this effects energy mastery

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this effects energy mastery - Page 4 Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Maxx 11.08.20 6:23

I am going on vacation. It appears too many here have never gotten their rabies vaccinations. It has totally lost any meaning whatsoever.

See you in the Spring. Lol

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this effects energy mastery - Page 4 Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Maxx 11.08.20 6:36

By the way, I have never seen any day where such confusion and lunacy was evident with all areas of contact with different groups and individuals turning crazy.  I even had two spirits try and attack me in my home.  I watched them for a while and then got rid of them.  It is unbelievable they even attempted it.  Did the world go completely insane yesterday?   Couple that with all the world news happenings yesterday and it is apparent things were different.  Maybe crazy is a mild word for it.  Hahhahah.

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this effects energy mastery - Page 4 Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Jonathan 11.08.20 9:57

Not sure why you are including me on this when I was dragged into a drama that had really nothing to do with me in reality but alright.

Either way, me and Mystic have spoken and everything is fine between us. I understand that there was more to the situation than what it appeared and he wasn't being himself.

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this effects energy mastery - Page 4 Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Maxx 11.08.20 10:44

what the hell are you referring to as to bringing you into this? Where did I mention your name on the open forum here recently? Strange! I have many opinions but I have not mentioned them on the open forum.

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this effects energy mastery - Page 4 Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Jonathan 11.08.20 10:51

The issue was between Mystic and me and you kept saying how we are all crazy. Maybe you're getting too old to remember what you write yourself? Strange!

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this effects energy mastery - Page 4 Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Maxx 11.08.20 10:55

but the issue is why you decided to post it all on the open forum. that is the total craziness. there was no need for that at all. No one but you posted that. I cannot see how you could blame anyone else on that. but who knows?

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this effects energy mastery - Page 4 Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Jonathan 11.08.20 10:57

That's where the issue started, in the open forum.

There is nothing to blame as I did nothing wrong. I posted on the forum for transparency. You find it crazy because you don't have the entire information, so you're speaking about something that you don't know about.

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this effects energy mastery - Page 4 Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Maxx 11.08.20 11:00

It must be because of my age, as you say. But I will not hold your youth and inexperience against you at all. lol

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this effects energy mastery - Page 4 Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Jonathan 11.08.20 11:04

Nevermind, I’m not interested in arguing and this conversation is starting to sound like an eclectic mix of Anto with Roberto Sushko.

The issue has been solved with Mystic long ago, it's in the past now, no need to act like we're still fighting or something. It's all good.

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this effects energy mastery - Page 4 Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Maxx 11.08.20 11:07

oh??? which individual are you portraying? lol

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this effects energy mastery - Page 4 Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Jonathan 11.08.20 11:11

I was thinking more about you and your little bird.

Roll Laugh

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this effects energy mastery - Page 4 Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Maxx 11.08.20 11:15

if icons are the best you can do, would you like some help? lol. You have been hiding in the shadows too long pretending to be elite. I believe you need more practice in engaging so can we look forward to your coming out and helping us all out with your engaging wisdom.

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this effects energy mastery - Page 4 Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Jonathan 11.08.20 11:20

I'm not elite at all. Just a simpleton. Smile

Fascinating how you and the scared bird see me like that.

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this effects energy mastery - Page 4 Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Maxx 11.08.20 11:24

I am not intelligent enough to be frightened of anything.
But you may care to assess how many here are mentioning the elitism factor other than to your face. I just happen to agree with them. I just simply am not interested in groveling. lol.

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this effects energy mastery - Page 4 Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 11.08.20 11:52

I agree, I apologized to Jonathan and wish to leave it in the past now. I agree we are good and I also have great respect for him (so even then I didn't really mean to come across that way but don't know what I was thinking in my phrasing of that PM). I didn't think he should be pulled into this but to be honest with him I'd have hoped he saw my apology or rather that I had finished writing it in my private messages to him before it became public but it's over now and there's not much else to be done. I don't intend to act upon damage control as he said. I don't hide my flaws, faults or failures but intend to remain rather open and honest about it as a matter of honesty and to show that I don't have bad, or sneaky and dishonorable, intentions even though it might be more or less unstrategic in different ways. Well, that's just what I say for truth's sake in my case scenario. I never meant any harsh feelings with Jonathan even though I worded myself in a very bad way but so I perfectly understand his reaction in either way of reinforcing his own personal integrity or boundaries and not tolerating my bad behavior as it indeed became, in a way, because my energy there was crude and my words admittedly rather lowly, in the beginning of that PM at least, but it's to be left to the past now. We're already over it and I don't have any grudges, ill intentions or hostility towards him at all. We're all on the same side here, really. I've just got to refine my manners, mind and energies as they can usually fall down to very crude bottoms if it goes unchecked and I happen to enter into my natural self through deep repressed shadow content, lol. Take or leave that as you may, lol...

