this effects energy mastery

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this effects energy mastery Empty this effects energy mastery

Post by Maxx 03.08.20 13:24

Mystic. Patricia posted this but it is so on target, I thought about you when I saw it was Rudolf Steiner.

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome” Rudolf Steiner

Ahrimanic Electrical Forces Rob Us of Our Body and Humanity
“Bear in mind that in the Weimar that Goethe frequented – and in the other places he went – there were no telegraph wires anywhere about, no telegraph cables or the like. The atmosphere there was not riddled with telegraph wires with electric power lines. And now just think for a moment how finely made the instruments all around us are, into which electricity is being conducted. Human beings have devices like these in front of them and all around them. People over there in America are beginning to suspect that this has an influence on the physical human being too – the fact that he has these electric power lines and the like buzzing all around him. When Goethe traveled the world there were no electric currents induced in the body. Today you can travel far and wide, but you can never get so far away that these electric cables do not follow you. They are continuously inducing currents in you. Goethe was not exposed to such currents. All this robs human beings of their physical body; it brings the physical body into a condition in which the soul simply cannot enter into it. We must be quite clear about this: in the days when there were no electric currents, when there were no electric wires buzzing in the air, it was easier to be human. In those days these Ahrimanic forces were not there, constantly robbing us of our body even when we are awake. It was not necessary then for people to make such efforts in order to approach the spirit. That is why it is necessary today to muster far stronger spiritual forces merely to remain human than it was a hundred years ago.”

July 11, 1923, Die meschliche Seele in ihrem Zusammenhang mit göttlich-geistigen Individualitäten (GA 224; Dornach: Rudolf Steiner Verlag, 1992), p. 232, translated in Paul Emberson, “Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome,” New View 74 (January-March 2015): 18; first published in Anthro-Tech News 16 (Autumn 2014).

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this effects energy mastery Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by 8lou1 04.08.20 4:53

Pardon my intrusion, but instead of making electricity your enemy, might it be an idea to look at it a bit more evolutionary?

The electric universe theory (more info here: seems to me as a way of becoming more universal. And therefore more connected to our true being and surrounding, ie the universe as a whole. It also opens up to more profound ways of being, that in a sense might come closer to what some might call jinns, but at the same time is called the old ways. And some might even call it the human of the new eaon.

Even if one doesnt find their path in it, one might wonder why the electric grid is being put up around the world while we are entering a period of increasing solar flares...

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this effects energy mastery Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Maxx 04.08.20 7:16

Jinn is just another word another culture uses for Demons.

You may care to look at electricity in the same vein as humans think in terms of Angels and Demons.

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this effects energy mastery Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Maxx 04.08.20 7:51

BTW. How is your world search progressing in looking for a Magician to teach you how to acquire unlimited power? I know that Koetting could not be your answer as he could never be the source for anything of worth in that topic. lol. (secret: if they charge money to teach any power source they are fake to begin with.)

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this effects energy mastery Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by 8lou1 04.08.20 8:30

[quote="Maxx"]Jinn is just another word another culture uses for Demons.  

You may care to look at electricity in the same vein as humans think in terms of Angels and Demons.[/quote]

Jinn or demon, both words are from my culture. Also i use these words for different groups of beings. As that is my experience with them.

I probably get more confused when differentiating between angels and vampires. :wink:

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this effects energy mastery Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Maxx 04.08.20 8:32

I just heard this and it makes perfect sense.

To the degree one is dishonest in themselves, that is the same degree they are able to be fooled by the darkness.

Makes perfect sense in how one searches and becomes interested in power and control over others instead of joining to lift others up into the upper dimensions.  Just about everyone goes through this ordeal in their life at one time or another.  It is part of growing. Improvement comes with recognition.

