Time is Real?

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Time is Real? Empty Time is Real?

Post by Kalb 14.12.14 18:02

Time is usually the era we live, a location where certain details happened. I am talking about the Past, Present and Future. This concept is imposed in every human being and to understand this we need look at the laws of nature. We learn to see the universe based on the models that we have been taught in school. According to Newton, we are beings that follows an order influenced by details "scheduled" and are moved like a ping-pong ball where the past, present and future are different and separate eras. Einstein, stunned the world with his theory of relativity and destroyed the concept of Newton which was old and stagnant to the true reality. He said that space is not three-dimensional and time is not something separate, but something tetradimensional. We can never talk about space without talking about time and vice versa, in fact, time is relative. Thus, time and space become simple elements to describe events. Einstein, went further, he says that the past is lived now, only in a different reality, as the future is lived now but also in another reality, thus, the past and the future are notions without meaning and the free will about future is somewhat deceiving! Because happened in another reality. In other words, as human beings, we will not modify or create our own path because it has already been created in another reality.

Another interesting theory is the Hologram, which explains that the universe is a spider's web, nothing is separate, all things beloongs to the whole, everything is united. Mr. David Bohm, says it is not possible for science make new discoveries trying to divide the world into parts and segments.

There is so many theories in science, we can explore. My question here is:

How do I interpret the concept of time, between Past - Present - Future, if over the years science has been confused in relation to its correct model? This concept is mentioned in the Asetian Bible, in which theory I follow to get a better understanding?

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Time is Real? Empty Re: Time is Real?

Post by Maxx 14.12.14 20:49

interesting... one of the eight books I am  looking at is about this very topic you post.  It says that, and I will type from it....says that the key to God, religion, souls, the afterlife, mind is contained in the cosmic equation r > = 0.  What this equation says is a single continuum of existence, it can be regarded as the interaction of two separate domains: one in space and time (r > 0) and one outside space and time (r = 0).  We previously showed how light in its own frame of reference is outside space and time, yet is perceived by us as being in space and time.  This dichotomy and paradox is the essence of existence.  

Any mind perceiving the cosmos from the perspective of space and time can't help but impose space and time on everything, including those things such as light that are not actually in space and time.  Things that exist in space and time have a beginning and an end.  They are mortal.  They die.  Humans die.  The part of the human mind shaped by space and time dies.  These are the facts of space and time.  These are the facts of a life lived within space and time.

Yet part of the cosmos is not in space and time.  It is immortal.  It cannot die.  It is not subject to the laws of space and time.  It does not partake of those laws.  Instead, it partakes of the radically different laws of and existence outside space and time.  It has a fundamentally different perspective of the cosmos.  What does the universe look like from outside space and time?  If everything is interconnected because there is no physical distance between any two things, how does that work?  If no time ever passes, how can anything ever change? Isn't everything just eternally frozen?  Isn't the universe outside space and time incomprehensible?  

The r = 0 cosmos is hard-wired to the r > 0 cosmos.  The r = 0 domain is not in space and time, but is indissolubly linked to something that is (the r = 0 domain).  So, the r = 0 DOES experience space and time, albeit at second hand.  In particular, it experiences it informationally (mentally).  Consider a time-lapse film.  You film traffic going over a bridge for a 24-hr period.  You then speed up the film and compress the 24 hours into, say, 24 minutes.  The speeded up film looks both familiar and very different.  The compressed film is operating according to different rules of space and time compared with the original film.  Now speed up the film to infinity.  What happens?  If something is travelling infinitely fast, it does not experience the passage of time.  It gets anywhere in no time.  Everything is instantaneous.  The time-lapse film ends as soon as it begins.  All of the information it contained is processed instantly.

And now we get to the heart of it.  If you stood in one domain and watched this action happen in the other domain as running at infinite speed, everything that happens is instantly reflected and no time passes and yet information accumulates infinitely rapidly, in complete contradiction of the notion that nothing can change in a timeless environment.  This is
the ultimate time-lapse film.  You would view from one domain looking at the other all the events of the universe flashing past you at infinite speed, and yet not a single moment would ever elapse.

