"The Ancient Egyptian Doctrine of Immortality"

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"The Ancient Egyptian Doctrine of Immortality" Empty "The Ancient Egyptian Doctrine of Immortality"

Post by Leelahel 03.05.17 20:55

"The Ancient Egyptian Doctrine of Immortality of the Soul" A. Wiedemann Book
The book I hold was published in 1895. I just recently acquired it and wanted to share it with the forum.

Have any of you read this very brief book?

Number of posts : 90
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Registration date : 2015-10-23

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"The Ancient Egyptian Doctrine of Immortality" Empty Re: "The Ancient Egyptian Doctrine of Immortality"

Post by Jonathan 04.05.17 5:45

I don't think I have read it, at least from what I remember. I've read so many books that sometimes I lose track.

How good is it?

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"The Ancient Egyptian Doctrine of Immortality" Empty Re: "The Ancient Egyptian Doctrine of Immortality"

Post by Heruset 04.05.17 9:33

What are the contents?

I've never read it.


Number of posts : 298
Age : 24
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Registration date : 2015-10-24

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"The Ancient Egyptian Doctrine of Immortality" Empty Re: "The Ancient Egyptian Doctrine of Immortality"

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