For those not yet convinced of former lives...

Divine 277
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For those not yet convinced of former lives... Empty For those not yet convinced of former lives...

Post by Maxx 07.02.14 11:34

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For those not yet convinced of former lives... Empty Re: For those not yet convinced of former lives...

Post by Demonia 08.02.14 18:27

i wonder are new souls born? are we all coming from somewhere, never new yet never old? just a piece of the puzzle?
in the emerald tablets of thoth they say that we are all a piece of the great one
but i always wonder where animals fit into the equation if we are all of the same whole, could we not be re incarnated and have past lives as a different being? from what i know of the emerald tablets we were all once on a different plane of existence as a whole unified feminine thinking group... but i just wonder where do animals come into play in this story. also the little girl is so cute and her passion for music makes me smile on the outside an in

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For those not yet convinced of former lives... Empty Re: For those not yet convinced of former lives...

Post by Demonia 08.02.14 18:31

i just feel as if animals are no different to us... as much as i feel humans are alien here on earth at the same time. belonging yet displaced. are we even supposed to be here with them? did we fall and come into their plane of existence and mess things up royally along the way? why are our animal neighbors left out. do they reach enlightenment too? they must. i often enjoy the company and knowledge of animals over most people and am curious. just some thoughts...

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For those not yet convinced of former lives... Empty Re: For those not yet convinced of former lives...

Post by Maxx 08.02.14 18:50

All souls were created at the same time. Many have come from a progression that could have been in animal form prior to being human.  We all have a goal to experience on each level.  There are other beings not of the human body on other galaxies and other universes.  But rest assured that all of us have chosen to be here at this time whether it is animal or human.  What is taking place in this century is unprecedented throughout the universe.  Humans are beginning to communicate more with the animal kingdom.  Even 30 years ago we found that monkeys and gorillas were taught sign language just as are deaf humans.  It began the communication in our time frame.  But as I posted in another area, We can communicate now with mental transmission between animal and human kind.  I have first hand knowledge of this with my animals.  It is good you have a soft spirit.

Many youngsters being born here now are coming in far more advanced and are more aware of their purpose and they are more advanced in their soul progression.

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For those not yet convinced of former lives... Empty Re: For those not yet convinced of former lives...

Post by Maxx 08.02.14 19:45

Also, based on some things I think I have experienced whether it is called remote viewing or obe or astral travel going to Egypt, I believe this was the reason a special breed of cat was thought so highly of in Ancient Egypt.  Because they were better equipped to communicate with the priesthood is why they held that high animal position at that time.  I may be way off course as that particular animal breed may have been easier to possess in the body by those able to transfer spirit into that animal to view things in secret or communicate.  I am not completely certain.

Of course, many think I am out of my mind anyway but I enjoy what I am experiencing.

I have also come across another example of the type of communication I experienced as I watched Pharaoh Ay in the night involved in communication with a large black shiny stone which many of those knowledgeable about it used.   I found another place where this was used to show the past, present and future in the same type of operation I watched.  I believe this is currently taught and used today.

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For those not yet convinced of former lives... Empty Re: For those not yet convinced of former lives...

Post by Nightshade 09.02.14 4:56

Maxx I am not sure I agree with you when you say that all souls were created at the same time. What I think it may be true is that on other realms time does not exist at least it's not linear and not how we experience it here, but I wouldn't claim all souls to be created at the very same moment or even created equally. If this would be true and seeing how some people on this realm are much more evolved than others it would imply that some souls out there are really handicapped and have spent all these ages doing nothing for self-growth while others have been busy working to get so far in their understanding. This is not accurate. It would make more sense for some to be evolved as they have been learning for much longer while others are only starting their journey or taking the initial steps, making them less attuned with subtle things and self work. I understand that you have your sources of spirit communication and have you tried to establish contact about this detail? Because the spirit feedback and teachings I get when I explore the studies of the soul is that we are not all equal. Our soul natures are different and we see young inexperienced souls and ancient souls from the beginning of times, often here as masters and great teachers.

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For those not yet convinced of former lives... Empty Re: For those not yet convinced of former lives...

Post by N.Augusta 09.02.14 6:16

I agree, I do not think that all souls were created at the same time either...

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For those not yet convinced of former lives... Empty Re: For those not yet convinced of former lives...

Post by Divine 277 09.02.14 6:33

Neither do i believe that souls where created at the same time … and I would back this up with the laws of evolution and netheru actually.

