Should Knowledge be free... or not ?

Divine 277
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Should Knowledge be free... or not ?  Empty Should Knowledge be free... or not ?

Post by Divine 277 11.01.14 3:18

Should Knowledge be free?

If not or if so why ?

This has been pondering me for quite a while, you see I think its bad that people that don't have money don't have the means to educate them selfs, However I also think that it should not go out on the authors ...

So how would one solve something like this ?
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Should Knowledge be free... or not ?  Empty Re: Should Knowledge be free... or not ?

Post by Victor 11.01.14 4:04

The idea that knowledge could ever be free in every possible way or accessible to anyone is an illusion. Knowledge is a weapon controlled by those who have power. Believing otherwise is innocence.

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Should Knowledge be free... or not ?  Empty Re: Should Knowledge be free... or not ?

Post by Jonathan 11.01.14 8:32

Divine, I don't think one can put a price tag on knowledge but they can and should put on original work. This applies to authors, designers, illustrators or musicians creating something in any branch of art.

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Should Knowledge be free... or not ?  Empty Re: Should Knowledge be free... or not ?

Post by Divine 277 11.01.14 9:39

*Victor I know that :/ however is it fair that only the rich should be aloud to obtain knowledge ? I know with the internet age, that its possible to obtain it easier and that its harder for the people in power to control, however still it is very much illegal to share books online and I can understand that as well concerning the writers of the books, they also need something to live of ..
How could one avoid this clench ?

*Jonathan to give proper recognition is vital... When it comes to the price tag, they usually come with one ... Witch is also understandable, since also artists needs money to live, get food and shelter ...

So how to go around this ?
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Should Knowledge be free... or not ?  Empty Re: Should Knowledge be free... or not ?

Post by Divine 277 11.01.14 9:46

Oh.. since this is about knowledge Smile It came to my attention to day, that MIT does realize courses for free and thats good Smile
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Should Knowledge be free... or not ?  Empty Re: Should Knowledge be free... or not ?

Post by Stapleraindrop 11.01.14 10:11

Of course it isn't fair, that's why the world is the way it is and why the poverty gap is disgustingly huge.

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Should Knowledge be free... or not ?  Empty Re: Should Knowledge be free... or not ?

Post by Demonia 11.01.14 12:01

i don't see a price tag as a stopping point. there are always alternative ways to the end point. always. this is just how i see it though. you might have to work harder to get there, but if you really want something, technically no one is stopping you.

children in south america use recycled trash to create violins flutes and cellos... a real cello would be worth more than their very own houses. yet they were determined and made their own, sounding just as good.

i know this isn't knowledge or books per se, but a proof to my point hah.

it's also not too hard to work and then get the expensive thing in most cases i would hope...

if knowledge should be free- yes. but there are a lot of people that even when presented with great knowledge, wouldn't know how to handle it, or who would misuse it or use it for bad purposes... it would be nice if this wasn't a reason for restriction on knowledge, but not all are deserving of so in certain times of their lives.

and like Jonathan said, good work is valuable. I'm an artist myself and would like to share my art with everyone, but would someone think twice about giving a donation for all the hard work? no, probably not hah. so prices are necessary for living.

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Should Knowledge be free... or not ?  Empty Re: Should Knowledge be free... or not ?

Post by Jonathan 12.01.14 0:39

Demonia wrote:if knowledge should be free- yes. but there are a lot of people that even when presented with great knowledge, wouldn't know how to handle it, or who would misuse it or use it for bad purposes... it would be nice if this wasn't a reason for restriction on knowledge, but not all are deserving of so in certain times of their lives.

I agree with this. More important than being free or not is how ready are people to handle certain kinds of knowledge. When we talk about general education obviously that should be free and accessible to all. Everyone should have access to education and culture. But when we consider occult education it falls under a whole different matter. As Demonia said many wouldn't know how to handle such knowledge or would use it in very wrong ways. Hell humanity already uses their knowledge of science and medicine in such terrible ways as wars, weapons, brainwashing and mass control. Imagine if occult knowledge would be easy to access to the general population. It would be chaos. Ordinary people with magickal powers would destroy one another.

