Sethians VS Asetians.

Lunar Sentinel
Sinata Anika Asti
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Sethians VS Asetians. Empty Sethians VS Asetians.

Post by Jonathan 12.11.09 10:20

We all know of the constant struggle between Sethians and Asetians, as well as the Epic Wars that these two immortal bloodlines held throughout history, but especially in Ancient Egypt.

What makes you believe that the Sethians were not worthy of rulership over the Kemetic empire, and that only the Asetians deserved that role?

This was not a fight between good and evil, but a war where both bloodlines wanted power and rulership over the mightiest empire in history. We say that Sethians just wanted power, but lets be realistic, the Asetians wanted it too, and that is why both fought. We are talking about bloodlines that are both divine, both originated from pure divine beings, such as Seth and Aset. This is not Christianity where there is God and Satan. Aset and Seth do not represent good and evil, and where both pure divine forces. Actually, we even know that Aset herself had a terrible and evil facet herself, as it is explained in the Asetian Bible, where she can be a frightening, dark and evil deity.

So what are your opinions over all of this? Not keeping an Asetian centered mind, which I do know most of us tend to keep, but analyzing this from outside of the box, with a completely unbiased mind, just for the sake of discussion and debate.

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Sethians VS Asetians. Empty Re: Sethians VS Asetians.

Post by godofbattle 12.11.09 12:57

I HAVE THOUGHT OF THIS TOO. It seems both sides would say they deserve power and the other one dosen't.

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Sethians VS Asetians. Empty Re: Sethians VS Asetians.

Post by Hellen 12.11.09 13:19

How people make their choices ? We have daily examples of people who follow blindly one side or another without to really understand what they follow .

For unaware eyes is hard to detect the real differences be that in the present or looking at the history of humankind ,since the traces are so veiled , disguised and not at hand to detect most of times.

The struggle for Power .
Could that be just a translation in the human 'language' ?

A certain level of initiation is definitely needed for just to perceive these two forces ,before to really discern between them .To understand what moves them and what's behind , that is even more further .

Assuming that someone has this perception and understanding ,i think the rest just comes natural , maybe more of a choice made with the heart (the metaphysical one ) , an alignment with compatible Forces , Energy and Will .


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Sethians VS Asetians. Empty Re: Sethians VS Asetians.

Post by Daniel09 12.11.09 17:41

I think it is more preservation and balance. Asetians focus on stability of the cosmos, and there is a legendary amount of history recording that is focused on keeping history in tact and true.

The Sethians focus far more on greed, I believe. They just want more and more, regardless of the balance of things. As evidenced by the Sethian religions, history is not regarded well by them either, as they appear to seek to destroy and alter as much as possible to improve their image and get more followers.

I feel that the Asetians, while having a dark side, and a powerful one at that, are the more noble of the divine beings. Honor is a powerfully decent facet I feel makes them more deserving than the Sethians, who focus more on succeeding in getting more than respecting the cosmos.

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Sethians VS Asetians. Empty Re: Sethians VS Asetians

Post by SetAzEl 13.11.09 22:01

“ He (Seth) is the essence of masculinity, strength, power and destruction – and specifically the essence of necessary destruction. Set is the impetus by which things are destroyed in order for other things to be created. He is the ultimate challenger, daring us to leave behind those things that no
longer serve us and to step boldly into the unknown. He is the fractal of chaos theory, the seeming contradictions which finds order in disorder and creation in destruction."
- From the book "The Neteru of Kemet: An introduction" by
Tamara Siuda-Legan

In my personal opinion, Set represents the death of the "shell" and entities of the physical that limits us where Aset represents life and resurrection of the something new and immortal from the ashes. Sethains
and Asetians represent a cosmic dance between forces that are complimentary and at the heart of creativity within the "Universe".
2 + 3 = 5.

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Sethians VS Asetians. Empty Re: Sethians VS Asetians.

Post by Victor 14.11.09 4:44

I believe the subject of the Epic Wars, as the immortal battles between Sethians and Asetians, is not a matter of possible comprehension or easy to debate. It is a war that is going on since the beginning of times, where the reasons and motivations are out of our reach and understanding. We can only but speculate...

It is important to remember, though, as it was mentioned in here, that this is not a battle of good versus evil. We are talking about a battle between Gods, both sides equally powerful.
Both sides have committed terrible things... under the light of these silent wars.

