Real time politics

Divine 277
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Real time politics Empty Real time politics

Post by N.Augusta 11.09.13 19:01

Forgive me for this is by far the most unorganized and poorly constructed post I've ever made. I blame it on Uncle Fester, he rushed me! Razz:P:P

The Middle East has been a hot spot for what seems like forever, but by the looks of current events, we are truly treading on very fragile waters. I don't know if any of you have been keeping a close eye on the very recent events concerning the Syria situation or not...if you haven't-- you should. It is a disaster!

At the end of August, alarming reports were coming out about a chemical attack used on the people in Damascus, that sadly killed roughly 1,400 people. YouTube videos were posted, some of them were horribly graphic, including dead children, and one even showed a man eating the heart of another man whilst he was talking craziness. Absolutely horrific!!! You can search for them if you so will.

After these videos came out, the US announced that they had "proof" that the Syrian government was behind these attacks and boldly stated that they were going to send cruise missiles into the area to send a "message" to the Syrian government that they will not get away with using chemical weapons. Umm, where's the proof? (Cruise missiles, by the way, paid for by American tax payers, are quite hefty in price.)  Then, shortly later, we see John Kerry stating, that 'it doesn't matter if the rebels or the govt. did it, we must act!'  

In order to invade another country, well, first of all, there are international laws that must be followed... and you must have UN approval. (Which was not followed the last time by the Bush administration to invade Iraq, nor was UN approval granted. For one of the major super powers in the UN (US, Russia, China) to not follow these standards, well, it sends out the message that we are far too superior to follow such rubbish. Bad move, one we don't need to make again.  

The UN was conducting weapons inspections in Syria whilst the chemical weapons were used. (Think for a minute...why would a leader allow the UN weapons inspectors into his country, and then set off chemical weapons??? Does that make any sense? By allowing the inspectors there, that is an act of cooperation, no?) Regardless, the US has taken a firm stand that the leader and government are behind these attacks, though, we have no clue as to what their "proof" exactly is, and they are not sharing it with the UN.  

The rebels in Syria....who are they?
They are and have been for quite a while, coming in from all over the world. They/the rebels, are being recruited by different rebel sects of numerous names through manipulation efforts, of course. Though, the main players running things are Al-qaeda linked groups.

I am an American, but I in no way whatsoever am for the US striking in Syria in any way whatsoever. The majority of Americans are against it. Roughly, about 9% approval ratings for it, and when we hit Iraq, there was roughly 70% public approval. The people have learned from that mistake! I firmly believe that we need to focus on getting our own country in order-- we have a lot of clean up work to do here. More and more Americans are entering into poverty at alarming rates.

As of yesterday, Obama addressed the nation, and we have agreed to try a diplomatic approach for now, led by the Russians. (Note: John Kerry stated today, that there is a very limited time for this.) However, after Obama announced recently that he was going to hold off and wait for approval for congress, it was looking more and more likely that he would not receive congressional approval. If he did not receive approval from Congress, then he was forcing himself into a corner. The more the possibility increased that he would not get approval, he had to make a move to avoid it....which is in part, why we received the announcement that we did last night. And, I am sure that the attack this week by the rebels on a Christian village also contributed to the announcement, and other things as well.

Note: Even those in our military were speaking out against a strike. Some were making videos stating how they will not contribute to this and that they will not fight with Al-qaeda. That's right, the rebels are being led by groups linked to Al-qaeda. Who supplied arms to the rebels? The US! And, mind you, Syria has Russia and China backing it up, and they too have sent out war ships in the region. Okay, we really don't want to piss those guys off! For example: The US is broke, and totally in debt to China-- our main lender. Do we really want to spoil our relations with them over Syria?

Prior to this, we saw Putin say:

After the US made announcement to strike earlier, we have seen Putin making all sorts of appearances, for example:

Putin had stated that America must follow international laws and that they strongly oppose our stance to strike Syria. His argument was logical, our argument for striking was not, nor did we have public or world support to strike.

Sorry, this thread is all over the place! I've been multi-tasking! There's just so much going on in this global political chess match. This situation is one gigantic cluster-fuck!

