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Post by Leelahel 09.11.15 4:17

Hi Saga,

It might be fruitful for you both to integrate yourselves into the already existing 'community' of VampirismForum, offering your bustling twin flame skills for common benefit.

I for one see little use in joining a coven formed of people who already have their personal bond that works just for them. It would make more sense if people came to you and your loved one asking to be a part of your circle. You are not a known entity to me, and I think to others here. Keeping important facts private are I guess for your own protection, but you are very vague and giving us very little with which to validate your skills. Vagueness begets doubt when you are openly being asked about your experience. I was left wanting for more substance to your answers.

How do you feel about Asetianism? Do you resonate with it?

Should you decide to stay, I look forward to seeing the substance there is to your practice.

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Post by Drake 10.11.15 9:44

It seems to me from reading all of these replies that somehow most missed or forgot that Saga over here mentioned in the first part of her introduction that she was here to learn and meet people. Maybe it's just me but if that's the first thing someone posts then that's usually the main reason. I'm sure she meant harm by saying she was recruiting for a coven.

Now I know I am biased because I am her lover but if anyone has any questions about us and are actually interested in joining we'd be happy to answer. If the questions are only meant to ridicule and mock it then I'm sorry but we don't respond to that sort of thing.

That being said we are both very open minded and willing to learn as well as share any knowledge we have.


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Post by Jonathan 10.11.15 10:29

Hello Drake let me just make clear that no one was trying to mock Saga as that's not our way here. We are however always wary of outsiders as you may imagine and it takes some time and debate to see where everyone is at. As the largest real vampire (not the roleplaying nonsense) forum on the web we are hit all the time by newbies, liars or people who are just misinformed and come from a different circle with completely inaccurate knowledge. Now I'm not saying that you're a fake or anything like that just trying to explain why people here act the way they do. It may seem harsh at first but that's the nature of darkness and we dwell on a dark path so only the strong can survive it. In fact we have amongst us some of the most knowledgable people in the vampire community with ties to the oldest covens and orders in existence, so this is a great place to learn about vampires to anyone that really wants to learn and has nothing to prove.

Many have fallen here before and we're not afraid to expose frauds but fear not we're not here to harm anyone that's open to learn and grow as we're all learning and growing too.

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Post by Drake 10.11.15 10:42

Ah I see, yes it's a lot harder to discuss things solely through text and if what you say is true I'd love to talk to some of these people with ties to some of the oldest covens.

I wonder one thing though from what you said, vampires are connected beings right? So why does it have to be a dark path? I've always viewed it as trying to be a balanced path as we are connected to all things. The path we chose is up to us in my opinion and I know dark doesn't mean bad and light good. However there is still a balance and I prefer to pull knowledge through all things. Yes that means a lot of weeding out the crap haha so I understand that

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Post by Maxx 10.11.15 10:43

As Jonathan has mentioned in another post, he gives a percentage of 90% or higher of those that are new coming into this forum that are motivated by movies, net talk, games, vampire communities all over this internet that are illustrating total delusion.  Everyone comes, no matter how off the wall their stated belief about vampires they have in their mind, they still want to find here confirmation in what they believe, themselves.  They all want confirmation and to find others that believe the same as they do.  I even see a section of that in your message earlier.   They know that since so many in the world believe that stuff that it has to be correct.  The young under age 30 have grown up being completely programmed with ideas and concepts about movie vampires that now is believable to them as being actual and real.  We find the majority pick and choose from sections of the movies and games they best can adapt to in the mind, and then apply it to their life as if they are pulling a cloak over the body and then it becomes a super power they now have in their life.  Nothing other than proclaiming they now are related to Dracula.  Again, this is nothing but delusion.  As you can see in statements on this site, those movie super hero's can be totally destroyed in real life while play acting and then come up against the real destruction that is out there in this world.  This is no way a game of any sort.

