"You should just Be Real."

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"You should just Be Real." Empty "You should just Be Real."

Post by Tehom 30.08.23 14:35

The Way in which we are; the core, at times obscured by ignorance but universal.

For different people, different subjects are important, but nothing is more important or feared than the self, and I've learned there truly is nothing people collectively fear more than other people. If a person differs from a norm, they're at the very least recognized as "being abnormal", and that in itself implies something consciously decided, deliberate, calculated -- the prime "meanings" to thought that most people cannot envision a person engaging without seeking some form of gain; progress, evolution, growth, or simply attention.

"Strange people" are those who come into this world not as a by-product of these systems but as the unifying force behind them, often unintentionally -- there is no "purpose", there is no goal, there is no anything there but themselves, and this is what makes the definition of authenticity to most people -- an almost alien-like quality that cannot accurately be defined by words beyond one's own self-reflection. It is desired publicly like some kind of immortal drink, an elixir that'll solve all the problems and simply make one able to forgive the world's hatred and misunderstanding towards them in an instant.

But this is not what it is, at all.

From the "Strange Person's" point of view, the world is a bizarre place filled with people having all kinds of crises that they're constantly convinced they must also experience or be "lying to themselves", ironically beginning to believe these lies themselves on the stupid basis "we're all the same" or some other non-sequitur. We lose to ignorance. Personally I've always believed, since a one-year-old, that if something is different and curious, despite what any pre-existing system has to say about it, I want to understand it for myself. I want to open myself to the possibility that I am seeing something I have never before seen, or no one else has heard of, and that has probably lead me to being fortunate enough to live during this time period today. Despite what the naysayers constantly belittling the "lowly mundane", and "low class", and "poorly raised" have to say, there has almost never been such a beautifully chaotic, creative and original time than right now, at this very moment. It's absolutely horrible in the most gorgeous sense. The world is filled with artists -- true artists, that have no idea why or even what they're doing as they do other than to nervously speak their soul.

Unfortunately, most cannot see beyond their very own veil of false-superiority; the idea in their mind that they are greater than, or better than, these common denominators. I, proudly, don't believe that and never have. That's what [b]I[/b] stand for and is who I am. It's who I've always been.

The thing about authenticity is that it can be hidden, but never silenced -- in a room of every person on earth, all 8 billion of them, it would exist just the same against their every contest not because anyone is "proudly holding it up" or wielding it like an indomitable weapon, no, but firstly and foremost because it's a simple fact of the Universe. It's the same as the world still being the world despite billions of reckless people living on it. It "just is" because it always was.

Change is a very serious thing and I think something people are far too eager to jump into, not really understanding what it is they're talking about most of the time. Everyone wants to be an evolved and grown-up figure but the question I ask is who do you *really*, truly want to be this for? it is yourself? did you want to be this way, do these things, before anyone introduced these concepts to you or showed you a framework? did you possess that incentive from the get-go? is it truly in your nature to change? or does that just sound appealing to you?

With change we are not just making modifications to our pre-existing selves, but our futures, with our present not as some "tool" but the Life.  I've never liked denigrating the self by separating it into these categories of "past, present and future" -- from my view, there's just Me, and there's always just been who I am. To some that reads as living in the present, or some other raw and spiritual form of understanding, but I don't choose that. I prefer to just say things exactly as I first see them and let myself understand the rest because that's for Me, it's not for you.

Change concerns actually taking the ways in which we manifest ourselves and making deliberate inward choices to alter them against any pre-supposition. It concerns Wisdom. But you will notice the Strange will *never*, and I mean *never* change for anyone but themselves -- certainly not someone they see straight through, or an ignorant. Yes for people very quickly forget that even the deeply spiritually wise too are ignorant and so is everyone in this world, ignorant. Equally ignorant, no, but universally, yes.