I do believe that they chose their own evolution.. and that every soul has the capacity to grow and evolve in the way they chose to, (((( if they chose to ))), (((witch surly many do not … ))), so what Im saying is, that a younger soul can be at a higher evolutionary stage then an older one, depending on the knowledge they chose to gain.( this is a bit tricky to explain when it comes to my view on this Smile so Im not going to do deep in to it, and use up peoples times Smile )
Divine 277
Divine 277

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For those not yet convinced of former lives... Empty Re: For those not yet convinced of former lives...

Post by Maxx 09.02.14 7:59

I know what you are all saying, and I would certainly be inclined to agree will all except for the fact that those individuals you spoke of choose to come here in a state that will give them a little edge in the growth by even coming in handicapped, etc.  They are also working out some things with those people that are having to take care of them while they are some cases it is payback time if you know what I mean.  But I understand everyone has their own way of discovering things and we certainly do not have to agree with each other in every aspect.  Most people here in this world have not learned that the only way we grow spiritually is individually, and to find one's sense of being one has to look within.  I knew when I posted that it would be a subject of contention and I like that you three expressed your views about it.  I like your different views from mine.  Oh...and most everyone here today are old souls because of what is developing at this time here.  It is unique in all of history.

If you look at the karma aspect in people's lives they build up over and over again it means that there are many people in each persons life that interact and touch each other.  We all have to play back this stuff to jump out of it.  That is why I am so interested in getting rid of all my karma in this life so I do not have to return to work further in it.  Everyone comes here for a  We all know what it is until we are born and at that time it all is removed from the memory.  Hell of a process.  We have to complete something we do not even know what we want to do when we get here.  Some learn it.  Most do not and have to come back over and over again.   But at this junction in history, there are many souls that have come in to only furnish energy by just being here.  There is a purpose for all of it.  Some people in recent past generations have come to only live a boring and uneventful life.  Some only had a function to have children to enter here.  Everyone is really very different.  I used to think that it fit so well.  It certainly does....but it is far, far more complicated than I can ever dream of.

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For those not yet convinced of former lives... Empty Re: For those not yet convinced of former lives...

Post by Maxx 09.02.14 8:20

OH....sorry, I meant to include a couple of examples about the Master and student and I know you already know this....but which would be an example in a life.  Another life it would be reversed and the Master would choose to be the student under the reverse of the former student which now is the Master teaching.  Also, a child may have it's parents in this life but in a former life the child may be one of the parents to that person.  A murderer may have to pay back to the victim by being a parent to the one that he killed in a previous life by having to be a caregiver to that handicapped being he killed in another life and having to take care of that one in this life. I believe we could learn much about our goals in this life if we could work to find our previous lives and what they included.  Higher beings that have evolved more often chose to come back to help others work on the purpose in their lives even though they are not required.  Those higher beings help as a guide in this life while they are here and also helping from the spirit side of things when they move on.  

Also, I believe that just because a person may have much experience to show in this life does not mean that they have every experienced life within the confines of this planet before.  They may have lived many lives within another system and working there to ascend.  I still believe that all souls were created at the same time. I believe that everything was created at once no matter what level vibration we are referring to. I do agree that this is the only place that functions in what we call time as we know it here.  It really does not exist like we refer to it here as it is a human creation.

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For those not yet convinced of former lives... Empty Re: For those not yet convinced of former lives...

Post by N.Augusta 09.02.14 8:23

Ya know what Maxx?
We would be incredibly boring if we all agreed on everything. We all have our differences, and we know that we can freely express our different opinions very openly without judgment. Which allows healthy room for challenge and growth. Smile

Thank you for sharing as much and as often as you do. You always bring about interesting topics. Smile

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For those not yet convinced of former lives... Empty Re: For those not yet convinced of former lives...

Post by Matttt 09.02.14 8:34

What about the reincarnation of Asetians? I understand that it is very different than our own. However, do you believe they would chose to reincarnate as a lower or higher being than ourselves? Or do they return each time in mortal bodies?

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For those not yet convinced of former lives... Empty Re: For those not yet convinced of former lives...

Post by Maxx 09.02.14 8:51

The very name ka......the Aset us an indication.....(only my own belief here)...that the being would not necessarily have to reincarnation within this lower realm. Only by choice but not of necessity.  As mentioned previously, I am of the belief that most of the Aset Ka is located in a higher realm or spirit or etheric realm now and mostly operate to influence this world from that location.  The Red Order of Seth has more operation from this lower level where we are. And the two sections have some friction between them which are being played out still.....

