Lycans and Vampires?

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Lycans and Vampires? - Page 5 Empty Re: Lycans and Vampires?

Post by Maxx 08.07.17 21:45

moment by moment we are faced with choices and decisions. How do you want that to be ...and in what way would you want that to be in your reality?

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Lycans and Vampires? - Page 5 Empty Re: Lycans and Vampires?

Post by hikaze 08.07.17 22:08

Brain too fried to understand, I'll get back to you on that

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Lycans and Vampires? - Page 5 Empty Re: Lycans and Vampires?

Post by Nightshade 09.07.17 2:00

Although A.Nightside appears to have a different set of beliefs and theory than my own she presents her thoughts in an intelligent way, without arrogance or the usual know-it-all ego of some in the VC. She seems open to learning about different ideas, even if she disagrees with them. So far that seems an added bonus to discussion in my book. Diversity of thought is great in every mature debate, especially since no one here seeks to “convince” or indoctrinate others and she hasn’t tried that as well. Personally my convictions on vampirism, spirituality and the occult are more driven from experience than belief or by following any established paradigms, but details always change as I grow and evolve in my own personal path. We don’t claim to have all the answers, not even close. That's for the egotistical and manipulative.

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Lycans and Vampires? - Page 5 Empty Re: Lycans and Vampires?

Post by Maxx 09.07.17 7:18

Very well said.   Even in the event I did not agree with all stated in her posting, I still enjoy reading the open dialogue.  

I agree with you Nightshade, first hand experience seems to work best for myself, as well.

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Lycans and Vampires? - Page 5 Empty Re: Lycans and Vampires?

Post by Maxx 09.07.17 7:21

And hikaze, how can a vampire be exhausted at the stroke of midnight. Nighttime is the Right Time....Don't you think?

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Lycans and Vampires? - Page 5 Empty Re: Lycans and Vampires?

Post by A.Nightside 09.07.17 8:16

Embarassed awe, I think I read a compliment. You guys're making me blush ..

Maxx wrote: how can a vampire be exhausted at the stroke of midnight. Nighttime is the Right Time....Don't you think?

Unfortunately some of us have day jobs and need to live like everyday humans. I myself, have a chronic condition that effects the metabolic processes of my body (physically to match the metaphysical I suppose) which leads to chronic fatigue. I seem to run on 12 hour cycles. I get tired by the 12th hour, if I haven't already been so all day, and will sleep naturally anywhere from 10-12 hours. For me it's not so much a set circadian rhythm but a matter of when I actually get myself down.


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Lycans and Vampires? - Page 5 Empty Re: Lycans and Vampires?

Post by A.Nightside 09.07.17 8:48

hikaze wrote:It's always good to have an open mind, and when it comes to information becoming first hand is from someones experience and not from person to person to others unless it is factual which I understand the confusion from, what I was saying is that the reason that most people are misinformed is a combination of both non-factual information and arrogance/bias, neither of which i believe you to have.
Ah I see. First hand, can be deceptive, in my opinion. As said perception is untrustworthy in my opinion. It is limited by our physical senses, and even those that may be considered nonphysical senses are still interpreted and translated by our physical, human brains, which are also flawed and limited.

My "beliefs" are largely composed of, as I describe, ideas, concepts - intangible things that I've yet to prove but feel strongly about.

My claims though I may still word them as beliefs (such as projections, precognition, energy feeding, remote viewing, my claim of vampirism and nonhuman identity/core) are experiences I've had. I generally try to test and experiment with whatever I can. I have a very analytical and observant mind, and before accepting anything I perceive as absolute or concrete, I try to test it.

For example, I regularly experience some sort of vision ability. While sleeping I will (or used to, as adult life has taken over I've noticed less of my experiences happening, but stress may have a factor in that) sort of project to people, usually those I connect with, but I've had a few moments of observing complete strangers, where I will either see through someone else's eyes, or as if I'm of a perspective just on their shoulder. The only experience I was able to "test" was one involving my mother placing money (a bill, I can't recall if it was a $5 or $10) on the table for my sister's lunch money when we were in school. I remember seeing this as if it were a dream, then upon waking that morning, I was able to confirm that the event I saw in my sleep did actually happen. The perspective I had in the "dream" state, was as if I was my mother. I saw her/my arm extend and place the specific bill on the kitchen table in a specific place. I had no control of what was going on in this "dream", but simply observed.