And now, this just came out:
"Syrian govt and opposition ‘both guilty of war crimes’ – UN report"

Anyway, I wanted to get our brains turning, have us share input, and stir up conversation about the recent events. There's just so much to this whole mess!

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Real time politics Empty Re: Real time politics

Post by Maxx 11.09.13 20:32 repeat....
Latest is that the US Army at Ft. Hood has just received orders to get ready to ship out for destination of Syria......and Egypt......we have no bases in either place....but this news is on Before it is news site.....

Second, this whole business is a total sham from the beginning and the Little Dictator is not coming clean. I heard a CIA operations guy saying that all this comes as Saudia Arabia and Quatar want Syria and Iran to be taken out as they are different kinds of Islam than the others......and the Muslim Brotherhood is only a short time away from coming against those two counties and throwing out the Royal family and bringing their kind of religion in....So SA and Q. has told little dictator to attack their enemy. He does their bidding when told.

Next....SA and Q. want to run an oil pipe line from their countries through Syria and into Europe........and Syria is a blockage for that......because at the present time Russia is jam up with Syria and Iran which has their own pipeline already in the works to come online in 2016. The oil will leave on tankers to enter Russia from Syria and this pipeline will furnish Russia instead of Europe. That is what this whole conflict is about. Little Dictator is going to bomb the Russian pipeline and try to take it out and then bring Israel into the conflict to attack Iran. All of this at the bidding of Saudia Arabia. We are the army for the Saudis and Qatar family. This explains why people in both parties are breaking their neck to attack while the entire country is against any attack at all and see no reason for it in any way......the Gas attacks were done by our so called allies there on the ground attacking their own people to make it appear Syria ..did it.....not the case at all .... I do not care how much the media denies it. It appears that some in the military have personally told Little Dictator that if he attacks there are some that personally plan to oppose him.....refusal from 5 (five) generals....and another attack today on Bengazhai to draw attention away from the real issue.

But there is no reason for any strike at all other than to start a war in that region over oil, and mineral this explains why the Little Dictator and all his other puppets appear to be so damn dumb.....they cannot even find a way to lie where an idiot like me would come close to believing them.....

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Real time politics Empty Re: Real time politics

Post by Maxx 11.09.13 20:44

I want to add there is no difference between Obama, Bush II, Bush I,  Clinton, etc, diff in Republican or they are the same with a different name and they work behind the scene together.....but the above description has a lot to do with the Bric agreement....originally signed by Russia, China, India, South Africa, and Brazil.  This means instead of having to exchange their currency for dollars, they do not have to go into the currency market that is controlled by the US.  Since the US dollar is the reserve currency for the world, They are setting up the machinery to bypass the US dollar in buying and shipping oil and other items.  This means that whenever the US had to buy anything it did not have to produce goods to exchange....all they did was print money as the US dollar was what everyone is using the world over for the standard....If the US dollar is not the reserve currency, the US can print and print and print and inflation and rising prices will collapse the US and their economy while the other players the world over bypasses it.   This is why the above oil pipeline is a prime subject in all this economic blueprint.  Lies and attacks and displaying anything and everything to get the worlds attention and hearts to go along with the governments lies and power grab.  This is why I say the entire government is a sham.

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Real time politics Empty Re: Real time politics

Post by 8lou1 12.09.13 2:11

right now syria is big news, but for years now there is ongoing unrest in the countries south and east of the Mediterranean sea. Is it really just for oil and other goods like phosphate, or is something deeper going on...?
many people have seen this unrest in syria coming for years...

from Morocco till Tibet there is unrest in the 33 degree northern latitude. its also the region lots of cultural and religious artifacts are found, where nations were build and where the silkroute was an important 'road'....

and why do so many civilians need to get killed what is there in their memories that needs to be erased?????

is it really a ongoing circle about money, drugs and sex or is there a lot more going on? is it the struggle for stopping yet an other war or is it the struggle to break a much older chain....

for myself i believe its the latter although its very hard to pinpoint what it is exactly....