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For those not yet convinced of former lives... Empty Re: For those not yet convinced of former lives...

Post by Maxx 09.02.14 9:04

I may be wrong but I personally see the conflict between the two sections with mortals in the middle as having to do with this issue of having free will.....or not having free will. What do you think?

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For those not yet convinced of former lives... Empty Re: For those not yet convinced of former lives...

Post by Matttt 09.02.14 9:26

I do agree with what you say about the Aset Ka operating in a higher realm. However, with this new era beginning, I believe they may be slowly shifting into the Physical. Hence, the books and the secret knowledge we are now all able to obtain. A new war of sorts may possibly be brewing.
In the sense of reincarnation, I believe it pertains to a members place in life. An Elder may chose to incarnate in higher realms in the search of knowledge while the less experienced may remain in the Physical or perhaps backwards?

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For those not yet convinced of former lives... Empty Re: For those not yet convinced of former lives...

Post by Maxx 09.02.14 9:51

To illustrate....I just had a phone call from a friend and we are interested in many of the same things.  Strange timing this was.  The conversation was about the things our spirit teachers showed us last night.  In mine I was taken and shown a person I knew in this life that was very famous all over the world.  That person died and passed over.  I was shown last night that the same life situations that were confronted here are being found on the other side.  In other words, a person that does not actively pursue ascension in this life will be confronted with the point left off in this life.  I always look for the one central issue in these scenes and I saw that that person's attitude toward other people was even more pronounced on the other side.  I have been shown this not once or twice but several times with people and relatives I knew that passed over.  These are mortals....not I want that to be clear.   A Spirit Being I work with specifically said that one that does not choose to work to elevate themselves here will move into the same situation on the other side as what they left and have to start to work at that same point to advance themselves. That Being has spoken to both of us and delivered the same message.

Seeker...may I ask how you are interacting with your spirit teacher....reading from published material or are you dealing with meditation or contact with a higher being on the other side that is working with you? Or a combination of both....or some other method?

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For those not yet convinced of former lives... Empty Re: For those not yet convinced of former lives...

Post by Divine 277 09.02.14 9:55

My thoughts about the Aset Ka:
I think they very much incarnate, how else would they grow ? Unless you see Gods or other higher beings as all knowing and all seeing, witch i do not see them as.. all changes, nothing really stays the same, always something new to learn.
A being that rejects growth, is stagnant.

I do however have an opinion that they have a larger incarnation circle… the correlates with the big clock, just like most souls .. just on a bigger scale …

Free will is necessary for taking responsibility for own growth and self insight, since all is responsible for own growth, it kinda goes with the territory.

All has free will…  ( a action has always a equal or counter reaction.)

It is however free will on how one reacts to a situation or an action ..  some sees this as an illusion of choice ..
I don't really agree on that, since however you look at it, there is a choice, some may see the choice as non existing, because they are not really willing to "pay" the price…

What ever the Price may be…

I tried to explain this as short as I can Smile
Can't wait to read others view points Smile
Divine 277
Divine 277

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For those not yet convinced of former lives... Empty Re: For those not yet convinced of former lives...

Post by Matttt 09.02.14 9:59

If I am in contact with my Spirit Teacher, it is in subconsciously. I have been meditating and using Kundalini yoga to push energy into my Third Eye and Crown Shens.
On the subject of reading, I have used only the Asetian Bible and Liber Aternus.
I have recently been watching the Spirit Science videos on Youtube. However, I take those with a grain of salt.
For the past few days, I have been partaking in an in depth study of the Book of Orion and it's mysteries.
And of course, the amazing wisdom that has been presented in this forum by its wonderful inhabitants.

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For those not yet convinced of former lives... Empty Re: For those not yet convinced of former lives...

Post by Nightshade 09.02.14 10:02

N.Augusta wrote:Ya know what Maxx?
We would be incredibly boring if we all agreed on everything. We all have our differences, and we know that we can freely express our different opinions very openly without judgment. Which allows healthy room for challenge and growth. Smile

Thank you for sharing as much and as often as you do. You always bring about interesting topics. Smile

I agree and must state that I wasn't saying that Maxx is wrong and I am right. We all see the world differently and that is great. I just expressed my own view and the conclusions that I have come to from my own work with the spirit world and with the occult. To me we all have the ability to reincarnate but I see souls from very ancient times who have experienced many lifetimes and others who have experienced less individual lives and often much more recent. But then again this is just my personal conclusion and it's fine that others disagree. Dialogue about this is great and helps everyone reach newer ideas and conclusions.