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Time is Real? Empty Re: Time is Real?

Post by Jonathan 15.12.14 7:31

Interesting discussion. Keep it up guys.

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Time is Real? Empty Re: Time is Real?

Post by Kalb 15.12.14 13:13

C'mon Jonathan. Don't be shame, share your vision with us.

Maxx wrote:interesting... one of the eight books I am  looking at is about this very topic you post.

That was another concept that I forgot to mention in my first post. The ability to use Intuition, telepathy, magnetism, is proven by the Field theory. Faraday and James Clerk discovered that in universe, an action happens a reaction, that is, they explained that the universe is filled with fields and forces. The fact that we can guess what will happen in the next few minutes by intuition proves that we are all connected in the same place: Field. An invisible connection of our hearing and our human eye, the field is just energy with higher capabilities. He describes that the magnetism is a field, the mass is a field, and all of this is energy that is the full Field. However, this is not the first time this has happened here in the forum, when some users say: "Wow, I was studying about it". Or even "your words arise according to what I was looking for." All this is a force magnetism, guided by Intuition and are powered by the energy in the air. where a large group is influenced by this force. In Asetianism, they describe it as Djehuty. The 4 were existed within the field and events that influenced the humanity, and right now we're being witnesses the outbreak of Djehuty of the Serpent. The Asetian Bible is another force field, has a power that can move the elements inside the Field. All these are interesting details, but I can't understand how can I interpret the concept of past-present-Future.

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Time is Real? Empty Re: Time is Real?

Post by Maxx 15.12.14 22:25

I remember going over that. I will see if I can find that tomorrow. past present and future he showed how that was connected to the speed of light.

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Time is Real? Empty Re: Time is Real?

Post by Kalb 16.12.14 13:56

Ok, Maxx. I want listen other opinions about Asetianism and modern science.

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Time is Real? Empty Re: Time is Real?

Post by Maxx 17.12.14 14:29

Let me set up one window here to look at.  I thought this may be something to consider.....

"In the r = 0 domain, physical space and time, measured by physical rulers and clocks, are replaced by a mental experience of space and time, measured by mental rulers and clocks.  The statement that something is outside space and time is something of a misnomer.  The precise meaning is that it is not subject to physical space and time.

The r > 0 universe is a cosmic two-way feedback process. The informational content of the r > 0 domain (all the events happening everywhere) is fed into the r = 0 domain, which mentally processes the information and responds to it, which is then instantly reflected in the r > 0 domain, as scientifically demonstrated by the famous EPR paradox where quantum particles that are "entangled" are able to coordinate their behaviour instantaneously.  Some people claim that a domain outside space and time must already have experienced all future events.  Such things have been said about God:  he knows the future because he is outside time.  This is utterly absurd.  the future has not happened yet. No one can know that which has not yet happened.  They might be able to predict it, but they certainly cannot "know" it.  We have now presented the proper philosophical, scientific and religious framework in which this matter should be contemplated:  the union of two domains, one outside space and time, and one inside.  The domain that is outside space and time is continually and instantaneously updated by what's going on in the r > 0 domain, but it never has access to any events that have not yet happened in the r > 0 domain.  This is a simple impossibility.  No one can ever know the future and all talk of precognition, seeing the future, travelling into the future and back again etc is pure fantasy.  It can never happen. We can certainly influence the future and make certain events more likely to happen, but we cannot  "know" the future.  No one can.  

