Sethians and the Catholic Church

Lupus de Umbras
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Sethians and the Catholic Church Empty Sethians and the Catholic Church

Post by Matttt 11.02.14 11:00

There has been man specualtions that the Red Order is in control of the Vatican.
I was watching this video when the person being intervied on Kabbalah spoke about when the Catholics use the movement of crossing themselves, they are touch areas of the body assoiciated with areas of the Tree. However, he states that the way that is tought by the Church is incorrect and will disrupt the flow of divine energy. This so that the soul will be in essence held in captivity.

He begins talking about this a little after 24:00

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Sethians and the Catholic Church Empty Re: Sethians and the Catholic Church

Post by Maxx 11.02.14 12:24

that is a good video....kind of funny with her input....I want to tell her when she says that the bible says greater things shall you do than Joshua ben Joseph, like miracles, healing, etc. just like he did.  But they all stop when it comes to dying just like he one wants to go there for some

here is a little more info from the Western view and even says that the tree should be studied with the tarot....   also says there is no good or bad way but to study for understanding....... given from a Christian view.....but has some factual info at times.  Another one of those saying his life is in danger for putting out this  I think he also gets into the Qliphoth somewhat.  LOL.

I know there are some good designs showing the multi levels (five of them I think) of the tree out there as I have seen them in different books so I know they will be on the net.

I work within what one would call the Witchcraft area.  Not the new age white witch crap but I study areas that go back beyond that time. Maybe called the Ancient Old Ways.   It is definitely structured toward the dark side but I am finding much material from it connected to some of the things found in the books of the Aset Ka.  This info I post as some out there might wonder what is between my ears.  Some say not Often, I agree with that assessment.

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Sethians and the Catholic Church Empty Re: Sethians and the Catholic Church

Post by Stapleraindrop 22.02.14 12:10

Very odd question, and slightly of topic but...

Although Upper Egypt did attack lower Egypt, was Seth in control of the country at the time? Though Upper Egypt did worship Seth, they may have worshipped Hours in conjunction with Seth.

Sethians and the Catholic Church 149mqgn

Sethians and the Catholic Church 353a58n

In the second one, the figure Horus appears to be confronting may or may not be Seth, but has the typical figure of an Annunaki with that big 'ol head.

Heres the link to the second one fullsize, it doesen't fit in the forum very well:

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Sethians and the Catholic Church Empty Re: Sethians and the Catholic Church

Post by Stapleraindrop 22.02.14 12:16

Sethians and the Catholic Church 2ltoinl

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Sethians and the Catholic Church Empty Re: Sethians and the Catholic Church

Post by Kalb 22.02.14 16:24

I do not believe much of it , and besides it is always difficult to understand this in current times. The meaning of the name Aset is simply "Throne". The first Egyptian king was Osiris, with his death, Horus became the King of Egypt and after the death of Horus, the Egyptian kings that assumed the Throne always put the name of Horus in their lifes as tradition and I believe this is strongly linked to the power of each Asetian choose when and where to born, Elder Power and this journey continued for many centuries, and for many centuries the history has been misinterpreted by many, especially when they claim that the Egyptians did many temples and worship ti the God Ra, when in fact all were dedicated to the God Horus. We know that this power was given to humanity by the Asetians from the Djehuty of the Hawk, but, before "gift" of the throne Asetians made the greatest monument that the world knows, the Pyramids of Giza in the Fourth Dynasty .

Now , there are some people who believe that the AK failed in his reign, due to the reign of Pharaoh Amenhotep IV. What they can not forget is that this time the Asetians no longer had the Throne in their hands because it was offered to mortals and Sethians in their greed stole the throne to humans that was later overthrown by Asetians again. However, The XII dynasty was ruled in It-tawy in the Fayum region. The pharaoh Amenemhat I started building a temple to the God Sobek in Faiyum, city that we know today as Medinet el-Faiyum. Amenemhet I was not of royal lineage, said the literary work of the Prophecy Neferti but along that dynasty we see the queen Nefrusobek control the throne, her name means "the beauty of Sobek". It's around XII dynasty that Sethians make history, and I believe that was until the eighteenth dynasty for the reasons you already know.

