Empathy and shielding

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Empathy and shielding - Page 2 Empty Re: Empathy and shielding

Post by Troublemaker 30.05.14 22:05

Yes, I definitely need to work on being a bit selfish and taking back my own space. Trying to reverse years of habit...


Number of posts : 1625
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Registration date : 2013-12-18

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Empathy and shielding - Page 2 Empty Re: Empathy and shielding

Post by Dai_Moon 30.05.14 22:08

Its not selfish. We're meant to live these lives. Its what we're given.

And yes, its an extremely difficult habit to break. But you can do it.


Number of posts : 35
Age : 40
Location : Ontario, Canada
Registration date : 2014-05-29

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Empathy and shielding - Page 2 Empty Re: Empathy and shielding

Post by Troublemaker 30.05.14 22:12

Thank you for the encouragement!

You mentioned doing readings... what was that experience like? I had a family member that did readings but it was based on what he could see in their auras.

Number of posts : 1625
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Registration date : 2013-12-18

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Empathy and shielding - Page 2 Empty Re: Empathy and shielding

Post by Dai_Moon 30.05.14 22:16

It was good for me at first. I was able to focus some of my connection to 'whatever the hell I connect to', into my readings and I was able to harness it. I read at a local metaphysical store here and it gave me a lot of practice. But I just went by the energy. Sometimes it came through emotions, thoughts, words or images... or even Spirits.
I don't do it as much as I used to, mainly because of getting lost in other people's energies.


Number of posts : 35
Age : 40
Location : Ontario, Canada
Registration date : 2014-05-29

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