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this effects energy mastery Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Maxx 04.08.20 8:36

lol. well, I am just a simple kind of guy. I see all the vampire crap as just an example of the foolishness of the fake environment all around us. To me the word vampire is vampire=fake. lol

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this effects energy mastery Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 04.08.20 8:40

Very interesing, I'd indeed wonder how it'd feel without electric wires all over the place as well as the 4G and 5G networks and wifi in the air. I've had trouble with that before but only in closed and highly charged areas of that. Not much to add, sadly, apart from that. I'm not very well versed on the details that would give in terms of metaphysics to such a large extent as stretching over nearly the whole globe but I'd have expected first of all that it could have an adverse effect in at least smaller locations of a concentrated effect but then there's something that 8lou1 says and I don't know if that holds validity if in any way or not but it could and I've also felt similar effects of that in different ways if I'm not miassociating it with something else. Simply I'm just not knowledgeable upon its exact metaphysical effects (apart from in concentrated areas which might hamper or injure such ability) or implications for psychicism in general to such an overarching extent of being set up around the whole planet but I don't feel any issue with my psychic abilities due to any of this in my life but that's when I'm not in such closed locations and at the same time I live very close to nature so I might not be as contaminated by it?

Who's Patricia, by the way? Sounds like a familiar name and you must have mentioned her before.

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this effects energy mastery Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by 8lou1 04.08.20 8:43

[quote="Maxx"]BTW.  How is your world search progressing in looking for a Magician to teach you how to acquire unlimited power?  I know that Koetting could not be your answer  as he could never be the source for anything of worth in that topic. lol.   (secret:  if they charge money to teach any power source they are fake to begin with.)[/quote]

Lol, koetting. How in the hell could you think id be interested in him???
And i was not looking for unlimited power. I was looking for a teacher who could help me combine different magical currents safely in my life.

Also if and when a fakery crosses ones path it can bring a lot of turmoil. Waging ones head against such humans is to me a waste of time. Still in my case people believed and as such i went out to gain insight on how to clean that mess in a proper manner.

I get more irritated by unproper use in combination with arrogance.

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this effects energy mastery Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Maxx 04.08.20 9:08

Patricia's father was famous in Egypt. He recently passed over not too long ago but he went every day to guard some iconic sites and did it from the spiritual realm. He was mentioned many time by John West as well as others as they knew his real value to that area. He had vast spiritual insight and was a jewel.

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this effects energy mastery Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 04.08.20 9:11

My condolences... Sad

Sounds like he was a great figure.

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this effects energy mastery Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by 8lou1 04.08.20 9:13

Regarding the topic at hand:
I think that rpg can be a simple step up towards a more natural way of thinking. Its just not used that way.
What ive noticed over the years in my 'online carrière' is that there are people who find joy in riding certain magical jolly go rounds. But that there are also groups who likes to use rpg as a way to attack people and online sites who are more magically inclined.

If the latter is what you mean by ahrimanic forces i agree. Otherwise not so much.

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this effects energy mastery Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 04.08.20 9:19

Although, there's one thing, Maxx, often when I will have particular subconscious thoughts the lightbulbs will all blink. I can even double verify this at several occasions by subtly reinforcing or repeating those or similar trains of thought at those moments of occurence but it all happens beneath the surface of the conscious mind of which I'm apparently somewhat conscious, lol... but I'd guess it has some interference from certain spirits or forces and those are the things which actually instill those subconscious thoughts in the first place so I can't always repeat results at mere will. Do you know anything about this?

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this effects energy mastery Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Maxx 04.08.20 9:34

yes. personally. I was having some problems with 4 individuals one night sent to give me a message if you see what I am saying. They had cut the power outside my home. Two on one side of the house and two on the other. I lived in a mobile home at the time. I could hear some talking in low tones. Trying to turn on a light quickly to get one of my guns is how I found there was no electricity. All at once I was led to point my hand at my fax machine and think it to turn on. I did. And it turned itself on. Instantly I thought if that can be done I can turn on the elec. So I pointed my hand toward the breaker box and thought it to turn on. It did. I then heard voices outside loud enough to understand them saying How in the Hell did that turn is off....etc. I heard them leaving as all of them drove off in two cars.

You can laugh at this incident all you like saying this is a lie. I do not care at all. I was there and I know it took place. So in answer to your question to me personally, I believe that we have each have power and if there is a degree of inadequate power needed for something there are Beings that can help us from the other side. But we are primarily responsible to be in control of our own life. We are not here to constantly be begging for help from the higher Beings.

The reason I did not mention her last name is that I could not recall it. Her father's last name I believe was Anwan. He is mentioned often in John Anthony West and his work and I think there was even a video on youtube done about his life and work tho it has been a while since I watched it.

