Eternity Vs. Immortality

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Eternity Vs. Immortality Empty Eternity Vs. Immortality

Post by Kalb 01.10.14 16:03

Em Hotep,

According to Asetianism, Nun is Nothing, it’s the ouroboros on its full essence, symbolizing the evolution of consciousness, emerging Amon. Amon was responsible for organizing the entire universe, including life. As mentioned in AB, this process between Nun and Amun is what we understand as Eternity.  This symbolism of Eternity is represented by "Nothing", and that is the most difficult to explain, because we can't identify "nothing". There is always something to look, listen and feel, so it’s very hard describe the concept of nothing. Therefore, my understanding is:

Eternal: has no beginning and no end.
Immortal: Has beginning, but no end.

The Ankh is one of the Asetians Pillars symbolizing immortality, manifesting the power over life. The Ankh is very famous symbol due to the Sep Tepy, and is often seen in the hands of the Gods and Pharaohs. Immortality doesn't mean the same for everyone, there are several beliefs about eternal life, regardless of what we believe, when we mentioned the theme "eternal life", we are referring only to the continuity of immortality.

In the Asetian Cosmogony, was through Amon that Gods were born, so, in my interpretation, they weren't part of Nothing(Nun), They are not eternal, because They didn’t lived in cells of Nun. They are immortal, because they were born and never will die. The same process to Asetians.

So… Do you believe that Gods are only Immortal or.. do you believe that they are Eternal too?

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Eternity Vs. Immortality Empty Re: Eternity Vs. Immortality

Post by Maxx 02.10.14 12:12

in a concept of reincarnation, we all would be immortal.  Everyone of us.  If we all come from a creative source and are part of it, being born and reborn many times to eventually go back to the source appears to mean that birth does not sever the connection as there is really no death.

I would think that a single source would be eternal with all others, whether Gods or not, would be immortal although each would have different length of time of existence.  Now, as I think that each dimension or universe has a unique source from where all others within that universe are designed from, there can be different ways to look at the structure.  If there is a different source for each being in a separate dimension, then there could be more than one source that is eternal each existing within that individual universe.  There may even be more options than the two you listed above.  Time will tell.

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Eternity Vs. Immortality Empty Re: Eternity Vs. Immortality

Post by Kalb 02.10.14 15:43

Em Hotep,

According to Kabbalah, while living in the duat, the underworld, we have different perceptions and levels of interpretation from that which we know now in the physical world. There are details in the underworld that aren't important as that we give today to the memory and imagination. Both end with death and has no meaning after death. The laws of nature, does not allow the human body to be immortal, we are all mortal. Certainly, the immortality is not based on it, it's not about keeping our memories forever, but putting our pure consciousness always alive. Reincarnation is a natural process of life, the past is how I define by memories, the future by imagination, (I also can use imagination to define my past lives), but more importantly is the Present. How I feel about all this and how am I involved in the processes of life, make myself conscious.
Therefore, I believe that you don't need a notion of ages of times to be immortal. We don't need to reincarnate for knowing what is immortality.

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Eternity Vs. Immortality Empty Re: Eternity Vs. Immortality

Post by Jonathan 02.10.14 19:45

This is an interesting post but deals with a complex spiritual subject and I believe everything we may say or define here will be highly subjective.
You made references to Nun as described in the Asetian Cosmogony which we were able to explore in a very limited way through the texts found in the cryptic Book of Nun. If you notice it was also described that the realm of the Duat where this Nothing was present was a land without notions of time and space. A completely ethereal and undefinable plane. With that said I believe we can't really distinguish eternal from immortal in the sense that you were defining these concepts. The Kemetic Gods and the elder Elementals are tied to this indescribable Duat, therefore they have no beginning and no end. In fact I believe this very same words were used to describe Aset as having no beginning and no end, just not sure if that was from the Pyramid Texts or some other Asetian documents. So I would say that Aset, just like the other Kemetic Gods, the Four Elementals and the Seven Scorpions, they are all both eternal and immortal. The idea of "birth" and "creation" in their case is merely a definition so that we, mortals, may be able to explore such mystic concepts that our incarnated reality makes impossible to understand.

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Eternity Vs. Immortality Empty Re: Eternity Vs. Immortality

Post by Nightshade 03.10.14 3:59

Maxx wrote:in a concept of reincarnation, we all would be immortal.  Everyone of us.  If we all come from a creative source and are part of it, being born and reborn many times to eventually go back to the source appears to mean that birth does not sever the connection as there is really no death.

Reincarnation alone doesn't guarantee or imply immortality. A being may reincarnate many times and still die or face destruction in the afterlife. Also the concept of returning to the source and be diluted in the original waters of creation removes the notion of self and identity, so in a way it's a form of death even if not literal but one of the individual process.

The idea that we are all immortal is one often pushed in New Age circles but reality isn't that simple or black and white. In fact the presence of Creation also implies the existence of Destruction. Life, even in spiritual form, can end and a soul can also be destroyed. This is a notion often avoided and feared by light practitioners but those who deal with darkness and the forces of the abyss know very well what I'm speaking of.

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Eternity Vs. Immortality Empty Re: Eternity Vs. Immortality

Post by Maxx 03.10.14 7:50

I can agree with your last sentence.  Those that misuse the knowledge gained can be lost in the void or the abyss but what I have been told is they have to come back and start all over until they learn how to utilize the knowledge and power obtained. Unless one is overcome with ego and power with these forces developed, then there is no problem with crossing the void or the abyss and being caught in it.

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Eternity Vs. Immortality Empty Re: Eternity Vs. Immortality

Post by Kalb 03.10.14 16:38

I understand that our mind is not great wise to understand such matters, but, I also believe that we can put our best foot forward for a better interpretation and at the same time wisdom on the subject. For me,  Eternity has no chronology. Not yesterday, not today, not tomorrow. Had no beginning and no end. If the Gods lived inside that Nothing? I couldn't understand, at least, not easy to understanding by all my studies. But, I can change my opinion, of course.

Jonathan wrote:If you notice it was also described that the realm of the Duat where this Nothing was present was a land without notions of time and space. A completely ethereal and undefinable plane.

It's described too that the essence of infinity and immortality are the four Gods. Aset, Osiris, Nephthys and Seth and they are the fundations of Past, Present and Future. Infinity is an infinite duration that has no beginning or end, or it can be a duration that has no end to it but had a beginning. For example, in the book of Nun the text begins with "In the beginning...". The first description we have of the Gods are "infinite and immortal", therefore, I believe that this detail was mentioned for a better understanding. Live in Nothing, is living outside of the chronology of time. Time doesn't exist. There is a big difference between Infinity and Eternity, although the concept of eternity be using through Immortality.

This concept of Infinity I think I can explain it well, we know that in the Sep Tepy was taught many things and one of them was mathematic, I believe the infinity symbol was first used in Ancient Egypt, in particular, by Gods and Asetians. In the Kemet book, we have a perfect visualization of this symbol, the Serpent has the symbol of infinity with his body, look for example for the Serpent that master Luis Marques use at the end of its introduction into the Asetian Bible and the Book Of Orion. You Will the symbol of infinity. The most amazing part is the Tarot itself to indicate that coincidence. See the High Priestess of Thoth Tarot, the letter through the abyss by the middle pillar and ends at the first sephirah, Kether. The eyes of Priestess has the symbol of infinity, and Kether is the place of Horus, the pillar of Viperines. Another letter is the Magus, in the top of the letter has the symbolism of infinity, and that letter joins Binah to Kether.
Speaking about Thoth, he is also important in the chronology of time.

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