It's hard to find balance between freedom and proper usage of power and magick. I don't think any of us are wise enough to make that call or control such a thing. Leave that to the wise ones in power and by this I don't mean politicians or the wealthy rulers of common society, I mean those illuminated with the higher teachings and leading this magickal age behind orders such as the Aset Ka, the Red Order of Seth and others. Let them have such responsibility and make that call. Even if we did have the wisdom to make the right choice we still wouldn't have the power to change it.

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Should Knowledge be free... or not ?  Empty Re: Should Knowledge be free... or not ?

Post by Maxx 12.01.14 12:16

This has been an interesting subject to watch development.  I would like to post how watching and asking about this subject has helped me individually.  Maybe it could open some thoughts for others to use in their life walk or maybe will not apply to anyone other than myself.  But just as an illustration I post......

At first impression I was not interested in this as I saw many as seeing the academic process as holding no interest as far as spirit advancement.  I looked at the MIT program and asked my son about it and he said it had been out there for a while as free.  No subject matter in the program did I find any interest at all as I found for myself no real spirit based subject in depth.  I am aware that true knowledge is completely free and is given in the spirit world to us.
But Victor and Jonathan were correct that what is given actually is controlled by a physical cartel and very much of that info is incorrect to a certain degree to keep the masses in check.  Just think how much that info has changed over time to prove that it was not correct when first given out.

I write my dreams nightly.  I receive each morning as I am now certain to remember my dreams each night.  This one was given as I meditated on the subject of free knowledge given to everyone.  

Dream.....first part I kept going back to some attorneys office and I would always ask "are you busy"?  I found my main purpose going there was getting his aid to help college students get grants and  to enable them to attend and finish college. I went back and had several conversations on how best to help these students achieve their goals.   The number 33 kept coming up and appeared 2 times.   Then the second part after falling back to sleep was I seemed to be in Ft. Worth Texas where I attended some classes years ago at TCU.  I was looking for a map of the campus and town along with a broom for some reason.  I seemed to sense which direction to head and began to walk and as I did I passed through large crowds assembled as they studied.  I kept walking through different groups and the farther along I walked I noticed that the age of the individuals began to be very 1st grade and then into kindergarten, meaning the farther away from the central core issue you have to come toward the center for balance.  I walked on through and left the college campus and on out in another section of the country.  At the beginning it felt like a bad atmosphere in feeling but got better as I walked away and out of the campus area and things began to appear much clearer.  Like I swept my past clean as I moved away from it.

So today as I asked for guidance from my patron saint,  (We both laugh at this title), That Spirit Being told me this about what I saw in my dream relating to that knowledge base....The design of the Universal Law is set up to grant access to true knowledge and there are 33 levels of different degrees which need to be acquired on a step structure before we move on.  The SB said it was an illustration of showing how a person will move into another area and search for what source has designed for their life.  Then going into another opening of knowledge based area where new sight and experiences will open and be taught for learning.  Only as we prepare and learn one section do we advance into another because there is no way to skip the process.  That is how our design is created.

Out of curiosity I looked up what the lat. and long. of Fort Worth Texas is and I found it to be lat = 32.7574 and long = 97.3332 degrees.  It seemed to bear confirmation for me as I always try to find this in things I deal with.  

My dreams deal with me in metaphor and simile forms to instruct and teach me.  Some times I get direct and to the point dreams but I can always tell the difference when that happens....It is a big, big difference.

Thanks to my (Patron Saint).... smile....for this info.

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Should Knowledge be free... or not ?  Empty Re: Should Knowledge be free... or not ?

Post by Maxx 12.01.14 12:36

Divine 277 wrote:Should Knowledge be free?

If not or if so why ?

This has been pondering me for quite a while, you see I think its bad that people that don't have money don't have the means to educate them selfs, However I also think that it should not go out on the authors ...

So how would one solve something like this ?