Those that fear the Strange secretly want for them to sacrifice the way they view the world in order to become more like them -- their outward hate, I've found, isn't really about envy at all. It's simply anger at something they don't understand, which is a tale as old as time. There will forever be this dance and the new-agers thinking they'll be the ones to change it, to finally show people what they aren't seeing but are so, so convinced they've seen before --- it's a necessity, it seems, for culture itself. True culture.

So ignorance serves some of the most profound purposes, and should never be underestimated. This is what I came into this world Knowing, but found difficult to express. Why? for what reason? how? I don't know, it isn't the point. The point is what happens because of it. That's my worldview that has had some I've met call me their greatest, most honest friend and others the most lost, delusional, idiotic and egotistical and every other name under the star moron they've ever come across. Every last one of them truly believes they've some serious lesson for me to learn I've yet to encounter, failing to realize what's right there -- the reality. This is just who I am. I've lived an intricate, well-travelled life on top of it.  There were many before you, there will be many after you, there are many of you right now, and despite what anyone believes goes on in my Heart I have my own reactions to these things that are best displayed in these words, here. If I personally respect what you say I'll relate to it and take it under consideration.

Most hear that and, again, use a reference as a basis -- they assume you mean that if you "deem something worthy" it'll be taken under your  advisement, when in reality I actually mean if I *find* I respect what you say, I'll find something I relate to inside of it and consider it for myself. Being Honest, and I mean really honest (which is not the same as 'not lying'), means you will surround yourself with pitfalls many will fall into time and time again. They will, as I mentioned in another post, project their ignorance onto you.  It's no wonder most choose to just retreat into total solitude or go and live with the animals, or speak to plants instead. Having to explain what you actually mean to people time and time again is no way to live, at all.

So most make compromises -- they prefer things simple. Eventually, you'll have to bend, "because that's just the way world works", except it isn't to these people. Not by choice, either, it just never has been.

I'm writing this firstly for the other people out there who are this way and do feel this way -- who aren't just deeply confused at what I'm saying or dismiss it all as illogical hogwash and climb back onto their high-horse but totally understand in their own
troubled way, in the right state for it, who are fighting everyday to simply be themselves, and having what that even means to them in particular consistently misunderstood as being another everyday thing entirely. Many will assume you are trying to emulate the only reference they have for "reality" -- but so long as you remain in touch with your Heart, and know that in any room, filled with any grandest Master or the presence of snooty, confused or even violent haters, you remain that person inside "because there's nothing else you could be", then you do in fact Know. But I don't need to tell you that.

Do not get caught up in the endless race of trying to keep up with the ignorance of us all -- it's not worth it, at all, for anything or anyone. And anything worth it doesn't want it to be. Just be yourself. You are [b]not[/b] alone, especially not today.  Love.

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"You should just Be Real." Empty Re: "You should just Be Real."

Post by Thorn L.Black 07.09.23 23:23

I was so immersed in this post.

Thorn L.Black

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"You should just Be Real." Empty Re: "You should just Be Real."

Post by SoulTower0 19.11.23 22:11

One of little awareness is tangled in the web of the Impurities; like an insect in a [spider’s] web, he plays & struggles in the cage of the body. But one of developed awareness is discerning . . . like a dancer, he reels with the various powers [of Consciousness], free of the mental-emotional states of the judgmental mind (buddhi), manifesting both [what he] wills and sublime peace.

~ Triśirobhairava-tantra

Trans. : Christopher Hareesh Wallis

"You should just Be Real." Cedea010

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"You should just Be Real." Empty Re: "You should just Be Real."

Post by Tehom 20.11.23 3:46

[quote="SoulTower0"]One of little awareness is tangled in the web of the Impurities; like an insect in a [spider’s] web, he plays & struggles in the cage of the body. But one of developed awareness is discerning . . . like a dancer, he reels with the various powers [of Consciousness], free of the mental-emotional states of the judgmental mind (buddhi), manifesting both [what he] wills and sublime peace.

