Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques.

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Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques. - Page 2 Empty Re: Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques.

Post by Stapleraindrop 15.07.14 18:24

There is a quote in one of his books about dogs barking loud or something...

Anyone who has read Marques' work and really studied it with true intention would back him up in a heartbeat... But we don't even need to.

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Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques. - Page 2 Empty Re: Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques.

Post by ChaosRose 15.07.14 18:25

We are an open-minded community, formed by honest, serious and mature people that are seeking for a high standard on the research, study, discussion and support of Vampirism as a spiritual tradition, occult culture and metaphysical practice.

A high standard on research would always include sources that can be verified.

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Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques. - Page 2 Empty Re: Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques.

Post by Jonathan 15.07.14 18:31

I think where you're coming from is becoming increasingly obvious. You mentioned cashing in on the vampire community. Would you mind explaining what is this "vampire" community you speak of? Give us a few examples of respected people and groups. I guess that will shed some light on things. We have in this forum people with contact with nearly every vampire and pseudo vampire group and community out there, so that should be interesting to actually understand what you mean by vampire community. If you would mind...

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Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques. - Page 2 Empty Re: Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques.

Post by Maxx 15.07.14 18:37

ChaosRose wrote:We are an open-minded community, formed by honest, serious and mature people that are seeking for a high standard on the research, study, discussion and support of Vampirism as a spiritual tradition, occult culture and metaphysical practice.

A high standard on research would always include sources that can be verified.

You were allowed entry here, weren't you?  That should be pretty substantial in your mind, I would think.

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Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques. - Page 2 Empty Re: Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques.

Post by ChaosRose 15.07.14 18:59

I haven't really considered what groups people adhere to or don't adhere to, and whether they're respectable or not. I have to imagine that each group contains some respectable members, and others who are not so very respectable. If someone identifies as a vampire, then I'm not going to argue that they aren't. There would be no way of proving a universal negative, even if they walked around looking like Lestat. I'm not here to discount any sort of personal claim anyone has regarding their vampirism, because I believe that there is such a condition.

That said, I'm certainly wary of any historical claims, or claims of ancient lineage. If something purports to be Kemetic, I'll want to hear what Egyptian scholars have to say about that.

I don't have any loyalties to any group. I'm aware of several, and there are likely both things I'd agree and disagree with regarding all of them, but this is the first vampire forum I've ever actually joined. I know pagans, occultists, witches, Wiccans, Thelemites, Asatruans, neo-Druids, Satanists (of different varieties), Luciferians, Setians, Chaotes, Daemonolators, reconstructionists of various sorts, Discordians, Gnostics, people who identify as warlocks, etc., and yes, I've come across some people who identify as vampires.

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Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques. - Page 2 Empty Re: Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques.

Post by ChaosRose 15.07.14 19:08

My entry being allowed here has absolutely no relevance whatsoever to your standard of research or verification of sources on this site.

It's interesting that you brought up ego earlier. I know that there is at least lip service given to the idea of dissolving ego. I'm not sure how it goes unnoticed that there is huge ego in believing that you have some special bloodline that makes you a superior and supernatural creature with a soul...and that no one else has one.

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Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques. - Page 2 Empty Re: Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques.

Post by ChaosRose 15.07.14 19:11

Oh...and if someone claims to be a world-renowned expert or scholar, I'll want to see their credentials, and I'll want to see what well-known and respected scholars and experts have to say about them.

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Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques. - Page 2 Empty Re: Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques.

Post by Stapleraindrop 15.07.14 19:19

Maxx is just firing shots for days lol. Oh jeez man. But ChaosRose, why not just purchase a book by Mr. Luis and read it for yourself? Then you can be the judge and juror of his work.

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Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques. - Page 2 Empty Re: Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques.

Post by Maxx 15.07.14 19:19

ChaosRose wrote:My entry being allowed here has absolutely no relevance whatsoever to your standard of research or verification of sources on this site.

It's interesting that you brought up ego earlier. I know that there is at least lip service given to the idea of dissolving ego. I'm not sure how it goes unnoticed that there is huge ego in believing that you have some special bloodline that makes you a superior and supernatural creature with a soul...and that no one else has one.

well, I damn sure have my bloodline in tact and I resent your diminishing it in front of everyone.  I take my "Village Idiot" mantle and crest very seriously.  If I were you, I would watch what you step in the next time you go for a walk.

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Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques. - Page 2 Empty Re: Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques.

Post by ChaosRose 15.07.14 19:25

Yes, surely threaten me for questioning you. Again...as stated previously, if no one wants to answer my very simple yes or no question...then don't. This dance around the subject, in tandem with ad hominem attacks isn't very evolved.

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Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques. - Page 2 Empty Re: Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques.

