Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again

Konrad Curze
Divine 277
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Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again Empty Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again

Post by Jonathan 10.12.13 11:36

Father Sebastiaan tries again to lure young occultists searching about Vampirism by connecting his commercial material with those of the Aset Ka. He has done this often over the years as it's well known by all and even recognized by those who dislike Asetianism, sometimes in a subtle way and in others through blatant plagiarism. Sometime ago he released a Vampire Manifesto after reading the renown Asetian Manifesto, renamed his roleplaying balls as the Conclave of the Sanguinarium after the real vampire Conclave organized internationally by the Aset Ka became known to the public even if surrounded by mystery. After many ideas stolen from Asetian books and other sources from the community, including the fact of now describing his stuff as the true spirituality for vampires, when before the Aset Ka none of those groups ever even mentioned a spiritual side to vampirism focusing solely on the feeding aspects of it. Now suddenly everyone sees spirituality in vampirism without giving proper credit to the teacher who started the whole movement: Luis Marques. Before him vampirism and spirituality were never connected or tied together. That's something these roleplayers hardly ever do, giving credit where credit is due and referencing the source.

Now Sebastiaan released yet another attempt to attach himself to the tradition of the Aset Ka by self-publishing a book titled "Vampyre Mysteries The Purple Veils". The purple or violet cover as an obvious attempt at drawing parallels with the Asetian Bible, even included under the tag "Public Edition", something done again on the Asetian Bible. Of course, in this case Father Sebastiaan released also an "Internal Edition" that has nothing internal about it as anyone can purchase it online as long as they pay extra for it. Wink

Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again Product_thumbnail

Same old scams over and over. It was also noticed by other Asetianists that Sebastiaan deletes comments of people asking about the Aset Ka or Asetianism from his websites and forums in a way to silence anything about these teachings, and in situations when deleting content is not an option he dismisses it as "Harry Potter nonsense". Is that the way to describe the source where you draw your inspiration and ideas Mr. Todd Hoyt? I think not.

About a year ago Octarine Valur published an article about the damage, deceit and lies from Sebastiaan in her country and community, which is also worth reading: http://savampyrenews.wordpress.com/2012/12/12/the-obfuscation-of-father-sebastiaan-inc-an-illuminating-investigation-for-the-vampiyre-community-by-octarine-valur/

Just leaving this information here as we have done before in similar situations so that young occultists researching about it may see some of the truth behind it and do some effort to dig deeper before falling in false teachings with no occult content worthy of study. Your time is valuable, go to the source instead of the copycats.

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Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again Empty Re: Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again

Post by Kalb 10.12.13 15:16

Thank you so much, Jonathan. The world should thank people like you.

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Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again Empty Re: Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again

Post by Demonia 10.12.13 17:56

lol he even used the same shade of purple. very nice of you to spread the truth Smile thanks Jonathan

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Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again Empty Re: Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again

Post by Maxx 10.12.13 18:15

This may seem strange to many....but I say thanks to F.S.  I might point out that cockroaches all ban together.  Those with potential in that group will after a period suddenly wake up and see that they are not progressing in ascension at all...and then leave that mess.  Those that flock together and tell each other how great they are doing have no spiritual insight anyway and will never change.   I say good riddance to all of the cockroaches.  Will keep them from infestation here.  

We now have a place to refer the kiddies and those lost in delusion rather than have to go over and over and over with this stuff as that type will not take time to study anything.  Just keep looking in the mirror at how sharp their black cape looks.  LOL.  

Long live Father Sebastian and the cockroaches. Thank ye, Thank ye, Thank ye.

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Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again Empty Re: Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again

Post by Gunnar 10.12.13 22:36

Interesting how this kind of stuff is still going on.

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Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again Empty Re: Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again

Post by Stapleraindrop 11.12.13 5:48

The funny thing is, even Belanger says he is a shady character.

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Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again Empty Re: Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again

Post by Nightshade 11.12.13 6:03

This kind of stuff still happens because of the truthfulness and honesty of the occult and magickal work developed by Luis Marques. His system works. The Asetian tradition is real. People always tend to copy from the best they can find. Same thing happened with Crowley and his Thelema when other occultists drew inspiration, copied and plagiarized his works and many of his theories on practical magick, even long after his death. Marques is a great teacher whether you like him or not, a visionary of our time. The magick he created causes change in those who follow it and also among those who criticize him. He has made that clear and even taught his process of doing so to anyone who studied all of his books currently available. Many years from now no one will remember who Sebastiaan or Todd was but they will still talk about Luis Marques and the Aset Ka, study their teachings or criticize them.
This is true to others as well, since what Sebastiaan writes isn't real and simply doesn't work. He does not understand the subtle principles at work behind the Aset Ka so what he copies has no effect. People may be drawn to all the fantasy surrounding it at first and the fake fangs he makes a business of but soon they move away as they realize how stagnated they became.