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Sethians and the Catholic Church Empty Re: Sethians and the Catholic Church

Post by Kalb 22.02.14 17:29

I forgot to ask you.. Which is the temple of these photo?

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Sethians and the Catholic Church Empty Re: Sethians and the Catholic Church

Post by Stapleraindrop 23.02.14 19:33

Can't say I remember.

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Sethians and the Catholic Church Empty Re: Sethians and the Catholic Church

Post by Maxx 23.03.14 15:30

Since this planet is designed on the positive and negative polarity or dual system......I ask the question.....could this be the cause of the war between Horus and Set....dual polarity and finding a balance to life with a medium in the middle to exist together on the same planet? What thoughts does this bring up?

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Post by Nightshade 01.05.14 7:12

I am not sure if duality is the result from the war between Horus and Seth or Asetians and Sethians. I mean I can see how it might influence it and you have a point there, but it seems to me that duality is older than any form of life. It's like the balance of Maat, those things exist since the genesis of creation. If you look closely you not only find duality in this planet, you find it even in energy down to its simpler form, on the astral and all other layers of reality. It's a different form of duality but it's still present. It's what makes energy move and creation to manifest.

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Sethians and the Catholic Church Empty Re: Sethians and the Catholic Church

Post by Matttt 01.05.14 7:17

To understand the universe, we have to understand duality. To understand duality, we have to understand the universe.  Very Happy Razz 

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Sethians and the Catholic Church Empty Re: Sethians and the Catholic Church

Post by ChaosRose 14.07.14 8:56

There's really very little evidence even for the existence of an historical Jesus, let alone that he worked with Kabbalah. I'm not sure where this guy is getting any of these associations for the sign of the cross. It developed with Christians, and at first was just made on the forehead. It has always stood for the Trinity and the cross, representing the sacrifice of Jesus.

I tried to find out the background of this guy, and I don't see anything scholarly. It seems he's some sort of Lightworker or Starseed. He has a website where he offers to book "personal and solar initiations." I don't see any educational background, and I really don't understand why anyone would want to pay him for anything...or take anything he says seriously. If he was a scholar of Kabbalah, then sure.

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Post by ChaosRose 14.07.14 8:59

He seems to be just some New Age spiritual guru who is appropriating Kabbalah for his own personal use...which appears to be making money.

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Sethians and the Catholic Church Empty Re: Sethians and the Catholic Church

Post by Demonia 14.07.14 10:15

Maxx wrote:Since this planet is designed on the positive and negative polarity or dual system......I ask the question.....could this be the cause of the war between Horus and Set....dual polarity and finding a balance to life with a medium in the middle to exist together on the same planet? What thoughts does this bring up?

Sethians and the Catholic Church Vesica-pisces

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Sethians and the Catholic Church Empty Re: Sethians and the Catholic Church

Post by Lupus de Umbras 17.07.14 14:25

Demonia:You're graphic reminds me of a Venn diagram.It's simple,yet eloquent.

Maxx:You're question brings to mind terms like;Middle Path,Middle Way,Middle Pillar.I.E.Experiencing both polar extremes;but also returning to a midway point between the two in order to re-establish a new state of balance.It could also demonstrate the capacity to rise above dualistic thinking.Hence,perceiving things holistically,or a 360 degree viewpoint;as the the ancients once did.
Lupus de Umbras
Lupus de Umbras

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Sethians and the Catholic Church Empty Re: Sethians and the Catholic Church

Post by Maxx 17.07.14 16:40

ChaosRose wrote:There's really very little evidence even for the existence of an historical Jesus, let alone that he worked with Kabbalah. I'm not sure where this guy is getting any of these associations for the sign of the cross. It developed with Christians, and at first was just made on the forehead. It has always stood for the Trinity and the cross, representing the sacrifice of Jesus.

ChaosRose, your information is certainly incorrect. It was used way before the Christian era and for an entirely different reason.

Lupus de Umbras, I am assuming you are speaking of OBE over the body which one can see in all 360 degrees at once.