Anyways, I wish Jonathan well here and try to act honorably towards him by making up for wronging him in a bad way. I agree, then again, that he shouldn't be pulled into this. It's over now as well. Just wanted to leave a short remark on that, be honest about my thoughts and feelings and that it is cleared up from my side as well so I look forward towards better tides as well.

And maybe Maxx is right about lunacy, although I haven't checked the news but maybe there was something going on yesterday, lol... I didn't know I was so susceptible towards that, though, but maybe I was, haha.

Much respect to Jonathan, though. I want him to know that he's someone I have always looked up to in many ways as well and still do. So I certainly never meant to come across that way but just was blinded under other influences in my mind.

Well, well, unto better days with us all.

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this effects energy mastery - Page 4 Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Tehom 11.08.20 12:29

Maxx wrote:By the way, I have never seen any day where such confusion and lunacy was evident with all areas of contact with different groups and individuals turning crazy. I even had two spirits try and attack me in my home.  I watched them for a while and then got rid of them.  It is unbelievable they even attempted it.  Did the world go completely insane yesterday?   Couple that with all the world news happenings yesterday and it is apparent things were different.  Maybe crazy is a mild word for it.  Hahhahah.

This exact thing happened to Me also, though it was one entity. Otherwise, Exactly as you said here.

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this effects energy mastery - Page 4 Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Jessamine 11.08.20 13:29

Hellooo everyone again!
Well this topic has taken a life of it’s own, but I will add a little something to what was discussed in the start.
Firstly electromagnetism is something complicated and I struggle with understanding it properly, but I do know a little something about it.
If this is true that power lines or wifi or 5g have a negative effect on the subtle body and energy mastery, then just tell me how was Rudolf Steiner negatively impacted in that way by ultraviolet light? Or anyone else before the invention of electricity for that matter. Because all of those are on the electromagnetic spectrum, those are basically all the same things only with different frequencies. Not to mention that electromagnetism is one of the four fundamental forces, without it subatomic particles wouldn’t have a charge and wouldn’t repell or attract each other. My hand would simply merge with my phone as I type this xD
If 5G (that does not penetrate skin) is harmful (energetically or physically) then why does visible light not harm you when it literally penetrates your skin and flesh (shining a flashlight trough your hand). Visible light has a ton more energy and has a badzilion times higher frequency than 5G.
But anyways back to the connection with magickal abilities, because of what I said before I belive that if the EM radiation is not harmful to your physical body it shouldn’t be harmful to your subtle body ether. I also think that there might be a connection between electromagnetic fields and the subtle energy fields but making those two interact is something else entirely.

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this effects energy mastery - Page 4 Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Maxx 11.08.20 14:11

many ways to get into answering but it just so happened that I was watching a video taken showing an exploding person that was being targeted by a drone from high above today. It became slow motion and frame by frame (very high speed and could not be done by a human) which showed how the exploding human was blown apart by a focused weapon.  Now, I am assuming, and I do not know first hand) how this could be directed in a different form to be used as a microwave beam with 5g, etc as well as others, and NOT be harmful to human health,  but if this can be changed to explode in an exact and specific spot or on a being while leaving everything else around it intact, it would be rather disturbing to me to think that the same essence of particle can be used to kill or destroy while tweaking it to generate another purpose. The smart meter inside the home on the water meter is one way to kill a person instantly and without showing what caused it if they were targeted and wanted it kept secret is an illustration.  I may be completely out of it with this but at this time my interest is drawn to the utilization of the weapons terminology based on what I was shown.
The much higher incidences of cancer being discovered within close proximity to these beams has been out there for sometime now.  They even make movies about it.

