Under magickal attack, seeking advice

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Under magickal attack, seeking advice Empty Under magickal attack, seeking advice

Post by Lilith's Nightchild 08.09.13 6:09

Hey, everyone. I just found this forum, and I've spent some time reading through the threads. I'm in a bit of a jam right now, and I figured here would be a good place to seek advice. I'll join in the other conversations, of course, but I'm a bit desperate at the moment, so I'm posting this first, and any help or advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated.

I'd classify myself as something of an intermediate magickal practitioner. I've been studying and practicing the occult for eight years now, although it's honestly been an on-and-off thing, so I'm not as good as I could be. I'm still able to cast spells, interact with pranic energy, use my chakras to some degree, work with spirits/gods/goddesses/demons... the basics. I've seen real-world results from my magick many, many, many times. I'm not to the level of an Adept, but neither am I a mere dabbler. (I am a vampire - albiet not one of the Asetian Tradition - but that is another thread entirely.)

A year or two ago, I was betrayed by someone close to me and did some very stupid things while in an emotional state. I'm not going to get into the specifics, but the end result was that I was completely drained of energy and wound up with a "fractured" heart chakra. I say "fractured" because this is what it felt like; it may just be a severe blockage or something, but it felt broken, and for a long time, I couldn't use it at all. It took a long time (during which my mental and physical health spiraled downward to a near-deadly degree) to even realize what the problem was, as the ordeal rendered me severely psychotic and out of touch with reality. In recent months, I've made great progress in fixing the thing, as I'm now able to channel energy through it again and use it with some effort. I imagine that with some diligence and regular exercise, I'll be able to restore its function completely. However, I can't overstate the negative effects that this has had on me, even before I was under magickal attack. It didn't just affect my ability to perform magick, it harshly affected my entire life, both physical and mental health, and honestly came quite close to killing me on more than one occasion.

Now, here's the problem: I insulted a black magickian (for good reason, in my opinion, but the point is moot) who happens to have a decent amount of power behind him, and he's sent negative energies as well as some sort of servitors or other spirits my way. Not being the brightest fellow, he informed me of his intention to curse me, and I was able to put up a rudimentary defense, but in my weakened state, I'm not able to completely deflect the attack. While under attack, I've been dealing with extreme depression and paranoia, and, in one notable instance, I was hit by a wave of death energy that quite nearly claimed my life all by itself: It started with a severe panic attack and progressed to a point where I was having difficulty breathing. I invoked one of my Goddesses and was protected, though I suffered a fever for a few hours afterwards.

At this point, I suspect that he has largely forgotten about me and has simply sent a servitor or other semi-intelligent entity to drain me of prana and inflict physical and mental sickness upon me. I'm not sure whether or not I should fire back, as I don't want to provoke more attacks at this point, but I need a way to prevent this malicious servitor (or whatever it is) from doing its job, reprogram it, or destroy it outright. My energy level is, once again, extremely low, and walls of doubt have erected themselves between me and my magickal abilities, although I am improving every single day. (My magickal abilities have largely decayed over the last year thanks to my incredible stupidity that resulted in damage to my spiritual system, but, once again, I'm making progress.) That said, this has become a huge burden, and I need to take it down, but I'm still a ways from pulling out of my funk completely, and I'm starved for ideas.

I know that it will be easy to dismiss this post based on the fact that situations like this are somewhat rare, but please take my word for it. I know what I'm talking about, unfortunately. The guy doesn't strike me as a genius, but his occult skills are real enough. He works with a particularly evil and destructive magickal system, once which I also have some experience with, and one which is more than capable of having these sorts of effects when used by someone with the right level of energy. My level of energy is currently much lower than his, and I'm unsure what my next action should be. I really need advice. Any help would be greatly appreciated. (If anyone needs more information, please ask. There's much more to the story than this, but I don't want to ramble any more than I already have, and I think I've covered the basics.)
Lilith's Nightchild
Lilith's Nightchild

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Under magickal attack, seeking advice Empty Re: Under magickal attack, seeking advice

Post by Jonathan 08.09.13 6:29

Hello and welcome to the community. From your statements I would say that if you are able to heal a real issue with your Heart Shen you will also be able to properly protect yourself from this. Try energy shielding with an added sigil, especially the more advanced varieties. Just be wary that they do take a lot of energy in order to be maintained in a secure way. Only when your safety is restored and your system is back to balance without outside drains then you can think about disrupting the ill servitor through a banishing technique (not to be performed lightly). My advice is to trust yourself and in your abilities and focus on that trust. Fuel from it. I'm sure you will be able to block an ill intent from some "black" magickian.