As it is shown here from the posts, we do our best to keep the delusional and role players out of here.  The only way to do that since this is open to all is to meet them on the front end and let them know this is not a role player site.  If you cannot understand that, then please go back and read again everything you have gone through with this in mind.  There is no other way to accomplish this other than having two attack dogs at the entrance gate.    I offer no apologies to anyone.  If one is so sensitive to this process they are very offended by it, then I suggest the person has led a very, very sheltered life out there in society.  That will change if staying here for any length of time.

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Post by Maxx 10.11.15 10:47

I think one will find that Jonathan is the good cop, and then there is the bad cop.....

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Post by Drake 10.11.15 10:51

I think you'll find that is really not necessary with us. It's fine if you want to do that at first to weed "life stylers" out but in time you will see.

Number of posts : 21
Location : Denver, CO
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Post by Saga 10.11.15 10:52

Ok, I am gonna speak my mind as I am very tired of this shitty conversation going on.

You all state to be so open-minded, so nice, so "helpful". Would ALL OF YOU mind going back reading what you wrote? Because all of you, quite literally all of you, told me to read some Bible, to alter my thinking patterns as my beliefs could VERY WELL be wrong.

Now, surely, this would no be problem at all, except for the fact this site is supposed to be the opposite of the other vampire community. Well let me tell you what I've gathered in just the small few days I've been here.

I can't, seriously, see any difference. You just can't stand it when someone has another belief other than yourself. You are BASICALLY the same kind of hypocritical people as the ones on vampire community.

That's it from me. Bye.


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Post by Drake 10.11.15 10:56

On to other discussions, I'd really like to read through the site and see what I can gather. I'm sure there will be more and I look forward to that Smile

Number of posts : 21
Location : Denver, CO
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Post by Maxx 10.11.15 11:06

good for you.

......and they don't pay me the big bucks for nothing, saga. lol. so there must be a need. Enjoy your day, as they say at Starbucks....

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Post by Drake 10.11.15 11:16

Way to be passive agressive Maxx....

Way to admit that you think you're better than others too. As one being supposedly connected to everything it seems you fail to see that there is no better than others. Just saying Smile

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Post by Maxx 10.11.15 11:34

jumped too fast there, my boy...if you keep looking you will see I state many times here that I am nobody. The lowest of the bottom as I am only a lowly human. I represent nothing other than nightmares after one eats too much and nods off to sleep. As the song goes, Dream a little dream of me..... love those old songs, don't you?

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Post by Drake 10.11.15 11:36

Well I haven't read e dry thing yet but here it's communication through text and that's just what your words said to me.

Until next time


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Post by Drake 10.11.15 11:37

Read everything:*

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Post by Maxx 10.11.15 12:00 is worth the effort to wade through it all.  I think one will see in doing that, that the picture that is really presented here about the real vampires can only be found in that other dimension of what is called astral or inner.   So many of the gamers go through it and absolutely miss that part because that is not what they want to see.   Because you just came in the door I will say that i am not referring to you in that sentence.  lol.  

If you study about the Aset Ka and the background in Egypt you will find that the real work was done in the astral and that was what was taught in the inner court while the outer court had communication with the population and led them through the sight and show movements just like today which includes misdirection.  The real work is done by those that prepare themselves over years of study and work.   Good luck.

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Post by Leelahel 10.11.15 23:32

I do hope you did not feel my entry was mocking you. It was very honest.

I was interested in knowing how you feel about Asetianism. 

Perhaps further along the line then, enjoy.

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Post by Jonathan 11.11.15 6:24

Saga wrote:Ok, I am gonna speak my mind as I am very tired of this shitty conversation going on.

You all state to be so open-minded, so nice, so "helpful". Would ALL OF YOU mind going back reading what you wrote? Because all of you, quite literally all of you, told me to read some Bible, to alter my thinking patterns as my beliefs could VERY WELL be wrong.

Now, surely, this would no be problem at all, except for the fact this site is supposed to be the opposite of the other vampire community. Well let me tell you what I've gathered in just the small few days I've been here.

