Asetian symbolism in different cultures
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Asetian symbolism in different cultures
This made me think of the Aset Ka and its symbolism being present throughout history, particularly after having read the Book of Orion and learned about the complexity of what the Asetians call "the sacred three". Could these doors be seen as the Aset Ka doors of wisdom symbolizing the three Lineages and the three Primordial Elders. Horus/Serpents at the center as the middle pillar of Kabbalah and the two sisters by his side as the Left Hand and Right Hand, all possible paths to enlightenment.
These structures and symbolism are present in many cultures, here shown in the photo as it was used by the Mayans now found in the temples of the pyramids of Mexico, by the Egyptians and later in the eastern pyramids of Indonesia. The above image shows the same representation on the painting of the last supper by Leonardo DaVinci, also known for its interest with the occult and intentional depiction of older symbolism in his art. There is undeniable similarity in the architecture of these structures, all used to raise sacred powers with connection to initiation and magick.
A connection between these practices in different cultures and the Aset Ka could be real or just speculative but there is definitely material out there to really make us wonder. The mentioning of lost clues to Asetianism present in history and culture is such a recurring theme in the texts of the Aset Ka that I'm sure much is out there to be found if only one is not afraid to draw such parallels.
Nightshade- Adept
- Number of posts : 439
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Registration date : 2013-06-15
Re: Asetian symbolism in different cultures
Aset Ka - Sacred Three - Orion
Geographic position of these pyramids.
Serpents - Scarabs - Scorpions (Asetian Lineages)
Alnitak - Alnilam - Mintaka (Stars in Orion's Belt)
Geographic position of these pyramids.
Serpents - Scarabs - Scorpions (Asetian Lineages)
Alnitak - Alnilam - Mintaka (Stars in Orion's Belt)
Nightshade- Adept
- Number of posts : 439
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Registration date : 2013-06-15
Re: Asetian symbolism in different cultures
Belt of Orion in the sky.
Nightshade- Adept
- Number of posts : 439
Location : The Mind
Registration date : 2013-06-15
Re: Asetian symbolism in different cultures
Very good!
The problem with Christianity is that 3 is a totally masculine symbolism. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All masculine elements. It is always hard to understand the true nature of Asetian Empire after they leave Egypt, the truth is that the symbolism of 3 is present in most influential cultures that the world knows today. Maybe if this were not explored symbolism and changed over time, from culture to culture, humanity would suffer serious problems, especially in spiritual poverty. This symbolism has been with us from generation to generation, from the four corners of the world and resisting all their crazy assignments and this certainly was not by chance. Maxx said something very interesting in another article about the Asetian Magick - We operate on 3 to 5 levels at any one time depending on our realization of our development. It only stands to reason that a group as highly evolved beings as the Aset Ka would be more at home in the astral and etheric locations than in this muck and mire of the lowest vibrational level in the universe. Although I not disagree, I somewhat agree with what he said.
As you know, the three Lineages the Concubines are the least elitist, they are more unbalanced and connected with humand race. Directly assigning with the Air element (Earth). As the Book of Orion described them in the Sebayt of Khafre(Life). Sebayt of Khufu – Viperines(Fire) and Sebayt of Menkaure – Guardians(Water). The three live on Earth, but are separated in different planes, where the etheric and astral belongs to the two most elite Lineages. So.. Make sense your words, Maxx.
Now... I believe we all have Empathy. We have the ability to understand our heart and follow the path to find our home. It is said that the Concubines are constantly absorbing energy around them and from others and this is a great tool for their development, when managed and controlled. When uncontrolled they are easily overwhelmed by other people emotions and energy, not sure where their own feelings come from or where to go. This is a perfect image of our society, being sheets of fallen trees blown away not knowing where to walk, influenced by ambient energy and the energies around them. Of course, that with meditation and grounded techniques everything will be fine, but, only when a disciplined mind start working. But this is an important aspect, because the Concubines need both, a Viperine and a Guardian around them, in order to be balanced. We also need this compass, in order to find this balance, we need certain people and certain energies to walk in this journey of evolution. Christians call the Viperines the Father, the Guardians the Children and Concubines the Holy Spirit (For all those who receive the flame of Holy Spirit were touched by the word of God).