You said he works with a particular magickal system, what is that system? Understanding the techniques being used is a great asset in counteracting any kind of magick.

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Under magickal attack, seeking advice Empty Re: Under magickal attack, seeking advice

Post by Stapleraindrop 08.09.13 8:18

Although this may seem obscure, I recommend you first get in a decent energy feeding; clubs and sporting events are excellent for this. You could either create a fetch to protect you, invoke a goddess to protect you, or confront the thing yourself while in the astral. (If you cannot project, you will still be able to see the thing in a trance state if you meditate upon your third eye chakra)
For direct confrontation I recommend creating a sword for yourself and running the thing through it's core. (the brightest part of its energy body.) This should work if you have the proper intent and willpower to destroy it.

If there is no sentenient being, and it is simply energy that is harming you, a grounding meditation followed by some shielding, preferably in nature should help you to dislodge some, if not all of the negative energy. Because the energy is 'going' for you, you should not simply release it, but create some kind of storage to bind it in, whether it be astral or physical.

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Under magickal attack, seeking advice Empty Re: Under magickal attack, seeking advice

Post by Lilith's Nightchild 09.09.13 23:24

Thank you both for your advice.

The magickal system he uses is Current 218. It's a very evil, destructive current of energy. Insanity, death, sadism, nihilism, hatred, violence. As I said, I have some experience with it, so I know more or less what to expect, but I don't use the system exclusively, nor have I studied it as in-depth or for as long as he has.

As far as the techniques he uses, I found an online blog post that he had written about some other people who had offended him, and he very clearly spelled out what his preferred attacks were: General negative energy and sending demonic entities to drain prana and inflict sickness. Not particularly creative, but he does have the necessary experience.

I can't project reliably (I can sometimes get out, but I usually get too excited and pop right back in), but my third eye is in reasonable shape. My main concern is that his blog posts (once again, very stupidly) stated that one of his preferred methods is to send "demonic entities" to drain prana during sleep, so I'd need a way to protect myself when I'm not awake.

I could use sigilization in combination with a few other techniques. And although my energy is low at the moment, I could always program a servitor or consecrated object to pull energy from another source and use that instead.

But, I think that you're both right in the sense that I need to get myself balanced before dealing with this. I haven't been feeding or meditating as regularly as I should be (even my personal hygeine went to hell for a bit during the period where my chakra wasn't functioning; wasn't taking care of myself at all). Once again, thanks for your advice.
Lilith's Nightchild
Lilith's Nightchild

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Under magickal attack, seeking advice Empty Re: Under magickal attack, seeking advice

Post by 8lou1 10.09.13 4:06

hi there,
im very used to magickal attacks and recognize your simptoms ... the current 218 for me can very well be used to clean out rubbish... even when send as an attack.

you say youre looking for a way to reprogram or destroy wich is hard with low energylevels and finding balance under attack can be very hard too...

an other option could be bending the attacker's (whatever it is) path, directing it towards things you need cleaned up for yourself. it doesnt cost that much energy and at the same time helps you heal more...


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Under magickal attack, seeking advice Empty Re: Under magickal attack, seeking advice

Post by 8lou1 10.09.13 4:10

oh and dont give the current 218 to much credit, it grows on it...Wink

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Under magickal attack, seeking advice Empty Re: Under magickal attack, seeking advice

Post by Maxx 10.09.13 7:24

I find their advice of merit.......I do ask you, Lilith nightchild, how have you maintained balance in your entire life as the current 218 seems to be a very unbalanced system which would take the practitioner into areas which would create problems for oneself?  Even your first account here is concerning how this current has created problems in your life.  I do not think it is based solely on the efforts of someone else toward you, but just the fact that you have rubbed shoulders with a system that is entirely unbalanced.  But that is just my own view.......