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Real time politics Empty Re: Real time politics

Post by Divine 277 12.09.13 4:10  (((answering to the post in violet flame, last once, about the black pope and obama ) )))
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Real time politics Empty Re: Real time politics

Post by Kalb 12.09.13 5:20

No one hears about Sudan? Sudan rejected the project of sending a mixed force of UN and NATO to the region, because Sudan is supported by China, which opposes U.S. sanctions and provides weapons to the country in exchange for the purchase of the largest facilities part of oil production, among other details that passed alongside. Both the UN and NATO are organizations that are controlled by the U.S., they have created these two organizations and fund these organizations. They use these organizations to get what they want, it's just marketing. Nothing more. Nubia(what we know today as Sudan) had many temples created by the Pharaohs, the most famous of them, Abu Simbel, created by Ramses II. Lately pharaonic history, the kings of the North of Nubia were also kings of Egypt and as most of you know the Nubians were allies of Sethians against Asetians. The first home of man according to biblical references, stood where now stands the Iraq and part of Syria, and much of the history of these two countries is brought to us by the Bible, whose first books are adaptations of stories and Mesopotamian legends, such the first, Genesis, which according to the geographical explorations is what Christians call Eden. Genesis is part of the five books of Moses, a disciple of Sethians. Now, Syria ... Damascus is one of the oldest cities in the world, according to the studies and explorations his first record was found in the clay tablets of 2500 before Christ. Discoveries in a city of ancient Mesopotamia, where it appears that the city of Damascus was the city of son of Noah. Noah is the ninth descendant of Adam ... and according to Asetianism the 9 is associated with the symbolism of Sethians.

I can even go further in relation to Damascus ... And using a prophecy of Isaiah:
The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. 17.1
Some say that this prophecy has already taken place, others say no, the truth is that Damascus is a very violent city, and since the beginning of time live-based wars. I stopped believing in what I see on television or hear on the radio, or in newspapers or magazines, they only tell us lies and all this for me is all a story invented. Serves as a "bait", is say something to the people and make another action in silence. All these wars and dust and reasons, for me are just excuses for a big great reason to join these countries. In recent years I have only seen the U.S. to "create" problems or want to break into contries that are related to the Old Testament and with the story of Sethians. Please do not misunderstand me, or think that it is obsession by history or something else, but, religion did the people believe that God exists, why policy should not do the same? Make people believe in some "things"? The policy controls the world, journalists, television, Internet.. All things. On the other hand, the U.S. are becoming increasingly stronger with the wars and the best example of this is the second world war...And since I spoke of ancient history, Seth is the God of chaos.

This are just thoughts, nothing more than that.

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Real time politics Empty Re: Real time politics

Post by 8lou1 12.09.13 5:32

thank you kalb Smile i was very confused about nubia and the number 9....
your thoughts make a lot of sense to me and your differentiation between sethians and asethians really helps. i kinda confuse them due to life experiences Wink

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Real time politics Empty Re: Real time politics

Post by Jonathan 12.09.13 6:40

I don't think we should attack Syria. The risks of biological weapons are real but it's also being used as an excuse for yet another military raid that suits hidden projects and not the interests of our nation. Not to mention that it can have terrible consequences in the future. Teasing and provoking the Middle East is not wise and past events should have already taught our leaders that. Many Americans may not understand how those countries united are a very strong force, how they have much more money than we do through oil and natural resources. They are not just poor villages, they have armies of thousands and modern weapons, don't be fooled by what the media shows. And then there is Russia, China, Korea and other powerful Asian countries that can take this move by the US as an offence and that would make everything even worse. Many mistakes have been committed in the past by our leaders in the military arena which only further push a bad message to the world, one of arrogance and superiority which is not only wrong as it's also fake.

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Real time politics Empty Re: Real time politics

Post by 8lou1 12.09.13 8:57

i dont think the us made mistakes i actually think its a set up plan... for example el queda was put there by the us and later attacked by it, same goes for saddam hoessein and ayatollah khomeini and many other regimes....its a 'nice' way to make a lot of money in the weapon industry, while at the same time denying 'normal' people to have guns. cause heaven forbit we recognize whats going on and are willing to defend ourselves....

also the only thing whats uniting the arabian countries is islam.... and what do you know, the ruling kings of saoudi arabia are put there by england and are big friends with al queada and the usa presidents... Mecca is one of the big money makers and is still growing.... look at dubai and you see a wealth that is so huge its not normal. on the surface its all money and a few people worldwide creating and handing each other jobs to make more money...( destroying iraq and then rebuilding it by western contracters is a nice example)

also it should be noted that artifacts are real targets during those wars, look at the budha statues in afganistan and the 'race' for the library in iraq...

but knowing all these things doesnt make this misery stop. fighting back doesnt either. look at the war israel/palestina is still in....

there are a few countries who tried to live in harmony, who tried a different way...cuba, jugoslavia,venezuela and there are more. but what the heck they got destroyed, denied existence, embargo's etc....