Post by Stapleraindrop 15.07.14 19:31

You would think one who speaks so eloquently would at least be able to understand sarcasm. You need to unwind Mrs. Rose. May I escort you to the foyer where mr. Fester may receive you?

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Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques. - Page 2 Empty Re: Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques.

Post by ChaosRose 15.07.14 19:35

I really wish someone would invent a sarcasm font. It just doesn't always come across in type.

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Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques. - Page 2 Empty Re: Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques.

Post by Jonathan 15.07.14 19:35

Stapleraindrop wrote:Oh jeez man. But ChaosRose, why not just purchase a book by Mr. Luis and read it for yourself? Then you can be the judge and juror of his work.

Exactly the point. This sounds like the same old story of people jumping into conclusions and criticism of something they know nothing about.

Read the books. All of them. When you're done with reading, try studying them. Correlate with previous occult knowledge and literature. Don't just sit in a library either, actually put its teachings to use in the real world by experience. Then maybe we may be more willing to discuss criticism of the good an the bad.

Meanwhile this is only a waste of our time.

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Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques. - Page 2 Empty Re: Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques.

Post by ChaosRose 15.07.14 19:40

Well, I do know that there is no ability to fact-check on the source. I have stated that I will read it, and I have certainly read about it here.

I wasn't even trying to critique. I was just asking if anyone, on this site of many Asetians, had ever met the man. Apparently, this is such an offensive question that it has resulted in this subsequent outpouring of animosity.

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Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques. - Page 2 Empty Re: Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques.

Post by Matttt 15.07.14 19:41

My faith in the Order comes from a part of my soul that was moved in reading the words of Master Marques. This is something much deeper than "credentials". A would never ask a Buddhist monk to establish his credibility.

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Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques. - Page 2 Empty Re: Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques.

Post by Jonathan 15.07.14 19:49

ChaosRose, your lack of knowledge on the subject isn't helping you at all. There are no Asetians here, we are Asetianists and not even all of us are. Others are just familiar with the works and respect them albeit following entirely different paths. Your very statement that this is a site of "many Asetians" would take any credibility away over anything you may say in relation to this subject around any community that studies the Asetian tradition or the culture of the Aset Ka in any way or form. Follow the previous advice, learn before making assumptions.

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Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques. - Page 2 Empty Re: Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques.

Post by ChaosRose 15.07.14 20:06

Again...I wasn't trying to display vast knowledge of the subject. I was asking a simple yes or no question. Has anyone met the man? Whether you're Asetian or Asetianist, it's the same question.

Again...no one has to answer it. I was posing it to anyone who would be so kind as to tell me. If you don't want to answer the question, then don't.

The best response so far, (still not actually answering the question), but honorable mention goes to Mattt for this...

My faith in the Order comes from a part of my soul that was moved in reading the words of Master Marques.

Thank you.


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Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques. - Page 2 Empty Re: Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques.

Post by Matttt 15.07.14 20:11

If anyone on this site has in fact met Luis Marques, it is very unlikely they would say so. In fact, it is very unlikely anyone has.

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Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques. - Page 2 Empty Re: Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques.

Post by ChaosRose 15.07.14 20:12

I guess the bottom line is that there are plenty of books out there about vampirism, and plenty of books about spirituality. I think when you come right down to it, the questions I really want answers to are probably as follows. Are these particular books worth my time? Who is this man, and is there any reason to believe what he has to say?

Matttt's response leads me to believe that these books are at least worthy of my time and consideration.

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Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques. - Page 2 Empty Re: Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques.

Post by Matttt 15.07.14 20:18

I don't believe anyone can convince you to believe what the Order has revealed.
The three books are life changing in ways that no others have yet to compare.

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Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques. - Page 2 Empty Re: Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques.

Post by ChaosRose 15.07.14 20:20

Well, I appreciate your honesty, Matttt...and the fact that you didn't come out swinging just because I asked.

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Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques. - Page 2 Empty Re: Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques.

Post by Matttt 15.07.14 20:20

And yes there are tons of books on vampires and spirituality, but there are also tons of brands of macaroni and cheese but only some a worth my time..

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Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques. - Page 2 Empty Re: Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques.

Post by ChaosRose 15.07.14 20:21


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Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques. - Page 2 Empty Re: Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques.

Post by Matttt 15.07.14 20:22

And these books are the Velveeta of macaroni.

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Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques. - Page 2 Empty Re: Hymn to Our Immortal Prince - Dedicated to Luis Marques.

Post by Maxx 15.07.14 20:43

No one else here knows what your time is worth but you!  No one else here knows how you value those books you study or what you really want to retain.  And you are going to ask me if you should really believe what someone else says....geez...

You might try asetka.org and see if there is anything there that draws your attention.  That way you can answer your own question....Cheers from Uncle Fester.

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