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Under magickal attack, seeking advice Empty Re: Under magickal attack, seeking advice

Post by Leira 13.09.13 18:42

For direct confrontation I recommend creating a sword for yourself and running the thing through it's core. (the brightest part of its energy body.) This should work if you have the proper intent and willpower to destroy it.



I believe a lot of problems can emerge from " attack " because all magick requires a visualisation process and human nature being what it is our thoughts / imagination can shift in the blink of an eye, so unwittingly we can easily make an innocent our target plus we can't always be 100% sure who our attacker/s are ! So to avoid acquiring a karmic debt I will pass my fears / concerns on through prayer / ritual to my higher self to mete out a justifiable and fair response . In my experience this method works at a lightning pace but also sends a very apt and poignant message to the perpetrator


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Under magickal attack, seeking advice Empty Re: Under magickal attack, seeking advice

Post by Maxx 13.09.13 19:07

Understand I am not diminishing your thoughts or words at all and find great merit in what you are saying.  and I welcome you to the forum......

I, personally, have found that each of us has a different attachment to a magical system that works for any individual.....and to discover what is personally working and getting results is what we should do......but I have found when an attack comes my way......I do not have to even try to pinpoint it.....before or shortly after it is sent, I have some strange sort of vision...and I do not even know if that could be the correct word for it.....and I see in picture form or hear by wording that is put into my mind that there is an attack and who is responsible....I do not understand it....and I do not even have to have ever met that person or persons to have this take effect..but I see them in color and what they are doing....therefore I can take action.  In the past I just killed them spirit wise.....but no longer.  In order to eliminate a person or persons, I now have to evocate 2 beings and get permission before the killing blow I can send. I am allowed to make my own decisions to inflict horrible circumstances on any being I choose that come against me but cannot call death into the picture without prior approval.   But again, I can see where your advice will work for many.

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Under magickal attack, seeking advice Empty Re: Under magickal attack, seeking advice

Post by Leira 14.09.13 7:18

Thank you for the welcome Max Smile it is nice to feel part of a community that take such discussions seriously. That is quite a gift you have " to see " I am somewhat blind in that respect and tend to " feel or sense " instead but you have piqued my curiosity are your senses and vision so finely tuned that you can sense peoples thoughts and moods when they are thinking about you ? Sorry for being nosey Smile and if you would rather not answer I understand


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Under magickal attack, seeking advice Empty Re: Under magickal attack, seeking advice

Post by Stapleraindrop 14.09.13 7:26

Idk about you Leira, but if something is attacking me, mercy is not a thought on my mind.

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Under magickal attack, seeking advice Empty Re: Under magickal attack, seeking advice

Post by Leira 14.09.13 8:20

I am complicated Smile


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Under magickal attack, seeking advice Empty Re: Under magickal attack, seeking advice

Post by Maxx 14.09.13 10:09

Stapleraindrop wrote:Idk about you Leira, but if something is attacking me, mercy is not a thought on my mind.
I realize how you view this and I was the same in years previous, but at some point when maturity sets in you will look at this from a different
light rather than instant reaction.  (and of course, I thought I was mature my entire life......which was not the case)  with continuous learning I am aware that maturity develops by degrees.  Also, I am not meaning this as a put down at all, so please understand that.

And Leira....."are your senses and vision so finely tuned that you can sense peoples thoughts and moods when they are thinking about you ?"

I think I have concluded that something or someone is acting in a protective mode in circumstances I am not even aware of....as I should have been killed many times over my life but some strange happening occurred and it was as if something behind the scenes stopped and changed the outcome....hard to explain but you had to be there to see it completely.  Therefore, when I say that I do not put much emphasis on thoughts of others toward me, I mean that in the event they could become destructive, then I am made aware of their thoughts.....the majority I find it is of no concern so no reason to make thought contact about it.  I have been aware of some instances where a large being was standing behind me and those in front of me began to see it, and they wilted.......I do not understand it...not at all....although I am learning little by little that there must be some reason for it all.....but I certainly admit I have no idea.  I do not view myself as special in any way at all...just another human in the mix and no different from anyone else working through life.   And I am wondering if probably this illustration I just gave is also interwoven into everyone's life.....I want to believe it is so.... as our means to connect with spirit while living in the material becomes stronger with each life we go through here.