Sometimes, I see things, and events, while awake. Generally, whether in my peripheral vision or directly in front of me, I try to pay close attention to detail. If I can guess who I'm observing, I will contact them privately (as close time-wise, to the event as I can) and ask questions about what they may have been doing that within that time, what they wore, etc. I've been able to confirm a handful of events of friends, or at least that I saw them (even if confirming the activity was fruitless). One that lived in Northern Canada, one that was living in Virginia at the time, and another living in Australia (I don't think those were the only ones but that's it to my current memory).

I also see other things while awake, from animals/creatures like a weasely-cat thing at one time, to a gnome (yeah, with the red, cone hat and all), to which I employ the same focus on observing what I see, but then I retrace my steps as best I can, focusing on the area I saw the image in to see if I can recreate it, to disprove or explain it as simply visual matrixing. If I can't explain it, I leave it as "unexplained, possibly supernatural/metaphysical".

When I talk about the Vampire Community and Otherkin/Therian groups, I sometimes speak of my own identity and experience, but generally prefer to represent fairly. My personal experience is not the end-all be-all and can't represent all, so in discussions of the subject I try to balance personal experience with general understandings that I'm familiar with, to provide as fair and accurate a representation as I can.

hikaze wrote:I don't quite understand whether that was sarcasm or you were being serious about something
I think Maxx may have legitimately enjoyed our conversations, as seems to be the explanation later in the thread, even if he feels them to be uneducated or larely false. He just likes messing with people, methinks. "take it as you want" (not exact quote)

Nightshade wrote:A.Nightside appears to have a different set of beliefs and theory than my own she presents her thoughts in an intelligent way, without arrogance or the usual know-it-all ego of some in the VC.
Lol, I've been told by some that I'm not aggressive enough to be a vampire XD .. I wonder if "arrogant" is what they meant. I really don't think the VC is all that bad. Sure there are a few loud ones who are as you describe, the majority of my interactions tend to be within much, well, better, circles. But then, I've learned my lesson with some of those arrogant types. One in particular loves to play the age or seniority card. Like somehow being older, or an active participant in the community for longer makes you better than everyone else. I've had some pretty long winded arguments with that one. Eventually you just learn who to avoid, who to tolerate and how to interact with various types (though I certainly am not an expert at that, I tend to put my neck out a little too far sometimes Razz).

Nightshade wrote:She seems open to learning about different ideas, even if she disagrees with them. So far that seems an added bonus to discussion in my book.

Indeed, I am. Though I'll admit I'm not as quick on the uptake as I was in my teens, and a little bit more set in my ways, I feel all perspectives have value, and all people are worth learning from. Everyone has a voice and deserves their say.

Nightshade wrote:Personally my convictions on vampirism, spirituality and the occult are more driven from experience than belief or by following any established paradigms, but details always change as I grow and evolve in my own personal path.

My beliefs don't just come from no where. (: The "established paradigms" serve as a base to start from. But a single source, is never enough for a proper understanding. I have my feelings and experiences and I counter balance them with information, both from resources and from individuals. Utilizing on all of the above, I form my own knowledge around what makes the most sense to me (not so much what's the most appealing) and sounds or feels right.

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Lycans and Vampires? - Page 5 Empty Re: Lycans and Vampires?

Post by Nightshade 09.07.17 9:13

A.Nightside wrote:
Nightshade wrote:A.Nightside appears to have a different set of beliefs and theory than my own she presents her thoughts in an intelligent way, without arrogance or the usual know-it-all ego of some in the VC.
Lol, I've been told by some that I'm not aggressive enough to be a vampire XD .. I wonder if "arrogant" is what they meant.