~ Triśirobhairava-tantra

Trans. : Christopher Hareesh Wallis


A Smart answer, but not a very knowledgeable response. A good example of why it is best to be Silent when you do not know.

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"You should just Be Real." Empty Re: "You should just Be Real."

Post by SoulTower0 20.11.23 16:01

Tehom wrote:

A Smart answer, but not a very knowledgeable response. A good example of why it is best to be Silent when you do not know.

I was actually praising you, in your new ways of getting out of yourself, and in these and later recent posts, discovering, expressing and understanding new ways to explore your consciousness more freely and truthfully compared to others.

Perhaps I should have been a little more clear. And to your latter statements, I agree. Being realistic & real with ourselves helps us all regardless of consequences, because we choose to move forward with what comes as is, thus ending deluded cycles, rectifying patterns, repeatedly, adressing serious, long-lasting matters, since we are caring and focusing on Truth for Truth's sake, and not for transitory and trivial things that come and go like winds. And evolve together in openness, along with inclusivity and others, with what comes and what gives by making ourselves alike it in advance. As is. Without filters.

Thank you for contributing and showing various changes towards this cause in simple and advanced measures.

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"You should just Be Real." Empty Re: "You should just Be Real."

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 20.11.23 16:48

Tehom, just to make you aware, unless it's invisible on your screen, but for some reason your quotations appear without the form it should take, so one sees all the quotation signs in the replies without actually forming a square with the quotations within it. It's been like that for most of your posts over a long time, months. Not sure what's the issue with it, maybe a technical error. Maybe you're typing from some other type of device?

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"You should just Be Real." Empty Re: "You should just Be Real."

Post by Tehom 20.11.23 17:06

I don't know what's causing that, sometimes it works and others it does not, though I change only in what I'm talking about. It started recently. I thought it user-side at first.

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"You should just Be Real." Empty Re: "You should just Be Real."

Post by Tehom 20.11.23 17:07

Perhaps post length.

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"You should just Be Real." Empty Re: "You should just Be Real."

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 20.11.23 17:10

Tried previewing your posts before posting them, see if that can double check?

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"You should just Be Real." Empty Re: "You should just Be Real."

Post by Tehom 20.11.23 17:10


A Smart answer, but not a very knowledgeable response. A good example of why it is best to be Silent when you do not know.[/quote]

I was actually praising you, in your new ways of getting out of yourself, and in these and later recent posts, discovering, expressing and understanding new ways to explore your consciousness more freely and truthfully compared to others.

Perhaps I should have been a little more clear. And to your latter statements, I agree. Being realistic & real with ourselves helps us all regardless of consequences, because we choose to move forward with what comes as is, thus ending deluded cycles, rectifying patterns, repeatedly, adressing serious, long-lasting matters, since we are caring and focusing on Truth for Truth's sake, and not for transitory and trivial things that come and go like winds. And evolve together in openness, along with inclusivity and others, with what comes and what gives by making ourselves alike it in advance. As is. Without filters.

Thank you for contributing and showing various changes towards this cause in simple and advanced measures.[/quote]

I recognize your good intent. I suppose I'm still very used to having my guard up around some places like these due to past severe misunderstandings and other reasons. Thanks for being clear and honest.

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"You should just Be Real." Empty Re: "You should just Be Real."

Post by Tehom 20.11.23 17:11

[quote="MysticLightShinethForth"]Tried previewing your posts before posting them, see if that can double check? [/quote]

Yes, each time. This time does not work. For now I will just reference the user instead, and perhaps try another browser / etc.

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"You should just Be Real." Empty Re: "You should just Be Real."

Post by SoulTower0 20.11.23 21:02

Tehom wrote:I recognize your good intent. I suppose I'm still very used to having my guard up around some places like these due to past severe misunderstandings and other reasons.  Thanks for being clear and honest.

I think confusion is an extremely significant and helpful stopper, because it creates intent and helps us re-evaluate things. I have seen that in myself, and it helped me befriend and discover innumerable improvements.