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this effects energy mastery Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Maxx 04.08.20 10:38

8lou1.  I looked back over all your material and I found I mistook you from the past with that search about finding a source for unlimited power.  It had to be someone else that I told them that sounds just like a good match for Koetting and his bag of games.  All this time I had you in the back of mind asking about it or stating they only wanted control and have power over all those around them.  Someone else it seems.  Maybe whoever that was is still off working on that unlimited power source.    Sorry.

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this effects energy mastery Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Maxx 04.08.20 10:52

also Mystic, here is a similar story I just found with similar methods for you from Monroe Institute.

We do important work. Sometimes it’s a matter of life and death.
My name is Ellen Jones-Walker. I have been an avid student and teacher of the Monroe Institute’s consciousness development practices for ten years. I know quite well from personal experience the value of Monroe tools in bridging the physical and nonphysical worlds in practical ways in daily life.

My dear friend Clara Keller is a beautiful example of how knowledge of these consciousness tools can have life-altering results. Clara has been a bright light for all who know her, showing us how to stretch the limits of what we believe is possible. I want to share a story about her with you.

For Clara Keller that Friday began as any other day. By early afternoon, however, it was anything but normal. Clara’s life was in the balance.

At 1:55 p.m. Clara and three classmates were working in the computer lab at the New River Community College’s satellite campus, located in a Christiansburg, Virginia, shopping mall.

Suddenly the shooting started. Clara thought she had heard a gunshot but was unsure at first. Then she heard a woman screaming and more gunshots. Clara and her classmates quickly took cover under their desks.

Then the gunman entered the computer lab. He stood there, saying "I can hear you. I know you're in here. Come out.”

More gunshots rang out as terrified shoppers rushed to the mall exits, and teachers and staff frantically tried to secure their doors. Two women were shot.

Then the gunman entered the computer lab. He stood there, saying "I can hear you. I know you're in here. Come out.” No one moved or even breathed. After what seemed like an eternity he left.

Clara and her classmates continued to huddle under their desks. Then, without warning, the gunman entered the lab again, this time through the back door. Clara knew that she and her classmates were now in the shooter’s direct line of sight. But miraculously, he stood there surveying the computer lab, cocked his gun, stood a while longer, and then walked out without firing a shot. Minutes later the police subdued the gunman.

This is the story most people know—accurate but not complete. The most powerful part is missing.

This is the story most people know—accurate but not complete. The most powerful part is missing. Clara, an active and enthusiastic member of the Monroe Local Chapter of Floyd County, shared the rest of the story with us at a Local Chapter meeting.

Clara, a Monroe Excursion Workshop graduate, had not only learned the REBAL (Resonant Energy Balloon) technique but she had also continued to use it on a regular basis in daily life. While hiding under her desk in those horrific moments, Clara instinctively put up a protective balloon of high energy around herself. She was terrified that she might see her classmates shot, but she knew for certain that she was protected and would be safe. She then extended her own REBAL to surround her classmates, all others who were in harm’s way, and the entire school.

Clara and her classmates were completely exposed the second time the gunman entered the computer lab but ... completely invisible to him...

From that point on, no one else was shot. Many people were miraculously skipped over. In one office two women were leaning up against the hall door to prevent the gunman from entering. The gunman shot through all of the doors in that hallway except for theirs.

Clara and her classmates were completely exposed the second time the gunman entered the computer lab but they were, Clara feels, completely invisible to him because of the high level of energy within the REBAL. What a beautiful and powerful consciousness tool!

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this effects energy mastery Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by 8lou1 04.08.20 12:46

[quote="Maxx"]8lou1.  I looked back over all your material and I found I mistook you from the past with that search about finding a source for unlimited power.  It had to be someone else that I told them that sounds just like a good match for Koetting and his bag of games.  All this time I had you in the back of mind asking about it or stating they only wanted control and have power over all those around them.  Someone else it seems.  Maybe whoever that was is still off working on that unlimited power source.    Sorry.[/quote]

no problem,maxx. im used to being looked at in the wrong way.

now concerning energy, what do you think about the nuclear attack on beirut off all places?
im quite emotional due to it, i have to say..

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this effects energy mastery Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Troublemaker 05.08.20 9:28

In regards to the initial post, it reminds me of something I've been thinking about for a while. It seems like magick was more free-flowing and easier to use in some Djehutys as opposed to others.  Sep Tepy compared to the Djehuty of the Crocodile, for instance.

