Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan

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Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan Empty Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan

Post by emmafangs 12.09.22 17:48

Can anyone advise me on the thoughts and opinions on this so called Father Sebastiaan?

I was debating to do a course of his on the University Magickus website. I emailed Sebastiaan directly with various simply questions that he was unable to answer. He was extremely shady in his replies (which I am happy to share on here if anyone wishes me too). ALL of his replies were also a contradiction to what he said previously. As I am sure you would all feel the same, it was a massive red flag. 🚩

He admitted that he was completely self proclaimed and that he has made up the WHOLE of his vampire concept which made me question his so called magick, again which he avoided. Has anyone had any experience with this fake shady character?

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Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan Empty Re: Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan

Post by Jonathan 12.09.22 18:53

Yes, that one is a known fraud in the vampire community. He is just about role-playing, not vampirism.

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Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan Empty Re: Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan

Post by emmafangs 12.09.22 19:07

Jonathan wrote:Yes, that one is a known fraud in the vampire community. He is just about role-playing, not vampirism.

Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for replying. I thought so much tbh. What are your experiences or knowledge on his fraudulent activities?

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Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan Empty Re: Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan

Post by adrenochrome_rush 15.09.22 9:51

I am told he's very into a Persian bellydancer Mahafsoun (@mahafsoun) who is into vampires. You could ask her what she thinks. She's a young woman who got to know him. I bet she's on here, or was. This forum is for those of us who enjoy the "old ways." The younger folks don't post on forums anymore...Discord chat is what everyone uses.

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Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan Empty Re: Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan

Post by Jonathan 15.09.22 11:00

We all know Mahafsoun. She had a falling out with Sebastiaan and accused him of rape and abuse. No idea if there is any truth to it or if she is just looking for attention, which wouldn't be the first. We don't get involved in their dramas here, since both have made a career from exploiting others.

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Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan Empty Re: Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan

Post by adrenochrome_rush 15.09.22 12:12

^ omg 11:15 that was so deep. I feel thattttt. I imagine it’s tough to be an artist professionally. The world makes it difficult.
Honestly I didn’t know that. I dont know much about her.
The beings I communicate with were telling me about her in regards to this topic.
Where I live, there are beautiful women who look like models everywhere. I find it interesting that living where she lives, she feels like it gives her a vampiric power to be a beautiful woman. Here anywhere near LA it’s like you can get a room full of models in a phone call. Like grains of sand.

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Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan Empty Re: Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan

Post by Jonathan 15.09.22 12:26

You are talking like she lives in the Middle East. She’s Canadian, living in Vancouver. lol

Given the people she has manipulated and abused, as well as other artists she backstabbed for attention, please don’t promote her videos here. It's not respectful towards art and actual hardworking artists. Her “fanbase” is a self-created illusion. It’s mostly comprised of fake accounts managed by her and her partner, both who make a living from those fake accounts and a false image of fame when in truth she is very much unknown in the artistic scene everywhere.

Number of posts : 3046
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Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan Empty Re: Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan

Post by adrenochrome_rush 16.09.22 9:19

Sorry J, the universe is on Mahafsoun's side.

Reminds of me of this archetypical LA person: "OK everyone, let's perform these powerful ancient rituals from Shangrila...so we can have such hot bodies on da beach ya'll with our lates in hand."

Then everyone argues for hours about what direction to spin in to start, left or right, to align ourselves with the universe. Trying it both ways just to see what works would be against the laws of the universe.

Number of posts : 38
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Registration date : 2022-08-27

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Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan Empty Re: Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan

Post by adrenochrome_rush 16.09.22 18:42

I read Father Sebastiaan is a reiki teacher now. That's awesome. He inspires me to finish my reiki training.


Number of posts : 38
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Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan Empty Re: Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan

Post by adrenochrome_rush 21.09.22 10:07

adrenochrome_rush wrote:

Sorry J, the universe is on Mahafsoun's side.

Reminds of me of this archetypical LA person: "OK everyone, let's perform these powerful ancient rituals from Shangrila...so we can have such hot bodies on da beach ya'll with our lates in hand."

Then everyone argues for hours about what direction to spin in to start, left or right, to align ourselves with the universe. Trying it both ways just to see what works would be against the laws of the universe.

Hmmm so out of curiosity, I have been experimenting with this set of exercises. I did the Tibetan Rites exercises completely in reverse order starting from the last one, and I did the spin counter clockwise. I still have a feeling my energy is reversed from doing this. So I have the impression that with the way the exercises are set up, one would need to spin clockwise to feel "normal." But that's possibly because in our lives we are accustomed to the idea of clockwise time and manifestation following in that direction. It would be interesting to do it backwards in reverse, and then forwards again. That's going to be my new energy experiment.

Number of posts : 38
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Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan Empty Re: Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan

Post by Forsaken 28.09.22 20:12

emmafangs wrote:Can anyone advise me on the thoughts and opinions on this so called Father Sebastiaan?