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Sethians VS Asetians. Empty Re: Sethians VS Asetians.

Post by Kalb 14.11.09 6:12

Both sides have committed terrible things... under the light of these silent wars.

Give me some examples Victor, please.

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Sethians VS Asetians. Empty Re: Sethians VS Asetians.

Post by Hellen 14.11.09 13:22

Things you do at war .Like this :

Is this good or evil ?

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Sethians VS Asetians. Empty Re: Sethians VS Asetians.

Post by AnaInDark 14.11.09 16:55

Keep in mind that just because you may feel a sense of love towards the Aset Ka and a sense of rage and hate towards the ROS, it does not make the ROS less powerful. Both sides, the ROS and the AK, are Divine beings, no matter who is loved and who is hated. We can't underestimate the Sethians just because we despise them, due to the love we feel for the Aset Ka. Just think about it... If the ROS is all that weak or weaker, as some of you think, then why would the battles still go on in this very day? The answer is simple: Many are underestimating the Sethians' power.

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Sethians VS Asetians. Empty Re: Sethians VS Asetians.

Post by Daniel09 14.11.09 21:58

The way I've seen things, the Aset Ka actually allowed the Sethians to take over for a time. For what purpose, I've yet to figure out completely, be it balance or simply the desire to stop fighting openly for a time.

"We had the world
in our hands, and willingly gave it away..." -Luis Marques

Now this could be a reference to the obvious, that the Gods gave humans the world to do with what they would, but I believe that like every Asetian phrase, it has deeper meanings. I am not qualified to assess them, because like a sigil, one can study it for a lifetime and still not grasp the entirety of the true meaning to it. I'll let you all take what you will from it. I merely wish to plant the seeds of thought, so your ideas may broaden.

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Sethians VS Asetians. Empty Re: Sethians VS Asetians.

Post by Jonathan 15.11.09 4:13

Daniel09 wrote:The way I've seen things, the Aset Ka actually allowed the Sethians to take over for a time. For what purpose, I've yet to figure out completely, be it balance or simply the desire to stop fighting openly for a time.

"We had the world
in our hands, and willingly gave it away..." -Luis Marques

Now this could be a reference to the obvious, that the Gods gave humans the world to do with what they would, but I believe that like every Asetian phrase, it has deeper meanings. I am not qualified to assess them, because like a sigil, one can study it for a lifetime and still not grasp the entirety of the true meaning to it. I'll let you all take what you will from it. I merely wish to plant the seeds of thought, so your ideas may broaden.

I interpreted that sentence from Master Luis Marques also as a way of bringing up the moment where the Asetians after centuries of rulership over Kemet, left its power and throne to mankind, where the human Pharaohs took over, after such a long Asetian Empire.

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Sethians VS Asetians. Empty Re: Sethians VS Asetians.

Post by Kalb 15.11.09 5:21

The ROS are beings very strong… Anyway, I don’t like the term “Sethians Vs Asetians”.

I want an example if Asetians have committed lack of Respect against Sethians. The truth is… you don’t have. If you read my last post you see many examples of corrupt versions of manipulate.

We are members of truth and as Master Luis Marques said we don’t find Truth, but Truth finds us. Everything is inter-connect.

I give you a new example of lack of Respect. Do you know the story of Fatima? No? or but search with your hands more information if you don’t know nothing about the story.

But if you know the story please follow me.
Why Portugal? Why 3 Children? Why one boy and two girls? Lol..
Obviously, this is another corrupt story and copy Sacred Asetian History. The Sethians enjoy with this. They do not respect the Divine story. However, if you check dates with Numerology you check the numbers is not belong Asetian Sacred Numbers but perhaps belong Sethians.
1+9+8= 18
1+8 = 9
1+8 = 9
Other detail is the number of day, 13.
1+3 = 4
9+4 = 13

Anyway, The Djehuty of the Crocodile was a Djehuty of manipulation and enjoy with Divine story. The ROS imposed the empire around the globe but don’t imposed a stop for Followers of Asetians nor Disciples. So… Is there anything worse than to deceive the world and enjoy with Divine things? I don’t think so.
I have bad news for Sethians and followers/allies of them.
But evolution knows no limits or frontiers, and eventually all the roots from the old rotten Djehuty of the Crocodile will be removed and surpassed by the young, fresh and powerful Djehuty of the Serpent: the time of individual thought and spiritual evolution without fears or restrictions, the era where life is closer to its true divine nature.
So… Do you continue think "Asetians Vs Sethians"?

