Egyptian Language

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Egyptian Language Empty Egyptian Language

Post by AntonioCervantes2812 17.08.15 15:48

So I have been able to speak a language since I was a kid that I did not know the name of. It is not mere gibberish or delusion or whatever as I am well educated on language structure and it is definitely a genuine language. I recently compared it to Pre-Arab Egyptian and it is very similar. Though cruder. I have always had a natural obsession with Ancient Egypt and the Occult and every time I speak this language I feel very powerful and my consciousness shifts to another time. I have always had innate magickal abilities. Simple thoughts of wishes and goals seem to occur with no effort along other things. I have recently purchased and started reading the Asetian Bible and it all speaks to me with a great effect. I could go on but this description should suffice....

Its not that I am not confident in what I know of myself but I want to hear your thoughts...


Number of posts : 10
Location : Los Angeles, CA
Registration date : 2015-08-02

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Egyptian Language Empty Re: Egyptian Language

Post by Jonathan 17.08.15 18:36

Hello Antonio and welcome here. If what you're suspecting is some past connection with the Aset Ka and the Asetians, we won't be able to tell you that but what you must do beforehand is take your time. Don't be hasty to jump into conclusions as that can lead us to wrong assumptions. You may have something there and a possible connection or not, but the Asetian path requires a lot of time and study so go ahead and don't fear the hard work that it will take. It's all worth it in the end.

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Egyptian Language Empty Re: Egyptian Language

Post by AntonioCervantes2812 18.08.15 0:59

Thank you for your feedback. I will take your advice.


Number of posts : 10
Location : Los Angeles, CA
Registration date : 2015-08-02

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Egyptian Language Empty Re: Egyptian Language

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