Really can't see how aggressiveness or arrogance has anything to do with being a vampire. Too much influence from fictional archetypes perhaps? Vampire psychology is so much more complex than this and really not black and white as merely being aggressive or acting predatorily.

A.Nightside wrote:
Nightshade wrote:Personally my convictions on vampirism, spirituality and the occult are more driven from experience than belief or by following any established paradigms, but details always change as I grow and evolve in my own personal path.

My beliefs don't just come from no where. (: The "established paradigms" serve as a base to start from. But a single source, is never enough for a proper understanding. I have my feelings and experiences and I counter balance them with information, both from resources and from individuals. Utilizing on all of the above, I form my own knowledge around what makes the most sense to me (not so much what's the most appealing) and sounds or feels right.

I wasn't trying to say that your beliefs come from nowhere or aren't driven from experience. My comment wasn't intended as a judgement on your beliefs but simply trying to explain mine and how I approach new knowledge. What I mean is, since a big part of my personality is a skeptic, I go through lengthy processes of validating the things that I study with first-hand experience. Seeing what works and what doesn't, although I keep in mind that something that doesn't work for me it may work for others. From what I read in your posts you don't seem much into the occult side of vampirism, however most occult knowledge can be validated through practice. It's not hocus pocus, ritual drama and wishful thinking, otherwise it's not occult science to begin with.

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Lycans and Vampires? - Page 5 Empty Re: Lycans and Vampires?

Post by A.Nightside 09.07.17 9:35

Nightshade wrote:What I mean is, since a big part of my personality is a skeptic, I go through lengthy processes of validating the things that I study with first-hand experience. Seeing what works and what doesn't, although I keep in mind that something that doesn't work for me it may work for others.

From what I read in your posts you don't seem much into the occult side of vampirism, however most occult knowledge can be validated through practice. It's not hocus pocus, ritual drama and wishful thinking, otherwise it's not occult science to begin with.

You're my new best friend! ^_^
Proper skepticism, open-mindedness, critical thinking, observation and analysis. <3

I'm not into it, as in, I'm not well versed or experienced in it, you're right.
Not into it as in not interested, I am, though mildly. I like having general knowledge, as stated previously (in this thread or another) I like to be able to fairly represent others, if such a subject comes up, probably why I've stayed in this forum even though it was a mistake in joining. I've heard about these occult groups for years, and generally felt satisfied in the information I had, however, I'm here now and have an opportunity to learn more, which is exciting and pleasurable to me. I like learning, it's just that retaining information has become more and more difficult over time.

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Lycans and Vampires? - Page 5 Empty Re: Lycans and Vampires?

Post by Maxx 09.07.17 10:03

extra dimensional ability does not a vampire create or offer as proof of being Vampire.  As we have stated here many times previously on the forum, all of that can be developed by some ole common human.  It can even be taught and developed, as you know.  So we try to crimp those connections to the forum when Dick and Jane and Tom and Harry/Harriet come in the front door from the VC claiming this is why they think they are the world's newest Vampire creation.

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Lycans and Vampires? - Page 5 Empty Re: Lycans and Vampires?

Post by Jonathan 09.07.17 10:23

A.Nightside wrote:I like to be able to fairly represent others, if such a subject comes up, probably why I've stayed in this forum even though it was a mistake in joining. I've heard about these occult groups for years, and generally felt satisfied in the information I had, however, I'm here now and have an opportunity to learn more, which is exciting and pleasurable to me. I like learning, it's just that retaining information has become more and more difficult over time.