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this effects energy mastery Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Maxx 05.08.20 10:16

Rhea, I recall you saying you are involved in martial arts.

If you would be interested in connecting with a magical group that teaches actual magic training on a one to one basis, I think you would find this beneficial. They do more than chat and talk about how powerful they are. This will give you hands-on experience rather than just reading books. If interested PM me and I will connect you. There is one opening and they do not charge. lol.

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this effects energy mastery Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Maxx 05.08.20 16:57

8lou1. I have been working a bit so I have not had time to dig into that explosion. But I have heard thru back channels there were other explosions that went off at the same time there in Lebanon, Iran, Wuhan China and also No. Korea. that in Lebanon was not nuclear. So these were no accident all at the same time and day.

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this effects energy mastery Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Maxx 05.08.20 20:06

maybe another has happened in the U.A.E.

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this effects energy mastery Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 06.08.20 7:46

I don't disbelieve you, Maxx. Aren't all things possible with a little bit of faith, hehe? Wink Particularly electrical appliances how that relates to magick is to me a fascinating subject and I wonder what theories are out there on that matter but I see none of that as impossible at all, although one should still have a healthily skeptical mind but I feel I'm beyond that stage now for the most part in the sense of having realized these things can work in my own experience and that I don't need skepticism for that in particular, necessarily, apart from when discerning others tales and even critically examining my own but in a way where it lies subsumed towards and unhindering of the actual "faith", if that makes sense, not saying that I disregard it at all but that it is merely a tool of intellectual grounding and not an obstacle towards effectful change or consequence. However I'd still wonder and question how that could work for your particular instance of that happening. Do you think it rebooted your electricity towards the very central source of that electricity from where it was cut off temporarily or did it kind of charge up the whole place independently of that for a brief moment somehow? I'd wonder into the details of that, if it's true, because that's a curious and interesting thing if that's the case.

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this effects energy mastery Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Maxx 06.08.20 8:23

I failed to mention one detail as I have been around this forum for a while knowing both sides of the readership here.  My mention that I care not whether I am believed or not comes from what I have seen here over the years.  But again, one detail I did not mention purposely is the the fax machine was not even plugged into the electrical outlet.  I had had problems with it and I had tried to reset it but it had not done any good so I had intended to go and buy another just before all this started to happen.   This seems totally out of logic.  It is, I agree.  But other things just as strange, if not more strange, have happened over my life so not too much is a complete surprise to me anymore.  

As I have told some of the Beings I have met that come into my life that I become aware of...."I want to meet all of you that are working with me in any and all ways after I pass over and we all get together for a good conversation. And some things I specifically want to know first hand from you Beings is how all this happened and why it happened and also, why so many things out of the ordinary happen in my life that was so different from what others experience?"  This is something I really intend to pursue.

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this effects energy mastery Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Maxx 06.08.20 8:32

and thinking back on the original post I can view it differently because of this discussion and if such variables are possible in this domain, I truly expect the human form to adapt to the best level of performance and overcome the obstacle produced by this problem with the electrical lines.  All things can be changed to overcome any issue is what I am saying, no matter what the problem.

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this effects energy mastery Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 06.08.20 10:04

Quite much agreed. I've heard certain people in the vein of conspiracy theory mention that the new 5G networks put up around the planet are going to affect severe harm on people but only because those people are on a lower vibration so as to be affected by it whereas instead if you are on a higher vibrational frequency you'll be relatively unscathed, but I'm not sure of this at all. I will say, however, that I'm quite skeptical of 5G in general although I'm not as well read upon it as I should for this discussion but believing that too much technological power is placed in the hands of an unworthy race so it could have disastrous consequences likewise. I'll hope a spiritual revolution occurs before we use more of this higher form of technology so that we're well prepared to deal with its implications of possible consequences. To turn the unworthy mass of humanity into something golden, higher and refined but a lack of willingness is there from the already ongoing manipulations of humanity and its aquiescence to being accomplices in crime to the decay of society, culture and civilization. It's endemic. A spark of hope has to be ignited. A practice of awakening has to be instilled. A higher understanding must, therefore, be raised, as a truthful daringness must be boldly unleashed in the quest.

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