Two philosophical traditions have dominated Western intellectual thought: materialism and idealism.  Materialism is the position championed by modern science.   In this view, mind emerges from matter, and can have no existence independently of matter.  This is the exclusive r > 0 universe.  According to science and materialism, two numbers are excluded from physical reality:  zero and infinity.  Science says that a strictly dimensionless (zero-dimension) entity is impossible since in the material universe all things are dimensional by definition.  Science also says that if the equations of physics produce infinite results at certain points then physics has "broken down" at these points and something must be wrong with the underlying theory.  One divided by zero equals infinity.   One divided by infinity equals zero.  Infinity is the "flip side" of zero.  Zero and infinity are inextricably linked.  If you exclude one, you exclude both.  In short, the assertion of science is that the r = 0 universe does not and cannot exist.  Yet no scientist queries the properties of light which, according to Einstein's sacrosanct special theory of relativity, is massless, travels in "null" space and does not experience space and time i.e. is dimensionless.  No scientist has ever realized that science has already proved materialism to be untenable.  Dimensionless existence is the essence of light, which is the beating heart of relativity theory.  Idealism is the view that only mind exists.  What we perceive as the external world is actually a mental construct.  "Material" objects are mental rather than physical.  This is the r = 0 universe.  In this view, zero and infinity define reality.  There are no solid, dimensional objects i.e. there is no matter.  The assertion of idealism is that the r > 0 universe does not exist i.e. reality consists of an infinite number of dimensionless (zero-dimensional) entities; all other numbers are mental rather than physical - the term "four dogs" would refer to four mental dogs rather than four physical, dimensional,
material dogs.  Many of the greatest philosophers have supported this position." copied from book.

This does not make good sense.

I wanted to show you what science has reflected here in the Western mind lately to show why they are off balance. This whole exercise is to venture how everything can be proven with mathematics. It being the only way.

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Time is Real? Empty Re: Time is Real?

Post by Naoom 22.12.16 6:43

There are two great mysteries of the world, the material representing the existence and movement representing the fleeting scene. Movement approached the rational philosophers. The Newton approached the change, Einstein saw it as relevant or quantum probability made it through space and time. But everyone thought like a shift in indeterminate space and time unthinkable, so the mystery still remains.My granfather Ναούμ Γκόσδας was a scientist.One of the many books about theories that he established is talking about single timeless engineering.The three existing mechanically trying to understand the mystery of motion states that in time, but the Mosaic theory is that there is a physical entity and simply identified with the movement. Timer without traffic there and not invented. Today mechanical time simply compare the test works with the movement of the clock, and try to understand the deep mystery of motion again by the movement, this timer. Therefore, they have self trapped and fail to understand the reality of traffic.The single timeless engineering relieves traffic by time. Addressing traffic is "timeless" for the first time. Considered dynamic allocation of cohesive forces of the mosaic is like particles.I can give you more information about time but didn't want to make my post too big.

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Time is Real? Empty Re: Time is Real?

Post by Maxx 22.12.16 8:40

I have been at study since above posting of this. At this time I have moved into the r = 0 universe theory mindset. Idealism.

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Time is Real? Empty Re: Time is Real?

Post by Naoom 22.12.16 9:25

George Gosdas wrote: but the Mosaic theory is that there is a physical entity and simply identified with the movement. Timer without traffic there and not invented.big

I wanted to write that time does not exist as a physical entity and is simply identified with motion.I want to also add that the single timeless engineering relieves traffic by time. Tackling traffic is "timeless" for the first time. Considered momentum distribution of the cohesive forces of the Mosaic Being like particles. Furthermore, traffic is state of the particles, and the independent movement of the electromagnetic wave only charged particles derived from these only absorbed. Who can doubt that a moving body has accumulated power, the change of momentum of betraying.The title of the topic should be different simply because the only thing that doesn't exist, that isn't real, is
something neither you nor anyone else can ever experience or know about in any way.You can't name something that you nor anyone else can never experience or know about.

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Time is Real? Empty Re: Time is Real?