"Welcome to planet earth.
There is nothing that you cannot be, do, or have......Go forth on this day of your life experience knowing that your real work is to decide what you want-----and then focus upon that.  Go forth, giving thought to what you want, attracting life experiences to help you decide what you want, and once you have decided, giving thought only to that....... as any physical manifestation of anything here is nothing other than frozen thought."

This is how you can afford any education you want.  The universe will furnish you what you need. You are your own creator.

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Should Knowledge be free... or not ?  Empty Re: Should Knowledge be free... or not ?

Post by N.Augusta 12.01.14 13:31

Seek and ye shall find! Knowledge is all around us and is out there to be found, and sometimes one must work damn hard to obtain the knowledge they seek, yet that does not guarantee that one has the wisdom to be able to decipher and interpret it correctly. Also, people will abuse knowledge regardless of if they paid for it or not, but when abused one will pay a much higher price. Wink

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Should Knowledge be free... or not ?  Empty Re: Should Knowledge be free... or not ?

Post by Divine 277 12.01.14 15:12

Thank you all for your contributions, it was very much appreciated.

I also agree that not all knowledge should be easy to find, or obtain, however we are also talking of freedom of will here and usually : people do as they wilt ( think they do what the wilt ), especially in the occult and in magic.

Everything is energy and everything usually moves, sometimes is in the figure of 8 or in a circle, sometimes up, sometimes down, sometimes back words, even in spirals and triangles I guess ... ... .. Im guessing you get the idea Smile ...

What Im trying to say is that every action has a counter or equal reaction and I think thats why I posted this question in the first place, cause I was trying to calculate and figuring out my next move ... with a clear conscience.

So yet again, I thank you for your point of view Smile

Divine 277
Divine 277

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Should Knowledge be free... or not ?  Empty Re: Should Knowledge be free... or not ?

Post by Nightshade 13.01.14 8:30

Jonathan wrote:More important than being free or not is how ready are people to handle certain kinds of knowledge. When we talk about general education obviously that should be free and accessible to all. Everyone should have access to education and culture. But when we consider occult education it falls under a whole different matter. As Demonia said many wouldn't know how to handle such knowledge or would use it in very wrong ways. Hell humanity already uses their knowledge of science and medicine in such terrible ways as wars, weapons, brainwashing and mass control. Imagine if occult knowledge would be easy to access to the general population. It would be chaos. Ordinary people with magickal powers would destroy one another.

I agree with this.

N.Augusta wrote:Seek and ye shall find! Knowledge is all around us and is out there to be found, and sometimes one must work damn hard to obtain the knowledge they seek, yet that does not guarantee that one has the wisdom to be able to decipher and interpret it correctly. Also, people will abuse knowledge regardless of if they paid for it or not, but when abused one will pay a much higher price. Wink

This too. I don't think price ever stopped any determined occultist, because he knows how hard the journey will be and is committed to it. Most people would not know what to do with knowledge if it were given to them. We all must be worthy to receive it and this happens in many ways, sometimes even without you noticing it. You may read a great book filled with secret knowledge but you will only understand it when you're ready.

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Should Knowledge be free... or not ?  Empty Re: Should Knowledge be free... or not ?

Post by Divine 277 13.01.14 8:36

Everything has its price .. not only in the occult, whether or not one is willing to pay it, is individual choice ...
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Should Knowledge be free... or not ?  Empty Re: Should Knowledge be free... or not ?

Post by Victor 14.01.14 3:28

N.Augusta wrote:Also, people will abuse knowledge regardless of if they paid for it or not, but when abused one will pay a much higher price. Wink

This is truer than most realize. The highest price is not paid for the knowledge but for abusing it. Now that is a price that I hope none of you will ever have to pay.

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Should Knowledge be free... or not ?  Empty Re: Should Knowledge be free... or not ?

Post by Kalb 14.01.14 11:11

Knowledge is like freedom. It's for everyone who deserves it.

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Should Knowledge be free... or not ?  Empty Re: Should Knowledge be free... or not ?

Post by Jonathan 14.01.14 11:37

I think everyone deserves freedom but not all deserve knowledge.