Syria seems to be a possible turningpoint in time witch i think there are not many left....but are there still leaders in the world who dare to make that turn???

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Real time politics Empty Re: Real time politics

Post by Kalb 14.09.13 2:57

8lou1 wrote:i was very confused about nubia and the number 9....
In the Ancient Egypt, Sethians with the help of the people of Nubia fight agaisnt Asetians to win the war. But, it was in vain. Because as explained in the Asetian Bible an unsuccessful war was never about of the numbers of warriors, but by his ability. wrote:9.9.9 - A day of hidden storms and broken shields. Listen to the silent echoes within the shadow of lost cries and forgotten memories. ☥
In Asetianism, the number 9 has a symbolism Sethian. And I think at least curious of Noah be the ninth descendant of Adam and be responsible for the Ark and the Salvation of Believers of Jews. That is to say, that the wars in the past were just in the same countries that are now in the spotlight for the wars. I'm not saying that this is an action of Sethian or something, I'm just saying that it is a curious information because in the past was all about Wars around Bible and Anciet Egypt.

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Real time politics Empty Re: Real time politics

Post by Leira 14.09.13 8:17

From the Quran which talks about Jesus / Damascus , "And he Jesus shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Resurrection); therefore have no doubt about it (the Hour). And follow me (Allah), this is a Straight Path." (Quran 43: 61) and ironically the Hopi talk about a short line on their prophecy rock that represents a return to "the straight Path of Life "which they say will be our last chance to turn back to nature before the upper road of materialism and selfishness, disintegrates and dissipates.


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Real time politics Empty Re: Real time politics

Post by N.Augusta 14.09.13 14:47

George Galloway, who was in the video above--rocks! He's a man who does not hold back from speaking his mind-- I respect that! He is one to pay attention to and has been very vocal about being against a Syria strike, and all sorts of other things.

On a side note: Here is a C-SPAN video of him back from 2005, where he straight up owned the senate meeting, and made them look like fools. The first 7 minutes are slow, but you have to hear the claims they made against him to understand his defense. One of the best c-span moments...EVER!

Did you guys check out Putin's letter to the American people?

It was a very good letter! Naturally, it has received a lot of criticism regarding it, and towards him as well, which, serves to redirect attention away from the content of the message. The reactions to it have been interesting. Many favored the letter and agree with him. I read somewhere, that John McCain will be sending a letter to the Russian people in one of their newspapers...which will not aid in our our unfavorable world-wide relations.

Good lord, could you imagine him and Sarah Palin running the country? Oo
Then again, I think Kerry is bad too and am glad that he did not win the presidential election years ago, and his current role as our Secretary of State reflects how bad of a leader he would of been. And the latest on him:

John Kerry Rejects Bashar Assad's 30-Day Deadline For Submitting Chemical Weapons Data"

These guys really want to go into another war. "Limited strike" yeah right!

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Real time politics Empty Re: Real time politics

Post by N.Augusta 14.09.13 15:29

@Maxx, I agree with you, there is no difference in any of them. They are puppets serving the agenda of the global elites, rather than the best interest of the people.

The root of our economic issues....pfft stems back to allowing the federal reserve to have control of our currency, which our forefathers warned against. It is sad to see the dollar drift from being the world currency, though, it makes sense for others to push for a new leading currency. We no longer produce much here other than debt. Once we danced in the sheets of the federal reserves (1913) future generations of the American people had little chance. We are slaves to debt, both of our own and of our country. Grrrrrrr, I could go on and on regarding the economy-- it is so sad, and is going to get a hell of a lot worse, especially since we have Wall Street clowns working for our government. Sad

This is from 2007, but I think you will find this interesting:
This crap has long been planned.

