Defining Asetianism

Primus Erebus Magnus
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Defining Asetianism Empty Defining Asetianism

Post by Primus Erebus Magnus 24.07.14 16:56

How do you define Asetianism?

A philosophy? Spiritual path? Magic? Religion?

I've read a lot about this tradition, but I really don't get it.

Ok, I don't own an Asetian Bible (and I don't intend to buy it, yet), but I've seen many articles (and topics on this forum) about it.
Still, I'm curious how Asetians define their path.

What I really ask is: What is Asetianism for YOU?
Primus Erebus Magnus
Primus Erebus Magnus

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Defining Asetianism Empty Re: Defining Asetianism

Post by Tehom 25.07.14 8:34

To me, Asetianism is a way of life, rather than some ancient taboo religion as some have made it out to be. It is to walk freely, but focused, on the path of Aset, and to appreciate life for it's divine beauty and essence in all forms. I do not speak of encouraging one's own ignorance of it's faults, of course, but I am indeed suggesting the literal love of life. Asetianism teaches one to grasp the knowledge of an Ancient.. to learn and understand the essence of metaphysics and the Universe itself. To feel and know the divinity in purity.. and witness beauty in all there is to be seen. To be unbound of previous shackles and restraints, and to be rekindled to the primordial spirituality of existence completely, with respect and honour of knowledge being of upmost importance. It is both philosophy and spiritual path.. both magic and religion, but unbound by Abrahamic principles that prevent enlightenment and spiritual entrapment.

It holds too much beauty for my words to truly describe to you.. for what I have typed here does not come close to fully defining just what Asetianism is to me. It must be discovered by your Self, which is why reading the Asetian Bible is greatly encouraged. You will have a greater understanding of Asetianism after your reading of it.

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Defining Asetianism Empty Re: Defining Asetianism

Post by Primus Erebus Magnus 25.07.14 14:08


And how do people find out that they are Asetians?
I mean: I saw on the forum that there are different houses / chapters, and every "incarnated" Asetian has a house-based soul.

How do you know which type of soul you are / have?
Primus Erebus Magnus
Primus Erebus Magnus

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Defining Asetianism Empty Re: Defining Asetianism

Post by Stapleraindrop 25.07.14 14:37

There's a bit about that in the bible, which is why it so so often recommended here, as many people see it as a foundation of modern Asetian teachings.

As for finding your soul... I hear there's this little library just kind of chilling in the center of an empyrean world of fire and life. Through the flame, the phoenix will be reborn unto his true self.

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Defining Asetianism Empty Re: Defining Asetianism

Post by Kalb 25.07.14 15:46

Well said, Tehom. Nice read yours words.

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Defining Asetianism Empty Re: Defining Asetianism

Post by Primus Erebus Magnus 25.07.14 15:47

Stapleraindrop wrote:As for finding your soul... I hear there's this little library just kind of chilling in the center of an empyrean world of fire and life. Through the flame, the phoenix will be reborn unto his true self.

Could you explain this, please?
Primus Erebus Magnus
Primus Erebus Magnus

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Defining Asetianism Empty Re: Defining Asetianism

Post by Tehom 25.07.14 19:46

Tehom wrote:but unbound by Abrahamic principles that prevent enlightenment and spiritual entrapment.

I had meant to say "and encourages spiritual entrapment". I am in no way suggesting that Asetianism does NOT prevent spiritual entrapment, for it does exactly this. Encouragement of freedom is found, even in the most subtle of Asetian teachings. I apologise for my error.. I had meant no disrespect.

Primus, I believe Staple may indeed be referring to the Akashic Records.. if not, I have misunderstood. Pursuing the Akashic Records can be a lengthly task.. it is where the memories of time immemorial are stored.. the unwritten scriptures, crafted silently by the soul as time progresses. A place where plentiful spiritual knowledge can be sought.. the grand library of archaic truths. It can only be found on the spiritual planes, the "Astral" or what name you may attribute it to.

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Defining Asetianism Empty Re: Defining Asetianism

Post by Primus Erebus Magnus 25.07.14 20:12

Thanks, Tehom, I know what the Akashic Records are.

It's just I don't know what was Stapleraindrop suggesting with this "I hear there's this little library just kind of chilling in the center of an empyrean world of fire and life. Through the flame, the phoenix will be reborn unto his true self." part. Smile
Primus Erebus Magnus
Primus Erebus Magnus

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Defining Asetianism Empty Re: Defining Asetianism

Post by Tehom 25.07.14 20:14

Yes. I'm saying that I believe that is what he is referring to, although I may be mistaken.

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Defining Asetianism Empty Re: Defining Asetianism

Post by Jonathan 26.07.14 11:39

Tehom wrote:To me, Asetianism is a way of life, rather than some ancient taboo religion as some have made it out to be. It is to walk freely, but focused, on the path of Aset, and to appreciate life for it's divine beauty and essence in all forms. I do not speak of encouraging one's own ignorance of it's faults, of course, but I am indeed suggesting the literal love of life. Asetianism teaches one to grasp the knowledge of an Ancient.. to learn and understand the essence of metaphysics and the Universe itself. To feel and know the divinity in purity.. and witness beauty in all there is to be seen. To be unbound of previous shackles and restraints, and to be rekindled to the primordial spirituality of existence completely, with respect and honour of knowledge being of upmost importance. It is both philosophy and spiritual path.. both magic and religion, but unbound by Abrahamic principles that prevent enlightenment and spiritual entrapment.

It holds too much beauty for my words to truly describe to you.. for what I have typed here does not come close to fully defining just what Asetianism is to me. It must be discovered by your Self, which is why reading the Asetian Bible is greatly encouraged. You will have a greater understanding of Asetianism after your reading of it.

That was an interesting post Tehom. Thanks for sharing your views with us.

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Defining Asetianism Empty Re: Defining Asetianism

Post by Tehom 26.07.14 17:59

I am glad to have shared my views on this subject. I thank you both, Kalb and Jonathan, for reading.

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Defining Asetianism Empty Re: Defining Asetianism

Post by Lynskha 11.09.17 2:05

Those are such beautiful words.
They carry a deep feeling of respect,  love.

Your words were full of sincerity.

I feel quite a similar feeling.

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