I prefer the term.. "Sethians Vs Lack of Respect, Humble…"

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Sethians VS Asetians. Empty Sethians VS Asetians

Post by SetAzEl 15.11.09 12:41

Stalker wrote:We are members of truth and as Master Luis Marques said we don’t find Truth, but Truth finds us. Everything is inter-connect.

Yeah, this seems to be the case.

Stalker wrote:Anyway, The Djehuty of the Crocodile was a Djehuty of manipulation and enjoy with Divine story. The ROS imposed the empire around the globe but don’t imposed a stop for Followers of Asetians nor Disciples. So… Is there anything worse than to deceive the world and enjoy with Divine things? I don’t think so.
I have bad news for Sethians and followers/allies of them.
But evolution knows no limits or frontiers, and eventually all the roots from the old rotten Djehuty of the Crocodile will be removed and surpassed by the young, fresh and powerful Djehuty of the Serpent: the time of individual thought and spiritual evolution without fears or restrictions, the era where life is closer to its true divine nature.

Well, for what it is worth, one can truly feel this change occurring even thou as Mr. Marques says in the Asetian Bible " However, a large part of the world's population is still stagnant in the old Djehuty.....". I truly hope that the Asetians and other like them are fully successful in the breaking down of the old monotheistic ways as well as the influence on social, economic, and political aspects of this physical world.

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Sethians VS Asetians. Empty Re: Sethians VS Asetians.

Post by Karnath 17.11.09 4:29

Best greetings to all.

History became legend, legend became myth...

It's part of the myth, though, that the Children of Aset were the firstborn.

After the breeding of the Children of Seth (who only greedily copied the technology from Aset, the Great Sorcerer), 7 Scorpions sworn loyalty to Aset and the protection of Her Divine Children.

Along with the 7 Scorpions of the Imperial Guard, also Anpu (Anubis) sworn loyalty to the protection of the Children of Aset. Anubis felt like one, since He was raised by Aset Herself, who accepted Him; He was illegitimate, since He was the Son of Osiris and Nephthys, who took her revenge from Seth, having Osiris that was blind from a spell cast by her; so Aset raised Him as Her own, teaching Him all the Magickal Arts She knew.

And so there was war, between two Great Titans.

Nevertheless, the Throne was always Asetian by legitimacy. That's why throughout all Myth, Heru-sa-Aset was the one to sit upon the Amethyst Throne, and Seth being seen as the one trying to take it away from him. But of course he eventually did later, especially with Akhenaton (The Living Spirit of Aten). Do you think that honor between enemies could exist, if Seth tried to remove all Kemetic Deities from worship, changing his own face to the solar disk (Aten)(1)?
Even though the Atenists (Sethians in origin) were stopped in Kemet, some eventually ran away, as you might well know, and gave origin to one of the most murderous religions in whole world, especially because they were a lot. This is the Djehuty of the Crocodile, The Dark Period of the World. Everything stopped evolving, becoming stagnated and rotten. Actually, Evolution itself suffered regression.

I wonder, however, what made the Asetians retreat in Silence, if they had the Power to take the Throne. Could it be because of a massive betrayal from their human allies?

And now, within the Djehuty of the Serpent, the Asetian Empire shall rise once more, even if it is for the Select Few(2).

To Her Highness Aset,
To The Empire.

Best regards,

(1) Only Tutankhamen (The Living Image of Amon) gave, again, Life to the Old Tradition. Originally, his name was to be Tutankhaten (The Living Image of Aten), which would continue the lineage of Aten. But the Tradition of Akhenaten had been banned.

(2) 10. Let my servants be few & secret: they shall rule the many & the
known. (Liber AL vel Legis, Aleister Crowley).

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Sethians VS Asetians. Empty Re: Sethians VS Asetians.

Post by Jonathan 17.11.09 5:33

Karnath wrote:Best greetings to all.

History became legend, legend became myth...

It's part of the myth, though, that the Children of Aset were the firstborn.

After the breeding of the Children of Seth (who only greedily copied the technology from Aset, the Great Sorcerer), 7 Scorpions sworn loyalty to Aset and the protection of Her Divine Children.