You're probably finding that much information that was previously presented to you about Asetianists (name adopted by those studying the Asetian tradition, who may or may not be Asetians) and the Aset Ka was flawed. Not sure if you ever noticed it before but there is a crap lot of misinformation surrounding the AK online, some of it intentionally perpetuated by a few sects within the VC that see such knowledge as a threat. I have been interacting with people from different sides of the VC for many years and a really large portion of them initially have an entirely wrong idea of everything that the Aset Ka represents and teaches. Most end up genuinely admired once they research deeper.
Anyways, if the subject is ever mentioned in your circles and despite your disagreement with several of its aspects at least now you might be able to clear some misunderstandings. We're certainly not the crazy cultists some believe us to be. lol

Also, we are Asetianists not Asetians. Actually not all since some don't follow or identify with the path and the forum is somewhat eclectic. The important thing is that we don't claim to speak for them or represent the Aset Ka. If you see someone doing that online those are pretenders manipulating those less experienced. There is often confusion because people can't distinguish the concept of Asetianist from Asetian, or simply assume that anyone embracing Asetianism must be a member of the Aset Ka, which is definitely not true.

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Lycans and Vampires? - Page 5 Empty Re: Lycans and Vampires?

Post by Maxx 09.07.17 10:28

Jonathan wrote ....."We're certainly not the crazy cultists some believe us to be. lol"

But....There may be some here that fit that

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Lycans and Vampires? - Page 5 Empty Re: Lycans and Vampires?

Post by Jonathan 09.07.17 10:32

Maxx wrote:Jonathan wrote ....."We're certainly not the crazy cultists some believe us to be. lol"

But....There may be some here that fit that

lol Fair point. Well there are unstable individuals in every community. Smile

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Lycans and Vampires? - Page 5 Empty Re: Lycans and Vampires?

Post by Maxx 09.07.17 10:33


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Lycans and Vampires? - Page 5 Empty Re: Lycans and Vampires?

Post by A.Nightside 09.07.17 10:47

Maxx wrote:extra dimensional ability does not a vampire create or offer as proof of being Vampire. As we have stated here many times previously on the forum, all of that can be developed by some ole common human. It can even be taught and developed, as you know.

So we try to crimp those connections to the forum when Dick and Jane and Tom and Harry/Harriet come in the front door from the VC claiming this is why they think they are the world's newest Vampire creation.

Understood. It doesn't sound like it, but I was describing abilities/experiences as examples of how I don't just blindly believe even my self. I definitely don't think those abilities are directly related to vampirism. Though, I suppose a need for energy, and therefore a need to feed via energy manipulation techniques sort of opens one up a little more to these experiences. Still, I've had these experiences long before I ever started learning about vampirism. I've heard of some latent vampires projecting to feed without realize, and I've considered this possible, but I really can't say for sure.

I have a cousin who believes that my family is just "Magickally" or spiritually inclined and suggested that the death of a great aunt on my maternal side triggered a lot of "awakening" for us (this cousin of mine being a good 10 or so years older than I and had dabbled in various forms of divination and energy manipulation as a teen). I don't know if I agree with my cousin. Although they've related to some of my experiences, all I know of my cousin is that their experiences were willed, chosen, whereas most of mine (all except energy manipulation I think, except in the case that I may have auto-fed before "awakening") largely came naturally, though I sometimes wished I'd learned how to actively use/control it.

I think abilities/sensitivities are cool, sure, and whether related to vampires or not, it rubs me the wrong way when people, not only use that as their reasoning behind labeling themselves as vampire, but tout it as some sort of badge that makes them unique or in any way better than others (vampire or not). It might come easier to vampires, but it doesn't' make vampires, I agree.

Jonathan wrote:You're probably finding that much information that was previously presented to you about Asetianists (name adopted by those studying the Asetian tradition, who may or may not be Asetians) and the Aset Ka was flawed.

It was extremely basic, at least what I've been able to retain before coming here, not so much flawed, but limited. The term Predatory Spiritualism/Spirituality gets tossed around a lot, and whether I gained the understanding on my own or it was part of the explanation, it's more of a practice, and choice, than need, which gave me the impression that Asetians were not vampires, but practiced vampirism.

Most that I've interacted with, don't talk about it at all, or simply describe it as I have above (or slightly different). Largely though, there is not reference or suggestion to look at hte site itself, or anything. Which would probably be best. It's one thing to describe something, it's another to describe, and then follow up with a source so that the person asking can learn for themselves.

"Asetianists" sorry, I think that was misread on my part. Trick of the eyes maybe.