Certainly other cultures have a similar symbolism. I'm listening you.
The problem with Christianity is that 3 is a totally masculine symbolism. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All masculine elements. It is always hard to understand the true nature of Asetian Empire after they leave Egypt, the truth is that the symbolism of 3 is present in most influential cultures that the world knows today. Maybe if this were not explored symbolism and changed over time, from culture to culture, humanity would suffer serious problems, especially in spiritual poverty. This symbolism has been with us from generation to generation, from the four corners of the world and resisting all their crazy assignments and this certainly was not by chance. Maxx said something very interesting in another article about the Asetian Magick - We operate on 3 to 5 levels at any one time depending on our realization of our development. It only stands to reason that a group as highly evolved beings as the Aset Ka would be more at home in the astral and etheric locations than in this muck and mire of the lowest vibrational level in the universe. Although I not disagree, I somewhat agree with what he said.
As you know, the three Lineages the Concubines are the least elitist, they are more unbalanced and connected with humand race. Directly assigning with the Air element (Earth). As the Book of Orion described them in the Sebayt of Khafre(Life). Sebayt of Khufu – Viperines(Fire) and Sebayt of Menkaure – Guardians(Water). The three live on Earth, but are separated in different planes, where the etheric and astral belongs to the two most elite Lineages. So.. Make sense your words, Maxx.
Now... I believe we all have Empathy. We have the ability to understand our heart and follow the path to find our home. It is said that the Concubines are constantly absorbing energy around them and from others and this is a great tool for their development, when managed and controlled. When uncontrolled they are easily overwhelmed by other people emotions and energy, not sure where their own feelings come from or where to go. This is a perfect image of our society, being sheets of fallen trees blown away not knowing where to walk, influenced by ambient energy and the energies around them. Of course, that with meditation and grounded techniques everything will be fine, but, only when a disciplined mind start working. But this is an important aspect, because the Concubines need both, a Viperine and a Guardian around them, in order to be balanced. We also need this compass, in order to find this balance, we need certain people and certain energies to walk in this journey of evolution. Christians call the Viperines the Father, the Guardians the Children and Concubines the Holy Spirit (For all those who receive the flame of Holy Spirit were touched by the word of God).
Certainly other cultures have a similar symbolism. I'm listening you.
Re: Asetian symbolism in different cultures
This was a great article. Thanks Nightshade, lots of valuable info there.
It's really interesting and fascinating to study Asetian symbolism present in other cultures and represented in their life and art. It's a sea of study that never ends.
It's really interesting and fascinating to study Asetian symbolism present in other cultures and represented in their life and art. It's a sea of study that never ends.
Jonathan- Master
- Number of posts : 3051
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05
Re: Asetian symbolism in different cultures
I stubbled over this picture on Facebook a few days back its a nice subject thank you for sharing:)
Kalb: I loved the writings, but a few things confused me as I have yet to see this in any relation before how can air be earth element, when they are completely different elements, maybe Im missing something here ?
Further more, we are talking ancient cultures and religions here and the Dove is the symbol of the holy spirit in Christianity.
I wrote/ put together an article for my organization page about a week back about dove symbology and I will post it here
the sources used is : wikipedia , book of symbols, signs and symbols, and this site :
I will also have to apologies somewhat for the clumsy writing … but I do think you will get my point:) :
Dove symbology:
Universal signs : peace and the soul.
Innocents, beauty, simplicity, spirit of hope. erotic attraction, fertile union.
Christian and hebrew religion :
Divine spirit, symbolizes baptism, 3 member of the holy trinity. eternity, immortality, soul, spirit, sun. The Dove impregnates Mary, and at Baptism Jesus consecrates her human divine son. reconciliation between Man and Divine ( story of the flood ).
In the Epic of Gilgamesh the dove was released to search for the end of the deluge.
Hebrew: White doves, a purity, were offerings at the Temple for purification.
A symbol of Israel. In the Old Testament the dove represents simplicity; harmlessness,
innocence; meekness; guilelessness; incubation. Embodies the soul of the dead.
Islamic: The three Holy Virgins are represented by stones,
or pillars surrounded by doves.
Minoan: Associated in Minoan art with the Great Mother;
doves and snakes symbolizing the air and earth, were her attributes.
China : represent fertility, good digestion, impartial filial duty, and long life.
