Fake Dark Marks

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Fake Dark Marks Empty Fake Dark Marks

Post by Kalb 12.08.11 18:47

Em Hotep,

There are many people out there pretending to be Asetians and wanting to copy them. Some even make tattoos of false Ankhs on the left wrist wanting it to be Dark Marks, but due to ignorance and dumbness they use all sorts of modern designs with no meaning. One of the most ridiculous examples is the use of the Ankh from game Vampire The Masquerade. lol

Fake Dark Marks Work.6255820.2.fc,550x550,white.v3

I have seen a group of 6 people where all done that tattoo and pretended to be Asetians. How can people be so clueless I don't know. From all the Ankhs and Egyptian symbols they had to go for the one that obvious connects them with roleplayers and pretenders. How dumb they look in the eyes of every occultist out there. This stays here as information for many to see and recognize these scams.

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Fake Dark Marks Empty Re: Fake Dark Marks

Post by Victor 12.08.11 19:55

Sheep will always be sheep.

Such people do us all a service, and they do it for free. Everyone needs a good laugh, occultists are no different. Twisted Evil

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Fake Dark Marks Empty Re: Fake Dark Marks

Post by Hioman 12.08.11 20:20

oh man, XDDD

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Fake Dark Marks Empty Re: Fake Dark Marks

Post by Jonathan 12.08.11 22:13


I haven't seen anyone with such a nonsense tattoo, but I guess it would be expected for them to exist. Many people are so fake in everything they do. After all, the lowest of mortals are very predictable. I would laugh for sure.
Free clowns can be a good thing sometimes!

Now seriously, for someone to be so blind and unaware I can only assume they must be really sad with their own lives and most of all with their own Self/Soul. It's a very common thing really, such people may smile and act all happy in public but deep inside it's quite clear they are very sad and alone.
It's rather obvious that such people have no magickal powers and metaphysical abilities. I'm not sure how that happens or why nature works in such a way, but from time to time we come across people that have no magickal spark or flame in themselves, making them unable to work with magick and nature's powers. So all they can do is lie and pretend. I believe most occultists would call them "non magickal beings".

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Fake Dark Marks Empty People are strange!

Post by N.Augusta 13.08.11 8:31

Okay, in all fairness, people get tattoos of all sorts of things. This is not as strange as this guy who is trying to look like a tiger/cat man.
Fake Dark Marks 35853834_dba9b1ed67

Or this woman/mother "vampire" who is covered in ink and had horns implanted in her head. HORNS?!?!

Fake Dark Marks Article-1373606-0B77FA8B00000578-408_634x597

Look, people even get tattoos of the Harry Potter dark mark Smile Fake Dark Marks 2576842445_200717ac6c

I've seen pics with people that have this Vampire Masquerade ankh tattoo, but I've not noticed any claiming to be Asetians. In the vampire masquerade thing/game/whatever are their ankhs supposed to be on the left wrist? Are we assuming that if they have it on their left wrist then they are claiming to be an Asetian? Are they really going on about claiming to be an Asetian? Seriously? Oh my! Do people get these same ankhs all over their bodies? Why in the world would someone get a tattoo from a game on their body? Hmm! People are strange! This is still not as strange as the picture of the guy who had the ankh from the AB on his back. That one...oh my! But I am not sure if that was real or just a digital display. It was so purple and shiny, but then again, I think new tattoos are shiny, yes?

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Fake Dark Marks Empty Re: Fake Dark Marks

Post by Natalia 13.08.11 8:40

I am aware of the situation of the fake Ankhs, and although they don't restrict themselves to roleplaying symbols and computer games, the most ridiculous example is indeed the tattooing of a symbol that is not even a true Egyptian Ankh. But of course, knowing nothing about Egypt, its magick and spirituality, they wouldn't know.

For those interested in more information, this symbol can be found in the Vampire The Masquerade wiki and in countless role-playing websites: http://whitewolf.wikia.com/wiki/Vampire:_The_Masquerade

The image is copyrighted by White Wolf Publishing, the game producer and an imprint of CCP Games, making it even more idiotic to have it tattooed on your body, even if you're a roleplaying fan. Next step would be tattooing supermarket logos and beer brands? lol

What surprises me the most, is that some of these people might not be aware of how ridiculous they are having such a tattoo and how embarrassing it is to bear it. It is one of those situations that I feel embarrassed just by picturing myself in their shoes. Such an extreme lack of awareness is a great pointer not only on ignorance, but on true lack of evolution. In my opinion, such poor attempts at vampire wannabes are in fact a direct example of some of the most handicapped humans in society. It is also a lack of respect not only for themselves and their own bodies that they fail to cherish and honor, but an insult to the whole Ancient Egyptian culture and its sacredness.

Don't they realize that a tattoo remains forever? Tainting their bodies with such pathetic symbols leaves a permanent mark of idiocy. Even a pre-teen can realize that.
They may think that tattooing, symbolism and art are insignificant and superficial, but it isn't. For ages that tattoos have been used by tribes and ancient cultures as a form of magick, spirituality and powerful metaphysics, always associated with symbols of many mysteries. Doing it with no meaning and empty symbols while pretending it to be meaningful is deteriorative of Self and the culture they pretend to follow.