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Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again Empty Re: Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again

Post by Divine 277 11.12.13 6:34

Have anyone actually read the book?
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again Empty Re: Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again

Post by Maxx 11.12.13 7:17

for what reason?  If one is interested in ascension or improving their position they will not waste their time with fiction trash.  If this is a draw for them to read, then they are not actively pursuing or working on their life.  That is why I say, like type draws like type together.  Just looking at that video shows how inept his whole stance is.  Your question suggests you want to interject fairness.  But allowing ineptitude as a standard is way wrong.

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Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again Empty Re: Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again

Post by Divine 277 11.12.13 7:43

Understand Smile I have not watched the video .. however I do kinda get the impression that most of his books are only a over view of stuff concerning the vampiric condition, witch I still see, as some what diverse in the community as a whole.  

Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again 1463679_479651008820888_784962960_n

Divine 277
Divine 277

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Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again Empty Re: Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again

Post by Jonathan 11.12.13 9:43

Kalb, Demonia, you're welcome. My pleasure to share these gems I find with you guys. As I always say, I don't do much about it but if these articles fall on Google searches and help a few people in their path to growth and learning then I'm happy.

Divine 277, I did read his books, not just this one. I don't see it as an overview of the vampire condition at all, I see them as a way to make money and to fool innocent people interested in vampirism. Others may disagree but this is my interpretation. You're right when you say the community is diverse and vampirism has many sides and interpretations, I can't disagree with that. But just because there is diversity it doesn't mean that any new-age nonsense brought to light should be accepted as part of vampirism. Some stuff is real even if we follow a different path  and I accept that but others are just plain untrue. I understand that there are more layers about vampirism other than Asetianism and the Aset Ka, and that some are real and deserve respect. Strigoi Vii and Father Sebastiaan are not one of those.

Recently on Twitter he said he is the Heisenberg of vampires. That's hilarious as he has none of the intelligence of Walter White or Heisenberg about him or his work. To those who have seen Breaking Bad I must say that if there was a parallel with the television series Sebastiaan would be Wendy. I guess that sums it up.

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Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again Empty Re: Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again

Post by Stapleraindrop 11.12.13 10:42

Clap According to Father Sebastian, a vampire is someone who buys his books and fangs, and they neither take life force, nor blood...

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Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again Empty Re: Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again

Post by Jonathan 11.12.13 11:25

Stapleraindrop wrote:Clap According to Father Sebastian, a vampire is someone who buys his books and fangs, and they neither take life force, nor blood...


That's exactly his definition.

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Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again Empty Re: Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again

Post by Kalb 11.12.13 11:37

Clap Roll Laugh 

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Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again Empty Re: Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again

Post by 8lou1 11.12.13 12:33

i havent read any of his books and im also no expert on vampirism, but the one thing what attracted me to his work was a video i saw of him where he put a lot of emphasis on family life.

ive had my share of attacks as well as my family which gave us a hard time and i was very glad to find someone who also believed the occult is possible to explore with a family around. now some will say of course thats possible, but at time the people around me did not really believe that or did not take me serious on the attacks.

following some of his footsteps at least gave me the confidence to believe i and my family could overcome these attacks.

concerning all the other things mentioned about father seb, i agree with maxx: let the children have their playground....

(lately im shielding with a big shield in symbols so all understand where to put themselves  Twisted Evil )


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Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again Empty He really does have something and he is not aware of it.

Post by Maxx 12.12.13 9:26

Stapleraindrop wrote:Clap According to Father Sebastian, a vampire is someone who buys his books and fangs, and they neither take life force, nor blood...

I read some words from William Buhlman that struck a cord with me...they are..... and you can ask yourself this....