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Under magickal attack, seeking advice Empty Re: Under magickal attack, seeking advice

Post by Maxx 14.09.13 10:35

SRaindrop.......after posting I realized that many will take what I said the wrong way so I need to clarify somewhat........In my own life over the years I have seen, very, very much to my surprise, that I have revisited some areas and found that some of those that seemed to become my enemies have had total destruction come into their lives and some died in very horrible deaths......and what I found a complete surprise...is that in many cases I did absolutely nothing to cause this to happen.  So I am discovering there appears to be some sort of shield or protection that would seem to eliminate a humans thought process from creating evil intent towards me.......I just am not completely in the know about all this....but something appears to be taking place.

Maturity seems to be aware that one need do nothing to cause protection to take center stage in their life......

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Under magickal attack, seeking advice Empty Re: Under magickal attack, seeking advice

Post by Stapleraindrop 14.09.13 20:52

My comment was only pertained to this particular instance, where an obviously created thoughtform would be attacking you. I don't going around trying to kill anything that gives me a dirty look Razz

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Under magickal attack, seeking advice Empty Re: Under magickal attack, seeking advice

Post by Maxx 14.09.13 20:57

good....I know there are many groups out there that think this is what they need to do to maintain power in their mind....lol.pirat

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Under magickal attack, seeking advice Empty Re: Under magickal attack, seeking advice

Post by Leira 15.09.13 1:30

Maxx wrote:And Leira....."are your senses and vision so finely tuned that you can sense peoples thoughts and moods when they are thinking about you ?"
Yes I am exceptionally sensitive but I do believe I have to be emotionally connected to someone first although when I am in close physical proximity to strangers I can read body language and moods really well, it would be a rare day when someone could pull the wool over my eyes.

I found what you were saying in regards to "protection " very interesting coz I have often felt / sensed a protective field around me. I have been involved in some very serious car accidents over the years and managed to walk away without so much as a scratch although over the last year or so I have been a bit concerned that my protective field has been in some way breached ?


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Under magickal attack, seeking advice Empty Re: Under magickal attack, seeking advice

Post by Stapleraindrop 15.09.13 7:15

Leira, like you I have recognized a sort of protection, although of a different sort. Whenever I am in physical danger, my body tends to react violently fast without my brain really controlling anything. Somehow, I have managed to avoid many injuries this way, particularly during sports.

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Under magickal attack, seeking advice Empty Re: Under magickal attack, seeking advice

Post by Stapleraindrop 15.09.13 21:56

arlier this evening, some friends and I were hanging out, and we all got kind of un-sober.

As me and one friend were leaving, he described how he had felt a presence, and for some reason was feeling a strong hatred for me.

I know stuff like this can be kind of shady when you're high, but I think he was posessed. Any thoughts/speculations?


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Under magickal attack, seeking advice Empty Re: Under magickal attack, seeking advice

Post by Leira 16.09.13 4:11

Depends ? In my limited experience I think a person would have to produce the right conditions / circumstances to create a breach in dimensional space before possession could take place but I think from the little I have gleaned whilst being on this forum Maxx might be the best one to ask regarding possession ?

A couple of friends and me decided to take a short cut through a graveyard one time we were reading the details of how various people died. We passed some really scruffy graves that were surrounded by weeds, one of the unkempt ones was a little boys grave. I felt such a huge wave of sorrow as I walked by, then just a few meters away we came across the graves of some priests and nuns but these graves had been well tendered and cared for. I felt this surge of anger at the hypocrisy of Catholics ( as in the caretakers ) that they would only tend to their own denominations graves instead of tending to all of them equally. So I very emotionally and vocally voiced those thoughts to my friends . Then out of the blue one of my friends picked up a little toy gun that had been left as a gift by the family of the little boy. We all told her to put it back but she just said "Well what does it matter the boy is dead anyway " I felt another surge of anger and annoyance this time directed at my friend, then out of nowhere this real creepy wind flared up - I could literally feel the hair on my arms stand on end. So we left pretty quickly and headed off to catch our bus home.