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Should Knowledge be free... or not ?  Empty Re: Should Knowledge be free... or not ?

Post by Kalb 14.01.14 11:50

It's impossible be completly free without knowledge. Or you have both or you don't have.

Ignorance make a person happy, but keep them without real things. Knowledge make a person strong, it's a hard way to the Path of Happiness.

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Should Knowledge be free... or not ?  Empty Re: Should Knowledge be free... or not ?

Post by Maxx 15.01.14 8:30

True knowledge is never given unless it's time. Everyone has preparatory experience to reach that certain time.

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Should Knowledge be free... or not ?  Empty Re: Should Knowledge be free... or not ?

Post by Stapleraindrop 18.01.14 11:36

I thought this would relate. Its a bit lengthy, but very eye-opening, if not just hard proof.


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Should Knowledge be free... or not ?  Empty Re: Should Knowledge be free... or not ?

Post by Maxx 18.01.14 12:18

I looked at the first paragraph and listened to the first audio part before I clicked it off.  The Rosicrucions  have long taught how to change the energy in what you eat and drink.  Then as one grows and raises the vibrations within the body, you automatically kill things like this that attack the physical body, both in the material and the spiritual body in a protective measure.  

I guess you meant this informative video for those that may be new to the energies of the universe and just now starting on the walk and we thank you for being sensitive to that.  I do not mean to disregard these things but as I mentioned before, we are a multi-dimensional being and we need to start looking at things around us and working in a higher element to move out of this 3 dimensional cage we have lived in for so long.  Everyone is feeling the automatic shift that is taking place within our bodies all over this world.  Many do not know what it is or what is happening but feel it anyway.  We all need to begin to deal with those things that will help us make the transition.   Again, not trying to belittle anyone, but let us start to move higher and help others also.

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Should Knowledge be free... or not ?  Empty Re: Should Knowledge be free... or not ?

Post by Stapleraindrop 18.01.14 12:35

Don't get me wrong, I am into energetic healing myself, but the video, although a bit of a sales pitch, showcases the problem with the food industry and specifically how it affects the human body.

Also, I noticed new people new to energy work (in my group at least) tend to have blockages or stagnation within the solar plexus chakra more predominantly than within the others. For those who aren't adept with energy work, a physical solution is a good first step to cleaning the body.


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Should Knowledge be free... or not ?  Empty Re: Should Knowledge be free... or not ?

Post by Divine 277 18.01.14 17:51

Stapleraindrop* I agree, I see most blockages in solar and hart .... and then comes Throat... Im not saying there is not blockages other places to, however these are the once that usually comes with most I have worked on.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Should Knowledge be free... or not ?  Empty Re: Should Knowledge be free... or not ?

Post by Maxx 18.01.14 18:39

SRainDrop........I need to apologize to you. My reply was too harsh.  

I had just spent 3 hours in contact with a Spirit Being that was pointing out to me about focus and how important that is to walk and create things in your life.  I had not fully returned to my physical body and I walk in and turn on the computer to see an example of what the Being was showing me.  When we constantly focus on problems we then create and become part of the problem.  Instead of creating higher vibrations we keep ourselves in the lower elements by concentration on some problem over and over again.  One that watches news all day or listens to the problems of the world will join in those problems and create more of them.  I am sorry I even replied to the post but it was just coming down off a high and walking into the dirt again.  lol.

I think I need not post anymore and just do like others do, come in and check semi annually and say hello and wish you well....... I do not think I am doing anyone any good by giving conflicting messages and being in disagreement with everything all the time.  I probably cause too much of an undercurrent that might turn away some new people so it is best if I just keep my mouth shut and yell where no one will hear me.  LOL.    Anyway  I did not specifically mean to berate your posting of the info.  Sorry.

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Should Knowledge be free... or not ?  Empty Re: Should Knowledge be free... or not ?

Post by Maxx 18.01.14 18:44

Also, that change I spoke up that is occurring within everyone on the planet is occurring within the solar plex area in that Shen.

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