As for the Asetians I agree with what Maxx stated on how they operate more on the higher realms than they do in here and that most  would reincarnate not out of necessity but out of their own will, to accomplish something specific for the Aset Ka. This must be particularly true for the Elders who decide to incarnate, while less experienced Asetians may join us in reincarnation to also grow with the process of life as we humans do. There are probably Asetians reincarnating out of duty and plot while others do so simply to grow and evolve. This is my view but of course it's just an opinion.

The same would apply to Sethians and the Keepers, lets not forget about them.

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For those not yet convinced of former lives... Empty Re: For those not yet convinced of former lives...

Post by Nightshade 09.02.14 10:07

seekerofba wrote:For the past few days, I have been partaking in an in depth study of the Book of Orion and it's mysteries.
A personal favorite. There is so much to learn from it and remember that Marques' books teach more than what is written. Those are gifts for Asetianists that outsiders often neglect or are unable to understand.

Disclaimer: I use the word Asetianist relating to anyone that studies the Asetian path and nurtures respect for the culture of the Asetians. It doesn't have to be anyone of power or great wisdom. There are Asetianists of every level of knowledge and culture.

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For those not yet convinced of former lives... Empty Re: For those not yet convinced of former lives...

Post by Matttt 09.02.14 10:10

Thank you, Nightshade.
and that is in fact what I have been studying, the symbolism and inner mysteries beyond the text. Smile

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For those not yet convinced of former lives... Empty Re: For those not yet convinced of former lives...

Post by Maxx 09.02.14 10:11

N. Augusta and two speak and deliver much better an idea than I do....and need to post more of your concepts so we can see them and interact with them.  I feel you are holding back.  And to is very good to hear that is how you are being led.  Of course your guide is with you always and at all times and your account proves you are listening very well.  Your posts are very interesting....

Free will is the exact reason we are born here with no memory of what we came to do.  If we knew our purpose that we are working toward, that would influence the basic tenet of being confronted with a full blown free will choice in any decision.  Therefore it is a complete act of free will choice and having to develop an ability to learn our goals that we work on in our experience here.

Again, I will state it is very important from my own view anyway, that we see the overall picture in  the universe and the way it operates here and all other places at the same time....and not just our position here on this lowly planet as single entities.  View it all in the larger picture.

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For those not yet convinced of former lives... Empty Re: For those not yet convinced of former lives...

Post by Matttt 09.02.14 10:17

I entertain the idea of free will of being a divine gift quite often. It seems to me that of all the paths to take, those who chose the path of introspection and unveiling the higher self are rewarded in the greatest fashion.

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For those not yet convinced of former lives... Empty Re: For those not yet convinced of former lives...

Post by Divine 277 09.02.14 10:42

I don't think my mind is capable ( for now ) to see things in an bigger picture then I already do Smile

I agree that I should not be so short in my replies, it can make my replies kinda confusing… and I do apologize for that.

I don't really know how to explain my point of view as a whole with out brining the tree of life in to this… or even the concept of the 5 realms of existence.

However I will say that Malkut as physical is highly underrated…

Malkut : meaning : kingdom, manifestation, physical form,Shekinah meaning : goddess. fallen princess and so on. in a way bringing together the other spears, but this does not apply on only one level of existence.
As Crowley said : as up high, so down low.

It brings us the whole way back to self aware meant…
and How the beginning of it firstly began .. and what the reason for it arouse.

Kinda a big topic, don't you think ?
Divine 277
Divine 277

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For those not yet convinced of former lives... Empty Re: For those not yet convinced of former lives...

Post by Maxx 09.02.14 11:03

May I ask have you done a pathworking on the opposite side?   From Namaah or Lilith to Thaumiel like one would do working from Malkuth to Kether?
This exists on the other side of that tree you mention and gives a view from a different experience.  Daath, of course, is a doorway whereby one can jump from one tree into the other without feeling the need to progress through all the others and instantly go to a specific target.

The working within a large wall mirror to develop instant entrance into any sphere at a single session can be a wonderful aid.  Something as this I think the Priesthood was using in Ancient Egypt to enter portals as well as communication with other higher Beings.

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