I can't, seriously, see any difference. You just can't stand it when someone has another belief other than yourself. You are BASICALLY the same kind of hypocritical people as the ones on vampire community.

That's it from me. Bye.

No one said you have to change your thinking patterns but people did mention that it's possible that some of your established concepts and ideas are wrong. This was no accusation or mockery but truth as many people approach us with notions of vampirism based on what they read online. Since here we don't like for people to live in delusion most users were actually trying to help you but fair enough not everyone wants to be helped. In fact most don't want help because they just want a pat on the back and validation of their beliefs even if they're entirely wrong. (Not saying you're wrong or correct but speaking in general)

You state that you can't seriously see any difference from this community and the other VC of roleplayers, then in this case I'm only left to assume that you lack vision. If things seem the same to you when they're definitely different to everyone something must be wrong with your judgement. Like a form of self induced blindness I would say.

The problem doesn't lie with us it lies with you who couldn't stand having your beliefs and concepts challenged even a little bit. You made it clear that you're not ready to stand adversity. If you want honesty here it is, you haven't stated anything that would hint that you have even the smallest understanding of what a vampire is. All you did was claiming to have powers and asking people to join some random coven. Claims of power is what most roleplayers do because as a certain Master is known to say, real power needs no claim or exhibition. When you are able to show knowledge and wisdom instead of claims of power you may be taken a little bit more serious.

Until then, goodbye.

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Post by Gargoyle 11.11.15 13:05

Agreed, Jonathan. Nicely summed up.

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Post by Drake 12.11.15 11:07

Leelahel wrote:I do hope you did not feel my entry was mocking you. It was very honest.

I was interested in knowing how you feel about Asetianism. 

Perhaps further along the line then, enjoy.

Leelahel, you're words are one of the few that were not mocking so thank you for your understanding. Know that the ones we talk about in a negative light does not include you Smile.

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Post by Drake 12.11.15 11:11

Jonathan, she is right in comparing some you to the mainstream vampire community, not role players, in that you automatically discount what others believe just because it's different than your beliefs. In chasing knowledge one cannot be diluted by just one belief structure or you start making up your own truths. A "dark path" doesn't mean a closed heart and mind.

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Post by Nightshade 12.11.15 11:49

Jonathan wrote:
Saga wrote:Ok, I am gonna speak my mind as I am very tired of this shitty conversation going on.

You all state to be so open-minded, so nice, so "helpful". Would ALL OF YOU mind going back reading what you wrote? Because all of you, quite literally all of you, told me to read some Bible, to alter my thinking patterns as my beliefs could VERY WELL be wrong.

Now, surely, this would no be problem at all, except for the fact this site is supposed to be the opposite of the other vampire community. Well let me tell you what I've gathered in just the small few days I've been here.

I can't, seriously, see any difference. You just can't stand it when someone has another belief other than yourself. You are BASICALLY the same kind of hypocritical people as the ones on vampire community.

That's it from me. Bye.

No one said you have to change your thinking patterns but people did mention that it's possible that some of your established concepts and ideas are wrong. This was no accusation or mockery but truth as many people approach us with notions of vampirism based on what they read online. Since here we don't like for people to live in delusion most users were actually trying to help you but fair enough not everyone wants to be helped. In fact most don't want help because they just want a pat on the back and validation of their beliefs even if they're entirely wrong. (Not saying you're wrong or correct but speaking in general)

You state that you can't seriously see any difference from this community and the other VC of roleplayers, then in this case I'm only left to assume that you lack vision. If things seem the same to you when they're definitely different to everyone something must be wrong with your judgement. Like a form of self induced blindness I would say.

The problem doesn't lie with us it lies with you who couldn't stand having your beliefs and concepts challenged even a little bit. You made it clear that you're not ready to stand adversity. If you want honesty here it is, you haven't stated anything that would hint that you have even the smallest understanding of what a vampire is. All you did was claiming to have powers and asking people to join some random coven. Claims of power is what most roleplayers do because as a certain Master is known to say, real power needs no claim or exhibition. When you are able to show knowledge and wisdom instead of claims of power you may be taken a little bit more serious.

