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Post by Saga 06.11.15 8:36

I am a vampire from Sweden, and my name is Saga. As most sites I've visited/registered on turns out to be the whole Bella/Edward cute roleplaying thing, I didn't make a whole lot of new friends (let alone gain any sort of important information from the other side of the coin.)

So, I decided to give this forum a go. I like it so far and can't wait to get to know some people.

And the second reason as to why I am here, me and my lover has recently started up a coven, and are looking for members. We are all about spreading love and protection, and as we are constantly under attack from other people, we did have another reason to open a coven.

That's about it for me. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
Have a great day!


Number of posts : 12
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2015-11-06

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Post by Jonathan 06.11.15 9:25

Welcome to the forum. You will quickly realize that this is a different community and very much mature. No twilight or roleplayers here. Actually we're known as one of the few places where liars and roleplayers are exposed, which gets a lot of heat and anger from the fakes as we have recently seen.

However, I don't think this is the best place for recruiting people for a coven as it's an old community and most members are well established with solid presence in the international vampire underground.

I hope you can join the threads, share your views and learn something from the many discussions we have going on as this is a place for serious and committed seekers.

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Post by Saga 06.11.15 9:40

Well, it's worth a shot in my opinion.

Thanks though, Jonathan! Smile


Number of posts : 12
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2015-11-06

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Post by Maxx 06.11.15 10:39

Welcome to the forum. Could you please explain how you "protect" your members as you mention you are often under attack? Why do you think it would be an advantage for them to join you other than just another number? Not trying to be an "ass" with the question but I believe it is one that will lend knowledge to your situation here.

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Post by Saga 06.11.15 11:12

Thank you!

I'm not saying it's a physical attack, we've often just fought off psychic attacks. As I know others are out there with the same circumstances, we'd love to offer protection to those who are, and if someone out there have any experience in it as well, they're welcome to join us.


Number of posts : 12
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2015-11-06

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Post by Maxx 06.11.15 11:19

thanks....Again....what to you do to offer someone else protection against psychic attacks? What is your technique to protect that person on yourself, for that matter?

Number of posts : 4334
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Post by Saga 06.11.15 11:23

Well, I am not sure if you've heard of Twin flames/Violet Flames, but it's basically the same soul incarnated into two bodies. Kinda. Some of us are also a little extra, hmm, "powerful", I guess. It's like we're loaded a little extra with energy.

This violet energy is violet coloured energy, so I usually mix white coloured energy & the violet energy, and it has helped me as well as some others.


Number of posts : 12
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2015-11-06

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Post by Maxx 06.11.15 11:32

Yes.. I have heard of something very, very similar.  
But take, me, for instance, I have had two international groups combine together more than once to do me in.
If I came to you and your group and said....protect me from these groups, is that the technique you would offer to protect me from this kind of attack?

And I can tell you there are members in just these two groups mentioned that have more than just a higher energy body makeup to utilize.  They would eat your lunch and also on holidays and leave no after taste if that is what you will use to protect me.

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Post by Saga 06.11.15 11:35

Well if they were attacking you psychic-wise, then yes, that is how I'd protect you. Then I do have another protection secret, but I do only share those with the ones I do only trust.


Number of posts : 12
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2015-11-06

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Post by Maxx 06.11.15 11:43

Good luck to you saga....  I just imagine it would do well with you to spend some time reading the group msg here.  Some offer no insight at all.  Others offer gems you will not find any other place.  But as a whole if you put it all together....I think you will possibly find a group that fights, gets along with each other, hates some, loves some.....all is just like your ordinary family life. Some of your family members you just cannot get along with while others you would do anything for. We are like that here.   Enjoy your time here.

PS....I think I will just stay by myself and my source and not have you worry with protecting me.  Thanks anyway.

Number of posts : 4334
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Post by Saga 06.11.15 11:45

Well, thank you and feel free to message me. I am happy to help people in need, in my coven or not.


Number of posts : 12
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2015-11-06

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Post by Maxx 06.11.15 11:47


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Post by Gargoyle 06.11.15 21:45

Welcome, Saga! Just one question, how do you define a "Vampire"?

Number of posts : 181
Location : Da'at
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Post by Saga 07.11.15 6:34

Well, me myself, I feed on blood. Am not at all immortal (unless reincarnating counts as being immortal), but I do look a couple of years younger than I am (had to show ID on a PG15, I'm 20).