General Wesley Clark was the one I was going to vote for, but he did not win the vote for democratic presidential candidate...If memory serves me correct, he was running in 04, that was when Kerry won and became the democratic presidential candidate.

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Real time politics Empty Re: Real time politics

Post by Maxx 14.09.13 15:40

Clark does not even deserve to be under any kind of protection........when he was the Commander of the military in Europe, Other Generals rose up in mass and said he had to go because he was afraid to take any risks because if he lost any maneuver, it would hurt his chicken liver image......this was when he resigned or was replaced....however you want to put it....he is a worthless individual only interested in his own advancement.....he is from Little Rock Ark.  I have seen some private messages concerning him and I very much dislike him........sorry to not agree with you.  He is one big butt kisser.

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Real time politics Empty Re: Real time politics

Post by N.Augusta 14.09.13 15:54

Do you think he is telling the truth about taking over the 7 countries? Or you think that is a lie?

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Real time politics Empty Re: Real time politics

Post by N.Augusta 14.09.13 15:56

Don't get me wrong, I thought it was better to vote for him than for Kerry. They are all terrible!

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Real time politics Empty Re: Real time politics

Post by Maxx 14.09.13 16:04

I watched his video after I made the above post.....hilarious......the only truth he lists in the above video is that there was a coup.....but he is not telling you he is part of it.....he is positioning himself as he wants to be in the spotlight again so much he can taste it.  Watch it again closely, as he stops several times to catch himself and make sure the story he is telling will connect to other sections...he has to be careful to not present his entire speech and cross up some different scenarios.  He is a snake....but not a very good one...

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Real time politics Empty Re: Real time politics

Post by N.Augusta 14.09.13 16:28

They are all snakes! They all campaign on lies, but they are also controlled.

Okay, but he talks about Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Sudan, Somalia. How many of those countries have we been in?

Well there's... Iraq. And, we do have folks in Sudan, and in Somalia. We went into Libya and we have some in Lebanon. For sure we have some special ops in Syria, and I wouldn't doubt we have some over in Iran too.

Clarks talk is from 2007. I don't doubt that they have had plans for a very long time to get into all of those countries, and more. So while it is stated that we would be striking Syria so that we can make a humanitarian move-- that's non-sense. Just like Iraq-- non-sense.

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Real time politics Empty Re: Real time politics

Post by Maxx 14.09.13 16:32

N.Augusta wrote:Do you think he is telling the truth about taking over the 7 countries? Or you think that is a lie?

Sorry I did not see this post of yours.   Go back and read my post at the beginning in regard to this spotlight in this region in the middle east.  It is over two entities wanting control over oil and mineral deposits.  The US is no longer a player.  Obama was put into office to finish the US economy and the military....the country is no longer a player.  The money people I know tell me they are moving out of this country and into other South Africa and Brazil.  They began to destroy the US economy and the dollar about 6 years ago on a serious basis....It is only a matter of time.  But all of this in that region has been planned for quite some time.....They plan on stirring up a mess and take out Israel.  Russia has already been given a part of the US and really...after the dust dies down, China already owns the US...once the dollar is no longer the reserve currency...since we no longer have a manufacturing base and have no GNP as the corp. have moved all of it out of this country......when the dollar is no longer the reserve currency....then we can no longer just print money to take care of a lack of that point we can no longer buy anything and no one will want to trade with us as we have nothing to trade...we have only been printing more money to pay for the products that are imported...Then what      But yes, this is all a designed move done to help take the spotlight off all of the mess that is being done to destroy the laws of the country....we soon will be in anarchy.  That is the reason the homeland security has purchased all the ammunition in an unbelievable amount as well as the Treasury dept.  Also, the gov has begun a move to send back amour vehicles from overseas and give them to sheriff depts. and arm larger police dept. It will break out in places first like Detroit that has gone belly up....and this has been by design to create havoc and uprising on purpose.  Again, yes, it has all been in planning.

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Real time politics Empty Re: Real time politics

Post by Maxx 14.09.13 16:50

Also, does not it strike you strange that all those dictators that the US put in power to run those countries have all been thrown out or killed and replacements have been put in.....makes the US a different type of country that keeps their word to all their overlords....ha....meaning when the US says they will take care of you that means you better sleep with one eye open cause their word means nothing.  Israel is aware of what kind of snakes are in control.......and I am not Jewish at all....

