Continued AB effects

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Continued AB effects Empty Continued AB effects

Post by Troublemaker 26.04.14 19:59

Once again I find myself attesting to the power of the Asetian Bible. The effects I'm feeling are getting more and more strong and I'm getting more and more agitated with my daily life. I feel that reading it has stirred up the pot, so to speak... things were stagnated but comfortable in my life, and now I feel this restless, odd energy around me. I feel like I'm staring at a opaque wall... the truth is beyond that wall, but I'm far, far too afraid to truly look at what I NEED to look at. To accept something as true without absolute proof... it's hard for me. And I'm not just talking about occult matters... but personal matters as well. I feel that there is an intelligent, dark presence hanging around me, and intuition leads me to believe it's trying to tell me something. (How do I say this the right way? It's almost like... like it's deliberately being difficult, annoying, and downright scary because it's trying to give me a huge wake-up slap.) I meditated a few days ago with some interesting experiences, and ever since then the presence has been hanging around. I'm not talking about the typical, book-worthy haunting. Just the unsettling feeling of someone watching and observing me on a constant basis.

Another metaphor---the AB has made my life and sense of comfort/security feel like a wet paper bag... and I'm about to fall out of the bottom as everything collapses.

Just thought I'd share this, because most people seem to feel peaceful and at ease after their experiences with the AB...

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Registration date : 2013-12-18

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Continued AB effects Empty Re: Continued AB effects

Post by Divine 277 27.04.14 2:49

It has been a hell of a ride …. learned a lot.
Divine 277
Divine 277

Number of posts : 1003
Age : 43
Location : Gate between heaven and hell.
Registration date : 2010-03-01

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Continued AB effects Empty Re: Continued AB effects

Post by Nightshade 01.05.14 7:00

I don't think the wild ride with Asetianism ever ends...

The transformations are everlasting.

Number of posts : 442
Location : The Mind
Registration date : 2013-06-15

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