Japanese: Longevity; deference; sacred to Hachiman, go of war, but a dove
bearing a sword, announces the end of a war.
Hindu: Yama, god of the dead, has owls and doves or pigeons as messengers
Parsee: The Supreme Being.
Sumero-Semitic: Divine power; sacred to Astarte and an attribute of Ishtar
as the Great Mother.
Ancient Sumer/Babylonia : associated with Ishtar. Messenger.The legendary queen Semiramis was raised by doves, connecting her to the goddesses.
Greek/ Roman :; took the form of a dove. Messenger.
Was holy to Venus the goddess of Love. Messenger, Associated with Fortunata. An attribute of Zeus who was feed by doves.
The dove with an olive branch is an emblem of Athene as renewal of life. The dove is sacred to Adonis and to Bacchus as the First Begotten of Love also to Venus/ Aphrodite.
A dove with a star is an emblem of Venus .Love; renewal of life
Create : Minoan Dove Goddess.
Goddess and God associations: Atargatis, Ishtar, Inanna, Astarte and Aphrodite, Venus, are all depicted with doves.Adonis, Aphrodite, Astarte, Atargatis, Dionysis, Ishtar, Juno, Jupiter, Shulamite, Venus, Zeus, etc., often appears with the fish.
Gnostic: the Judeo-Christian tradition the goddess Sophia is the beginning, the source of wisdom, and keeper of the knowledge of all that is righteous and just. With her sound wisdom and guidance, rulers lead their kingdoms to prosper. In the darkness and ignorance that thrive in her absence, the proverbial wasteland eats away at the soul and nations perish.
Sophia was born of Silence according to Gnostic creation myths
Egyptian: Innocence. The dove sits in the branches of the Tree of Life and appears with the fruit of the tree and vases of the waters of life.
A hermit is describing the grail castle to Parzifal. The Gral is guarded by the Templars. "I will tell you how they are nourished. They live from a Stone whose essence is most pure. If you have never heard of it I shall name it for you here. It is called 'Lapsit exillis'... On good Friday the hermit continues. A dove flies down from heaven "It brings a small white Wafer to the Stone and leaves it there. The Dove all dazzling white, then flies up to heaven again... from which the Stone receives all that is good on earthe of food and drink of paradisal excellence". — Wolfram von Eschenbach, Parzifal: (Penguin p. 239)
The task of the alchemist working through this Rosarium process, is firstly to recognize the elements of the primal material, the lunar and solar streams, and the inner Mercury of the soul forces, then begin to work with these through meditations, bringing them into a new synthesis and making these inner forces a vehicle both for the experience of the Spirit and the mastery of the Physical world. Thus in illustration 2, there is pictured a personification as King and Queen of these solar and lunar forces. The Sun King and Moon Queen, have to be recognized by the alchemist as archetypal polarities within his soul and they must be brought into a new relationship. These polarities meet and touch, though at this initial stage, their encounter is very restrained and distant. As Jung points out in his commentary to these illustrations, they give each other their left hands in union. The left (sinister) being the dark or unconscious side of their being. Thus they are united in the unconscious aspect, in the depths of the lower soul. Their right hands, the more conscious side of their being, proffer two-blossomed flowers to each other, and this meeting in consciousness is thus more restrained and distant. However, from above, from the higher spiritual realm indicated by the Star, a dove descends bearing a further two-blossomed flower and brings a stronger unity into the picture. Thus even at the beginning of the work, the alchemist will have help from the spiritual world. As he tentatively begins the task of uniting the inner polarities, spiritual help will descend to him as a gift, a spiritual grace. For the individual alchemist this will possibly take the form of perceptions, perhaps inspirational dreams, and positive realizations that give him an inner security, a sureness that he is on the right path. (Commentary by Adam McLean)
(Anyone has more information, about subject , please comment and add to the post )
Black dove: Widowhood.
Dove of Christ: Salvation.
Dove of David: Peace.
Dove dung: The chick-pea, so called because of its
A nourishment for those who cross the desert.
Dove egg: In a medical superstition eaten as a smallpox preventive.
Dove, gold & silver plumed: Treasures of purity and innocence.
Dove and lily: Christian annuciation. Parallels the white swan
and lotus of Eastern religions.