When I got home and walked in the door my mother was lying on the lounge half asleep when she suddenly exclaimed " Ooh how weird, I just got a vision of a nun standing beside you on the stairs "Needless to say her comment really freaked me out Smile A few hours on I had completely forgotten about it and headed off to bed. My sister woke during the night coz she heard moaning / sobbing coming from my bed, she said she got up to see if the noise was coming from me but to her dismay realised I was not the one making the noise. I said to her "what did you do then ? "She said I went back to bed and hid under my blanket.

And oddly enough a few years ago I was referred to a psychic in the UK by a friend. One of the images she picked up on was that of a nun she said was with me in spirit she went on to add I was very lucky to have her around coz she was a very formidable character and was there to protect me. But I believe the graveyard itself acted as a kind of portal to a different dimension and just then I got a vision of a field -I think opening portals has to do with fields of energy ?


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Under magickal attack, seeking advice Empty Re: Under magickal attack, seeking advice

Post by Leira 16.09.13 4:31

Stapleraindrop wrote:Leira, like you I have recognized a sort of protection, although of a different sort. Whenever I am in physical danger, my body tends to react violently fast without my brain really controlling anything. Somehow, I have managed to avoid many injuries this way, particularly during sports.
Like me the force is strong in you when you need it Smile I know embarrassingly Obi-Wan Kenobi Smile Do you know with " certainty "when one of those moments surges into your life ? For me they have been rare but powerful moments Smile moments that leave you in no doubt that something very magical has occurred Smile and its the experience and not the " word "that sets us apart from the mainstream Smile


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Under magickal attack, seeking advice Empty Re: Under magickal attack, seeking advice

Post by Stapleraindrop 16.09.13 5:45

I wouldn't necessarily call it magical, but more instinctual. It is odd however, because when these moments occour, my brain just shuts off the entire time and only 'reboots' once I am safe.

The same type of thing also happens when I am in a fight.

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Under magickal attack, seeking advice Empty Re: Under magickal attack, seeking advice

Post by Leira 17.09.13 3:31

Stapleraindrop wrote:I wouldn't necessarily call it magical, but more instinctual. It is odd however, because when these moments occour, my brain just shuts off the entire time and only 'reboots' once I am safe.

The same type of thing also happens when I am in a fight.
So does it feel like time stands still or slows down ?


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Under magickal attack, seeking advice Empty Re: Under magickal attack, seeking advice

Post by Stapleraindrop 17.09.13 10:32

Depends on the situation. When one of these instances occurs for a longer period of time, it feels slowed, but anything less than about 2-4 seconds feels instant.

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Under magickal attack, seeking advice Empty Re: Under magickal attack, seeking advice

Post by Lilith's Nightchild 18.09.13 1:55

Thank you all for your responses. Things have only gotten worse since my last post. I think I'm going to attempt a banishing ritual, low energy or not.

Maxx, there is some truth to what you are saying in regards to this being more than just an external attack sent against me (although that is certainly part of it). I work with a few different magickal systems that thrust the practitioner into dangerous and potentially deadly situations in order to build strength and character. My "big mistake" which resulted in a badly damaged chakra had a lot to do with this. Current 218 and those Traditions that fall along similar lines have no tolerance for weakness. If you're weak in one way or another, they'll grab you by the throat and beat you until you're either dead or strong enough to proceed. They'll thrust you deep into the wilderness in the middle of the night, deep into the criminal underworld during the daylight hours, deep into Hell itself all of the time. I haven't just "rubbed elbows" with Current 218, I've been Initiated into it. I know its energies. They're around me all of the time.

My real problem is that I have a badly damaged chakra, I'm already in an extremely depressed and paranoid state, and now, some idiot is launching an attack at me. It's a bad situation, but I'll figure out how to get out of it.

As far as being unbalanced goes, I think you hit the nail on the head there. Current 218 isn't toxic to those who hold the Black Flame within (as I do), but balance is something that I am sorely lacking in all areas of my life. I'm thinking of taking up a more positive system of magick alongside my current projects to help even things out.
Lilith's Nightchild
Lilith's Nightchild

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