Until then, goodbye.

Very good post, Jonathan. Gotta love your maturity in handling this, even when faced with arrogance. I recognise it's not easy to maintain an open forum about vampirism on the web with the level of credibility and respect of VF but you guys do that with great skill.

If she's looking for the kind of community that says amen to everyone claiming to be a vampire and is welcoming of every crap even if untrue then I don't understand why she criticises the silly popular community. She should feel right at home there as everyone would welcome her vampirism and "coven" even if she claims that being a vampire is only about having pointy fangs! Smile

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Post by Drake 12.11.15 12:14

Nightshade, why be such a coward and insult Saga indirectly when this is the post she started especially. Nice though, killing two birds with one stone and kissing butt and being a coward. Maybe you should actually read what she was trying to do in the first place and come here to gain knowledge. It's funny because so many people here claim to be open minded yet they turn around and attack us for saying what we believe and especially about our coven which was only a secondary part of her post.

I don't care how many people say they weren't attacking but being passive aggressive is a form of attacking no matter how many times people deny they are doing it. We didn't come here looking for any confirmation yet you like to push these things on us. It seems there is a lot of projection going on of stuff you guys don't like about yourselves otherwise you wouldn't place such a thing on people that didn't act that way. We only started defending outseves after Maxx and Jonathan started being egotistical, dillusional, megalomaniacs thinking that this precious "bible" is going to "shake out beliefs" and that we need to read it and become of you like some creepy cult. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for knowledge and I was interested in reading this book until everyone started pushing us to read it.

Maybe Asetians are just greedy and power hungry outcasts from an even more ancient vampire society that wouldn't suffer such behavior and has vowed to create a vampire creation myth stating that their heritage is the origin of vampires. I seriously doubt that they started on this planet in the first place to begin with. If you want people to believe in what you are trying to say then try adding an ounce of humbleness. The fact that you 3 get so upset over such a small thing and jump on people so quickly, especially when these people are being sincere, says to me that you have something to hide. Something you fear others to find out. It says a severe lack of confidence in what you believe.

You guys no absolutely nothing about us, to sit there on your high horse and assume you can judge who we are from a few internet discussions is really self centered. I noticed something before writing this. In the off topic subject, aside from one or two other subtopics started, this thread has more replies than even the more "philosophical" discussions started. This to me says that you would rather spend your time fighting with people over a coven than taking part in intellectual discussions. This is exactly like every other large community group. Maybe you are jaded from all the crappy people out there but take a second to stop and look around and realize that you have become just like those crappy people. In different ways but just as closed minded and cowardly. So maybe turn your gaze from the mirrors you stare at yourselves in and realize there is more to the universe than even you understand. No one completely understands it so why waste your time arguing over such a small thing.

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Post by Nightshade 12.11.15 12:28

Your post filled with insults like cowards, egotistical, dillusional (that's not even a word) and megalomaniacs proved my point and doubts about you. It means I hit a nerve. Calm down and don't waste so much energy if you really think you're a vampire. If anything all your insults only proves that you got your beliefs shaken so Maxx did a fine job. Now that you exposed yourself to be just another troll I won't waste more time in replies so good luck with your ability to insult random people online as that seems to be the only power you have.

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Post by Maxx 12.11.15 13:00

No you little devil, Drake.....spending time fighting with door mats is my job, not hers....remember....I am nobody so it makes no dif if I insult you or are not a vampire with any power as you cannot take prodding to see what minor insults you can overcome and then become part of this.  Any lowly vampire would have enough power to resist without whining and crying as you two display.  Get a life and try to add some more human qualities to your human life....

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Post by Maxx 12.11.15 13:04

Now, if you two would like to come in again, and admit you are just a lowly human, you are certainly welcome to be truthful with yourself. I say, welcome. come on in.

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