by -M- 19.04.13 9:40


I tend to either, only read, or take a quick look. Recent events have made it difficult to take the time to write a good response.

I also wanted to say that i am very happy to have found such a mature forum, the likes of which seem very rare these days.

- M

Number of posts : 3
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Registration date : 2013-04-14

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Post by seeker 22.04.13 14:05

Welcome to the forum M. Smile

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