Along with the 7 Scorpions of the Imperial Guard, also Anpu (Anubis) sworn loyalty to the protection of the Children of Aset. Anubis felt like one, since He was raised by Aset Herself, who accepted Him; He was illegitimate, since He was the Son of Osiris and Nephthys, who took her revenge from Seth, having Osiris that was blind from a spell cast by her; so Aset raised Him as Her own, teaching Him all the Magickal Arts She knew.

And so there was war, between two Great Titans.

Nevertheless, the Throne was always Asetian by legitimacy. That's why throughout all Myth, Heru-sa-Aset was the one to sit upon the Amethyst Throne, and Seth being seen as the one trying to take it away from him. But of course he eventually did later, especially with Akhenaton (The Living Spirit of Aten). Do you think that honor between enemies could exist, if Seth tried to remove all Kemetic Deities from worship, changing his own face to the solar disk (Aten)(1)?
Even though the Atenists (Sethians in origin) were stopped in Kemet, some eventually ran away, as you might well know, and gave origin to one of the most murderous religions in whole world, especially because they were a lot. This is the Djehuty of the Crocodile, The Dark Period of the World. Everything stopped evolving, becoming stagnated and rotten. Actually, Evolution itself suffered regression.

I wonder, however, what made the Asetians retreat in Silence, if they had the Power to take the Throne. Could it be because of a massive betrayal from their human allies?

And now, within the Djehuty of the Serpent, the Asetian Empire shall rise once more, even if it is for the Select Few(2).

To Her Highness Aset,
To The Empire.

Best regards,

(1) Only Tutankhamen (The Living Image of Amon) gave, again, Life to the Old Tradition. Originally, his name was to be Tutankhaten (The Living Image of Aten), which would continue the lineage of Aten. But the Tradition of Akhenaten had been banned.

(2) 10. Let my servants be few & secret: they shall rule the many & the
known. (Liber AL vel Legis, Aleister Crowley).
Very good post Karnath. Raises some important concepts, questions and gives interesting food for thought.
You have been very silent as of late, we could use your company more often around here in this community.

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Sethians VS Asetians. Empty Re: Sethians VS Asetians.

Post by Karnath 17.11.09 5:50

Best greetings, Jonathan.

Most of the times I stay as an observer. But there are certain topics that are worth a precise effort.

Another fact is that I have plenty of challenges going currently on my life. Time is precious, don't you think?

Thank you for the compliment. Actually you are among the best writers in this community. Great work.

Best regards,

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Sethians VS Asetians. Empty Re: Sethians VS Asetians.

Post by Jonathan 17.11.09 5:57

Thank you for your kind words. I do agree with you, time is precious and we must take the best out of it. Especially since life is way too short... Smile
If we sit waiting for things to happen, for someone or something to change, we will see life passing through our eyes. Things only change when we put our own efforts into changing it. If we are passive beings waiting for others to fix things or accomplish whatever, we will waste our lives, when we could simply take an active stance and fix it ourselves, accomplish it ourselves... ultimately evolving and becoming a better being. Not many are able to do that.

Karnath wrote:Best greetings, Jonathan.

Most of the times I stay as an observer. But there are certain topics that are worth a precise effort.

Another fact is that I have plenty of challenges going currently on my life. Time is precious, don't you think?

Thank you for the compliment. Actually you are among the best writers in this community. Great work.

Best regards,

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Sethians VS Asetians. Empty Re: Sethians VS Asetians.

Post by SetAzEl 24.02.10 21:47

Daniel09 wrote:I think it is more preservation and balance. Asetians focus on stability of the cosmos, and there is a legendary amount of history recording that is focused on keeping history in tact and true.

It seems that the Cosmos follows a rhythmic pattern of swings from one extreme to another producing forces that act in opposition to the direction of motion.....hence, the balance is intrinsic to the "fiber"......

Daniel09 wrote:Sethians focus far more on greed, I believe. They just want more and more, regardless of the balance of things. As evidenced by the Sethian religions, history is not regarded well by them either, as they appear to seek to destroy and alter as much as possible to improve their image and get more followers.

Maybe this is apart of the overall Cosmic dance......the essence of the duality......the swinging pendulum.....

Daniel09 wrote: I feel that the Asetians, while having a dark side, and a powerful one at that, are the more noble of the divine beings. Honor is a powerfully decent facet I feel makes them more deserving than the Sethians, who focus more on succeeding in getting more than respecting the cosmos.

