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Post by Wynter 13.12.14 13:42

Hello everyone, Wynter here. I hope I am not too impolite for asking this but....

I am in a Sociology class and for our final paper we need to research a subculture, which I chose the vampire subculture. The more I researched the history and facts about this culture, the more intrigued and open about it I became. However, the thesis of my paper lacks quotes, comments, and/or quotes from actual people within this subculture. My hope is that some people would be willing to post or message me their answers. I have been reading other posts and noting other responses but I felt this also needed to have its own thread.

The question is: "What does it mean/look like to be an authentic member of the vampire subculture?"
Authentic is ambiguous so it can range from anything between HLV or those who dress like vampires or donors-etc. How and at what point is one considered authentic? Does it depend on where you are or what group you are in? Any statements are appreciated. Thank you to anyone who replies!

Number of posts : 3
Location : United States
Registration date : 2014-12-13

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Post by Maxx 13.12.14 14:04

Better yet, get a copy of the Asetian Bible and read it. Then do your paper on it. You will fare much better.

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Post by Jonathan 13.12.14 14:06

You will find many answers online, in this forum and in other places. Some will be accurate but most may be false. The vampire community is extremely secretive and those claiming otherwise are often seen as pretenders or roleplayers. You will not find here, or anywhere else online, a vampire willing for an interview. You may find those seeking the spotlight or attention but not real vampires. I understand however that was not what you asked.

You mentioned having done research on the history and facts of vampirism, so would you mind sharing with us some of what you discovered? That is important for users here to gauge where you're at in your investigation and what you actually know.

You mentioned those who dress as vampires and although we're aware of those communities they are unrelated with this community and real vampirism. Users here are occultists and scholars, most take their knowledge and research very seriously and in a mature way, having a very different view and stance from the ones dressing up the vampire archetype or into the fictional side of vampirism.

Lastly, if you're doing serious research on real vampires, vampirism, vampire history and culture, I believe anyone here would recommend you to read the book Asetian Bible, published by the Aset Ka, a genuine order of vampires and one of the few establish books that is seen as a staple of vampire gnosis worldwide. If you have questions about it, feel free to ask.

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Post by Wynter 13.12.14 18:25

Thank you for the quick and thoughtful replies. Yes, I have done some research and like you stated, some of it may be accurate while some may not be.... I just want to point out that this paper is not a lengthy senior thesis paper but a mere 6 page final paper. I would love to do justice to the vampire culture but it would be difficult to explain everything in a few pages. In the beginning I do need to give a quick historical overview but the main point of the paper is the authenticity question. However, any information is greatly appreciated.

Here's a very brief summary of what I found out...
Vampires need energy (although some say they have a plethora of it and need to drain while others say they need to consume it). There are many "types" of vampires and they should not be classified by the way they consume their energy; however, I did go into a little more detail on the Sanguinarians and Psychics but did state these were not the only two (there are a ton). Vampire powers do not exceed the human limit (can run/heal faster than the average human but not "I got shot" and recover in a few minutes). I also saw some mention of looking younger but not immortal (really 30 but look 20). Based on some of this knowledge, I can conclude that this culture is not cut-and-dried so that is why I would like statements from people who identify with the culture and to show the depth of this culture.

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Post by Nightshade 14.12.14 5:47

Further reading: http://www.asetka.org/vampirism.shtml

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Post by Wynter 15.12.14 12:06

Thank you all for your replies. I have finished but you can keep this thread up for further discussion. Very Happy

Number of posts : 3
Location : United States
Registration date : 2014-12-13

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