Dove and Nimbus: Christian Holy Ghost.
Dove and olive branch: Good tidings, peace. In Greek mythology
emblem of Athena. In middle ages talisman to ensure pilgrims
hospitality wherever they traveled. In Old Testament renewed
life; sign which informed Noah he could safely leave the Ark.
Dove, ring around its neck: Christian art: encircling sweetness of the Divine Word.
Holy dove: In Christian art sometimes depicted as a rose.
Seven doves: In Christianity the Holy Spirit in His seven-fold
manifestations of grace. In Old Teatament the seven gifts of God:
counsel, fear of God, knowledge, pity, strength, understanding, wisdom.
Twelve doves: Christian apostles.
Two wings of a dove: Love of God, love of man; active and meditative life.
White dove: A health talisman; eaten as an antidote against infection.
White dove with changeable tints: In Christian tradition spirit of chastity
in conflict with fickle and rebellious passions.
— Gertrude Jobes, Dictionary of Mythology, Folklore and Symbols
Scarecrow Press, New York, 1962, Volume 1, pp. 466-467
Turtle doves: Love and fertility
My point being here, that the ancients knew the meaning of the Dove, as modern man only know what they are told …
I like the part or the book of orion that mentions
something like this : some men see much, when others sees non … however they both see the same ..
I stubbled over this picture on Facebook a few days back its a nice subject thank you for sharing:)
Kalb: I loved the writings, but a few things confused me as I have yet to see this in any relation before how can air be earth element, when they are completely different elements, maybe Im missing something here ?
Further more, we are talking ancient cultures and religions here and the Dove is the symbol of the holy spirit in Christianity.
I wrote/ put together an article for my organization page about a week back about dove symbology and I will post it here
the sources used is : wikipedia , book of symbols, signs and symbols, and this site :
I will also have to apologies somewhat for the clumsy writing … but I do think you will get my point:) :
Dove symbology:
Universal signs : peace and the soul.
Innocents, beauty, simplicity, spirit of hope. erotic attraction, fertile union.
Christian and hebrew religion :
Divine spirit, symbolizes baptism, 3 member of the holy trinity. eternity, immortality, soul, spirit, sun. The Dove impregnates Mary, and at Baptism Jesus consecrates her human divine son. reconciliation between Man and Divine ( story of the flood ).
In the Epic of Gilgamesh the dove was released to search for the end of the deluge.
Hebrew: White doves, a purity, were offerings at the Temple for purification.
A symbol of Israel. In the Old Testament the dove represents simplicity; harmlessness,
innocence; meekness; guilelessness; incubation. Embodies the soul of the dead.
Islamic: The three Holy Virgins are represented by stones,
or pillars surrounded by doves.
Minoan: Associated in Minoan art with the Great Mother;
doves and snakes symbolizing the air and earth, were her attributes.
China : represent fertility, good digestion, impartial filial duty, and long life.
Japanese: Longevity; deference; sacred to Hachiman, go of war, but a dove
bearing a sword, announces the end of a war.
Hindu: Yama, god of the dead, has owls and doves or pigeons as messengers
Parsee: The Supreme Being.
Sumero-Semitic: Divine power; sacred to Astarte and an attribute of Ishtar
as the Great Mother.
Ancient Sumer/Babylonia : associated with Ishtar. Messenger.The legendary queen Semiramis was raised by doves, connecting her to the goddesses.
Greek/ Roman :; took the form of a dove. Messenger.
Was holy to Venus the goddess of Love. Messenger, Associated with Fortunata. An attribute of Zeus who was feed by doves.
The dove with an olive branch is an emblem of Athene as renewal of life. The dove is sacred to Adonis and to Bacchus as the First Begotten of Love also to Venus/ Aphrodite.
A dove with a star is an emblem of Venus .Love; renewal of life
Create : Minoan Dove Goddess.
Goddess and God associations: Atargatis, Ishtar, Inanna, Astarte and Aphrodite, Venus, are all depicted with doves.Adonis, Aphrodite, Astarte, Atargatis, Dionysis, Ishtar, Juno, Jupiter, Shulamite, Venus, Zeus, etc., often appears with the fish.