"What dominates your mindset?  Why do you believe what you do? What evidence supports your conclusions.  Examine your personal library of beliefs.  Do you believe that you are the victim of fate  (this case meaning some that think they are vampire and are only influenced by group consciousness)  or do you know that you create everything about your own reality?  Few people stop to consider that their library of cherished beliefs was never their own.  They live within the narrow confines of the established thoughts and conclusions created by the minds of others. This goes far deeper than most would begin to imagine. "

What I do see in the above words from Buhlman began to couple with the commentary by F. Sebastian.  I see that Sebastian is a complete fake but he is actually using the Vampire principles of drawing and draining others of their focus and life force because they are listening to his dribble and giving it force with their consciousness.  The same applies to the mentioned TOV in that article that Jonathan mentioned.
This becomes a far greater element than what appears to us on the surface.  I say that even the leaders only understand part of this but it enables them to drain the bank accounts of countless millions of low minded adults and children that are not taking their own thoughts into consideration and taking control of their life by becoming Master of their own fate (by taking control of their thoughts)  May the universe open our eyes to fakes like this and have them revealed.

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Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again Empty Re: Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again

Post by 8lou1 13.12.13 7:10

i like youre comment maxx. i only have one problem with it... if you dont have a meaning of 'vampire' in your library its hard to distinguish between truth and fake and different types of vampirsm. concepts seem to rule this world in this day and age...

also teaching free thought isnt someting what can be found in schools or the work environment. and im starting to think that in a lot of 'temples' and 'orders' free thought isnt something much appreciated either....

still i love dreaming about a world where tru freedom is possible and we can walk in peace, even though im pushed every time to give that up....

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Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again Empty Re: Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again

Post by Maxx 13.12.13 8:23

whatever classification applies...whether vampire, otherkin, human, animal, shaman, mystic......what prompts the thought process to arrive at that conclusion of the individual.  How have you become what you are?  It is because of your thinking.  Why do we think the thoughts that we do.  It is saying that a group consciousness more than likely directed that programing which you joined yourself to.  It is saying stop.... and assess what happened and go within to find your self and the answer to the questions.

It also speaks about people that spend time going over past happenings over and over in the mind again as living their life based on that past.  Illustrations show that even after passing over to the other side that person continues to live in the same mental state until they begin to ask themselves questions about what is happening. Linear time does not exist in those other areas as it may be decades or hundreds of years our time spent there until the awakening takes place.  That period my be ten minutes of time in our frame.   It shows that the material or physical is created with this attitude and that we have to cut our attachment to the heavy material world that we are caught in.  Only then can we discover the way the energy world is designed.  When one is free of these attachments, only then can one move to the higher dimensions.  As above, so below.  We are creators with our thoughts....  It is important to become aware of this.

I remember at some time prior to today, kalb made a post saying that the only important time is in the present.  This is what he was referring to. Any time these thoughts from the past come up, you have to realize this and cut it off...stop it.  Then you start to create your present circumstances by focus at present as well as putting emotion to that thought.  Even spending time in the future will have the same effect as spending time in the past.  It is not as strong a creation factor as the present time.   The most important time is now as this is the way that you can create that which you need around you.

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Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again Empty Re: Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again

Post by 8lou1 13.12.13 9:03

understood and true. and on a personal note such a group consciousness can be very hard to let go off. i sometimes feel like im pulled from one group to an other, not wanting to be part of either of them. but still i like the feeling of belonging.

i feel i need to reset my whole point of view and cut some cords...


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Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again Empty Re: Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again

Post by Victor 13.12.13 9:47

Well I must say that there is nothing illegal about a violet book, even if it's obvious that it was meant to draw connections with the Aset Ka. I have met Father Sebastiaan in person and he knows who I am, although we haven't spoken for several years. Anyone who knows Todd in real life has no illusions about him, it's clear that he is no vampire or even an occultist. He's an entrepreneur. He states that himself. As an entrepreneur he makes use of viral marketing and a great deal of deceit to make others believe he's something more than what he actually is. It's an ego trip and his way of making money. It's nothing new that he finds inspiration in the Aset Ka and the writings of Luis Marques, having based much of his stuff around those teachings. The sad thing is how he openly criticizes those studying Asetianism, mocking them and even insulting, when he seems to like it enough to copy. Also it's not only the Aset Ka that he copies, as even Michelle Belanger publicly stated that he stole her material in the early days of her publishing. Other elements were also copied from Anton LaVey, the Church of Satan and the Temple of the Vampire. It's a mix of all sorts of things put into one bag he calls Strigoi Vii and Sanguinarium, sometimes referred to as the current of Elorath. However from a scholar perspective I must say that this is not real vampirism or followed by living vampires, despite the claims. Those who were around when he first entered the scene must surely remember what computer game brought him into the community and his desire to recreate Vampire The Masquerade in real life through live events and masquerade balls. That led to the creation of the parties called Endless Night that he often promotes, which some of you may know or have attended in the past. It's a gothic fest and as far as I'm concerned not many real vampires attend it at all.

