Ancestors in Asetianism

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Ancestors in Asetianism Empty Ancestors in Asetianism

Post by Widdershins 06.03.15 21:28

How big of a role do one's personal ancestors play in Asetianism?

In the ATRs, ancestors and cults of the dead are a big deal. Ancestors seem very important in China and Japan too. Most Western paths that are not sub-Saharan African based have very little emphasis on honoring your ancestors. Since most ancestors in Europe or North America are Christian, is that difference in religions (between an occult path and a Christian one) the main reason why?

It goes without saying that for the immortals of Aset Ka the spiritual family is much more important than physical family ancestors. For those just beginning in Asetianism, is honoring family ancestors even dealt with as a practice?

Number of posts : 44
Location : Great Lakes
Registration date : 2015-02-22

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Ancestors in Asetianism Empty Re: Ancestors in Asetianism

Post by Jonathan 07.03.15 7:08

In Asetianism your ancestors aren't necessarily your deceased biological family, they are mostly tied to the realm of the spirit. Ancestors that you shared past lives with and hold a strong connection still. It's common for ancestors in Asetianism to come from the times as far back as Ancient Egypt. In that sense to honor them is something I would say important but take this as my opinion.
Some biological links may be important but for the most part they're something tied to psychological conditioning nearly forced by society and not an actual spiritual connection.

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Ancestors in Asetianism Empty Re: Ancestors in Asetianism

Post by Widdershins 07.03.15 23:42

Thank you Jonathan

So I imagine that the Egyptian Pharaohs are even more important to an Asetian than the Prophets from the Old Testament or Saints would be for Catholics....

Does anyone know of any Asetian working with and have relationships with Egyptian Pharaohs based on their personal characteristics/traits etc like Catholics would with saints?

Number of posts : 44
Location : Great Lakes
Registration date : 2015-02-22

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