Post by Naoom 22.12.16 9:49

Some of the information I posted are just that,information.I will give you my full opinion about time.When you started reading this you can remember this as an event.You may project a mental picture of the place you were when
this began. Then you compare it to what you are experiencing now. This comparison you call "time." Yet there is no "time." There are only two experiences, at least one of which is mental, that causes you to claim there is this ghost you call "time."Past, present and future are all properties
consciousness. The past is the memory and the rememberance,the future expectation and this awareness.For this reason, time is nothing but the movement of thought. Both the past and the future are born in the imagination. Only present, ie the perception of the moment, it is true and eternal. There is the potential of space-time, matter and energy. It is one perennial probability field,which acquires experience himself in the form of abstract forces such as light, heat, electricity, the magnetism or gravity. These forces are not found neither in the past nor in the future.Just there.

Number of posts : 367
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Time is Real? Empty Re: Time is Real?

Post by Kalb 25.12.16 2:39

While beings incarnate time is real, there are actually 3 realities: Past; Present ; Future. And I'm stuck in this reality of time and I do not know how to get out of it or realize it. But, in any case, immortality is only possible with the absence of time ...

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Time is Real? Empty Re: Time is Real?

Post by Naoom 25.12.16 5:40

There is only one reality Kalb.For there to be many realities there should be a reality that does not exist.Are you dissapointed with yourself that you have not achieved immortality?Why do you think that there is only one way to achieve it?

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Time is Real? Empty Re: Time is Real?

Post by Divine 277 25.12.16 7:19

WHY is this relative ? Ill tell you, one type of jelly  fish is also hypothetical Immortal, meaning they can be killed, but can not die of natural causes.

Quote wiki Razz : An unusual species, Turritopsis dohrnii, formerly classified as T. nutricula,[57] might be effectively immortal because of its ability under certain circumstances to transform from medusa back to the polyp stage, thereby escaping the death that typically awaits medusae post-reproduction if they have not otherwise been eaten by some other ocean organism. So far this reversal has been observed only in the laboratory.[58] At least one professor at the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory at Kyoto University in Japan has concluded that there are three species of jellyfish that are immortal, and says their immortality may hold the key to immortality for human beings, as he says that genetically they are not that much different from humans.
Time is Real? 15304364_559139480956008_993161582470566380_o


Now Time does not exist for these creatures, as they DO NOT HAVE A MEMORY CENTER.

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Divine 277

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Time is Real? Empty Re: Time is Real?

Post by Jonathan 25.12.16 7:42

George I don't know about others but I'm not in this path because of immortality or to pursue immortality. It goes much deeper than that...

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Time is Real? Empty Re: Time is Real?

Post by Naverya 25.12.16 7:43

In my opinion, time is real... it is just the measurements that are used for it that aren't real, since they are just conventions... just words people created in order for them to understand eachother. But beings do grow up and die, so I couldn't see time as not being real...
On the issue of past, present and future, I think that we can only say that the present is real... Since once an event passed, we can only recall it in our memory... and about the future, we can only think, we can imagine scenarios... but they don't really happen until... well, until they happen.

Kalb wrote:But, in any case, immortality is only possible with the absence of time ...

What did you mean with this, Kalb?

Divine, I'm going to write you a PM. Would've messaged you here, but not wanting a good thread to possibly get locked.

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Time is Real? Empty Re: Time is Real?

Post by Naoom 25.12.16 7:47

Yes Jonathan.I was open to that possibillity.Did I make it seem the opposite?I don't live in a country where english is spoken daily.

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Time is Real? Empty Re: Time is Real?

Post by Divine 277 25.12.16 8:04

Naverya wrote:In my opinion, time is real... it is just the measurements that are used for it that aren't real, since they are just conventions... just words people created in order for them to understand eachother. But beings do grow up and die, so I couldn't see time as not being real...
On the issue of past, present and future, I think that we can only say that the present is real... Since once an event passed, we can only recall it in our memory... and about the future, we can only think, we can imagine scenarios... but they don't really happen until... well, until they happen.

Kalb wrote:But, in any case, immortality is only possible with the absence of time ...