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Sethians and the Catholic Church Empty Re: Sethians and the Catholic Church

Post by Lupus de Umbras 18.07.14 9:28

Precisely,Maxx.Although such a thing is obtainable today;and is something I experience regularly,I am led to believe that in the days of Khemet it was more of a natural reflex.Sethian machinations over millenia have divorced humans from this ability;imposing an external and prison on the masses.Hence ,denying them true freedom and enlightenment.
Lupus de Umbras
Lupus de Umbras

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Sethians and the Catholic Church Empty Re: Sethians and the Catholic Church

Post by Lupus de Umbras 18.07.14 9:30

Meant to say external and internal.
Lupus de Umbras
Lupus de Umbras

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Sethians and the Catholic Church Empty Re: Sethians and the Catholic Church

Post by sikvdili 05.08.14 6:01

Maxx wrote:
ChaosRose wrote:There's really very little evidence even for the existence of an historical Jesus, let alone that he worked with Kabbalah. I'm not sure where this guy is getting any of these associations for the sign of the cross. It developed with Christians, and at first was just made on the forehead. It has always stood for the Trinity and the cross, representing the sacrifice of Jesus.

ChaosRose, your information is certainly incorrect.  It was used way before the Christian era and for an entirely different reason.

Lupus de Umbras, I am assuming you are speaking of OBE over the body which one can see in all 360 degrees at once.

Within the context of Christianity, just like physics, it developed independantly in seperate situations. The sign of the cross was developed by a sect in devotion and memory, the exact saints name, i cant recall but it was (for the most part) an independantly evolved tradition.

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Sethians and the Catholic Church Empty Re: Sethians and the Catholic Church

Post by Maxx 05.08.14 7:24

As I mentioned here before it has been used very much earlier.  The design of large bldgs. and even later cathedrals were built with this design for one thing only.  The later development of the cross used by Christians came later.   The design, of course, was the center of the vertical and horizontal line in the structure with a large open area at that point.....which was used to develop a portal to another dimension with the aid of rituals designed to open it.  This Christian cross business came much later.

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Sethians and the Catholic Church Empty Re: Sethians and the Catholic Church

Post by Stapleraindrop 05.08.14 12:42

You talkin bout the rose cross that Crowley was fond of? I think I've seen it associated w/ Rosicrucians too but you don't need to hear that lol

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Sethians and the Catholic Church Empty Re: Sethians and the Catholic Church

Post by Maxx 05.08.14 13:41

I believe even the Rosicrucians are aware of what the original purpose was used for.  And sitting a recliner and looking up at the point where ceiling and wall meet, and then taking your vision focus and pulling back mid way between you and that point will allow one to do the same thing.  Using the large, open buildings at that center point would allow the priesthood with knowledge to take a person being inducted into high initiation, and impress them with that portal opening.

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Sethians and the Catholic Church Empty Re: Sethians and the Catholic Church

Post by Stapleraindrop 05.08.14 19:41

Hm I think I know what you're talking about. does it kind of feel like an inward-inversion type thing? Like if a star collapsed into a black hole?

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Sethians and the Catholic Church Empty Re: Sethians and the Catholic Church

Post by Maxx 05.08.14 19:52

for myself, I do not find that to be similar. It could be for someone else, I do not know. You completely find yourself in that other place. It is a mental realm, but everyone of us live in a physical and a etheric realm at the same time. You actually can move about at will as needed. Depends on how you make your contact. hehe enough said.

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Sethians and the Catholic Church Empty Re: Sethians and the Catholic Church

Post by Stapleraindrop 06.08.14 11:43

Yeah, I tried that laying in bed last night and it was really weird but like how the hell... It's just 2 walls, but its such a good focus point and blehh. Thanks for the idea tho Maxx, worked like a charm

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Sethians and the Catholic Church Empty Re: Sethians and the Catholic Church

Post by Maxx 06.08.14 15:18

Looking at that point on that line and dropping yourself into semi trance state with breathing technique will allow you to begin seeing static energy movements coupled with small lights moving. That energy will begin to move around.  At this point you have made an adjustment somewhat like meditation exercises accomplish.  You might try mentally seeing a sigil of a being to contact you are looking for but focus on it at that point midway between you and the line at center of wall and ceiling by pulling back your focus.  When you are there you can close your eyes and find how fascinating it is to start to see and communicate with that being you are looking for. This will move you into an area that you can easily do many things you are trying to do without ever going on the road...physically.

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