Sahu, the ancestral spirit or oversoul

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Sahu, the ancestral spirit or oversoul Empty Sahu, the ancestral spirit or oversoul

Post by Widdershins 06.03.15 22:45

If it is correct that the Sahu is the ancestral spirit or oversoul. Does that mean that the energy of that God or Goddess a person came from before their incarnation into the physical realm resides within the Sahu?

For Sethian their Sahu is filled with the energy of Seth.
For Asetians their Sahu is filled with the energy of Aset.

Is this the #1 fundamental difference between Asetians and Sethians?

Or is the ancestral spirit not the same thing as the God/Goddess that we originate from?

How is the Ka different than the Sahu... with regard to a deity's energy/spirit inside a soul?

Number of posts : 44
Location : Great Lakes
Registration date : 2015-02-22

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Sahu, the ancestral spirit or oversoul Empty Re: Sahu, the ancestral spirit or oversoul

Post by Widdershins 07.03.15 23:29

Or maybe the Sahu is the ancestral spirit we inherit in our DNA/blood from our parents?

Number of posts : 44
Location : Great Lakes
Registration date : 2015-02-22

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Sahu, the ancestral spirit or oversoul Empty Re: Sahu, the ancestral spirit or oversoul

Post by Widdershins 11.03.15 22:17

I'm not sure if this ties into the Sahu idea or not....

Daoists believe that a different deity resides within each of the 3 dantians of an individual. One in the lower, one in the middle and one in the upper. If the man/women listens to the deity residing in the upper one, the man/women desires to be a priest/priestess. If they listen to the deity residing in the lower dantian the man/women wants to enjoy life to its fullest etc.

That Daoist teaching definitely makes sense from my own experience. Do Asetians have any teaching that is similar...with three different deities/spirit energies residing within them?

Number of posts : 44
Location : Great Lakes
Registration date : 2015-02-22

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