What did you mean with this, Kalb?

Divine, I'm going to write you a PM. Would've messaged you here, but not wanting a good thread to possibly get locked.
Now, Kalbs quote about time not existing, had very much to do with my post, Im sorry you couldn't see that.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Time is Real? Empty Re: Time is Real?

Post by Naverya 25.12.16 8:13

Divine 277 wrote:
 Now, Kalbs quote about time not existing, had very much to do with my post, Im sorry you couldn't see that.

I was asking *him* what he meant with it. Also, I don't appreciate the unjustified arrogance in your reply.

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Time is Real? Empty Re: Time is Real?

Post by Maxx 25.12.16 8:49

and Divine, you have no business copying screenshots of icons, friends lists, and conversations, and posting them to my Facebook page.  You are not welcome there at all. I do not need you fat, nude pictures of you there on display. If you continue I will contact facebook to have you closed or shut down til you learn your presence is not wanted on my site.  I have also blocked your childish and unwanted activities.  You talk about stalking, you are the person stalking people and displaying mental illness all over the internet. You need a competent doctor for help.

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Time is Real? Empty Re: Time is Real?

Post by Kalb 25.12.16 11:02

There are several concepts for me when talking on past, present and future. For example, there are three different energies for each time. Past life energy manifests itself differently in us, is something that dwells in our inner and will reveal "unconscious" in most people and some people get access to past lifes by various techniques. The present and future works differently. Sometimes, I think the future is more important than Present, for several reasons, one is that we can predict our future by Tarot, astrology, or even and direct way, by dreams. Through dreams is much easier to visit the future or even create it than go to past lives, why? Because the energy of past lifes is not manageable type, cannot be transformed, and it's not in tune with our new reality while the energy of the present can be manipulated and runs freely. We have many choices while we live the now-present; but these days I think we're just slaves to this Present created by us in the future, so said:

-Past: energy that will never be handled or easy access to be in tune with our past memory, is different from the one we know today.
-Future, responsible for our actions, the demiurge of our lives and choices
-Present, the end result (Where we suffer for our actions and reactions)

In other words, as human beings, I do not believe that we have a totally clean/empty book that we wrote, I think it's an illusion, part of the book is already written and we have to face it in this life or in another. To evolve spiritually, we need to live within that energy called "time", and make the most of it to grow and live longer ... more lives, otherwise we will go to an abyss. Immortality arises on the concept that for example an immortal being don't need time to grow. He will live forever growing here while being incarnated or not.

Now.... Sir George Gosdas
From George Gosdas To Kalb, Today at 13:54
George Gosdas wrote:You made it clear you are dissapointed with your life.Maybe I can help you by learning you how to better control your feelings.

Dear Sir,
First of all, thank you for your time and kindness. I don't know if you noticed earlier, but I don't speak in private, if you want to say something, say it in public. But, let me just tell you a few words, if I may. This is the difference between the Asetianism and others paths, in Asetianism, each person respects the level of coleague and let him take down the barriers alone, because we all know that a man becomes strong winning life's challenges. It's called: Evolution.

I'm surprised you're not a frustrated man. We all are, we all have our problems, our difficulties, and you in your naivety, thought I could be helped? Why don't I help you? Roll Laugh What a Face

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Time is Real? Empty Re: Time is Real?

Post by Naoom 25.12.16 11:11

Thanks for responding Kalb.You are correct.

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Time is Real? Empty Re: Time is Real?

Post by Jonathan 25.12.16 11:28

George Gosdas wrote:Yes Jonathan.I was open to that possibillity.Did I make it seem the opposite?I don't live in a country where english is spoken daily.

No problem, don't worry about that. Many here don't master the English language and it's all good.

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Time is Real? Empty Re: Time is Real?

Post by Lewella Spade 27.12.16 12:08

My old psychology professor would have a field day with this topic, but he also doesn't believe we have free will...
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Time is Real? Empty Re: Time is Real?

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