I was debating to do a course of his on the University Magickus website. I emailed Sebastiaan directly with various simply questions that he was unable to answer. He was extremely shady in his replies (which I am happy to share on here if anyone wishes me too). ALL of his replies were also a contradiction to what he said previously. As I am sure you would all feel the same, it was a massive red flag. 🚩

He admitted that he was completely self proclaimed and that he has made up the WHOLE of his vampire concept which made me question his so called magick, again which he avoided. Has anyone had any experience with this fake shady character?

I would advise you to stay away. Anyone who demands anything from you is at least fundamentally flawed here. You owe them nothing and you could give them a whole bunch of things by responding.


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Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan Empty Re: Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan

Post by Morell 30.11.22 10:29

emmafangs wrote:Can anyone advise me on the thoughts and opinions on this so called Father Sebastiaan?

I was debating to do a course of his on the University Magickus website. I emailed Sebastiaan directly with various simply questions that he was unable to answer. He was extremely shady in his replies (which I am happy to share on here if anyone wishes me too). ALL of his replies were also a contradiction to what he said previously. As I am sure you would all feel the same, it was a massive red flag. 🚩

He admitted that he was completely self proclaimed and that he has made up the WHOLE of his vampire concept which made me question his so called magick, again which he avoided. Has anyone had any experience with this fake shady character?

I didn't know that he is a roleplayer, but it actually explains a lot. I rather enjoy studying his Sanguinomicon book, it gives me more than Asetian bible, but there are some things that doesn't sound clever to say it lightly.
But personaly with him I have no experience. Probably lucky for that. Very Happy

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Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan Empty Re: Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 30.11.22 11:35

I've read through bits and pieces of Mr. Todd Hoyt. From what I gathered it was severely copied, or deeply but openly unrecognized, as by him, but in a distorted way, inspired, by the Asetian Bible, at least "Vampyre Magick: The Grimoire of the Living Vampire" which was the only book I looked through, incidentally published 2012, 5 years after the Asetian Bible.

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Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan Empty Re: Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan

Post by Morell 30.11.22 12:24

Well that's definitely true. There is a lot of material taken from other sources, defeinitely in occult parts of the text. From rituals, though single maditation technique,(I beleive that to pick this one as only one presented was poor choice) to the system of three casts(?) of vampyres. Not much of his own invention, except his (theirs?) alternative ankh, which is artistic, but I designed better Laughing  and long text about copyright and support of his own group.
I've read Vampire magick too, have both books at home.

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Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan Empty FAKERY AND FUCKERY

Post by Corvin35801 14.04.24 11:04

I just left Facebook and a sanguinarium group on discord. I was able to join Solaris Halo, House Corvidae, and Sebastiaans group on university magickus. After a few months it was very apparent how fake and ropleplay everything is. I consistently tried to start philosophical and spiritual conversations about energy sensitivity and past lives with them. I was either ignored or "corrected" by the members, with one saying "who really knows" or "every form of vampirism is valid even if its just roleplay". There was lengthy posts about how roleplay is an unavoidable part of the VC and all vamps probably started with the VTMB games. I attemped to relate with them, even mentioned some movies I enjoy like Underworld, was ofcourse ignored again. The most attention I experienced was when I posted cosplay selfies of course. The rest was radio silence. They seemed mostly concerned with Lucretia's personal life and the themed parties. Alexis making looong posts mocking traditions and saying nothing is serious its all a gamw. She did post pictures of her altar for likes of course. Couldnt care less about shielding or grounding or energy work. Looked at me like i had three heads on zoom call when i asked about it, and told me to use florida water. Even noticed some smirks from members when sebastiaan talked about an out of body experience he apparently had. Nothing serious or sacred to them at all. Some of them made some posst about their struggles receiving tons of positive feedbac but when i did i was told not to be so depressing and were all struggling it's not big deal it just the eclipse causing it What the fuck. What an insult. I told them this is an existing thing im suffering through but past life memories and energy sensitivited not belonging in this world yet not a single fuck was given. Everything is so LARP it makes me sick. It's all a costume to these *people*. That's what they are, NOT Vamps


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Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan Empty Re: Fake Self Proclaimed “Father” Sebastiaan

Post by AlifBalaamYashin 14.04.24 16:23

Jonathan wrote:You are talking like she lives in the Middle East. She’s Canadian, living in Vancouver. lol

Given the people she has manipulated and abused, as well as other artists she backstabbed for attention, please don’t promote her videos here. It's not respectful towards art and actual hardworking artists. Her “fanbase” is a self-created illusion. It’s mostly comprised of fake accounts managed by her and her partner, both who make a living from those fake accounts and a false image of fame when in truth she is very much unknown in the artistic scene everywhere.
Isn't she the same one who was involved with Serpent?

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