Interpretating extras is a dangerous game for me, one we can remove ourselves from always. And without ourselves, we can really begin to listen our real selves that already knows the real way to listen. That requires no interpretation.

Mind's neurotic behaviour & autonomous response and brain's default mode network has to be let go of simultaneously for that to happen. It is only when we think we know best we make mistakes when it comes to a decision, conclusion or an unclear abstraction. But it took time, practice and exercise in my case to tell it apart when it was happening in me. Its recipe could be different for another due to past accumulation I understand that. In quality, patterns, repetition, difference, style. But essence motive remains the same.

I welcome your response and am glad to see your welcome approach as well. These are the small things that we see that puts peace in many hearts.

Something severely lacking, but thanks to that, even a small amount becomes of extreme beauty in dark.

Veritable change in areas that actually matter, is inspiring and hopeful. It may not look like that in the beginning, as with any unfortunate circumstance is, but with self-stopping, wise consideration, a simple pause is hiding transmuting the situation into a all-favourable mediation.

I suppose we all actually love seeing, genuine maturity and development in souls regardless of their race and cause. Please keep that up in ways humble and inspiring. It's innate quality that can expressed with tact, and without loss.

Blessed Days & Good Causes to your way

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"You should just Be Real." Empty Re: "You should just Be Real."

Post by Tehom 23.11.23 22:34

SoulTower0 wrote:I suppose we all actually love seeing, genuine maturity and development in souls regardless of their race and cause. Please keep that up in ways humble and inspiring. It's innate quality that can expressed with tact, and without loss.

Thank you. Really I'm just trying to learn, grow and evolve but also rectify many misunderstandings I understand many have had. Really it's a personal effort but I'm glad that it's doing well for you as it makes me happy to see others on this path all uniting and getting stronger.

My response would be I agree with your second paragraph but confusion itself is immeasurably dangerous as I've made evident and can be used against you, horribly. Some confusion to assess ourselves serves as a learning tool for growth if we're clear on the reality. I can't understate the sheer importance of being around the right kinds of people or spiritual aid who will patiently help you.

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"You should just Be Real." Empty Re: "You should just Be Real."

Post by Tehom 23.11.23 22:42

It's also very important to be mindful of exterior manipulation... unfortunately we are never alone in our evolution within this community being surrounded by those with oftentimes ulterior and opposite motives to our own, as unwise as they may be.

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"You should just Be Real." Empty Re: "You should just Be Real."

Post by SoulTower0 03.07.24 16:51

Tehom wrote:
MysticLightShinethForth wrote:Tried previewing your posts before posting them, see if that can double check?

Yes, each time. This time does not work. For now I will just reference the user instead, and perhaps try another browser / etc.

Hey, sorry to resurrect the topic out of unrelation for a technical reason, but if this is still occurring [either for you or anyone else in the future] try checking/ticking off the BBCode under your post preview in buttons before posting. And when it's ticked off, try previewing again.

"You should just Be Real." Bbcode10

It happened to me today as well and messed around a bit to find out actually by guesswork and chance to fix it. And it did.

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"You should just Be Real." Empty Re: "You should just Be Real."

Post by Angelos Cane 06.07.24 1:41

@Tehom this is a very profound post. I am so glad to see a lot of intellectual people, like you, here Very Happy
Angelos Cane
Angelos Cane

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"You should just Be Real." Empty Re: "You should just Be Real."

Post by Tehom 06.07.24 2:19

To be quite honest, I've been asked to share more private, calculated writings to this Community going on several years, now, and whatever I've posted here has been *mostly noise in comparison in my humble opinion of the standards this Community should strive for, but I am glad it is of any real tangible use to your esotericism and growth as a practitioner on the Violet Path Asetianism brings.

My better advice would be to parse for wisdom in intellectualism - what lights up inside is the guide within.

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"You should just Be Real." Empty Re: "You should just Be Real."

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