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Sethians VS Asetians. Empty Re: Sethians VS Asetians.

Post by ladymoontear 21.03.10 19:12

I foundall of the insights very informative. One thing I didn't see in this dcussion and maybe I'm way off base here is in reading the AB and the battles between the Asetians and the Sethians wasn't good vs evil, no. It was just two types of groups fighting for their right to reign. Their belief systems. What I did find in the AB which I found shocking and stangely pleasant was the many references to it stating how if the Order wanted something, it would ultimatey take it in the end, they were predatory. But I also found their profound respect for a great many things. Most wuld find all of this appalling. How can you respect something but hunt it and love it at the same time. I also found it refreshing to see where it stated the facts about Aset having a darkside. Anybody who actually read into the Egyptian history could see that. But surprisingly, most don't.

As for the Sethians, the website I found, you can only go so far before you are asked to register as a member. I personally didn't like this. This site, I went just about everywhere, The AK, I went to everyting they had posted.

But the Sethians are right, you have to have chaos in the world in order for it to work, just as you have to have resurrection. They both have to have their time, they both have to exist. As the AB states one can't live in total darkness and be whole, nor can one live in total light. You have to have both. There has to be an equality.

Set is chaos and destruction where Aset is rebirth and light. But we need both in order for this world to work. I don't think it really matters for us which reigns, we can debate all day which we think would be better suited, its up to the Gods and them. If I had a choice on which one reigned over me, especailly as of late, it would be the one who openly admits they can and will take what they want, admits they're only going to let me in so far, and shows a certain amount of respect for that which is here. Enough said.

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Sethians VS Asetians. Empty Re: Sethians VS Asetians.

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 22.11.10 4:46

Greetings all...This is my first post on this forum...please be kind...with that said...I am on my own path of enlightenment as many others here may from a powerful entity has led me to my current state of knowledge..awakened...yet much more to learn...regardless...the path that led me to this point began with having to figure out the name/rank/position of the entity that had/has been contacting me...which I had found out from lists of demonic names...interestingly enough I had come across a self-proclaimed Setian...who would not give me any information concerning the entity that I am associated with...that is how I had heard of Set...I found this website a while ago...and it may have some relevant information, maybe not... the site is

***I am not a Setian***
Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

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Sethians VS Asetians. Empty Re: Sethians VS Asetians.

Post by Daniel09 22.11.10 6:26

Just post an introduction and you'll be welcomed. We're a fairly procedural bunch here.

As for the Setian thing, Seth is popular among the followers of Kemetic Orthodoxy, and it can make some people say they are Setians, though not in the Asetianism context.

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Sethians VS Asetians. Empty Re: Sethians VS Asetians.

Post by Lunar Sentinel 22.11.10 8:15

I would have to agree with Daniel on this... anyone actually from the Asetian counterpart group isn't going to right out tell you "Hey! I am a Setian!" They tend to be a closed off group to the public eye, forever blending into the political power base of the world. As for your website there... It is a well known branch off from the church of Satan. It was formed in 1975 by Lt. Colonel Michael A. Aquino of the US Army and some members of the priesthood of the Church of Satan who had Philosophical issues with the direction the church was going.
Lunar Sentinel
Lunar Sentinel

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Sethians VS Asetians. Empty Re: Sethians VS Asetians.

Post by Jonathan 22.11.10 17:30

I agree with what is being said. I know several members from the Temple of Set, and it would be foolish to compare the knowledge and power of beings such as true Sethians, part of the Red Order of Seth, and the people from the Temple of Set, Church of Satan and the likes. Entirely different words...

Also important what Lunar Sentinel mentioned, a true Sethian would never come around telling you that he is one.

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Sethians VS Asetians. Empty Re: Sethians VS Asetians.

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 22.11.10 23:00

I would like to thank Daniel09, Lunar Sentinel, and Jonathan for the prompt and informative responses...please note that the party I had mentioned was "self" proclaimed... I take everything at face value... until proven otherwise... It is interesting to see how things of a spiritual/metaphysical nature can be misconstrued... in retrospect this post may have been or may become useful to those new to topics of this nature for clarification purposes at the very least.

Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

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Sethians VS Asetians. Empty Re: Sethians VS Asetians.

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 23.11.10 1:29

I would also like to add that I have posted an introduction...Thanks again to all who replied...
Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

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