Here we are getting deep into a that is eons old on this group is here to elevate their spiritual growth and another is here to take control of everything they can.....two different kinds of beings.......and this is the point in all of this.....if the 2nd group are successful, then there is no future for the planet..who would want to live as a slave...If the first group learns how to elevate their spirit ...... then they can shift into a higher realm......there is no middle ground in all of those that are unaware of this friction will question about it.....and those that are aware need to step up their own spiritual awareness advancement and get your destination will depend on it.   I believe this may be the reason that the Aset Ka has been quiet about all of this....Both sides already have their operations working behind the scenes at work in things that are moving very fast and this would be no time to begin a kindergarten class for aid.....but just my private opinion...which means not a damn thing.....Neutral

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Real time politics Empty Re: Real time politics

Post by Maxx 14.09.13 16:53

And N.Augusta....all those countries you mentioned.....we are in all of them...arming and giving weapons and stirring up trouble ...... to both sides of the battle.....we have even gone in and done this to create an issue...for that would be beneficial to a certain section......

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Real time politics Empty Re: Real time politics

Post by N.Augusta 14.09.13 17:18

I agree with a lot of what you have said. Don't forget the FEMA camps too. Wink

We are turning into a police state--there's no doubt about that. Hence, the idea to take away guns. There will be more chaos, lots of it! The atrocities that go on here, behind the main-stream radar, are horrible! But, I think people are starting to really wake up, though, there will be more chaos to come, and that will wake up more people. I don't want anarchy, but I want justice to be served!

And the economy in no way has recovered, despite the false claims of recovery. Out of recession, my arse! Lies, lies, lies! And yes, we are owned by China. Our ports and some toll roads are foreign run. Maybe that is why the toll prices in NYC are out of control?!

Detroit.. the abandoned city-- that had to recently file for bankruptcy-- once was the countries area of wealth...that is so sad! Detroit now is like a gloomy city in a fictional third world country. That, I am afrais is but a taste of what is to come!

Maxx, don't you feel like we are living in some strange Hitchcock movie or in the Twilight Zone?

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Real time politics Empty Re: Real time politics

Post by N.Augusta 14.09.13 17:19

Oh, I totally agree with your last comment also..that is very true!

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Real time politics Empty Re: Real time politics

Post by Maxx 14.09.13 17:57

N.Augusta wrote:

Maxx, don't you feel like we are living in some strange Hitchcock movie or in the Twilight Zone?
Actually, that is what many spirits that have passed over to the other side say....this is all a means to obtain experiences.....but we will soon find out, won't we......?

And Russia has already been given OK to run the FEMA everyone needs to learn Russian....They have been given some sections of the US also.........and China already owns the major portion of the country through the economy....and that is why they will never nuke this country....they own it.....  Just as they own N. you can see what they have in mind for this country.

The economy?   The gov. prints money to buy their own bond issues.....China is selling a lot of US bonds they own.  And when the dollar is no longer the reserve actual unemployment figure is over 18%now and will go up....All this is why I laugh every day when I look at the news....all of it is a lie, totally.
And  I am not one of the conspiracy buffs.....I got my info from a person in one of the upper 10 money families in the world.....I was told they will bring down the country when they totally destroy the dollar.   It began when the bankers took many millions out of the mortgage market and it goes on from there... That money was transferred out of the country.....And the religion issue is a joke......all the preachers that are nationally known and on TV with those big churches.....they and those churches were all paid for in one lump check sum from the (money people) that control all......and the wealth they have in their pocket can never be spent to run dry.  I sometimes watch the church service channel just to roll in floor when I need a good laugh as I know they are just like the people in liars.....

So you see, N.Augusta, I am just a loon sitting here watching the cartoons that are going on all around us.  I am the resident whacko and loon.  All this info means nothing as those powers do not even care about statements like this as it is too far in the happening stage to do anything to stop it........unless an attack from the spiritual factor ends the advancement.....we shall see.

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Real time politics Empty Re: Real time politics

Post by Maxx 14.09.13 18:44

Odd.......someone just sent me this article...matches what we are talking about.........

Number of posts : 4334
Age : 108
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Registration date : 2008-06-30

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