Gnostic: the Judeo-Christian tradition the goddess Sophia is the beginning, the source of wisdom, and keeper of the knowledge of all that is righteous and just. With her sound wisdom and guidance, rulers lead their kingdoms to prosper. In the darkness and ignorance that thrive in her absence, the proverbial wasteland eats away at the soul and nations perish.
Sophia was born of Silence according to Gnostic creation myths
Egyptian: Innocence. The dove sits in the branches of the Tree of Life and appears with the fruit of the tree and vases of the waters of life.
A hermit is describing the grail castle to Parzifal. The Gral is guarded by the Templars. "I will tell you how they are nourished. They live from a Stone whose essence is most pure. If you have never heard of it I shall name it for you here. It is called 'Lapsit exillis'... On good Friday the hermit continues. A dove flies down from heaven "It brings a small white Wafer to the Stone and leaves it there. The Dove all dazzling white, then flies up to heaven again... from which the Stone receives all that is good on earthe of food and drink of paradisal excellence". — Wolfram von Eschenbach, Parzifal: (Penguin p. 239)
The task of the alchemist working through this Rosarium process, is firstly to recognize the elements of the primal material, the lunar and solar streams, and the inner Mercury of the soul forces, then begin to work with these through meditations, bringing them into a new synthesis and making these inner forces a vehicle both for the experience of the Spirit and the mastery of the Physical world. Thus in illustration 2, there is pictured a personification as King and Queen of these solar and lunar forces. The Sun King and Moon Queen, have to be recognized by the alchemist as archetypal polarities within his soul and they must be brought into a new relationship. These polarities meet and touch, though at this initial stage, their encounter is very restrained and distant. As Jung points out in his commentary to these illustrations, they give each other their left hands in union. The left (sinister) being the dark or unconscious side of their being. Thus they are united in the unconscious aspect, in the depths of the lower soul. Their right hands, the more conscious side of their being, proffer two-blossomed flowers to each other, and this meeting in consciousness is thus more restrained and distant. However, from above, from the higher spiritual realm indicated by the Star, a dove descends bearing a further two-blossomed flower and brings a stronger unity into the picture. Thus even at the beginning of the work, the alchemist will have help from the spiritual world. As he tentatively begins the task of uniting the inner polarities, spiritual help will descend to him as a gift, a spiritual grace. For the individual alchemist this will possibly take the form of perceptions, perhaps inspirational dreams, and positive realizations that give him an inner security, a sureness that he is on the right path. (Commentary by Adam McLean)
(Anyone has more information, about subject , please comment and add to the post )
Black dove: Widowhood.
Dove of Christ: Salvation.
Dove of David: Peace.
Dove dung: The chick-pea, so called because of its
A nourishment for those who cross the desert.
Dove egg: In a medical superstition eaten as a smallpox preventive.
Dove, gold & silver plumed: Treasures of purity and innocence.
Dove and lily: Christian annuciation. Parallels the white swan
and lotus of Eastern religions.
Dove and Nimbus: Christian Holy Ghost.
Dove and olive branch: Good tidings, peace. In Greek mythology
emblem of Athena. In middle ages talisman to ensure pilgrims
hospitality wherever they traveled. In Old Testament renewed
life; sign which informed Noah he could safely leave the Ark.
Dove, ring around its neck: Christian art: encircling sweetness of the Divine Word.
Holy dove: In Christian art sometimes depicted as a rose.
Seven doves: In Christianity the Holy Spirit in His seven-fold
manifestations of grace. In Old Teatament the seven gifts of God:
counsel, fear of God, knowledge, pity, strength, understanding, wisdom.
Twelve doves: Christian apostles.
Two wings of a dove: Love of God, love of man; active and meditative life.
White dove: A health talisman; eaten as an antidote against infection.
White dove with changeable tints: In Christian tradition spirit of chastity
in conflict with fickle and rebellious passions.
— Gertrude Jobes, Dictionary of Mythology, Folklore and Symbols
Scarecrow Press, New York, 1962, Volume 1, pp. 466-467
Turtle doves: Love and fertility
My point being here, that the ancients knew the meaning of the Dove, as modern man only know what they are told …
I like the part or the book of orion that mentions
something like this : some men see much, when others sees non … however they both see the same ..