One of the positive things from such practice is that no occultist, vampire, witch, esotericist, student, coven or order would ever even look at those people. It gives them a "no-access" sign in the occult society. Symbolism is a very serious and respected field in the magickal arts, and everyone can recognize a real symbol from a fake meaningless digital image. It has no power, no energy, no meaning. An occult symbol, especially a real Ankh, is an ancient sigil of magickal power and eternal life, not just a mere image from an old computer game. It is sad for the life of those poor people, because they surely desire to learn about the occult otherwise they wouldn't be pretending, but just by looking at their tattoo no real occultist would even listen to their voice. Without realizing, their tattoo is a symbolic scream on how they are no vampires, no occultists, but mere role-players. It's also a mark of no connection with the Ancient Egyptian culture and its timeless spirituality.

Jonathan touched right on the spot in what concerns the psychological side of this situation.

Jonathan wrote:
Now seriously, for someone to be so blind and unaware I can only assume they must be really sad with their own lives and most of all with their own Self/Soul. It's a very common thing really, such people may smile and act all happy in public but deep inside it's quite clear they are very sad and alone.
That is pretty much a sad but honest realization, and it applies to many other people and not just to occult pretenders. So often people appear smiling attempting to pass an image of happiness and calmness, when deep inside their minds and souls lies anger, hatred, sadness and a major sense of loneliness. It is another form of pretending and not that hard to spot, no matter how hard they try to keep the mask in place.

My main advice to such people is to be real. Stop pretending. The problem with it is that some may be so lost in denial and self-deceit that they may no longer be able to admit even to themselves that they are pretending. In these cases people often lie to themselves, making healing an even harder step. Professional psychological help can prove a valuable aid and shouldn't be completely dismissed.

I want to add that although threads such as this one are good references for everyone to read and stay informed, at the same time the information is entirely irrelevant. My whole text is also irrelevant. I am sure the Asetians themselves don't give a damn about all those people weakly attempting to copy them, especially when the best sample of their stupidity is tattooed right in their own bodies. At best, they laugh as we all do.


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Fake Dark Marks Empty Re: Fake Dark Marks

Post by Jonathan 13.08.11 8:59

N.Augusta wrote:In the vampire masquerade thing/game/whatever are their ankhs supposed to be on the left wrist?
That is the funny detail. In the masquerade game and roleplay parties, the fake Ankhs are in fact not supposed to be on the left wrist, or even in the wrist at all. Wink Which pretty much makes the point that these people doing it on the wrist probably did not even know the symbol was from a game and weren't smart enough to do their research before destroying their bodies with it. They just read where in the body the Asetian Dark Mark was, and that it was a different kind of Ankh, so they probably used Google and thought the masquerade one looked fluffy goth enough. lol

Natalia wrote:One of the positive things from such practice is that no occultist, vampire, witch, esotericist, student, coven or order would ever even look at those people. It gives them a "no-access" sign in the occult society. Symbolism is a very serious and respected field in the magickal arts, and everyone can recognize a real symbol from a fake meaningless digital image. It has no power, no energy, no meaning. An occult symbol, especially a real Ankh, is an ancient sigil of magickal power and eternal life, not just a mere image from an old computer game. It is sad for the life of those poor people, because they surely desire to learn about the occult otherwise they wouldn't be pretending, but just by looking at their tattoo no real occultist would even listen to their voice. Without realizing, their tattoo is a symbolic scream on how they are no vampires, no occultists, but mere role-players. It's also a mark of no connection with the Ancient Egyptian culture and its timeless spirituality.
This said it all. Smile

700 thread views in less than 24 hours? Really? That is a LOT of people! We are so being watched my friends...

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Fake Dark Marks Empty Re: Fake Dark Marks

Post by Sybil Mason 13.08.11 9:34

Greetings community.

Unfortunately many people rely on Ancient Egyptian symbolism, terminology and history for profit, promotion or simply because it feels mysterious. It is just marketing to them.
It's not just about the false Ankhs, it's about everything in the Ancient Egyptian legacy, from Hieroglyphs to the mighty Pyramids. Common people simply have no honor and respect for such a venerable society, that so long ago achieved so much more than we do in our own.

I thank Stalker for creating this thread as a warning about the ignorance that can be found online concerning sacred Kemet, and as an example on how people can become so desperate to the point of losing sense of self-respect. For that, I will sticky this thread as a reference to newcomers and to the countless people that read this forum every day, but I will also lock it as I want the community to focus on productive learning and not to waste their time on the occult inability of others.

There will always be people pretending to be Asetians, fantasizing connections with the Aset Ka or daydreaming on being privileged with some sort of fantastic drama-enhancing information. Those lies are easy to spot and if someone still falls for them then they don't deserve to learn the truth anyways.

Thank you.

Sybil             سيبيل ماسَن
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Sybil Mason

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