Tao Chiao and Asetianism

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Tao Chiao and Asetianism Empty Tao Chiao and Asetianism

Post by Kalb 28.04.17 18:17

Em Hotep,
Just sharing with you some tips of Asetian  culture in my study with others cultures. Give a look to Chinese Alchemy wrote by Jean Cooper. Tao Chiao, a different branch of Taoism traditionally came with the Yellow Emperor and his three Immortal Ladies who taught him magic, mysticism and love. This caught my attention, though unaware of any link to Asetianism related to Yellow Pharaoh or something like that, but, the Three Immortals Ladies have not gone unnoticed

Jean Cooper wrote:Trinity known as the Three Pure Ones.

Here it is also interesting to assimilate information taught by the Three Immortal Ladies and what is explained in the Book Of Orion. Hard for me going summarizing the entire book, so I will put here some excerpts relevant to your interpretation.

Jean Cooper wrote:Later these souls multiplied in number, there being three hun and seven p'o souls, sumbolizing the different attributes of the human being. The hun controlled the intelligene and the p'o the emotions.

Jean Cooper wrote:The Later Han dynasty (AD 25-220) was a time of great interest in science, astronomy, botany, zoology and medicine and in this period there appeared the first book on alchemy, the Ts'an T'ung Ch'i of Wei Po-yang. Its date was about AD 142 and its title is translated as ‘The Book of the Kinship of the Three,’ but it was written in terms which were too difficult for the understanding of all but initiates.

Jean Cooper wrote:The Immortals living on those islands had to move to the three that remained; there they cultivated the herb of immortality. These were the Isles of P'eng-lai, Fang-chan and Ying Chou

Jean Cooper wrote:Ssu-ma Ch'ien records in his History that Hsü Fu was sent on an expedition (some say he went at his own request, others that it was the Emperor's wish) to find the Isles of the Immortals and bring back the elixir of immortality. He never returned.

Hope you like.

Number of posts : 1280
Location : Some part of infinite universe...
Registration date : 2009-10-28


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Tao Chiao and Asetianism Empty Re: Tao Chiao and Asetianism

Post by Jonathan 29.04.17 5:26

Interesting stuff Kalb. Those connections lead to good studies.  study
I agree that there are a lot of clues from Asetianism lost in those cultures...

Thanks for sharing this with us.

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Tao Chiao and Asetianism Empty Re: Tao Chiao and Asetianism

Post by Heruset 04.05.17 9:55

There are many instances like this, Kalb. Thanks for sharing. It is interesting.

I have been looking at art from Tibetan Buddhism that I think might be interesting to you as well.

I don't know the specific names of the artwork but you can find them searching for Tibetan Buddhism or even in Tibetan Buddhist temples or shops.

Tao Chiao and Asetianism Img_1313
Tao Chiao and Asetianism Img_1312


Number of posts : 298
Age : 24
Location : Xalkida
Registration date : 2015-10-24

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Tao Chiao and Asetianism Empty Re: Tao Chiao and Asetianism

Post by Kalb 06.05.17 15:24

Hello, Heruset.
In the first image I can understand and make connections with Asetianism, in the second image I don't understand. Can you help me understand your point of view?

Number of posts : 1280
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Tao Chiao and Asetianism Empty Re: Tao Chiao and Asetianism

Post by Heruset 06.05.17 16:36

From my personal view, I will tell you that around the time when I made posts in this site when I was confused where Set belonged in the world, I asked Aset for help before going to sleep one night, and that night I had a dream (before seeing these images) and I dreamt that I was sitting in a Lotus position and I was Life itself, with plants and trees and life living on my body... and there was a darkness that I knew was Set attacking my body, while I meditated in peace, unharmed... You can interpret it how you wish but it was a very personal experience to me.

From plain observation of the photo what I see is the two lights behind (sun and moon) as the twins, the middle as the Buddha path (or balanced path). The throne of Lotus as the Abyss or Veil of Isis... just a few of my views...


Number of posts : 298
Age : 24
Location : Xalkida
Registration date : 2015-10-24

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