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Lycans and Vampires? - Page 5 Empty Re: Lycans and Vampires?

Post by Maxx 09.07.17 11:09

Not to be concerned at all with family as they are not the ones living your experience. You are.

Heck, all of my family thought there was a mistake at the hospital and I got mixed up with someone else's baby before being released from the baby bed and brought home to ruin the family parade.

You can always use that excuse for other family members.

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Lycans and Vampires? - Page 5 Empty Re: Lycans and Vampires?

Post by hikaze 09.07.17 17:58

I went to sleep and feel a little recharge, to come back to a whole page of wonder, I want to point out what A.Nightshade said when it comes to her and my own sleep schedule being that we have to live human cycles, also on the what you said about the sleep visions and things, I love dreams and I honestly couldn't care about anything bad said about them, since it doesn't take place in a physical plane, I am mostly free to do what I want, sometimes even having vivid dreams that I can recall almost perfectly. I also have had visions where for instance, I was sleeping and I had lost a card, in my dream I took it and put it in a pair of my pants, once I woke up I went and looked in those pants and they were there.
I have no way of explaining that but that's good enough for me. Also I like to stay up at night because I feel more energized, especially on full moon nights. When it comes to the occult, I love it, because there is a freedom no matter what you are doing, and just like everything else there are dangers and consequences to doing it wrong. Some religions such as Christianity see this as unholy and a sin, but I think that if "God" really cared, he wouldn't let you do it, so that's where I take my perspective on the entities/spirits/demon subject. I've also had my share of experiences with spirits and demons, haunting was scary to me as a child as I had many dreams of a woman that would have me scared shit-less and I think it was just a demon or something, but maybe it could've been something else. It's fun to me to be able to do what you want with your energy, and the human creationist point have the power to do what you want. Maybe I stretch the freedom perspective too much but hey, I'm American. Cool
I've also had interaction with Lilith and surprising she is nice, I talked to her while she was materialized in human form. And when I hear the stories of her being evil or whatnot, I don't know what to believe, and maybe the demonized can trick me easily, but she didn't gain anything from me, so why would it have been a trick? I think it's over complicated to think that everything that isn't normal is out to get you, rational fear of the humans and the bane of their existence. Yeah, Indeed it is the right time Smile

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Lycans and Vampires? - Page 5 Empty Re: Lycans and Vampires?

Post by A.Nightside 09.07.17 19:54

Full moons energize just about anyone. I think Science is still trying to figure out the hows and whys, but the explanation that seems to make the most sense is light. The light from the sun is what makes the full moon so bright, light is known to affect us, and all living creatures from the production of serotonin as well as vitamin D which makes us feel awake, and happy or alert. But lack of sleep can also cause irritability.

I'm not so sure I wanna touch the rest of it. I'm not sure how to put my thoughts/feelings to words right now.

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Lycans and Vampires? - Page 5 Empty Re: Lycans and Vampires?

Post by Nightshade 10.07.17 0:42

With the strong solar radiation that we’re bathed each day I have a hard time understanding how the limited reflection of light from the moon has a clinical effect on the synthesizing of vitamin D. I could be wrong though.

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Lycans and Vampires? - Page 5 Empty Re: Lycans and Vampires?

Post by Heruset 10.07.17 16:03

Hikaze, yes, we all know how the newer members and want-to-be occultists connect with Lilith...

She is the demon of forum-entry, right?


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Lycans and Vampires? - Page 5 Empty Re: Lycans and Vampires?

Post by A.Nightside 11.07.17 10:17

Nightshade wrote:With the strong solar radiation that we’re bathed each day I have a hard time understanding how the limited reflection of light from the moon has a clinical effect on the synthesizing of vitamin D. I could be wrong though.

Well, the debunked the water idea, that our bodies being 70%+ water are pulled and effected by the gravity of the moon. But compared to the oceans, and the gravity of Earth itself, the effects directly on us are minuscule if anything. So the effects of light (visible or otherwise?) seems more likely than gravitational pull, since gravitational pull is constant throughout the phases of the moon (even if the effect is small), but obviously the light refracted from the moon changes. ..and could explain why the full moon effects us more than other phases... (mind you I"m not talking the spiritual beliefs, purely physical here).