Re: Asetian symbolism in different cultures
Divine: You're right, the element Earth is not Air. But you raisins 100% of your life living in the element of air, although you connected to the earth element, most people never knew how to make a Grounding technique and from my understanding, we are only connected with Earth when we Grounding ourself through the Root Shen and Sexual. On the other hand, is the air that gives you life and as the Law says, nothing is created, everything is transformed. If you do not have control over yourself, your thoughts are not yours. You will be like most of humanity, not understanding their feelings, thoughts and above all do not understand why so much frustration. If you want to understand your mission here on earth, you have to understand how to control the Air element first(Needed grounding technique).
In the Book Of Orion the Lineage of Concubines is the representatives of Sebayt of Life - Khufu. It has been mentioned here in the forum and in the Book Of Orion why earth element is not considered very important as others. This concept is very well explained in the Book of Orion. You forgotten to mention the symbolism of the number 3 in Asetianism. In my view, Aleister Crowley made a perfect representation of a dove in Tarot cards, The Empress. Anyway, I think the symbolism of the dove is a good representation of that theme, because it has also been modified over the years together with the pyramids.
Back to the subject, there are traces in the Indonesian that indicate human living since the Neolithic period. The problem is that much of the history of Indonesia comes through of the Djehuty of the Crocodile and the story of Christ. I do not know much about the pyramids of Mexico and Indonesia, so I would like to hear your opinion / knowledge on the subject. (I know the Mayan and Aztec civilization arose in Mexico).
In the Book Of Orion the Lineage of Concubines is the representatives of Sebayt of Life - Khufu. It has been mentioned here in the forum and in the Book Of Orion why earth element is not considered very important as others. This concept is very well explained in the Book of Orion. You forgotten to mention the symbolism of the number 3 in Asetianism. In my view, Aleister Crowley made a perfect representation of a dove in Tarot cards, The Empress. Anyway, I think the symbolism of the dove is a good representation of that theme, because it has also been modified over the years together with the pyramids.
Back to the subject, there are traces in the Indonesian that indicate human living since the Neolithic period. The problem is that much of the history of Indonesia comes through of the Djehuty of the Crocodile and the story of Christ. I do not know much about the pyramids of Mexico and Indonesia, so I would like to hear your opinion / knowledge on the subject. (I know the Mayan and Aztec civilization arose in Mexico).
Re: Asetian symbolism in different cultures
Kalb *I promise I will post about this later .. ( so little time so much to do )
However I can say this much about it from what I have read so far, that the archeological sites on this side of the waters are way older … ( so far )
However I can say this much about it from what I have read so far, that the archeological sites on this side of the waters are way older … ( so far )
Re: Asetian symbolism in different cultures
Divine: What I said above is the result of my thoughts. Maybe it's all a mess and not connected to the reality of things, but it is what I think about them. At least that's how I try to get closer to understanding.
Re: Asetian symbolism in different cultures
@kalb Oh.. your post are great I love reading them and seeing your thoughts There are posts Like this that inspire me to dig deeper in to things So thank you for that I only meant I had to wait about posting on the mayan/aztec / shamanistic things, cause I do need to find reliable sources to back up what Im going to write , and Im not very good at remembering dates and stuff like that, so I need to use a bit of time to prepare that post for you ( i kinda took it as an assignment ) , that was all i meant . Please continue
Re: Asetian symbolism in different cultures
If you want the Mayan connection to Asetian symbolism, look at how they see the jaguar and how the shamans interact with the spirits of animals, especially the jaguar.
Stapleraindrop- Adept
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Re: Asetian symbolism in different cultures
Thank you, Divine. I am waiting to read you article. I am patient.
Re: Asetian symbolism in different cultures
Thank you for all of this reading, truely knowledgeable. It interests me, on the spiritual journey, to aquire, to invest effort into, knowledge of variety.
I begin to introduce myself hereto. My intellect has since the sands of time and obstacles been slightly weakened, being hereon, with you all, for evolution, is perfect. Truely evolving is the very circumference of this forum. I will aspire and make up, what is lost restored.
I begin to introduce myself hereto. My intellect has since the sands of time and obstacles been slightly weakened, being hereon, with you all, for evolution, is perfect. Truely evolving is the very circumference of this forum. I will aspire and make up, what is lost restored.
MysticLightShinethForth- Expert
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