At this point it should be clear to anyone serious about vampirism that vampires don't use fangs, walk with a cane or wear long capes. It is humans who fantasise about the vampires from fiction and feel the need to dress up as those vampires. Real vampires find no need to pretend to be something they already are and that surely isn't expressed by fashion. Wink

As for Sebastiaan, most about his life these days is a mask and a game of pretending. Although spending many of his years in NY in the US he currently lives in a small apartment in France, moving there after the Aset Ka made public that their head of operations is located in Europe, and now he states that all cool occultists must live in Europe. Although for the most part the occult underground in Europe is more developed and serious than here in the US, truth is that none of the older families in Europe tied to the occult recognize Sebastiaan or see in him any credibility. Most, when inquired, don't even know who he is, yet he makes claims to attend their private meetings. He funds his own workshops, balls and public speeches, later saying he was invited by covens, orders and other credible sources. He invests a big portion of his money in self-promotion, gothic night events and making a name for his brands of the Sanguinarium, Endless Night Vampire Ball and Sabretooth Clan, former Sabretooth Emporium, where he makes money by crafting fangs to any goth kid seeking the spooky looks. It's all so silly that he makes his clients recite a small ritual for getting their fangs done and he claims that once they get them, they become vampires. Yes, it's that ridiculous. You can find a sample of his rituals at his own Sanguinarium.net by following this link: here. He uses manipulation and persuasion so that others may express some kind of worship towards him and boast about his powers, in an embarrassing way to feed his own ego.

He maintains an account in this forum for several years now and I think it's likely that he still reads it regularly, given how frequently he comments about stuff from here with others in his circle that I have contact with. He is free to join and explain things if something being mentioned is not true but I doubt he will do that as he tends to avoid any confrontation that he's not entirely sure he can "win".

Concerning vampirism the truth you may find is that this guy is not respected by any organization except his own small group. Our friends in Europe say that he's a nobody in the occult scene there, yet he uses that element to pose as cool and evolved here in the US. He describes himself as The King of Vampires, saying others call him that, when those are his own words. That's a tactic he often applies, saying others call him something or state something about him, when that was actually implied by him or someone close to him. Vampires have no king but if they did it wouldn't definitely be him.

This is exactly why so many people out there dislike this forum. We are not afraid to speak and say things for what they really are.

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Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again Empty Re: Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again

Post by Kalb 13.12.13 10:55

Long live to you, Victor.  jocolor 

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Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again Empty Re: Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again

Post by 8lou1 13.12.13 12:07

thank you victor. im glad more and more of my suspicions are not just my own. i had to discover it all on my own and couldnt find the words for it to express it or talk to someone with more experience about it,since ive noone around who even wants to talk about other beings even though they know they exist.
and while i find it really hard to see someone be that way the truth is, there are people who are that way and its time i except that.


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Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again Empty Re: Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again

Post by Jonathan 14.12.13 16:18

Thanks Victor for your post. You have more experience than I do and know many of these people and their background. That provided everyone with a good insight. The good thing about truth is that sooner or later it comes to light.

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Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again Empty Re: Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again

Post by intuneric 15.12.13 8:32

Înțelegerea oamenilor de orice subiect este doar la fel de profund ca acolo profesori permite. nu va lasati pacaliti de ceea ce ei știu sau nu înțeleg despre un blestem care a fost mult timp uitat, ca orice povesti din trecut ei se schimbat la ceea ce profesorul vrea ca noi să credem, că, uneori, nu este adevărul.
Ca limba veche care le-am uitat am venit de la.


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Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again Empty Re: Father Sebastiaan copying Aset Ka again

Post by Maxx 15.12.13 10:31

To those that do not read Romanian....this is the best I can translate it for all that do not understand what he is writing.....

People's understanding of any subject is just as profound as their teachers allows you. Don't be fooled by what they know or don't understand about a curse that has long been forgotten, like any stories from the past they are changed to what Professor wants us to believe, that, sometimes, it is not the truth.
That old language which I had forgotten I came from.

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