The moon, tides and you

The human body is about 75 percent water, and so people often ask whether tides are at work inside us.

The moon and the sun combine to create tides in Earth's oceans (in fact the gravitational effect is so strong that our planet's crust is stretched daily by these same tidal effects).

But tides are large-scale events. They occur because of the difference in gravitational effect on one side of an object (like Earth) compared to the other. Here's how tides work:

The ocean on the side of Earth facing the moon gets pulled toward the moon more than does the center of the planet. This creates a high tide. On the other side of the Earth, another high tide occurs, because the center of Earth is being pulled toward the moon more than is the ocean on the far side. The result essentially pulls the planet away from the ocean (a negative force that effectively lifts the ocean away from the planet).

However, there's no measurable difference in the moon's gravitational effect to one side of your body vs. the other. Even in a large lake, tides are extremely minor. On the Great Lakes, for example, tides never exceed 2 inches, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which adds, "These minor variations are masked by the greater fluctuations in lake levels produced by wind and barometric pressure changes. Consequently, the Great Lakes are considered to be essentially non-tidal."

That's not to say tides don't exist at smaller scales.

The effect of gravity diminishes with distance, but never goes away. So in theory everything in the universe is tugging on everything else. But: "Researchers have calculated that a mother holding her baby exerts 12 million times the tide-raising force on the child than the moon does, simply by virtue of being closer," according to, a Web site that applies logic and reason to myths and urban legends.

Consider also that tides in Earth's oceans happen twice every day as Earth spins on its axis every 24 hours, bringing the moon constantly up and down in the sky. If the moon's tugging affected the human body, one might presume we'd be off balance at least twice a day (and maybe we are).


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Lycans and Vampires? - Page 5 Empty Re: Lycans and Vampires?

Post by A.Nightside 11.07.17 10:27

hikaze wrote: When it comes to the occult, I love it, because there is a freedom no matter what you are doing, and just like everything else there are dangers and consequences to doing it wrong.

Some religions such as Christianity see this as unholy and a sin, but I think that if "God" really cared, he wouldn't let you do it, so that's where I take my perspective on the entities/spirits/demon subject.
It's fun to me to be able to do what you want with your energy, and the human creationist point have the power to do what you want. Maybe I stretch the freedom perspective too much but hey, I'm American. Cool

I've also had interaction with Lilith and surprising she is nice, I talked to her while she was materialized in human form. And when I hear the stories of her being evil or whatnot, I don't know what to believe, and maybe the demonized can trick me easily, but she didn't gain anything from me, so why would it have been a trick? I think it's over complicated to think that everything that isn't normal is out to get you, rational fear of the humans and the bane of their existence. Yeah, Indeed it is the right time Smile

What does "Occult" actually mean, Hikaze? Do you know? Can you personally define it?
Many rebellious and "outcast" teens turn to the "occult" and various left hand paths looking for a place to belong and for "freedom", but that's not, in my opinion, the appropriate way to approach any subject.

Many Christians believe that God/Jehovah/Yaweh doesn't have any power in this world, at this time. He doesn't "let" us do anything, well I mean, I suppose he/she/it does, as we're created with freewill, and like any good, bordering neglectful, parent, they want us to learn for ourselves, and choose our own paths (even if we pay for it later). But as far as exacting their power over us, controlling us or punishing/disciplining us in the moment, they might not be able to (if you subscribe to or are at all interested in such beliefs that is).

Coincidentally enough, Lilith is a common entity for people, teens, to turn to when searching the Occult. She/It's like the "gateway entity" it seems. Personally, I avoided it, save for one story, claimed to the book removed from the Bible, before Genisis. I enjoyed the read, but all this harping on her being some sort of Occultic deity or special figure, and/or some patron mother to Vampires or whatever.. I don't want to call it "garbage" exactly, but I think a majority of it is all blind hype. She's the "popular" figure, and it's "cool" to know her, to worship her and to interact with her (whether she truly interacts with anyone or not).