My senses are better than humans. I'm a little stronger and faster. I am way more energized during nighttime than daylight hours. Strong lights make me sneeze, strong smells make my head hurt.


Number of posts : 12
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2015-11-06

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Post by Tehom 07.11.15 23:55

I understand others here are being quite open to you, but in my admittedly biased frustration, I will choose to be direct, and quite stern.

If you carry with you the strength to defend your Beloved in the way you describe being able to do so, then I question your presence here. However, I doubt this, so I don't. I only question your motives.

I will say that I doubt you have the makeup necessary to defend against the attacks I think of when you say "psychic attacks."

A tip:

Don't dare allow yourself to become the weakness you so eagerly hope to escape. Any ignorance of certain "Being" or "Non-being", with so limited a source of insight as one that is seeking as you are is foolish at the very least.

If you are here to learn, then this is admirable, and you may learn much from here. But I tire from the children that run through communities, especially those rare ones holding Asetian culture this honorably, and tarnishing it with myths and fantasy of ill-struck minds. It is offensive in a sense I doubt you will understand, being new here.

I hope that you turn out to be a Student, rather than one of the aforementioned fools. As of yet, I'm undecided, based on your responses, but I think you're likely to prove one assumption, or the other, correct.

For all formalities and trusts necessary for your opportunity here, Welcome to the Forum.

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Post by Saga 08.11.15 6:33

I'm here to learn different varieties of the vampire community, if I do along the way gain a member for my coven or not, that would only be a bonus.

Thanks for the tips!


Number of posts : 12
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2015-11-06

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Post by Troublemaker 08.11.15 10:50

Apologies if you have already mentioned this, but what are your requirements to be in that coven of yours? I ask because it seems as though you'd 'let someone in' if they had a level of experience you deemed satisfactory. But are you aware of the severe dangers you can encounter by letting any random person you haven't known for a while into your trusted circle? Things are very easy to fake, especially over the Internet...

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Post by Saga 08.11.15 10:56

Yes, we don't allow anyone in to our closest circle. We have specific requirements, which I won't mention here.

Not everyone is allowed into our coven, it's also closed off (the webpage we're using), so you can't see anything unless we allow you to.


Number of posts : 12
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2015-11-06

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Post by Maxx 08.11.15 12:03

If you are learn different varieties of the vampire community, as you say,.....  Does that also include the possibility of accepting the entire premise of your Vampire belief as possibly being entirely.....wrong?

At this point in your messaging it is apparent that you entered a new site and you are expecting to incorporate your current beliefs while viewing entirely separate and opposite patterns other than your own and hoping to draw others here with your ..... magnetism.... to join your self-administered  ....."path".

I admit to you, if that is one facet of your appearance here, we would need quite a bit more of your proof of status background to become followers of your  protective group.  Just proclaiming a Godhead, or in other words, as one might say a more advanced group of believers, does not mean that although one sits in the waiting room at the bus station, that in itself does not give credentials for one to become the driver of the bus because there is mucho responsibilty for the passengers on the trip.  Background and experience with proof for one to become a leader of leaders.   Followers come and go and need offer no proof...but that is another story.

Can you give some references of those that have been helped or saved from death's door by the use of the powers you mentioned?  Only the most desperate situations would be necessary to relate because minor incidents are a dime a dozen out there in net land.

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Post by Saga 08.11.15 12:12

Well, if my vampire belief is entirely wrong, then I would surely love to learn the truth.

Well, as I am currently not in touch with those I've helped, besides my twin flame, I can only tell you my part of the story. Now weather or not you believe it if I tell you, that's a different story.


Number of posts : 12
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2015-11-06

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Post by Maxx 08.11.15 12:26

yes, I guess that is ...... the rest of the story.

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Post by Maxx 08.11.15 12:51

And know it is just because I am such..... a nice guy.

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Post by Tehom 08.11.15 17:06

A warm welcome from a warm heart, I take it.

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Post by Maxx 08.11.15 18:57

only the warmest regards, of course.

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Post by Gargoyle 08.11.15 20:01

Saga, I suggest to read the Asetian Bible... there you may find the Truth about vampirism and understand where many of the members of this community are coming from. This book alone may shake the foundations of any strongly held belief, but rightly so. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

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