Thoughts on Tweet by Luis Marques

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Thoughts on Tweet by Luis Marques Empty Thoughts on Tweet by Luis Marques

Post by VedantaBlack 12.05.21 9:44

Luis Marques posted this on his Twitter recently and I would like to hear some thoughts on it if anyone has any to share.

“ A song echoing through silence.
A hymn proudly unspoken.
Mysteries thriving in secrecy.
Veil of conspired understanding.
Gnosis by pleasure and sorrow.
Feared. Vilified. Condemned.
United. Unbroken. Soaring.
Love. Loyalty. Family.
Violet mist, a red horizon, an immortal flag…
9:09 AM ยท May 11, 2021


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Thoughts on Tweet by Luis Marques Empty Re: Thoughts on Tweet by Luis Marques

Post by 8lou1 12.05.21 11:26

I had a lot to share, but the internalnet decided to crash my phone before it got posted. What it came down to was life is a bitch, stay neutral and kind. Goodness follows goodness. Ow and that flag thingy at the end makes my 4 horses of the apocalypse rise...

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