Asetian-inspired text

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Asetian-inspired text Empty Asetian-inspired text

Post by Troublemaker 11.03.15 6:59

It is apparent that Asetianism and everything the Aset Ka represents has inspired a vast array of different traditions and creative works. I think it's an interesting thing to see, and speaks volumes about their true (silent) power.

When I find works that are clearly inspired by the Aset Ka, I feel angry. I don't understand why I feel this way, but it is there. This happens only when I stumble upon works that are obviously, at a first glance, the product of an author who didn't even bother to tweak his/her creation to appear the slightest bit original. I love to see people being creatively inspired by Asetianism... but when I see their work and it looks like a third grader doodled on the wall next to a master painting (the verified source) and didn't even give a forward or nod toward their inspiration, I tend to feel a lot of disgust.

Any thoughts/opinions?

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Registration date : 2013-12-18

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Asetian-inspired text Empty Re: Asetian-inspired text

Post by Stapleraindrop 11.03.15 12:18

Apart from Belanger and Father Sebby there are a few 'popular' occultists who leave a sour taste in my throat. (cough cough ford and koetting)

The thing about the energy of inspiration is it is many times subtle and existing on levels of reality that are a lot less tangible than a book. Like the vampire archetype itself, the power behind the creation of this energy lingers somewhat within the idea itself. I'm guessing many times these 'doodles' were subtly inspired by an energy or idea, possibly originating from the AK, but not in a format where it is able to be referenced.

Most authors are out there to make a dime anyway, so when you combine this motive with the source of their inspiration, it does seem to drag the violet flame through the proverbial mud. This can be helpful though, as a dedicated seeker will be able to intuitively see past material motives, and continue to search for 'the source where the water is purer'. I'm sure more than one member of this forum started out reading 'doodles', but could subtly feel the energy of the violet flame, which drove them forward.

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Asetian-inspired text Empty Re: Asetian-inspired text

Post by Jonathan 11.03.15 12:21

I understand how you feel. I can say that personally what I find more aggravating is how deceptive and dishonest people are when it comes to drawing inspiration from the Aset Ka and the Asetian tradition. If you look in places like Facebook you will see books, texts and concepts being publicized and marketed that are clearly drawn from Asetian content. The worst part is that those groups and people banish all Asetian knowledge and openly criticize it for being false so that they can spam their own stuff based on it. The online vampire community is full of this and you will easily see it in so many groups and in most vampire books that come out these days.

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Asetian-inspired text Empty Re: Asetian-inspired text

Post by Kalb 11.03.15 20:11

Jonathan wrote:The worst part is that those groups and people banish all Asetian knowledge and openly criticize it for being false so that they can spam their own stuff based on it. The online vampire community is full of this and you will easily see it in so many groups and in most vampire books that come out these days.

You're well informed.

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Asetian-inspired text Empty Re: Asetian-inspired text

Post by Troublemaker 12.03.15 7:31

Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one.

Sometimes I do wonder if I'm being slightly illogical about it. The Asetians obviously do not need anyone to become indignant or defensive on their behalf, but I cannot help but feel strangely protective of Asetianism. To see people trying (although they will always be unsuccessful) to corrupt something so perfect fills me with rage.

On the other hand, works of people like Belanger and Father Sebastiaan are priceless in their own special (lol) ways. In my own personal experiences, I've found that going through more difficult times leads to a greater appreciation of the better times. So, having to wade and sift through all of the junk has given me a greater appreciation of the very, very few real things I've found. (Although I never really got into either of their works. There was just something about them...)

Anyway, I don't mean to keep bringing up the people who have already received too much attention as it is. Very Happy

I suppose the correct way to respond to this is indifference... there is a vast gap between the "correct" way and how I actually feel, though.


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