...and on that note, some entities don't need much benefit beyond their own amusement.

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Lycans and Vampires? - Page 5 Empty Re: Lycans and Vampires?

Post by hikaze 12.07.17 4:40

Heruset wrote:Hikaze, yes, we all know how the newer members and want-to-be occultists connect with Lilith...

She is the demon of forum-entry, right?
As i've seen she likes to roam and connect to maintain energy as she has a plan for it, but other than that I don't really know, she's definitely not a forum person though XD

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Lycans and Vampires? - Page 5 Empty Re: Lycans and Vampires?

Post by hikaze 12.07.17 4:52

A.Nightside wrote:
hikaze wrote: When it comes to the occult, I love it, because there is a freedom no matter what you are doing, and just like everything else there are dangers and consequences to doing it wrong.

Some religions such as Christianity see this as unholy and a sin, but I think that if "God" really cared, he wouldn't let you do it, so that's where I take my perspective on the entities/spirits/demon subject.
It's fun to me to be able to do what you want with your energy, and the human creationist point have the power to do what you want. Maybe I stretch the freedom perspective too much but hey, I'm American. Cool

I've also had interaction with Lilith and surprising she is nice, I talked to her while she was materialized in human form. And when I hear the stories of her being evil or whatnot, I don't know what to believe, and maybe the demonized can trick me easily, but she didn't gain anything from me, so why would it have been a trick? I think it's over complicated to think that everything that isn't normal is out to get you, rational fear of the humans and the bane of their existence. Yeah, Indeed it is the right time Smile

What does "Occult" actually mean, Hikaze? Do you know? Can you personally define it?
Many rebellious and "outcast" teens turn to the "occult" and various left hand paths looking for a place to belong and for "freedom", but that's not, in my opinion, the appropriate way to approach any subject.

Many Christians believe that God/Jehovah/Yaweh doesn't have any power in this world, at this time. He doesn't "let" us do anything, well I mean, I suppose he/she/it does, as we're created with freewill, and like any good, bordering neglectful, parent, they want us to learn for ourselves, and choose our own paths (even if we pay for it later). But as far as exacting their power over us, controlling us or punishing/disciplining us in the moment, they might not be able to (if you subscribe to or are at all interested in such beliefs that is).

Coincidentally enough, Lilith is a common entity for people, teens, to turn to when searching the Occult. She/It's like the "gateway entity" it seems. Personally, I avoided it, save for one story, claimed to the book removed from the Bible, before Genisis. I enjoyed the read, but all this harping on her being some sort of Occultic deity or special figure, and/or some patron mother to Vampires or whatever.. I don't want to call it "garbage" exactly, but I think a majority of it is all blind hype. She's the "popular" figure, and it's "cool" to know her, to worship her and to interact with her (whether she truly interacts with anyone or not).

...and on that note, some entities don't need much benefit beyond their own amusement.
Occult to me I don't think I would want to refine, as it is something just for me to channel my energy and willpower into something, though I'm not at home summoning a demon every Friday (that'd be really stupid). I believe that "God" disperses their power into us, thus creating, creators, or the conscious beings we are. Though it is a blanket statement I think karma is enough to keep the universe in balance for now.

I can see why many arrogant or just interested and still very lustful teenage minds would want to be a part of Lilith, I don't see the tastefulness in worshiping her though or anything past a companion or acquaintance and it is very blurred what Lilith is in a sense or what she does, religion and stories tend to mix up due to the "writers" taste. Again I don't see much benefit in worshiping or being more than a friend to any deity but maybe I'm just blind. And I don't see myself as one of the many youth today, it disgusts me how corrupt, negative and blind the new generation can be.

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Lycans and Vampires? - Page 5 Empty Re: Lycans and Vampires?

Post by Heruset 12.07.17 10:48

Hikaze, some work with demons daily.

You are way too immature to discuss these topics. Read some non-pop-occult books first for foundation.


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