I have seen written accounts of a cell tower employee climbing up in the air to position ones self right in front of the beam and holding up a meter to show no danger at that spot while the tower working properly....but I am not so sure of this.  At this point, I do not trust anything the media or science puts out without having many other conclusions saying the same.  Like saying, I am from the gov and I am here to help you.  ha.

But, if all of the electromagnetic charges make so great changes in matter, how is it that it does not effect the other two dimensions of our 3 dimensional selves?

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this effects energy mastery - Page 4 Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Maxx 11.08.20 14:16

btw....and just where have you been and not showing up here lately? ha.

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this effects energy mastery - Page 4 Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by 8lou1 11.08.20 14:23

its not that it not effects the other parts, its that it creates termoil, hence the MINDWAR going on. that at the same time can heal and manipulate the level of consciousness around the one in the centre. for the more adept ones this can be helpfull for the others not so much, even to their detriment.


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this effects energy mastery - Page 4 Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Jessamine 11.08.20 15:15

Uf I don’t know what that drone was and what kind of beams it projected. But obviously like I said before EM radiation is on a spectrum so it can be harmful or harmless. But I really really doubt a home wifi 5G router or a phone or any other consumer device could transform into a lethal weapon. Unless you electrocute yourself to death with the wires xD but you surely wouldn’t explode.
I didn’t say EM does not have an effect on the subtle planes, but even if I did say that I have no way of proving it to anyone.

Maxx I was always here reading and lurking, I just wasn’t posting xD

8lou1 I do not know what kind of turmoil and MINDWAR you mean.

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this effects energy mastery - Page 4 Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Maxx 11.08.20 15:42

ok. if you were always here and lurking, take 40% off your dues for this month then.

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this effects energy mastery - Page 4 Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Maxx 11.08.20 15:43

and about those drone weapons, I was shown they were doing that 23 years ago. There is no telling what they have now.

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this effects energy mastery - Page 4 Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by 8lou1 12.08.20 8:26

8lou1 I do not know what kind of turmoil and MINDWAR you mean. [/quote]

oof this isnt an easy one to explain. let me try:
when one 'wakens up'/ gets interested in the more hidden world of our being, you and your surrounding are slowly moved towards a higher vibration. most of the time this is a natural way of evolving. now with all these electric fields around the world and people using pcs and phones more often then their stove, it isnt a 'one persons' development anymore, but something were everyone gets involved, whether ready or not. this means that certain energies also level up and create chaos. for an adept this isnt a problem. for your everyday people its different. without them knowing their leveling up creates.

when i studied this phenomenon, i was looking at certain 'energies' and combinations of currents. i noticed that certain people, due to culture and upbringing, are sensitive to chaotic currents. which led to ISIS attacks, but also mass school shootings. the latter i didnt research, the former i did. but even in less organised ways people get crazy and start killing. this is the simple part, due to its extremities its quite easily seen.

more complex ways of turmoil, are were there is suddenly an uprising of natural disasters,etc. this is harder to trace, but its happening a lot these days.

now you also have 'ye olde wizarde' way of turmoil. this is planned turmoil for the use of exploration done by people who are magically inclined. just read this topic and you see what i mean with that. ;)

now what about mindwar?
mr. aquino wrote some books about spiritual warfare, one of them being mindwar. i specifically mention this because at this point in time certain things are being implemented by the use of spiritual warfare and what they call 'soft' mindcontrol. as most probably know, mr. aquino is not just a general, but also an olde wizarde. of course he didnt invent all this stuff, but due to his position in life, he is quite the spokes person for it. and if reached out to in the proper ways, can be very helpfull in implementing the soft mind control for ones own goals.

for me personally the combination of my own spirituality with a safer way of bending my reality has ensured the health of my family. who are actually quite spiritual, but dont have any interest in persuing the occult.

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this effects energy mastery - Page 4 Empty Re: this effects energy mastery

Post by Ramla-Meryt 13.08.20 2:47

Regarding terrorist acts and the like, I wouldn't place all of the blame on chaotic energy or significant energetic shifts in isolation.

Human nature has horrorful depths (as well as exceeding heights) before you even begin to come close to touching on the external influence of energy changes on a wider scale.

Placing the blame on energetic shifts goes some way to redeeming the fact that humans can just be outright bastards to one another without it being more complicated.

There are other factors involved such as systemic poverty, a lack of education etc that need to be considered and contemplated as having degrees of involvement even if they are more mundane.

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